
  • How to find clients and build your audience without relying on social media, with Meg Casebolt
    Jan 11 2024

    What happens to your business when you take an extended break from social media? Will it fall apart? Wither on the vine?

    What if the answer is…not much?

    Meg Casebolt is an SEO expert and the founder of Love at First Search, an agency that helps online businesses get found in search results, and to turn new readers into leads, subscribers and sales.

    Meg’s business used to be super active on social media, until a few years ago when she took a 100-day social media break. Kind of by accident. That’s when Meg discovered that even though social media had been taking up a ton of her time, it wasn’t contributing much to her sales.

    In this episode, we discuss Meg’s new book, Social Slowdown, which examines the intersection of entrepreneurship, social media, and mental health, and explore creative new ways to engage with your audience and find clients without relying on social media.

    More from the episode
    • Meg explains the difference between social media and SEO. (As well as answering the question, what is SEO, actually?)
    • Brownies vs. Painkillers: How to determine what problem your work solves.
    • The pro and cons of using social media for your marketing.
    • How to set healthy boundaries around your social media usage.
    • What are some effective networking strategies for introverts?
    About Guest

    Meg Casebolt is a digital marketing strategist, SEO specialist, boy mom, productivity nerd, and bibliophile. Meg’s been helping business owners create beautiful, search-friendly websites and strategic content for the past 6 years.

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    Social Slowdown: Take a social media break,... by Casebolt, Meg (amazon.com)

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • How to quit undercharging for your work, with Rauni Higson
    Dec 8 2023

    Do you struggle to figure out how to price your work so that it’s actually profitable for you…and then to actually say that price out loud, without mumbling or undercutting yourself?

    Do you find yourself rushing to offer a discount BEFORE anyone even asks?

    On this episode, I’m joined by Rauni Higson, one of Britain’s leading silversmiths. When I first met Rauni, she was chronically undercharging for her work, experiencing major feast or famine cycles, and generally running herself ragged teaching and taking on low-end work.

    Discover how Rauni learned to price her work for a profit, and effectively communicate the value of her work to clients without feeling like she had to put on airs. And how that higher pricing helped her break the cycle of needing to fill her income gap by taking on tons of other low-margin work.

    More from the episode
    • How pricing your work goes beyond numbers, and plays a crucial role in helping people truly appreciate your work
    • How having the words to talk about your work unlocks your ability to have fun connecting with clients
    • The key differences between selling a product-based offer vs. a service offer
    • Why we should “stay out of other people's wallets,” and what ethical practice and consent during the sales process looks like
    • The power of networking with fellow creatives and nurturing relationships with past clients
    • How to say “no” to commissions…for any reason
    About Guest

    Rauni Higson is one of Britain’s leading silversmiths. Originally trained in Finland, her studio is located in the dramatic landscape of Snowdonia, a rich backdrop of mountainous crags and rugged coastline that inform her work. All her pieces are made by hand and by hammer, using her contemporary interpretation of traditional skills.

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    Home - Rauni Higson

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    Jessica Abel on Creative Mornings

    How to find (and actually talk to) your ideal clients, with Sarah Marie Lacy - Jessica Abel

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • How to make more money without investing more time, with Samantha Clark
    Oct 19 2023

    Samantha Clark is an award-winning artist and lauded author who recently transitioned from an academic career to creative coaching. After a year of hitting her income goals and filling her roster with clients, Sam hit a revenue ceiling.

    Sam realized she needed to earn more—a lot more. Especially if she wanted to build up her savings and plan for retirement. But she didn’t know how to increase her revenue without increasing her workload.

    On this episode, Sam and I explore strategies for escaping an income plateau, why doubling down on your marketing efforts won't solve your revenue problem, and how to address pricing and imposter syndrome.

    More from the episode
    • How thinking small can set you up for tons of work, and not enough income.
    • What actually happens when you raise your prices.
    • The one key technique that can reduce the time you put in with each client (and preserve quality) while ALSO making sales easier.
    • The marketing asset you don’t know you need that not only makes sales smoother but also helps you get over internal resistance to raising your prices.
    • Why creatives are uniquely suited for designing and running their own business (and for enjoying it!)

    About Samantha Clark

    Samantha Clark is an award-winning visual artist of 30 years’ experience, a published author with a PhD in Creative Writing, and a university-level educator for over 25 years.

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    Más Menos
    59 m
  • How to move from intention to action, with ADHD coach Emily Zilber
    Aug 23 2023

    If you have a brain that doesn’t work the way it seems like everyone else’s does, or at least the way people tell you it should, that can be challenging. But can it also be a source of strength.

    On this episode of the Autonomous Creative, we're talking about neurodiversity and how to identify the tools you need to move from intention to action. I’m joined by Emily Zilber, a curator with twenty years of professional experience in art museums and cultural organizations. Emily was diagnosed with ADHD in her late 30s, and now brings strengths-based, neurodiversity-informed coaching skills to artists, creatives, and cultural workers.

    Join us as we explore the different frameworks for understanding neurodiversity, how it impacts creative life and business, and the importance of understanding one’s brain’s unique needs.

    More from the episode
    • What is a “neurodiversity-affirming framework” and how can it be more useful than a “disorder model”?
    • Does laziness exist? If not, what the hell is it?
    • How developing self-trust is a key part of the puzzle
    • What is “pre-deciding” and how does it help with getting things done?
    • How pricing your work appropriately ties into doing better work and having a better life
    • How to look at pursuing goals as an experiment and why that might be key for solving big problems.
    About Guest

    Through Avid Gaze Coaching & Consulting, Emily Zilber offers support and strategy for artists, creatives, and cultural workers. She brings twenty years of professional experience as a curator, educator, and writer in art museums, cultural organizations, and higher education to her work with clients, as well formal training in strengths-based, neurodiversity-informed coaching skills.

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    Laziness Does Not Exist

    5 steps to Creative Focus, in sickness and in health


    Más Menos
    53 m
  • How to end burnout and tap into creative flow, with Gabriela Pereira
    Jul 27 2023

    Gabriela Pereira, my friend and the founder of DIY MFA, interviews me about creative flow. I share my strategies for building focus and reducing decision fatigue, and we do a major deep dive into one of my favorite topics: how to end the never-ending cycle of burnout and design a sustainable creative career.

    More from the episode
    • Tips for transforming your creative practice into a habit you don't have to think about
    • What are your “circles of control”? How can acknowledging them help ease your overwhelm and give you more agency?
    • How hustle culture negatively impacts creatives and leads to cycles of burnout
    • The number one thing you need to consider when designing a sustainable creative career
    • We explore alternative paths to making a living as an author, and business models that harness your unique toolkit and experience
    About Gabriela Pereira

    Gabriela Pereira is a writer, teacher, and self-proclaimed word nerd who wants to challenge the status quo of higher education. As the founder and instigator of DIYMFA.com, her mission is to empower writers to take an entrepreneurial approach to their education and professional growth. Gabriela earned her MFA in creative writing from The New School and teaches at national conferences, local workshops, and online. She is also the host of DIY MFA Radio, a popular podcast where she interviews bestselling authors and offers short audio master classes. Her book DIY MFA: Write with Focus, Read with Purpose, Build Your Community is out now from Writer’s Digest Books.

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    Hustle Culture is a Scam. Here's How You Really Reach Creative Career Success.

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • How to find (and actually talk to) your ideal clients, with Sarah Marie Lacy
    Jun 23 2023

    When painter Sarah Marie Lacy decided to double down on portrait commissions as her primary source of income, she was severely undercharging for her work, but had no idea what her prices should be, or who would possibly pay those much-higher prices.

    Now? Sarah has a six-month waiting list, regularly rubs elbows with CEOs and ambassadors, and is a member of the most exclusive club in Ottawa. In this super-actionable conversation, Sarah and I explore the series of steps she took to more than triple her prices and to start building relationships with her ideal clients.

    More from the episode
    • How to get invited to fancy parties
    • What is the “croissant technique” for networking?
    • Practical tips for starting conversations with potential clients
    • How to feel confident charging what your work is worth
    • The power of having a strong value proposition
    • How to deal with the gap you may feel between the social world of your clients and your own
    About Sarah Lacy

    Sarah Lacy is an artist, portrait painter and teacher who is endlessly fascinated by the human body in all of its intricacy, subtlety, grace and vulnerability.

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    1 h y 2 m
  • Stop waiting for permission to be a professional creative, with Henry Thong
    Mar 30 2023

    On this episode, I’m joined by award-winning documentary filmmaker Henry Thong for a conversation about courage before confidence. Henry’s entire career is arguably based on his willingness to get out there before he’s “ready.”

    He began his freelance career right out of high school, skipping film school altogether. He moved from Australia to NY, without a back-up plan, and parlayed his personal success into a full-time job as a filmmaker for ConvertKit. Henry has a ton of personal insight to share about how to be more courageous with your work, and why regularly taking imperfect action is the key to developing your creative business.

    More from the episode
    • How to turn pushback into motivation
    • Why NOT having a back-up plan might be your best bet
    • How “expensive” mistakes can lead to stronger decisions going forward
    • How to balance paid and personal work, and the surprising value of creative “hobbies”
    • Strategies for dealing with the fear of putting yourself out there
    • How to turn your stress and anxiety into excitement
    About Henry Thong

    Henry Thong is an internationally-recognized documentary filmmaker. His original series Makers Who Inspire has amassed over 1.85 million views, and has been recognized and awarded in America, Australia, Europe and Africa. Henry has also worked with like-minded brands and produced film and video content in Australia, Singapore and the United States for the likes of ConvertKit, Bright Trip, Adam Liaw, and ABC Australia. As a dedicated documentarian, Henry believes the world is an interesting enough place without having to create new ones. He has an avid interest in the creative process and is passionate about telling the stories of artists.

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    Makers Who Inspire




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    55 m
  • How to handle your creative business finances—even if you’re “not a math person,” with Shawn Fink
    Mar 2 2023

    On this episode, I’m joined by fellow business strategist and courage coach, Shawn Fink, for a wide-ranging and empathetic conversation about the ****math you need to take control of your creative business. Shawn explains the importance of releasing your fears around business math, and having the courage to achieve your revenue goals. And I reveal how simple math can help you diagnose and close an income gap, design your business, and set yourself up for success. We know business math can be scary, especially for creatives, but we’ve got you covered.

    More from the episode
    • What’s your “enough” number, and why is knowing it essential to building sustainable creative business?
    • How does scarcity contribute to cyclical burnout, and what can you do instead?
    • Shawn breaks down her five keys to being courageous, and shares a weekly ritual you can use to establish agency over your numbers and finances.
    • How understanding the value of what you do, and finding your “zone of genius”, can help you meet your income goals.
    • We answer questions from the audience on budgeting, filing your taxes as a creative business owner, and inexpensive marketing tactics to build your audience.
    About Shawn Fink

    Shawn Fink is a Brave Business Coach for wholehearted entrepreneurs who are ready to upgrade your confidence, your cash and your commitments to doing good in this world. She works with CEOs and Founders by offering private, personalized business and visibility strategy, support and accountability and fierce courage coaching and capacity planning so you follow through on your Brave Yes Vision and Intentions.

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    You Need a Budget

    “Am I a failure for not making enough money with my creative work?”

    Weekly Financial Wellbeing Check-in

    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m