
  • Zane Griggs on Staying Fit After 50
    Apr 8 2024

    Dr. Nayan Patel, Chief Scientific Officer at Thrivleab is joined by fitness trainer and author of "Kicking Ass After 50", Zane Griggs as he emphasizes the need for strategic fitness approaches as we age, stressing the importance of diet, exercise, and sleep for longevity and high performance. Dr. Patel underscores the critical role of sleep in recovery and the impact of muscle mass on metabolic health. They explore strategies such as whole foods, strength training, and testosterone replacement therapy to optimize health and combat age-related issues. The conversation also touches on biohacking techniques such as creatine supplementation and sauna. Through success stories, Zane illustrates the transformative effects of personalized approaches tailored to individual needs, offering valuable insights for achieving fitness and longevity at any stage of life.

    Check out Zane Griggs on Instagram @zanegriggs fitness or his website zanegriggs.com.

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    51 m
  • Health Trends: Sauna, Cold Plunging, Fasting
    Feb 15 2024

    Join us as we journey into "Health Trends: Sauna, Cold Plunging, and Fasting" with Dr. Ryan Jones and Taylor Zentz, Thrivelab team members. In this episode, we delve into the medical benefits of each of these health trends. We explore sauna's depths, and the science behind how heat therapy enhances cardiovascular health and muscle recovery. Next, we take the plunge into the invigorating world of cold therapy, exploring the physiological effects of cold plunging. From boosting the immune system and improving mood, cold plunges offer health benefits that may surprise you. Finally, we explore the transformative power of fasting, uncovering the profound effects on insulin sensitivity and longevity. Join us as we unlock the secrets to vibrant health and longevity through the synergy of sauna, cold plunge, and fasting. Tune in and thrive like never before.

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    41 m
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Hair Loss Solutions: BHRT & Minoxidil
    Feb 1 2024

    In this podcast episode, Thrivelab experts, Dr. Nayan Patel, Chief Scientific Officer and  Ashley Wheeler, a Nurse Practitioner discuss hair loss solutions. They emphasize the importance of understanding the underlying causes of hair loss, considering factors such as hormones, nutrition, and genetics.

    Ashley highlights the significance of building a trusting relationship with patients to address sensitive issues related to hair loss. Dr. Patel covers the science behind the effectiveness of Minoxidil, its ease of use, and its benefits in both men and women. They also touch upon the benefits of combining Minoxidil with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and other helpful supplements such as collagen and biotin.

    The comprehensive approach at Thrivelab aims to address the root causes of hair loss, providing patients with confidence and transformative results. The conversation stresses the importance of patience in the process and encourages individuals to seek solutions for improved self-esteem and overall well-being.

    Ready to transform your hair? Join us to understand how BHRT & Minoxidil can catalyze positive change. Don't miss this opportunity to explore a path to a healthier, happier you!

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    19 m
  • Restoring Hormone Balance Through Nutrition
    Jan 18 2024

     In this insightful podcast episode, Thrivelab providers Angela Garcia, Registered Dietitian with over 20 years of experience, and Ashley Wheeler, Nurse Practitioner, shed light on the intricate connection between nutrition and hormone balance. Thrivelab introduces a new Nutrition Coaching Program, aiming to help patients achieve optimal well-being through personalized nutritional assessments, tailored meal plans, and ongoing coaching.

    The duo emphasizes the holistic nature of the program, addressing not only physical but also emotional aspects of health. Angela delves into the foundational hormones—insulin, adrenals, thyroid hormones, and sex hormones—revealing how diet can play a pivotal role in treating insulin resistance, providing adrenal support, and balancing thyroid function. She advocates for a "food-first" approach, emphasizing the importance of nutrient-rich, whole foods.

    Ashley contributes valuable insights, highlighting the interplay between nutrition and hormone health. She underscores the significance of maintaining stable blood sugar levels and offers practical advice on meal planning and healthy recipe modifications. Together, they stress the importance of gradual dietary changes.

    Angela and Ashley's engaging discussion provides actionable insights, making the complex relationship between nutrition and hormones accessible to a broad audience. Thrivelab's Nutrition Coaching Program emerges as a promising avenue for individuals seeking a holistic approach to health, to guide patients toward balanced and thriving lives. 

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    30 m
  • Hormone Health & The Mind-Body Connection
    Jan 4 2024

    Unlock mental well-being secrets with Dr. Bimisa Augustin and Dr. Trent Nguyen from Thrivelab. Dr. Nguyen, a mental health specialist, reveals Thrivelab's holistic life coaching program, exploring the intricate link between hormones and mental health.

    Discover practical habits for balance, from mindfulness to nutrition, and understand the impact of hormones, stress, and inflammation on mental health. Dr. Augustin shares her transformative Thrivelab journey, highlighting comprehensive care integrating hormone health with mental health support.

    For a transformative journey toward elevated well-being, this podcast provides valuable insights and practical tips. Join Dr. Augustin and Dr. Nguyen on a holistic path to optimize your health and thrive.

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    31 m
  • Jasper Brown on Men's Sexual Health and Relationships
    Dec 7 2023

    Join Thrivelab CEO Joshua Host, and Jasper Brown, a men's intimacy and relationship coach, delve into the essentials of sexual wellness, healthy masculinity, and nurturing fulfilling relationships. They provide practical guidance and valuable insights on practices like sexual mastery and semen retention, showcasing a holistic approach to sexual well-being that can positively impact individuals and their connections.

    Jasper explains concepts like reverse kegels and pelvic floor health, emphasizing the impact of deep breathing on sexual performance. The discussion also touches upon separating orgasm from ejaculation, advocating for a natural approach over the use of pills and medications for sexual enhancement. Jasper further encourages men to embrace healthier models of masculinity and develop emotional intelligence, enhancing their relationship navigation skills. This insightful dialogue is a valuable resource for individuals seeking lasting improvements in their sexual well-being and personal growth.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Low Energy, Fatigue & Sluggishness
    Nov 23 2023

    Join Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ryan Jones and Nurse Practitioner Katie Jo in an enlightening podcast episode on hormones and their impact on energy and well-being. They explore the thyroid's role as the 'master gland,' cover adrenal glands and cortisol's link to disrupted sleep and fatigue. Dr. Jones stresses balance in hormones and exercise for optimal energy and a healthy testosterone-to-cortisol ratio.

    This engaging podcast offers hope for those dealing with fatigue, low energy, or mood swings, illustrating how hormonal imbalances impact life. Thrivelab's commitment to holistic well-being shines through, providing valuable insights for a path to greater vitality. 

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    41 m
  • Meet the Founders of Thrivelab
    Nov 9 2023

    In this podcast episode, Thrivelab CEO Joshua Host is joined by Dr. Nayan Patel and Dr. Bimisa Augustin to explore the mission and journey of Thrivelab. Joshua shares his personal story of overcoming a traumatic brain injury through hormone replacement therapy, which inspired the creation of Thrivelab. Dr. Patel discusses the benefits of glutathione and the importance of patient outcomes, while Dr. Augustin shares how hormone therapy transformed her life. The conversation delves into the complexity of hormone health, emphasizing personalized care and the partnership between patients and providers. They also discuss the unique challenges women face in accessing hormone health care and the role of semaglutide in weight loss. Tune in for more insights on optimizing health and wellness with Thrivelab.

    Más Menos
    54 m