
  • #034: Rebranding: A Candid Conversation
    Aug 29 2022

    We're so excited about today's episode! We are going to talk about rebranding for your business and specifically, how to know when it is time to approach a rebrand in your business. Our goal for today's episode is to help you make a decision about whether or not the investment, time and the emotional energy is worth it right now for your season of business. Kat recently rebranded, so we're going to talk about her decision, as well as some other general tips! We hope this episode encourages you through your rebranding decisions! 

    What we’re discussing today:

    • Why Kat decided to rebrand
    • How it felt rebranding after 8 years of business
    • Kat's approach to rebranding
    • How to choose who you work with in this process
    • Why being put on her designer's waitlist was a great move
    • How to approach your rebranding budget
    • Kat's feelings now that it's over
    • What Kat loves about her new brand!


    Connect with Kat & Megan: https://talkingsmallbusinesspodcast.com/

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • #033: A Simple Strategy to Get More Done in Your Work Day
    Aug 8 2022

    We've talked a lot about quarterly and yearly planning on previous episodes, but today we're talking about how to actually get things done and chase those goals. We often put a lot of effort into creating great plans and dreaming big, but we need to learn how to turn those plans into action steps that we can get done on a daily basis! So, today we're picking Kat's brain about how to tackle the dreams and daily to-dos that need to get done to move our business forward each year. Join us for a candid conversation to learn how to get more done in your work days! 

    What we’re discussing today:

    • How Kat focuses on day-to-day tasks
    • Three pillars to tackle your dreams
    • Tips to schedule your work days, especially with kids
    • How to tell the difference between non-negotiable for your day and what can wait
    • More about marketing, maintenance and projects
    • Tips to feel more in control and organized
    • How Trello can help organize these tasks each week


    Connect with Kat & Megan: https://talkingsmallbusinesspodcast.com/

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • #032: BTS: The Passive Bundle
    Jul 25 2022

    Megan is in the hot seat today! We're talking all about the Passive Bundle that she put together this past January. She's opening up applications for contributors for the next round of the bundle and as we were discussing this together, we realized something. We've never talked about what it's like putting together a bundle like this. So today's episode is all about preparing and coordinating a bundle and how you might go about doing that for you own niche! Megan's going to be sharing her experiences and ideas, so if you've ever thought about offering a bundle, make sure to take a listen! 

    What we’re discussing today:

    • What is a bundle + why Megan wanted to host one
    • How it felt offering something brand new
    • Tips to find your bundle into what you currently offer + your brand
    • What it was like working with 30 contributors
    • How to communicate with contributors
    • Why they decided to do another round of the bundle
    • Requirements for the bundle
    • How Megan celebrated the success for herself + affiliates


    Connect with Kat & Megan: https://talkingsmallbusinesspodcast.com/

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • #031: Our Partnership: A Candid Conversation (Plus, Happy Birthday TSB!!)
    Jul 11 2022

    Our favorite episodes to record are the ones that you've requested, which is why we're so excited about this one! Today we’re going to talk about partnerships, and specifically approaching partnerships in small business. We're going to share what that has looked like for us, with our partnership and this podcast. Together, we're having a candid conversation about how we approach partnership: what to think about, how to plan, and so much more. We'll also be celebrating ONE YEAR of Talking Small Business. It's wild to think that we've been doing this for a year because we just love having these conversations with you! So, let's get started with today's episode! 

    What we’re discussing today:

    • Why we created this podcast + the process we encountered
    • How we thought through the back end of creating a podcast
    • What you need for a partnership
    • Tips for a successful partnership
    • How we decided our podcast would about nurturing our followers
    • Should your partnership become a new brand?
    • What we've learned after being partners for a year
    • How to decide how your partnership will work
    • Our favorite part about doing this podcast


    Connect with Kat & Megan: https://talkingsmallbusinesspodcast.com/

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • #030: Mid Year Review: Let's do this!
    Jun 20 2022

    We've talked about end of year reviews and quarterly planning but now that June is here, it's time to talk about completing a mid-year business review! Kat is literally the queen of planning, especially quarterly planning, but she's also a huge advocate of these mid-year business reviews. Today, we're going to discuss why it's important to make time for your mid-year review, what it might look like, and how to set goals for the remainder of your year. This is the perfect time to start evaluating what's working - and what isn't - so you can set yourself up for success the rest of the year! 

    What we’re discussing today:

    • The difference between mid-year reviews and end of year reviews
    • What is Kat's process for a mid-year review
    • How feelings and emotions play a role in your review
    • When to listen to your hunches vs. your data
    • What to do after your review is done
    • The difference between a mid-year review and quarterly planning
    • A plan of action for your review
    • Why it's important to celebrate your wins


    Connect with Kat & Megan: https://talkingsmallbusinesspodcast.com/

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • #029: How to Find Your Zone of Genius
    Jun 6 2022

    If you're a part of the creative industry, you've probably heard the term "zone of genius" - and that's exactly what we're going to be talking about today! In our industry, it's common to hear your zone of genius come up when you discuss outsourcing or offers in your business... but what does that actually mean? So today, we're having candid conversation about what your zone of genius actually means as well as how to find it - and stay within it. We'll be sharing our stories on how we found our own zones of genius and how you can do the same! Let's get started!! 

    What we’re discussing today:

    • How Megan found her zone of genius, 11 years in the making
    • What it means to be multi passionate while you find your zone of genius
    • How Imposter syndrome impacts finding your zone of genius
    • Kat's struggle with comparison
    • What looking for validation can teach you about your zone of genius
    • How Kat found her zone of genius through results
    • What pivoting looked like and how that allowed Kat to step into her zone
    • Signs you're not in your zone of genius


    Connect with Kat & Megan: https://talkingsmallbusinesspodcast.com/

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • #028: How to Practically Build a Value Ladder in Your Business
    May 23 2022

    Did you know value ladders are on of the most beneficial things you can build on the back end of your business? Today, we're talking about how to actually create a value ladder for your business (and a quick refresher about what one is!). In today's episode, we're diving into the how's, what's and where's of building a value ladder. Whether you're a product based business or a service based business, a value ladder will absolutely serve you well so let's get started on how to build one for your biz! 

    What we’re discussing today:

    • What is a value ladder
    • How to build a value ladder in a service based business
    • Tips to promote your value ladder
    • How to create your value ladder in a product based business
    • Consumption sequences and how they help build your ladder
    • Why consumption sequences are the most underutilized methods in value ladder promotion
    • What a nurture sequence is - and if it's helpful
    • Where to start building your value ladder


    Connect with Kat & Megan: https://talkingsmallbusinesspodcast.com/

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • #027: Prepping for Maternity Leave
    May 9 2022

    Since Kat is expecting her third baby, we thought today was a good chance to discuss maternity leave as a business owner! Kat is in the hot seat, sharing about how exactly she prepares her business, her team, and herself to take a leave of absence for baby #3's arrival! Whether you're planning for your own maternity leave or just an extended sabbatical from your business, today's episode will provide some tips about how to prepare for your time off. Taking time off from your business is absolutely possible with some planning ahead and forward thinking, so let's dive in! 

    What we’re discussing today:

    • When Kat began to think about what maternity leave looks like
    • What went into planning her maternity leave
    • How Kat will handle wanting to work while on leave
    • Why having no deadlines on maternity leave can be a great way to plan ahead
    • How Kat has prepared for leave
    • Ways to make your prep even simpler + permission to scale back while you're on leave
    • How to make the financial piece of a long leave a little less scary
    • How Kat decided on the length of her maternity leave


    Connect with Kat & Megan: https://talkingsmallbusinesspodcast.com/

    Más Menos
    27 m