
  • 12 - Notes and Summation for 10 Evolutionary Service Workers
    Jun 15 2024

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    Episode - 12 - Notes and Summation

    This podcast is a brief summation and observation of what is behind the activities of the 10 Evolutionary Service Groups now and their potential for the future. I will not talk specifically about any of the Service Groups but on what they’re doing from an esoteric perspective.

    On the face of it, the service groups are the backbone of all civilization, regardless of culture or nation. Each Service Group anchors the expression of will through their activities. But whose will – the Personality of the Soul? It is critical to honestly answer this question if we are to make the right choices insuring our survival. Because of rapid development of technology and new forms of communication we seem to be all over the map in ideas that are both destructive and constructive for Humanity. Where is the understanding and direction this should take?

    In this podcast, we’ll examine World Transformation from an esoteric perspective and viewpoint.

    Topics include:

    Asking critical Soul-searching questions about Humanity’s future, Developing the World of Meaning, Finding Purpose, Cultivating Interconnectedness, Expanding Consciousness Beyond the Material and the need for setting up a Spiritual Practice.

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    14 m
  • Episode 11 - Evolutionary Service Group Creative Workers
    Jun 15 2024

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    Episode 11 - Evolutionary Service Group Creative Workers

    The Creative Workers group is connected to the third aspect of divinity: "Active Intelligence". The other two aspects are Will and Love. Together these three aspects of God express creatively through mankind.

    Through Active Intelligence the Creative Workers creatively blend life and physical creations with a philosophical orientation. Through their work, a magical process transpires on the physical plane by blending Spirit-life and Matter-form creatively, and in so doing they become a vehicle for the Divine Plan to appear. It is the Hierarchy who provide the themes and ideas for creativity and expression and for enabling Divine intention.

    The Creative Worker is ideally Soul conscious and draws his inspiration from a world of illumination, that of pure light and pure love. He receives a divinely inspired idea and precipitates to the outside world through his creative work. He does this by keeping in alignment with the inner source of power, while never taking his mind away from the group objective.

    Their work is primarily philosophical, concerned with scientifically and factually relating the other evolutionary service groups so that the creative work is accomplished on the physical plane. Also known as the "great synthesizer", this group links ideas into creative expression for bringing the Divine Plan into manifestation. As a result, a synthesis is achieved.

    Topics covered in this podcast:

    Who are the Creative Workers, Basic Qualities of Creative Workers, Creativity and Synthesis in Civilization in the Political and Economic sectors, Influence of Chakras on Creative Activity, Crisis and Need spawns Creativity, and examples of Art in Time of Crisis brings Public Awareness.

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    27 m
  • 10B - Evolutionary Service Group Economists and Financiers - Part 2 of 2
    Jun 15 2024

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    Episode 10B - Evolutionary Service Group Economists and Financiers

    In the first podcast on the Financial Service Group, we discussed that in 2015, the United Nations met realizing that the current world economic order was not sustainable. They see that Populations continue to grow and resources are being depleted largely unchecked at an alarming rate. In short, they decided to enact 17 Sustainable Development Goals to be attained globally by 2030. The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals essentially represent Economic Responsibility, Stewardship through Governance, Social change, and protection of the Environment. Although not necessarily based on spiritual principles, the Sustainable Development Goals are a positive step forward.

    In addition, the 17 Goals also says that all the world’s governments must address combat and curb any forms of human-induced pollution that effects that contributes to climate change.

    Although the 17 Goals are grounded in a secular or non-spiritual context, the Principle of Sharing and a redistribution of wealth and control of the resources needs to be in place.

    A broad view of the of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals emphasizes that a Green economy would contribute to eradicating poverty as well as promote sustained economic growth, enhance social inclusion, improve human welfare and create opportunities for employment and decent work for all.

    Other topics covered in this podcast:

    Potential for a New Economic Order, Objectives of New Economic Order, Overcoming Issues around Poverty and Inequality, Funding and Right Allocation of Money, Collaboration in the Workplace, Consumerism, Value of the Individual, and the Ethical Use of Money.

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    28 m
  • Episode 10A – Evolutionary Service Group Economists and Financiers
    Jun 15 2024

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    Episode 10A – Evolutionary Service Group Economists and Financiers

    The Financial Service Group in the Aquarian Era, which includes Financiers, Economists, and investors, they will preeminently work with the spiritual principle of sharing at the Soul level. Servers of this group see money as energy and know it has little to do with the form side. The server sees money as a valuable potential energy to be shared for the benefit of all humanity. From the Service Worker’s understanding, all goods and services may or may not be shared equally, as units within the system may or may not have the same exact need. Therefore, monies should be shared appropriately and not squandered, hoarded or deflected for personal or selfish purposes.

    The principle of sharing is an expression of the Soul and it only works when there is a firm grounding in Soul values.

    For the world’s materialistic cultures, monies are largely in the hands of the wealthy and greedy who are only interested in fulfilling their own needs by gratifying desires on every possible level, such as with luxury items and other forms of excitement or escape. The monies spent daily for these items is in the billions of dollars. By not sharing their wealth, they are tying up the flow of money, inhibiting the principle of sharing, and in the long run inhibiting the Plan from materializing.

    Eventually, financiers in this service group will acknowledge how wealth and resources are used and made available in the physical world for both good and evil purposes, A deeper understanding will be how money can be used by the world’s service workers for Hierarchal purposes.

    In this podcast, we’ll discuss the various tasks of the Financiers, Economists:

    The Principle of Sharing, Redistribution of Wealth, Ethical Leadership in Finance and Economy, Tasks of Financial Service Group, Money as Spiritual Asset, Defining Rewards towards Creating an Economic System beyond Capitalism, and Economic Responsibility and Stewardship.

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Episode 9 – Service Workers in the field of Psychology
    Jun 15 2024

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    Episode 9 – Service Workers in the field of Psychology

    he major task of the Psychologist in the New Age will be concerned with the revelation of the Soul, leading to the revelation of divinity in humanity as a whole. They will act as transmitters of ideas, which will provide illumination between groups of thinkers to show how the Plan appears to be working out in the five kingdoms in nature. This would include how the human kingdom acts as an intermediary between the higher and lower kingdoms. When one group transmits light or understanding to another group, the relations between both groups are illumined and enhanced. This work involves a study of any forces hidden or seen that influence man’s being, e.g. knowledge of the vital body, energy centers, and forms of psychic connections.

    Training objectives for psychologists will emphasize developing a Soul awareness and “right” reaction to the energy (i.e. thought and emotion) in any form between individuals and groups. They will understand the qualities of energy and force of ideas how the individual is influenced or not. This would include understanding the various forms of light, whether instinctual, knowledge-based, imparted wisdom or intuitional, which characterizes different groups. This will result in allowing the Soul’s nature to be a force of human consciousness when interacting with individuals and groups. When the Psychologist connects to the Buddhic plane, he will be able to act as a transmitter of higher thoughts and ideas from the mind of the Soul.

    In this podcast, we’ll discuss the various tasks of future Psychologists:

    Psychologists as Transmitters of Illumination, concept of Identifying Cleavage in the Personality, Psychologist as Therapist, the Psychologist and Healer(s) of the Future, and esoteric studies by future Psychologists,

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 7B - Service Group: Workers in the Field of Religion Part 2 of 2
    May 17 2024

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    In this episode, we will be discussing the science of Invocation - Evocation; Concept of Redemption; Spirituality and the coming “New World Religion”: the nature of "Spiritual Approach by God"; and the Spiritual Festivals.

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    30 m
  • 7A - Service Group: Workers in the Field of Religion - Part 1 of 2
    May 17 2024

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    People of the major religions make up well over 80% of the world's population. That constitutes a major influence that they carry with them wherever they go, such as in politics, culture, and social structure. In this podcast, besides the workers in the field of religion, we are also acknowledging the beliefs of the Native or Indigenous people’s around the world.

    In this episode, we will discuss the nature of spiritual values, concept of universality, nature of idealism, and devotion. Of interest to the majority of the world's religions is about the coming World Teacher and the externalization of the Spiritual Masters onto the planet.

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    33 m
  • 8B - Convergence of Science and the Subjective Reality - Part 2 of 2
    May 17 2024

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    In this episode, we will discuss an awareness about the in flowing life energies of the Soul and its effects on dense matter and etheric substance. This will bring together members of the Scientific and Religious communities. Also discussed is science and education; the scientist being stuck in a particular paradigm; Ethics and science, new direction of science and the various sciences of esotercism.

    Más Menos
    25 m