
  • Navigating the 2024 Fork in the Road - Aroma Thyme's Future Feast
    Feb 2 2024

    In Episode 34 of 'Test of Thyme', join Jamie and Marcus as they slice into the meaty challenges of running a restaurant in 2024. It's been a year of whisking through uncertainties and grilling under pressure, but our hosts are seasoned to perfection and ready to dish out their vision for Aroma Thyme. From sustainable sourcing to innovative menu creations, they've got a recipe for success that's sure to tantalize your taste for entrepreneurship. Grab a seat at our table of conversation, and let's toast to the goals and aspirations that are cooking up at Aroma Thyme. #TestOfThyme #RestaurantRealTalk #2024Challenges #CulinaryGoals

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Mix-Up at the Mixology Contest - A Test of Thyme Blunder Tale
    Jan 29 2024

    Get ready to shake up your day with a hilarious throwback as Marcus spills the beans on an early Aroma Thyme misadventure in Episode 33 of 'Test of Thyme'. Join us as we pour out the details of that time we stirred up more than just cocktails at a New York City bartending competition. With no recipe for success, one of us took to the stage and concocted a cocktail of embarrassment, while the other took flight faster than a shaken martini. It's a story of misunderstandings and missteps, garnished with a twist of humor. Tune in and raise a glass to the learning curves that have shaped our journey. #TestOfThyme #BartendingBlunders #PodcastLife #MixologyMayhem

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Back to the Burners: Marcus’s Kitchen Comeback
    Dec 14 2023

    In this enlightening Episode 32, Marcus, takes us on a personal journey back to his roots - the bustling kitchen. He's donned his chef coat once more and is cooking on the line again. This episode explores the highs and lows of his new approach, focusing on the kitchen staff and his active role in culinary operations. Listen as Marcus shares the pros and cons of this transition, providing a candid look at how this change affects his workload and overall restaurant dynamics. Whether you're a chef, restaurateur, or a culinary enthusiast, this episode offers a unique glimpse into the heart of kitchen management and the challenges of balancing multiple roles.

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    13 m
  • 2024 Staffing Shockers: Jamie & Marcus Unveil the Unthinkable
    Dec 11 2023

    In this gripping episode, join Jamie and Marcus, seasoned restaurant consultants, as they dive deep into the tumultuous world of 2024's staffing catastrophes. With a mix of horror and insight, they recount the most jaw-dropping staff stories and downfalls witnessed in the industry. From eerie mishaps to catastrophic missteps, this episode uncovers the darker side of restaurant staffing, providing invaluable lessons for every restaurateur. Tune in for a rollercoaster of emotions and critical takeaways that could reshape how you manage your team. Don't miss this revealing journey into the heart of 2024's staffing disasters!

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    18 m
  • The Business of Dining Out - Why Restaurant Owners Should Make It A Job
    Oct 6 2023

    Welcome to another savory episode of "Test of Thyme," where Jaime and Marcus serve up a deliciously insightful conversation on an often-overlooked business strategy for restaurant owners: dining out at other restaurants. Far from being a simple indulgence, we argue that stepping out to savor what others offer is, in fact, a crucial part of your job. 🍽 Networking Over Dinner One of the immediate benefits of this practice is the opportunity to network with other restaurant owners and chefs. Not only does this open doors for future collaborations, but it also fosters a sense of community in the often-competitive restaurant business. 📝 Learning Experience Dining out isn't just about enjoying someone else's cooking; it's a treasure trove of learning experiences. Jaime and Marcus discuss the myriad lessons that can be gleaned from observing other operations, both in terms of best practices to emulate and pitfalls to avoid. Then, we share how we bring these observations back to our own teams, enriching our restaurant's overall experience. 📈 Subtle Marketing Sometimes, your presence alone can be the best form of advertising. Whether it's running into a previous customer or striking up a casual conversation at the bar, the simple act of being seen dining out can offer numerous marketing benefits. However, Jaime and Marcus emphasize that this is not about poaching customers but about natural relationship-building that can lead to business gains. 🔍 Key Takeaways: The importance of networking with industry peers How to turn dining out into a valuable learning experience for your team The understated marketing power of simply being seen in other establishments Don't miss this episode packed with trade secrets and practical advice, as Jaime and Marcus reveal why dining out should be on every restaurant owner's job description. Subscribe now to "Test of Thyme" for more flavorful conversations that delve into the art and business of running a successful restaurant.

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    9 m
  • The Two Sides of Leadership - Good Boss vs. Bad Boss
    Sep 29 2023

    Ever wondered why some people rave about their boss while others can't wait to clock out at the end of the day? Is it the boss, or is it something deeper? In this illuminating episode, Jamie and Marcus dive into the intricate dynamics between bosses and employees that they've observed time and again in various work settings. 💼 What Makes a Good Boss "Good" and a Bad Boss "Bad"? One person's hero can be another's villain. Often, the difference lies in the eye of the beholder—or, more accurately, in the behavior and attitude of the employee. Jamie and Marcus discuss why a diligent, proactive employee might view the same boss very differently from a coworker who is perpetually late or underperforming. 🧐 Your Experience Doesn't Define Reality When someone labels a boss as "bad," is that an objective assessment or merely a subjective experience? We explore why labeling a boss should never be a one-size-fits-all judgment. Sometimes, the issue isn't just with the boss "picking on" an employee; there may be broader underlying issues at play. 🔍 Key Takeaways: The dual perspectives employees have on the same leadership How your work ethic and attitude can shape your relationship with your boss The role of communication and expectations in the boss-employee relationship Don't miss out on this riveting conversation as Jamie and Marcus offer invaluable insights into what makes a good boss "good" and a bad boss "bad"—and why the answer might be more complicated than you think. Subscribe now to "Test of Thyme" for more episodes that challenge conventional wisdom and explore the complexities of human behavior in the workplace.

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    17 m
  • A Glass of Wisdom - Marcus’ Career-Defining Lesson from Wine Guru Kevin Zraly
    Sep 25 2023

    Hello, listeners! Welcome back to Episode 28 of the Test of Thyme Podcast. We have a special treat for you today. Marcus is taking us down memory lane, recounting a pivotal moment in his life that shaped his career—a lesson learned at the young age of 19 from none other than the legendary wine educator, Kevin Zraly. 🎙️ Inside This Episode, You'll Hear: Marcus' eye-opening experience with Kevin Zraly and how it set the course for his future in the restaurant industry. The importance of deeply understanding wine, not just as a beverage but as a cornerstone of hospitality and fine dining. How Kevin Zraly's teachings helped Marcus realize the long-term value of wine education for his career. Tips and insights for young professionals and aspiring restaurateurs on how to integrate quality wine knowledge into their own career paths. Pour yourself a glass of your favorite wine and join us for this enriching episode that underscores the incredible impact of mentorship and lifelong learning. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to elevate their career through the power of expertise and a deep appreciation for the fine details that make dining truly exceptional. #TestOfThymePodcast #Episode28 #WineEducation #KevinZraly #CareerLessons #HospitalityIndustry

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    14 m
  • The Lost Art of Smiling & Caring - Adapting Staff Training in a Digital Age
    Sep 23 2023

    Hello and welcome back to Episode 27 of the Test of Thyme Podcast! We're your hosts, Jamie and Marcus, here to share another exciting episode on the intricate facets of the restaurant industry. In today’s digital age, the way we communicate has dramatically evolved—and it’s affecting our restaurants, too. Ever felt like the simple, yet vital, acts of smiling and showing genuine care are becoming lost arts among your staff? You're not alone, and we're diving deep into this topic today. 🎙️ What You’ll Discover in This Episode: How technology is redefining the way we communicate in restaurant settings. Why basic interpersonal skills like smiling and caring need to be taught and continuously reinforced. The importance of adapting staff training to resonate with employees from different generations. Actionable tips to ensure your training modules are up-to-date yet timeless in their approach to hospitality. Join us for this eye-opening conversation as we provide you with practical advice to adapt and thrive in a workforce that's as diverse in age as it is in experience. Don't miss the chance to equip your team for success in a world where touchscreens shouldn't replace human touch!

    Más Menos
    18 m