
  • SYS 182: Profit First: Unlocking Financial Freedom for Business Owners - Interview with Tom Griffiths, Founder of Synergy CFO Solutions
    Jul 18 2024
    🎙 Dr. Steve Day is joined by Tom Griffiths, the founder of Synergy CFO Solutions. Tom shares his expertise in financial management for small businesses, emphasising the importance of understanding and improving profits and cash flow for financial freedom. He introduces the concept of 16 drivers that can impact revenue, profits, and cash flow in any business. Tom also discusses practical strategies for tracking financial metrics, setting goals, and implementing systems to achieve business success. The episode provides valuable insights into financial management and offers actionable advice for business owners looking to enhance their financial health and achieve their long-term goals. KEY TAKEAWAYS Focus on the 16 Drivers: Use the 16 drivers to track and improve your business's revenue, profits, and cash flow.Implement Profit First System: Separate business cash into different accounts to ensure proper allocation and avoid overspending.Use Notion for Organization: Utilize Notion for note-taking, project management, and team collaboration to keep everything in one place.Track Key Financial Metrics: Regularly monitor revenue, gross profit, net profit, and cash balance to assess your business's financial health.Define Success on Your Own Terms: Success is running a business that positively impacts the world, allows flexibility in work, and meets financial obligations. BEST MOMENTS 02:40 - 💬 “I'm smiling for those listening on the podcast to this because your vision if you like, the reasons you do your work, very similar to the reasons I started my business.” - Steve Day 05:00 - 💬 “I think the official status is something like, I say official, because it's very hard to get official stats for small businesses, but it's about 80% of small businesses that go out of business struggle because of cash flow issues.” - Tom Griffiths 29:37 - 💬 “Moveable goal syndrome is that we never reach our goals because we keep moving the goalpost.” - Steve Day TIMESTAMPED OVERVIEW 00:00 Finance background, helping friends with business. 06:15 Lack of understanding leads to business problems. 07:45 Business owners spin plates and neglect underlying problems. Stress. 13:03 Setting up and organising multiple bank accounts. 15:54 Financial jargon helps accountants understand business. 17:36 Focus on key drivers for business success. 22:30 Manage cash flow to support business growth. 24:36 Summarizing the process of tracking business drivers. 26:42 Reverse engineer business goals for success. 30:41 16 drivers can be broken down further. Track revenue, profit, and cash for success. VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: https://www.systemizeyoursuccess.com Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/systemsandoutsourcing/ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/systemsandoutsourcing/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/systems_and_outsourcing/ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@drsteveday42 GUEST RESOURCES Free report: The 16 Parts of Your Business...that Drive Revenue, Profit and Cash Flow: https://synergycfosolutions.co/16drivers/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomgriffiths8 Website: https://synergycfosolutions.co/ ABOUT THE GUEST Tom Griffiths founded Synergy CFO Solutions because he realised that many small business owners need a financial guide to help them grow and succeed. Due to his financial background following the first eight years of his career in banking, he can look at a business and spot the underlying reasons why it is not profitable and has poor cash flow. He understands both sides of a business (the financial side and the business ownership side). More importantly, he knows how to fix it so that the business can grow and become more profitable. ABOUT THE HOST Steve used to be a slave to his business, but moving to Sweden in 2015 forced him to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve has been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants. Most business owners feel overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help. Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • SYS 181: Six Tips to Transform Knowledge Into Action: My Just-In-Time Learning Strategy
    Jul 11 2024

    🎙 Information overload is a common challenge for small business owners, who constantly need to learn and develop in various areas to grow their businesses.

    In this podcast episode, Dr. Steve Day shares his top six tips for maximising the value of learning experiences. He emphasises the importance of learning what is needed at the right time, focusing on book recommendations from trusted sources, and implementing the knowledge gained.

    Steve highlights the significance of creating actionable plans from the information learned, utilising AI to enhance notes, and treating each book as a valuable learning opportunity.

    By following a structured approach and only focusing on the most relevant books, listeners can extract tangible value from their learning experiences and apply them effectively in their businesses.


    💡 Information Overload: Small business owners face the challenge of knowing what to learn and when to learn it in order to progress.

    💡 Focused Learning: Develop a system for selecting the right things to learn at the right time and implementing the knowledge gained.

    💡 Just-in-Time Learning: Only focus on learning what is needed at the moment to avoid wasting time on irrelevant information.

    💡 Book Recommendations: Take recommendations from trusted sources and categorise them for future reference.

    💡 Implementation: After reading a book, create an action plan, make notes, and use AI. This is to enrich the learning experience for tangible results in business.


    00:00 - 💬 “Information overload is a serious problem as a small business owner.”

    19:48 - 💬 “Knowledge gained and not implemented or used will be knowledge lost going forward.”

    23:08 - 💬 “Only focus on the top books you're recommended by sifting through at double speed, quitting halfway through if they're no good, and focusing on the ones that are absolutely brilliant.”


    03:08 Listening to audiobooks helps focus and retain information.

    08:50 Just-in-time learning, moving courses to a new platform.

    12:46 Insightful but impractical; save time by skimming.

    16:41 Use AI to create a detailed action plan.

    17:33 Create specific, measurable, and achievable learning goals.

    21:27 Value expensive courses, but books offer more knowledge.


    Dr Steve Day’s Book Recommendations

    Website: https://www.systemizeyoursuccess.com

    Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/systemsandoutsourcing/

    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/systemsandoutsourcing/

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/systems_and_outsourcing/

    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@drsteveday42


    Steve used to be a slave to his business, but moving to Sweden in 2015 forced him to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve has been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants.

    Most business owners feel overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help.

    Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.

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    25 m
  • SYS 180: My Latest Tips on Using Video to Revolutionize Communication and Boost Productivity
    Jul 4 2024
    🎙 In this episode, Dr. Steve Day discusses the power of using video for communication and productivity. He highlights how video can provide more detailed and effective instructions compared to written or verbal communication, especially when it comes to training new team members or troubleshooting issues. Steve emphasises the importance of using video for screen capture and communication, recommending the app ScreenPal for its affordability and user-friendly features. By incorporating video into daily operations, businesses can streamline communication, improve productivity, and enhance collaboration within remote teams. KEY TAKEAWAYS 💡 Utilise Video for Communication: Video is a powerful tool for communication, especially when delegating tasks or explaining complex processes. It provides more information and details than written or verbal instructions. 💡 Overcome Communication Challenges: Video can help overcome communication challenges by allowing viewers to see and emulate actions, reducing misunderstandings, and building rapport through facial expressions. 💡 Efficient Problem-Solving: Using video to solve problems can streamline the process by allowing the expert to spot issues that the communicator may not be aware of, leading to quicker resolutions. 💡 Choose the Right Tool: When using video communication, it's essential to select a tool that seamlessly uploads and shares videos, such as ScreenPal. This is to ensure efficient and effective communication. 💡 Increase Productivity with Asynchronous Communication: Asynchronous communication, especially when enhanced with video, can significantly boost productivity by removing barriers and facilitating clear and concise communication. BEST MOMENTS 01:43 - 💬 “Updating the traditional operation manuals is a total waste of life and time, and video you can record on the flight as you're doing your work anyway.” 03:00 - 💬 “You don't know how much you know. And therefore, it's very hard for you to remember what it was like to be an absolute novice. And therefore explain things in a simple enough way for somebody new to do something.” 08:23 - 💬 “The video has allowed the communication to happen beyond the capability of the person who is communicating it.” 10:56 - 💬 “Using video in that asynchronous communication makes it even more powerful.” TIMESTAMPED OVERVIEW 00:00 Delegation and communication hurdles overcome with video. 05:26 Experts can see what novices can't. 08:48 Affordable with great team options and automatic cloud upload. 09:59 Use video for seamless communication and productivity. VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: https://www.systemizeyoursuccess.com Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/systemsandoutsourcing/ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/systemsandoutsourcing/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/systems_and_outsourcing/ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@drsteveday42 ABOUT THE HOST Steve used to be a slave to his business, but moving to Sweden in 2015 forced him to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve has been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants. Most business owners feel overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help. Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • SYS 179: Simplifying App Development for Business Owners - Interview with Norman Ortiz, Founder of App Studio
    Jun 27 2024
    🎙 Dr. Steve Day interviews Norman Ortiz, the creator of App Studio, a platform dedicated to simplifying app development for small and micro business owners. It enables them to effortlessly create apps to promote their businesses. Norman shares the inspiration behind starting the company and discusses the types of apps suitable for businesses, such as marketing, loyalty programs, and event management. He highlights the ease of using App Studio compared to traditional app development methods and shares success stories of clients who have benefited from the platform. Norman also talks about the company's future direction, incorporating AI technology and expanding the suite of apps offered. KEY TAKEAWAYS 💡 Norman Ortiz is the innovative mind behind App Studio, empowering small and micro business owners to create apps effortlessly from their mobile devices. 💡 App Studio suits businesses looking to marketise their services, advertise, get new orders, retain customers, and implement loyalty programs. 💡 The platform is unsuitable for businesses looking to create tool or game apps, as it focuses on promoting businesses and engaging customers. 💡 App Studio offers a free model where users only pay for unlocking additional features or custom screens, making it cost-effective and user-friendly. 💡 Norman Ortiz envisions App Studio expanding into the AI space, offering AI technology within the app-building experience and enhancing complementary areas like generative AI for logo designs. BEST MOMENTS 09:22 - 💬 “It's a lot of cumbersome. And a typical business owner doesn't have these skill sets or know where to find these developers. Or how to communicate and document in the right manner.” - Norman Ortiz 09:41 - 💬 “It's so much easier to just get your phone, go to the App Store or Google Play. Download this app, and just start building it at any time.” - Norman Ortiz 20:11 - 💬 “Success is when you have a goal, and you look at it, and you see that you're getting there or you are already there.” - Norman Ortiz TIMESTAMPED OVERVIEW 00:00 Most businesses want apps to market themselves. 04:19 Time-consuming platform requires manual content input. 08:21 Challenges in finding and managing development teams. 11:19 Transitioned from developer to UI/UX designer expert. 13:24 Exciting product engagement leads to new opportunities. 20:41 Legacy app is available, but it will be phasing out soon. VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: https://www.systemizeyoursuccess.com Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/systemsandoutsourcing/ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/systemsandoutsourcing/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/systems_and_outsourcing/ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@drsteveday42 GUEST RESOURCES App Studio: https://ãpps.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/normanjortiz/ ABOUT THE HOST Steve used to be a slave to his business, but when he moved to Sweden in 2015, he was forced to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve has been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants. Most business owners are overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help. Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • SYS 178: Business Automation Secrets: My Proven Strategies for Avoiding Time-Wasting Mistakes
    Jun 20 2024
    🎙 In this episode of the Systemize Your Success podcast, Dr. Steve Day delves into business automation secrets. He discusses the benefits and drawbacks of automating tasks, emphasising the importance of proper planning and involvement in the automation process. Steve shares valuable insights and lessons learned from automating various aspects of his business over the past seven years. He provides practical tips for business owners and managers on when to automate, how to approach automation, and the significance of process mapping in creating effective automations. He also highlights five key tips for future-proofing automation, including the importance of documentation, organisation, and standardised naming conventions. This episode teaches listeners valuable knowledge on optimising automation processes to scale their businesses efficiently and effectively. KEY TAKEAWAYS Automating the right tasks in your business can be a huge time saver, but it's not without its drawbacks. It's essential to ensure that the process is well-established before automating to avoid automating something that is broken.Before automating a task, it is crucial to do it manually with a human first to test the process, understand the time-saving potential, and gather data on the efficiency of automation.Involving staff in the automation process can increase morale, motivation, and skill development. It also allows for a more seamless transition and understanding of the automated processes within the organisation.Process mapping is a valuable skill for business owners and managers to visually represent workflows, tasks, and handovers clearly and understandably. It helps in communicating automation requirements effectively.Standardising naming conventions for tags, custom fields, and automation, organising them into folders, adding notes to explain triggers and actions, and using unique identifiers can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of automation in the long run. BEST MOMENTS 01:09 - 💬 “Setting up automation takes a huge amount of time. And if we don't have the process absolutely nailed before we automate it, then we end up automating something that's broken.” 02:09 - 💬 “Having that data originally, or to begin with, about the actual time saving you're gonna get is important.” 13:59 - 💬 “Mastering process mapping before you start building out automations is the most valuable thing I think a manager or business owner can do.” 17:02 - 💬 “Put notes on everything that isn't absolutely obvious. The more notes you put on, the easier it will be for you and for other people to understand what you've built.” 25:42 - 💬 “Standardizing the way that you name everything, whether it's automations, tags, or custom fields, means that you can group things together easily.” TIMESTAMPED OVERVIEW 00:00 Setting up automation saves time and money. 04:03 Automation is time-consuming but visually powerful. 10:52 Automate and document to ensure future-proofing. 13:28 Master process mapping before implementing automations. Standardise. 18:31 Group automations in folders for better organisation. 20:51 Automate triggers and note source and destination. 25:52 Using tags to trigger automated actions in Zapier. 28:04 Use unique identifiers for stable automations. VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: https://www.systemizeyoursuccess.com Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/systemsandoutsourcing/ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/systemsandoutsourcing/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/systems_and_outsourcing/ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@drsteveday42 ABOUT THE HOST Steve used to be a slave to his business, but moving to Sweden in 2015 forced him to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve has been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants. Most business owners feel overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help. Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.
    Más Menos
    32 m
  • SYS 177: How I Stopped Being a Bottleneck in My Own Business: A Guide to Freedom and Growth
    Jun 13 2024

    🎙 This episode discusses the challenges small business owners face. Due to their involvement in all decision-making processes, they act as the bottlenecks in their businesses.

    Steve Day shares his experience of transitioning from task-based delegation to systemising processes to empower his team to work autonomously.

    He provides insights on mapping out processes, setting clear timelines for decision-making, and holding oneself accountable to the same standards as the team.


    • Running a small business can lead to being the bottleneck that hinders progress.
    • Delegating tasks on a task-by-task basis can be inefficient and time-consuming.
    • Systemising processes and creating guidelines can empower staff to function autonomously.
    • Formalising processes and setting strict guidelines can improve efficiency and predictability.
    • Holding oneself accountable to guidelines set for the team can lead to increased productivity and efficiency.


    00:00 - 💬 “If, like me, you run a small business, you've no doubt experienced that feeling of being the bottleneck, of the reason your business isn't progressing as fast as it should be, or just the ball around your business's leg, so to speak.

    02:36 - 💬 “The more sophisticated these systems became, the less I got involved in making things go slowly because it wasn't me they were waiting for. Because it’s already documented how things should be done without my involvement.

    04:25 - 💬 “But if you had some more strict guidelines about when things would be done and when you would get that back, it would make it easier for you as the staff member to be able to plan.

    13:21 - 💬 “That will allow their team to run more efficiently, more productively, get more done in a timely fashion, in a more predictable way, without being overloaded or overwhelmed because things come back at unexpected times.


    00:00 Small business owners must empower staff decisively.

    04:31 Setting strict guidelines is crucial for efficiency.

    07:52 Formalizing processes and adherence to policies is crucial.


    Website: https://www.systemizeyoursuccess.com

    Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/systemsandoutsourcing/

    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/systemsandoutsourcing/

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/systems_and_outsourcing/

    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@drsteveday42


    Steve used to be a slave to his business, but moving to Sweden in 2015 forced him to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve has been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants.

    Most business owners feel overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help.

    Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • SYS 176: The Art of Closing Deals: Secrets to Success with Selling - Interview with Matthew Elwell, Author of Open with a Close
    Jun 6 2024
    🎙 Discover the art of closing deals in this insightful conversation between Steve Day and Matthew Elwell, the director of the Elite Closing Academy. Matt, a sales trainer and coach, shares his expertise in transforming the sales process and helping business owners achieve quick wins and growth. The episode also discusses the importance of generating leads through marketing and converting them into sales-qualified leads through human interaction. Overall, the episode provides valuable insights and practical strategies for improving sales processes and achieving business success. KEY TAKEAWAYS 💡 Focus on Generating Opportunities: Invest time and energy in generating opportunities through marketing. Then, follow up with human interaction to convert leads into sales-qualified leads. 💡 Start with the End in Mind: When engaging with potential clients, focus on understanding their desired results before diving into the details of your product or service. 💡 Utilize Written Proposals: Create written proposals to simplify complex information, stimulate conversation, and provide potential clients with a professional and structured experience. 💡 Professionalism and Consistency: Professional, consistent, and exceeding expectations in your sales process can significantly impact the buying experience and increase conversion rates. 💡 Define Success Across Multiple Areas: Success is not just about business achievements but also about being a loving individual, serving others, contributing to nature, teaching, and maintaining strong relationships with family. BEST MOMENTS 09:08 - 💬 “A lead is a human being. A business is a person. Businesses have groups of people in it. And I think never lose sight of that because behind the lead is a person that has feelings that might be having a bad time in their life, in their business. And you're serving overcome that problem or challenge or pain.” - Matthew Elwell 32:37 - 💬 “Being confident, structured, focused, organised, all of these things should not be underestimated in professional salespeople.” - Matthew Elwell 36:20 - 💬 “You are meant to be easy to buy from. And I think for anybody listening to this, it's just worth asking yourself for a moment- if you were going to buy from yourself right now, what would the experience be like? And as it is now, what kind of process do you have in place? Because hope's not a strategy. Winging it is not a strategy.” - Matthew Elwell TIMESTAMPED OVERVIEW 00:00 Grateful for the book that changed my perspective. 07:16 Training session emphasised maximising client outreach efficiency. 10:09 Evaluate existing email recipients before seeking new opportunities. 11:59 Don't miss out on business opportunities. 16:51 Understand client vision before explaining complexities. 20:43 Written proposals are like a good restaurant. 22:34 Simplify complex bathroom design proposal for discussion. 31:45 Professional salespeople improve buyer communication and attractiveness. 34:33 Emphasizing professionalism, consistency, and exceeding expectations leads to success. 36:33 Be easy to buy from. Create processes. VALUABLE RESOURCES Website: https://www.systemizeyoursuccess.com Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/systemsandoutsourcing/ LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/systemsandoutsourcing/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/systems_and_outsourcing/ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@drsteveday42 GUEST RESOURCES Website: http://www.eliteclosingacademy.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/eliteclosingacademy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mattelitecloser Open With A Close - THE TWELVE POINT GUIDE TO CLOSING MORE SALES: https://eliteclosingacademy.com/owac ABOUT THE GUEST Matt Elwell, Director of the Elite Closing Academy, Sales Trainer & Coach, Author of ‘Open With A Close’ and Public Speaker. Matt is currently on a mission to change how the world sells. To help business owners get quick wins, gain more clients and grow their businesses. He has 22 years of experience as an entrepreneurial business owner. His sales career has ranged from cold-calling to successfully negotiating multi-six/seven-figure contracts in the UK and America. In 2017, Matt turned his attention to sharing his understanding of sales and human psychology to help people sell effortlessly with integrity by following a human-to-human communication process. This framework is now helping business owners dramatically grow their businesses in 19 different countries worldwide, from start-ups to multi-six—and seven-figure businesses and everything in between! In August 2018, Matt co-founded the Elite Closing Academy with Nick James, which has since grown from zero to a seven-figure business. ABOUT THE HOST Steve used to be a slave to his business, but when he moved to Sweden in 2015, he was forced to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his...
    Más Menos
    40 m
  • SYS 175: How I Avoid Distractions: Time Blocking for Strategic Delegation
    May 30 2024

    🎙 Dr. Steve Day discusses the importance of prioritising tasks and managing time effectively within a team.

    By following structured processes and rules, teams can avoid distractions, focus on high-priority work, and involve the right people in discussions at the appropriate times.

    Steve's insights provide practical strategies for enhancing productivity and achieving business success.


    💡 Prioritizing work and setting clear policies and procedures are crucial for efficiency and productivity.

    💡 Having designated times for specific tasks, such as clearing inboxes and scheduling work, helps you stay focused on high-priority tasks.

    💡 Implementing time blocking for different tasks, like meetings, admin work, and deep work, can improve efficiency.

    💡 Involving the right people at the right time for discussions and decision-making helps avoid wasting time and resources.

    💡 Setting exceptions to rules, like having a Dream 100 list for special cases, allows for flexibility while maintaining a standard way of doing things.


    01:41 - 💬 “Keeping yourself and your team working on the right tasks, the highest priority tasks at any given time, is really important for getting stuff done, being efficient, increasing productivity, all those great things that we want in business.”

    08:14 - 💬 “Time blocking is an incredibly powerful thing. Blocking for meetings is pretty obvious. You're going to block that time because you're in a meeting.”

    12:07 - 💬 “Having a policy for clearing inboxes, having a policy for urgency of tasks, having designated times throughout the week in order to discuss the right things with the right people, and also being strict on this, and using things like time blocking as well to improve people's efficiency overall.”


    00:00 Prioritize tasks, maintain focus, and avoid distractions.

    04:37 Weekly meetings prioritise work and discuss procedures.

    08:15 Schedule time for tasks and prioritise projects.

    11:39 Implementing policies and time management for productivity.


    Website: https://www.systemizeyoursuccess.com

    Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/systemsandoutsourcing/

    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/systemsandoutsourcing/

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/systems_and_outsourcing/

    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@drsteveday42


    Steve used to be a slave to his business, but when he moved to Sweden in 2015, he was forced to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve has been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants.

    Most business owners are overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help.

    Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.

    Más Menos
    15 m