
    Nov 26 2023


    That means, "More than a conqueror, in any and every situation".

    VICTORY, in the midst of ADVERSITY, is the promised inheritance, for all of us who profess Jesus Christ as Lord.

    BUT, we must do our part. Get in The Word. Send forth The Word into our 'impossible' situations (ie. declare it out loud). Then, stand steadfast in Faith (ie. don't falter if the situation doesn't change immediately) - and watch our MIRACLE WORKING GOD do MIGHTY MIRACLES in your life - in the mighty name of Jesus.

    This episode will build your faith for MIRACLES, in your 'impossible' situations.

    REMEMBER: Nothing is impossible for our God (Matthew 19:26)

    *First broadcast on Shalom World TV

    Más Menos
    15 m
    Aug 23 2023

    The Word of God tells us that 'the POWER of life and death is in the spoken word'. (Proverbs 18:21).

    From Genesis to Revelation, God tells us that His plan, promise and purpose is brought forth, from the supernatural into the natural, by His 'spoken, sent out' Word.

    We are Christ's mouthpieces on planet earth. We, as believers in Jesus Christ, have the power to speak God's Word over natural situations, to change natural situations.

    Like God, we can 'call things that do not exist as though they did', in Jesus' Name.

    VICTORY IN LIFE comes in knowing, believing and DECLARING, The Word of God.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • IN CONVERSATION with Sr Mel Dwyer
    Jul 27 2023

    IN CONVERSATION with Sr Mel Dwyer, LIVE from Rome, Italy.

    Sr Mel is the Australian congregational leader for the Canossian Daughters of Charity. In 2022, she was appointed to the order's international leadership team in Rome, Italy. She'll be based there for the next 6 years.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • IN CONVERSATION with Fr Rob Galea
    26 m
  • IN CONVERSATION with Sam Clear
    Jun 18 2023
    He bought a mountain & built a house on it. And a chapel. And a hydro-electric dam, generating all the power for the property. All this, in the middle of nowhere (ok, in the middle of rural Tasmania). A place that looks like heaven. What inspired Sam Clear in his latest venture, the miraculous provision of God & the theology of (construction) work. The House That (God &) Sam Built. Sam Clear is my Instagram Live guest tonight. (audio only in podcast version)
    Más Menos
    43 m
  • You possess the DOXA GLORY of Christ
    8 m
    Feb 4 2023

    Today is Word Of God Sunday, here in Australia (we celebrate this special day on the first Sunday in February, as opposed to the third Sunday in Ordinary Time).

    It is one of my favourite days of the year (although, I do say that about many days ... 366 days, in fact).

    The Word of God is spirit and life. We can be filled to overflowing with peace, joy, freedom, abundance, wisdom, power and LIFE, if we abide daily in His Word.

    Más Menos
    6 m
    Nov 22 2022

    From Genesis to Revelation, the scriptures tell us that it is GOD - and God alone - who promotes.

    AND, He is the Father of Divine Recompense, Restoration, Vindication and Promotion.

    If you need encouragement about a situation in your life that seems dead, lost, unseen, unlikely, impossible - rejoice! God specialises in fixing those sorts of situations.

    Más Menos
    10 m