
  • From Self-Doubt to Self-Love
    Jul 23 2024

    We all talk about self-esteem and self-image, but do we really understand how these concepts shape how we feel about ourselves?

    In this episode of The Arm Coach, I’m diving deep into how your self-image and self-esteem impact the state of your arms and overall well-being.


    • Childhood Impact: How a less-than-perfect childhood (and who didn’t have one?) influences your life today.
    • Self-Perception: Why you might think highly or negatively about yourself and how to shift that perspective.
    • Life Connection: The surprising ways your self-image affects various areas of your life.
    • Change Your View: Why changing your self-perception is simple but not always easy, and tips to make it happen.
    • Self-Care Link: How your self-image shows up in how you care for yourself—or don’t!
    • Self-Esteem Myth: Did you think self-esteem was fixed and unchangeable? It’s not, and here’s why.
    • Transformation Tips: Practical steps to rewrite your story and create a bright new direction for your future.
    • Goal Achievement: Understand why reaching your goals has been tough and how to finally overcome those barriers.

    Once you discover where your self-image and self-esteem come from, you'll start seeing yourself with compassion and hope. You'll realize that things don’t have to stay the way they are. Change is not only possible—it’s within your reach!

    Check out the Arms By Kristine Program HERE

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    14 m
  • Getting Unstuck and Becoming Unstoppable
    Jul 16 2024

    Feeling like you're at war with yourself when it comes to following through on your plan to sculpt your arms? Do you know deep down that your arms and your life can be better, that you aren't where you're supposed to be but you feel stuck in the same old patterns?

    If this resonates with you, then today's episode is a must-listen. In this episode of The Arm Coach, I’m revealing the missing piece that’s been holding you back from progress and feeling in control. Learn what you need to sustain your motivation when you hit resistance and how to keep taking action even when things get uncomfortable.

    Tune in to uncover a simple, yet powerful process to find your compelling reason for sculpting your arms and transform your journey.


    • Understand the main reason why you feel unable to move forward causing you to feel stuck.
    • Discover what it means to have a compelling reason, how to find your compelling reason, and why it’s crucial for your success.
    • Learn the huge role discomfort plays in changing your actions.
    • Why you don’t need to hit “rock bottom” to catalyze change.
    • Strategies to maintain your path even when things get tough.

    Don’t miss this episode—it’s time to break free from feeling stuck and start making real progress towards your arm-sculpting goals.

    Check out the Arms By Kristine Program HERE

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    25 m
  • Breaking Free From 'I Can't'
    Jul 9 2024

    How does telling yourself "I can't have that!" feel? Are you calm and accepting or do you have a
    mental tantrum: “It’s not fair! Why me? This stinks."

    In today’s episode of The Arm Coach Podcast, we’re diving into a single thought that frequently surfaces for many of my clients: “I can’t have that.” This seemingly simple thought can have significant unintended consequences, holding you back and keeping you stuck in a cycle of misery, powerlessness, and even overeating as an escape to cover an emotion.

    Join us as we explore how this one thought can derail your progress and discover how a subtle shift in your thinking can bring you closer to your goal of sculpting and toning your arms.


    • Why telling yourself “I can’t have that” does more harm than good.
    • Why you don’t need to think you can’t eat something to start transforming your habits.
    • How the thought “I can’t have that” works in the powerful Think, Feel, Act cycle.
    • Why this thought is so negative and how to overcome it.
    • The empowering alternative to the limiting thought “I can’t have that.”

    Tune in for an inspiring and informative episode that will strengthen your mind and help you achieve the toned, sculpted arms you desire.

    Check out the Arms By Kristine Program HERE

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    Más Menos
    19 m
  • How to Create the Life You Desire
    Jul 2 2024

    When you look at your current results—whether it’s in sculpting your arms, your emotional state, finances, relationships, or career—how do you feel? Are you truly satisfied with where you are right now?

    For a long time, I doubted and second-guessed myself in many areas of life. I was't able to get what I wanted. This often led me to seek comfort in food or TV to escape my frustrations by what I thought was happening to me. But instead of finding relief, I got caught in a vicious cycle of unfulfilled goals and dissatisfaction.

    In this week’s episode of The Arm Coach, we dive deep into what shapes everything you have and experience in life. We’ll explore how easy it is to fall into patterns of distraction—like turning to food—when you’re unhappy with your arms or other areas of your life.

    Tune in to discover why you don’t need to control every external factor—your partner, boss, family, or circumstances—to achieve the results you desire.


    • The Core of Your Results: Understand what truly determines what you have in your life.
    • The Myth of External Control: Learn why your actions and behavior aren’t dictated by external circumstances.
    • The Illusion of Control: Discover why we often feel the need to control everything and everyone around us.
    • The Crucial Question: Uncover one of the most important questions to ask yourself about turning to food or screens for comfort.
    • Self-Reflection for Success: Engage in a specific self-reflection exercise to help you achieve the results you want in every aspect of your life.

    Join us for this empowering episode of The Arm Coach and start transforming your mindset, actions, and ultimately, your results!

    Check out the Arms By Kristine Program HERE

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    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Why You're Not Taking Consistent Action On Your Arm Goals
    Jun 25 2024

    Have you ever found yourself feeling guilty for skipping your arm exercises or indulging in a little too much comfort food? You know the feeling... you tell yourself that you shouldn’t have watched another episode or had that cookie last night, or that you should be stronger and resist temptation. You might even think there's something wrong with you for not having more willpower.

    Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

    Here’s the truth: there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. The real issue lies in not fully understanding what drives your decisions to stray from your arm goals (or any goal, for that matter). Without this insight, creating lasting change feels nearly impossible.

    In the third episode of our enlightening mini-series on the Think, Feel, Act cycle, we’ll dive deep into the core of your actions. This episode is a game-changer for anyone looking to understand why they do (or don’t do) what they set out to accomplish, especially when it comes to sculpting and toning those arms.

    What You’ll Discover:

    The Real Meaning of Feelings and Emotions: Uncover why so many of us struggle to identify our true feelings and emotions.

    Breaking Down the Think, Feel, Act Cycle: Learn the crucial importance of distinguishing each part of this transformative cycle.

    The Hidden Drivers of Your Actions: Find out what’s really behind your decision to skip arm exercises or overeat.

    Debunking Environmental Myths: Understand why your external surroundings don’t actually dictate your choices to skip workouts or indulge.

    Awareness and Transformation: Discover how to start noticing what truly drives all your actions, leading to incredible personal change.

    Tune in to this episode to get the complete picture of how your thoughts influence your feelings, which in turn drive your actions. This understanding is key to consistently achieving your arm-sculpting goals and transforming your mind around reaching goals.

    Check out the Arms By Kristine Program HERE

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    25 m
  • Unlocking Emotional Freedom
    Jun 18 2024
    I’ve been receiving incredible feedback from listeners about the Think, Feel, Act cycle and how it has given them a powerful framework to understand not just their arm habits, but everything they do in life. Today, I’m thrilled to dive deeper into this transformative cycle and explore its second part—feelings.

    Join me as we uncover the vital difference between emotions and thoughts, and why understanding this distinction is crucial. Discover why you might be hiding your arms more than you’d like and relying on long sleeves in certain situations. I’ll also explain how to recognize when you’re experiencing a feeling and what you can do to intentionally change how you feel.

    Tune in to this empowering episode of our mini-series on the Think, Feel, Act cycle!

    • The biggest misconception about why we feel the way we do.
    • Why your actions (or inactions) are not a true reflection of who you are.
    • The real reason behind every action you take.
    • How to harness the Think, Feel, Act cycle to achieve the results you want in your life.

    Check out the Arms By Kristine Program HERE

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    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Taking Control of Your Thoughts to Sculpt Your Arms
    Jun 11 2024

    This week, we're diving deep into the powerful Think, Feel, Act cycle and how it plays a crucial role in sculpting your arms. Understanding this cycle was a game-changer for me, helping me break free from the habit of hiding my arms and relying on cardigans. It's time to unlearn those old habits!

    In this episode of The Arm Coach, I’m thrilled to kick off our mini-series on thoughts. We'll explore what your thoughts really are, why you are not your thoughts, and why recognizing this separation is vital for transforming your mindset and shedding the desire to hide your arms.

    What You’ll Discover in This Episode:
    • The Think, Feel, Act Cycle: Why understanding this cycle is essential for unlearning the desire to hide your arms.
    • Thoughts vs. Self: The crucial distinction between your thoughts and your ability to observe them—and why this matters.
    • Brain Processing: How your brain processes thoughts and how this impacts your actions.
    • Thoughts and Emotions: The relationship between your thoughts and your emotions and how they shape your behavior.
    • You Are Not Your Thoughts: The importance of understanding this concept for personal growth and self-empowerment.
    • Practical Exercise: An empowering exercise to help you start observing and transforming your thoughts.

    Tune in to this episode to gain new insights, boost your awareness, and get unstuck on your journey to sculpting your arms. It's time to embrace your strength and show off those beautiful arms with pride!

    Don't miss out—this episode is packed with tips and strategies that will inspire and empower you to take control of your thoughts and transform your fitness journey. Listen now!

    Check out the Arms By Kristine Program HERE

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    Más Menos
    27 m
  • The Power of Challenging Yourself
    Jun 4 2024

    If you’re tuning into this podcast, chances are you’re ready to explore lifting weights, managing your eating habits, and pushing beyond your comfort zone. You might be worried that this journey won't be easy – that it might feel like a struggle, be uncomfortable, or even awkward and embarrassing.

    Guess what? You're absolutely right. Transforming your exercise and eating habits does require effort. It will be challenging. But here’s the game-changing truth: every time you tackle something hard, you unlock incredible new power within yourself.

    In this empowering episode of The Arm Coach Podcast, we delve into:

    The Challenge of Change: Why pushing yourself beyond the familiar can feel daunting but is incredibly rewarding.

    Autopilot Brain: How sticking to easy, comfortable routines keeps you stuck and limits your growth potential.

    Embracing the Struggle: Discover why doing the hard things not only enhances your physical strength but also fuels your personal growth and confidence.

    Join me as we explore the powerful benefits that come from stepping out of your comfort zone. Listen to this episode to learn why it’s so important to face challenges head-on and how doing so can lead to a more empowered, stronger, and more confident you.

    Check out the Arms By Kristine Program HERE

    Let's connect on Instagram!

    Más Menos
    25 m