
  • USSS called shooter a threat 10 min before Trump, finger-pointing, Covid or cover for Biden, bury the photo, RNC and LOTR
    Jul 18 2024

    Today’s show opens with yet more revelations about the abject failures of the US Secret Service in the shooting of Donald Trump on Saturday in Butler, PA. According to Senators on a call with USSS, the shooter was listed as a threat a full 10 minutes before Donald Trump walked on stage. How was that even allowed to happen?

    And, to add even more confusion, a story in the NY Post suggests the shooter had a bicycle at the scene he was using to ride around the look at locations around the event. So, did he bring his bike on the back of the car that he supposedly had rigged with explosives?

    Then the FBI said they found a message he left on the Steam gaming platform that July 13 was going to be his day. They also said he had a second cell phone with just over two dozen contacts. He may have also used other forms of encrypted communication.

    The Butler Township Commissioner, Edward Natali, said on social media that the local police had no security detail for former President Donald Trump’s rally. He said they only provided seven officers for traffic support. So, someone is definitely lying about the open rooftop, used by the shooter, was supposed to be staffed by a local police sniper team. Is it the locals or is it Director Kim Cheatle?

    To illustrate all of the issues I detailed yesterday, I stumbled on a satirical response to all of this from Joseph Mallozzi who is a showrunner, Executive Producer and writer for Dark Matter, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate: Universe. He reacts to all we’ve learned thus far as if was the first draft of a techo-thriller being submitted to Netflix.

    Earlier in the day, Biden said in a BET interview that if he were diagnosed with some serious medical issue, he would consider dropping out of the race. Then, yesterday evening, we hear he tested positive for Covid and is taking the next four days off. Yet, his flight path was cleared for all four day well in advance of the Covid announcement. Maybe he has some other decisions to make?

    Joy Reid, along with Jen Psaki, made fools of themselves by suggesting that if Biden recovers from his Covid illness, he should project as much strength as Trump did by bouncing back from being shot. What imbeciles.

    Biden is getting angrier and more unhinged. More Democrats are pushing for him to drop.

    Time Magazine, at the behest of a push from Legacy/mainstream media voices, has changed it’s upcoming cover. It was going to use the iconic picture taken of Trump with his fist in the air. But, media thinks that would be positive PR for Trump, so they changed it to an abandoned and littered event venue, all in black and white save for the flag.

    At the RNC day three, former acting ICE Director Tom Homan made an interesting comment. He warned the drug cartels that Trump is going to label them as terrorist organizations and will wipe them off the face of the Earth.

    David Urban on CNN said it is unforgivable that Joe Biden never met with the 13 Gold Star families from his disastrous Afghanistan retreat. To go with that, we have a soundbite from one of the parents, Christy Shamblin.

    Finally, we close on the most ridiculous moment of the day. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow concludes that fans of The Lord of the Rings are far-right/alt-right fascists and neo-Nazis. That’s how far gone Mad Cow’s brains really are.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 h y 7 m
  • Shooter was on USSS radar starting at 3PM, Biden's interview with Holt, his NAACP speech and a tyrant's plan for SCOTUS
    Jul 17 2024

    Today’s show opens, once again, with even more information we have learned about from the catastrophic failure of the US Secret Service in protecting Donald Trump in Butler, PA. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has announced he will form a task force in the House to begin a full investigation into the shooting with full subpoena power.

    We now know the shooter was on the USSS radar for over three hours. We also know that DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has told USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle to stop talking and is trying to block her from testifying before Congress on Monday, July 22. We know they knew he came onto the grounds with a range finder.

    We know at one point he was using the ranger finder to look at one of the snipers, and the sniper reported he was looking at the kid through his own scope at the time. We also know the parents of the shooter called PA police hours before, expressing a “concern” for their son. The reports, so far, are not saying exactly what that concern was. We also know he had constructed two remotely detonated explosive devices. We know he told his boss he needed Saturday off, but told co-workers he was going to be back on Sunday. We have also heard that USSS thought the rooftop was going to be defended by a police sniper team, though that doesn’t really go along with Kim Cheatle’s comment a few days about about the room being too sloped to place a team.

    All of this continues to make it harder and harder to not want to see this as a deeper, darker conspiracy. I don’t want to go there, yet, so we have to keep an eye out for new information and hope we can get some answers sooner rather than later.

    A transcript to a leaked Zoom call reveals a nasty, angry, narcissistic Joe Biden, suffering from extreme delusions of grandeur, yelling at Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) over voter’s who are worried about our national security at the hands of a cognitively impaired president. This goes along with quotes from the NBC interview Biden had a few days ago with Lester Holt. And is magnified even more with his speech yesterday in front of the Las Vegas chapter of the NAACP.

    For someone trying to “save our democracy”, Joe Biden now says he is finalizing plans to make radical changes to the Supreme Court. In Biden’s mind, thinks he can impose term limits and put and enforceable ethics code in place. The only way he can do that is if he shreds the Constitution, which he has demonstrated repeatedly a comfort in doing just that.

    We just got the date for the big Fani Willis RICO appeals hearing for her disqualification. The Georgia court has it scheduled for December 05, 2024, a full 30 days after the Presidential election. Sorry, Fani.

    And, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders had a mic drop moment last night at the RNC. She compared take your child to work day with Jill Biden having to take her husband to work day.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 h y 9 m
  • More revelations over colossal Secret Service failures, JD Vance as VP, WEF and Morning Joe
    Jul 16 2024

    Today’s show opens with me starting to become a little more open to the possibility of some bad actors behind the scenes of the attempt on Donald Trump’s life. While I still see gross incompetence on display, leading to a colossal failure on the part of the Secret Service, we have learned even more in the last 24 hours and none of it is good.

    At this point, with all of the nonsense excuses, with no one fired or even taking responsibility, I think Congress has a duty to conduct its own investigation. And, quite honestly, with the track record the FBI has with Donald Trump, I do not think they can be trusted to conduct an honest investigation of this heinous event. Even Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) smells something fishy in the way the Secret Service conducted the pre-review and the implementation of their security plan.

    We move on to the start of the Republican National Convention. One of the invited guests to address the GOP was a 4th generation head of the Teamsters! A deep blue Democrat, representing a loyal Democrat base was a the RNC! On top of that, American model Amber Rose was also asked to address the audience.

    Having her speak allowed me to address an issue I have seen in the Republican party. We have to be careful of being so rigid in conservative ideology, that it limits the size and breadth of the Party. We need a wide tent that allows for a range of ideas and thoughts. So, I had to disagree vehemently with comments made by Matt Walsh about her invitation to speak.

    We then learn that Ohio Senator J.D. Vance has been selected by Donald Trump to be his VP running-mate. I think this is great news for both Trump and for the country. I give a basic overview of some of Vance’s background and stances and then play a bite from him that I would suggest would be acceptable to both those on the Left and the Right.

    As we start tp close, if you were on the fence about supporting Trump, I have a soundbite from Yuval Noah Harari of the WEF. He says if Trump wins, that’s going to be the death-blow of what remains to the global order. Well, sign me up for that program, because I am all in!

    Finally, we get today’s opening moments from The Morning Joe, trying to remain relevant after being told their show would not air on yesterday. It’s really funny to see someone struggle to come to grips with the fact, they are not really part of the elite.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 h y 20 m
  • Attempt on Trump's life and the culture of DEI at root, dangerous rhetoric, a real leader and Cannon blows up Smith's case
    Jul 15 2024

    Today’s show opens with how the news of the attempt on Donald Trump’s life hit me over the weekend. From my limited training in executive protection to what I know about the Secret Service, what happened on Saturday in Butler, PA is the result of only one of two possibilities. Just as with the Legacy/media issue after the CNN debate, where they had to decide whether to admit they have been hiding Biden’s cognitive decline or they were just too incompetent to notice? Well, the same seems to apply here.

    Could this have been the result of a some vast, Deep State scheme to convince an impressionable and mentally unwell person to take a shot at Trump before snipers would then take the shooter out? In today’s era, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. However, I have always tried to find the simplest explanation for these sort of scenarios. To me, we are seeing my warnings come to fruition. DEI is going to lead to DIE, as in, someone dying.

    When we look at the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle has said she wants to make sure they grow the ranks to at least 30% female. But, she has also said the anyone who wanted to work there should be given the opportunity. This focus on DEI over merit and qualification is likely how that body has been reduced to incompetence.

    We also know that whenever the walking male member with eyebrows, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas uses a lot of adverbs combines with a lot of stutters and non-words like umm and ahh, he’s lying. He told George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America that he has never denied Trump more personnel as they have repeatedly asked.

    President Biden put out a call yesterday to “cool the temperature” in the country as it relates to rhetoric and violence. He then proceeded to equivocate, saying both sides call for and carry out violent attacks and threats.

    So, I bring you all of the ones I know of and do you know what they all have in common? They all come from the Left. Whether talking heads, elected officials or DNC operatives, the violence and the violent rhetoric always comes from them. In fact, I end the sound bite roster with the President himself, when he addressed the nation in front of Independence Hall.

    And, it was Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) along with 8 other Democrat lawmakers who have pushed a bill to strip Donald Trump of Secret Service protection. Even after this weekend’s attempt on his life, Thompson has not withdrawn that bill.

    On a positive note, Americans saw real leadership and strength when Trump got back up and raised his fist to the sky. The near pandemonium of the crowd dissipated with that one act of defiance and commitment to keep fighting for America. That is courage that cannot be faked.

    MSNBC could not trust the Morning Joe to open this morning. On the heels of such a news-worthy weekend, they thought Joe and his wife and guests could not be trusted to keep their own hateful nonsense in check.

    Finally, we do get word that Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the classified documents case against Trump. She had gone over and above to see if Special Counsel Jack Smith could validate his case, but after all the opportunities, she has had enough. Haven’t we all!

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 h y 20 m
  • Tara's Top 10, Biden's Zelensky gaffe, Big Boy Press Conference, Dems seek to replace, FLOTUS grudge and Deep Thoughts
    Jul 12 2024

    Today’s show opens with a Friday favorite, Tara Bull’s Top 10 News Stories the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t tell you this week. It’s always fun to open our Friday show with a rapid-fire look at some of the news from the past week.

    Next, I bring you a quote from Thomas Sowell. It’s a statement on the kinds of people who are attracted to government. It’s a bit of an indictment on the personalities who feel they are both better than us, but also not subject to the ills they cause.

    Before we dive into President Biden’s Big Boy Conference, we get a few bites from media ahead of time. Earlier in the day, Biden accidentally introduced President Zelensky of Ukraine as President Putin. This leads to ABC’s Rick Klein, Washington Bureau Chief to remind the audience the democrat primary was rigged for Biden.

    Over at CNN, Jake Tapper, still flirting with the ideals of actual journalism, discusses the revelation that the Biden campaign asked a Wisconsin radio station to edit an interview they had with President Biden. While former WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that never happens, here we are with a blatant example.

    We then spend the bulk of the rest of the show going through the Big Boy Press Conference. Joe had a teleprompter. Joe had a list of reporters. And reporters were selected ahead of time. So much for it being a true “Big Boy” conference.

    Biden’s first gaffe was referring to VP Harris and Vice President Trump. And, it was all downhill from there. The more he talked, the weaker his voice and the longer his incoherent rambles. At one point, though, he raged out of no where about bullets killing kids. By the end, between his creepy whispers into the microphone and his use of the crutch “anyway” to get out of a long answer that went no where, Karine Jean-Pierre was trying to end it. But, Joe took two more questions.

    The first had to do with what would he do if the polls suggested Kamala Harris would do better against Donald Trump, to which he whispered, “No one’s saying that.” Then, a reporter said that Trump was already mocking him for his opening VP gaffe and asked what should be done about it? Biden simply said, “Listen to him.”

    So, today, in the aftermath, Biden senior spokesperson and advisor Adrienne Elrod said the media was obsession over replacing Biden. The NYTimes said it was playing into the far-right conspiracy theory that Democrats were wanting to replace Biden. Yet, at the same time, Axios stated that Democrats were secretly trying to find a way to remove Biden.

    Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) once again reminded us the reason they are in a panic is they want to save their own skins and their party, not Joe Biden. It’s all about keeping power for the party.

    Dail Mail reminds us there is a massive grudge held by the First Lady towards Kamala Harris. Apparently, this goes back to the 2019 primary debates and Jill has never let it go.

    A Biden Super PAC said they were going to freeze their $90 million dollar commit unless Joe drops out of the race. According to other sources, the next 48 hours are going to be very bad for Joe Biden.

    Finally, we end the show with a long-missed segment, Deep Thoughts with VP Kamala Harris. She’s been kept away from the public microphones for a long time. It’s nice to end a Friday with her glorious insights.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 h y 20 m
  • Conversation with Ed Martin, President of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles
    Jul 11 2024

    On today’s special bonus episode, recorded live from the Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, I was able to sit down with Ed Martin, President of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.

    Ed was nominated by Phyllis Schlafly on January 31, 2015 to succeed her as the President of both Eagle Forum organizations. Phyllis Schlafly, whom the Board elevated to Chairman of the Board and CEO, said, “Ed Martin is uniquely qualified and prepared to carry on the essential educational and political leadership of Eagle Forum that has made it the premier organization of grassroots volunteers in the conservative movement. He is fully committed to all the values and principles that Eagle Forum has always espoused.”

    Ed is a lawyer who holds advanced degrees in medical ethics and philosophy and was awarded post-graduate fellowships in Italy and in Indonesia. Ed has served as Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party and as a member of the Republican National Committee. He was chief of staff for Missouri Governor Matt Blunt, where he helped Missouri to pass pro-life and school-choice legislation. Having run for office, Ed is well versed in political strategy and tactics, how candidates win and lose, and how legislation is passed and defeated.

    In 2016, Ed coauthored with Phyllis Schlafly and Brett Decker the New York Times bestseller The Conservative Case for Trump. He is also a frequent consultant on various media outlets.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    36 m
  • Who has Dem loyalty, Propaganda Press and state actors, Joe's Big Boy presser, Obama's influence and Constitutional wins
    Jul 11 2024

    Today’s show opens with yesterday’s passage of the SAVE Act, putting in place preventative measures to keep illegals from voting in American elections. What’s worthy of note is 198 Democrats decided they were more in support of illegals than they were in support of Americans.

    Once again, we have several soundbites about the upcoming election. Some of the designated members of the Democrat body politic, like Rep. Rishi Kumar (D-CA) who gets to use the term “bloodbath” when describing the upcoming defeat they will face if Biden stays in the race. Joe Scarborough evoked Lincoln’s post-Civil War speech and likened it to letting the South win control of government if Trump wins. CNN wants us to know that if the people choose Trump in a landslide, that will jeopardize our democracy.

    It appears, the only way to save our democracy, in not to let the people decide for themselves in a free and fair election, but to have a select few people already in power make that decision for the rest of us. That’s their version of “democracy.”

    Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has decided he wants to speak to the Triple A’s who surround Joe Biden and keep him insulated and under total control. Annie Tomasini, Ashley Williams and Anthony Bernal have all received a letter informing them of being called to testify.

    Our Intelligence Community is dragging out the old “Russia, Russia, Russia” playbook again. They want us to believe Putin prefers Trump over Biden.

    Throwing her promised toddler-like tantrum, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has filed her article of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito. Their version of democracy also seems centered around the belief that they cannot allow anyone who affirms the Constitution to be kept in their roles.

    The Daily Show got a shock when a 6 person, all-black panel in New York City was split 50/50 in their support of Trump versus Biden. Those voting for trump cut across age ranges and generations.

    But the true test for Joe Biden today is his BIG BOY press conference. It is scheduled for around 5:30PM today. I’ll will be watching with undivided attention and will bring the relevant moments to Friday’s show.

    Sources behind the scenes are telling MSNBC and Politico that President Obama is behind the scenes, pushing to oust Joe Biden. It’s not secret there is no love lost between the Biden’s and the Obama’s. But, make no mistake, Obama is going to get his way.

    In a turn of irony, SCOTUS Sotomayor, who dissenting against the idea that the Second Amendment was meant to protect a private right of armed self defense, found her bodyguard’s in a shoot-out with a would-be carjacker.

    Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has just signed into law the bill making it harder to request a recount over an allegation of fraud. The law strips the Board of Canvassers of its investigative authority. If you are going to cheat, might as well make it legal.

    But, in two somewhat related wins, the radical judge, Sarah Netburn, who is part of the woke, ‘what is a woman,’ screwball culture was shot down for the Court of Appeals. And, Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) has her bill pass the House, blocking Joe Biden’s radical Title IX rewrite.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • Conversation with Mark Harris for U.S. House in North Carolina
    Jul 10 2024

    On today’s special bonus episode, recorded live from the Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, I was able to sit down with Mark Harris who is running for the House of Representatives in North Carolina.

    Born and raised in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Mark Harris is the embodiment of faith, family and dedication to service. The youngest of five children, Mark grew up imbibing the virtues of hard work, patriotism and community involvement, inspired by parents who served as exemplary pillars of service.

    Mark's journey is marked by purpose and calling. An Appalachian State University graduate with a B.S. in Political Science, his path took a divine turn when he felt a call to ministry just before marrying his college sweetheart, Beth. Embracing this calling, he earned his Master's of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degree in Christian Leadership from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

    Mark's leadership isn't confined to the pulpit. He was the elected President of the North Carolina Baptist Convention from 2011-2013. During this tenure, he played an instrumental role in the passage of the 2012 Marriage Amendment. Additionally, Mark has held numerous other leadership positions, solidifying his reputation as a man of vision, dedication and integrity.

    But why Congress? Mark Harris is driven by a desire to represent and amplify the voices of North Carolinians. He believes in a government that listens to its people, respects their rights and works diligently for their benefit. From championing pro-family values to advocating for effective tax reform, Mark's platform is a testament to his commitment to the betterment of every North Carolinian's life.

    In the face of challenges, including being targeted in his previous election and standing firm against the liberal media onslaught, Mark Harris has emerged stronger, more determined and with an unwavering spirit. He's not just a candidate; he's a beacon of hope, resilience and steadfast commitment to the people of North Carolina.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    28 m