
  • Ep. 67: Do Christian Ethics Conflict with Libertarian Legal Theory?
    Jul 3 2024

    In this episode, I summarize my discussion of libertarian legal theory with Kasimir, an experienced AnCap debater. We explored the relationship between moral and legal actions within a libertarian framework, emphasizing self-ownership and the non-aggression principle (NAP). Kasimir explained how biblical commandments against murder, theft, and idolatry demonstrate self-ownership. We also delved into practical implications, edge cases where legal and moral considerations intersect, and the importance of objective legal standards to prevent aggression. The conversation highlights the need for clear principles and voluntary community standards in maintaining both legal and moral order.

    The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: daniel318.com

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Ep. 66: Does the Bible Support the Libertarian Concept of Self Ownership? with Kerry Baldwin
    Jun 26 2024

    Episode Overview:

    In this episode, Jacob Winograd is joined by Kerry Baldwin to delve into the libertarian concept of self-ownership and its compatibility with biblical teachings. They explore the foundational principles of self-ownership, address common Christian objections, and discuss the implications of self-ownership for parental rights and children's ability to consent.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    Defining Self-Ownership
    - Libertarian principle: highest claim on one's body.
    - Christian perspective: God's ownership vs. human stewardship.
    - Reformed Libertarian statement on self-ownership and property rights.

    Biblical References:
    - Colossians 1:15-17: God as creator and owner.
    - Exodus 21:16, Matthew 20:15, Acts 5:4: Supporting property rights and self-ownership.

    Common Objections and Misconceptions:
    - Addressing Christian concerns about self-ownership being selfish or licentious.
    - Differentiating between God's ownership and human self-ownership in relation to others.

    Parental Rights and Children's Consent:
    - Discussing limitations to self-ownership based on human development.
    - Rothbard and Hapa's views on children's self-ownership and parental obligations.
    - Comparing parental responsibilities to trusteeship over a child's inheritance.

    Practical Implications:
    - Parental assessment of a child's developmental capacity for agency.
    - Responsibilities and rights of parents in caretaking and decision-making.
    - Legal considerations for enforcing parental obligations and addressing negligence.


    Jacob and Kerry conclude the episode by emphasizing the importance of understanding self-ownership from both a libertarian and biblical perspective. They highlight the need for parents to balance their responsibilities with recognizing their children's developing autonomy.

    The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: daniel318.com

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Ep. 65: Does the Bible Allow for Christians to use Defensive Force?
    Jun 19 2024

    In this episode, Jacob talks about a recent debate he did on Pacifism, and plays the opening segment of the debate. The clip presented includes the opening statements of each debater, making the positive and negative case for whether pacfisim is prescribed for Christians. Cody's positive case focuses on the importance of enemy love and not trusting in our own efforts. Jacob's negative case focuses on the Biblical teachings regarding justice and the principle of just retribution, and how these principles are not in conflict with the teachings Christ gave regarding turning the other cheek.

    The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: daniel318.com

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Ep. 64: Are There Weaknesses to Libertarian Legal Theory? Andrew Wilson Debate Reflections
    Jun 12 2024

    This week, I'll be diving into my reflections on recent debates and discussions, particularly my contentious debate with Andrew Wilson on The Crucible. We'll explore challenging topics like the role of government in moral issues, the intersection of Christian values and libertarian thought, and the concept of covenant communities as an alternative to state enforcement. I'll also share insights on how libertarianism and Christianity can complement each other in advocating for a just and virtuous society. This also will address some of the topics that can seem a little fuzzy within the study of libertarian legal theory and Christian political theory, setting up area for future elaboration.

    The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: daniel318.com

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Ep. 63: Does the Bible Support the Concept of a National Morality?
    May 29 2024

    In this episode, Jacob delves into the intersection of Christian theology and government actions. Through exploring the writings of influential Christian figures, distinctions between ecclesiastical and secular authority, and discussions on just war theory, social contract theory, and the idea of 2 kingdoms theology, Jacob challenges the notion of "national morality." He argues for the universal application of God's moral law, rejecting moral dualism and advocating for Christians to hold governments accountable using scripture and biblical principles.

    Main Points of Discussion:

    00:00 | Introduction
    04:10 | Debate over different moral standards for individuals and nations.
    10:32 | Exploring just war theory and self-defense in moral context, including Christian figures and social contract theory.
    13:44 | Implicit competition of moral rules in society, influenced by state and education.
    16:46 | Commentary on Two-Kingdoms Theology
    21:50 | The need for clear universal morality to be able to pray for and hold leaders accountable
    33:54 | OT points to our need for a savior, and the failures of state and warcraft
    36:41 | Christ is the supreme authority over all mankind and human institutions
    41:18 | Recognizing that all state action is individual action, & universality of God's moral decrees for individuals

    Additional Resources:

    • Render Unto Caesar: The Separation of Church & State? https://libertarianchristians.com/episode/are-christians-supposed-to-pay-taxes/

    The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: daniel318.com

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Ep. 62: Stephen Wolfe and the Debate on Christian Nationalism: An Analysis
    May 15 2024

    Today I reflect on my recent, thought-provoking discussion with Stephen Wolfe, author of "The Case for Christian Nationalism," and my fellow LCI contributor, Alex Bernardo, host of the Protestant Libertarian podcast, where we discussed the complexities of Christian nationalism, libertarianism, and their interplay with biblical teachings and how Christians ought to live.

    I critique the ideas presented by both Wolfe and Bernardo, particularly focusing on the challenges of reconciling different Christian political perspectives, such as two-kingdom theory vs. the unified kingdom theory. I seek to find common ground while clarifying the differences that shape our respective views on governance, community, and the role of the state.

    The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: daniel318.com

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Ep. 61: Sphere Sovereignty & Lesser Magistrates: Blending Biblical Authority and Social Autonomy
    May 8 2024

    In today's complex society, how do we understand the role and limits of authority in different areas of life? This episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast dives into the concept of sphere sovereignty, as developed by theologian Abraham Kuyper, examining its biblical roots and relevance to modern Christianity. We also look at the Magdeburd Confession and the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate as another important historical development of reformed/Christian political theology.

    Main Points of Discussion:

    • 00:00 | Introduction
    • 05:16 | Examining the Connection Between Libertarianism and Protestantism
    • 09:50 | Human authority and societal responsibilities are derived from God, as explained in Genesis 1:28 and Romans 13. These passages suggest that there are distinct roles and responsibilities ordained by God, leading to the idea of sphere sovereignty. This concept, developed by Christian theologians, describes the normative behavior for Christians as they fulfill their mandate from creation. Romans 13 further emphasizes that all authority comes from God, including the authority of societal institutions like the government.
    • 13:02 | The Gospel message of the Kingdom of God strongly influenced Kuyper's belief in the all-encompassing sovereignty of God, leading to his conviction that all aspects of life should acknowledge God's authority in their own unique way.
    • 15:10 | There are different types of authority outlined in the Bible beyond just governing authority. The concept of sphere sovereignty can also be seen as a pushback against notions that "we are the government," emphasizing the distinct spheres of authority in life and society, and the government's limitations in dictating aspects like parenting.
    • 18:26 | Passages like Matthew 15, Hebrews 13 & others establish the sphere and authority of the church
    • 25:01 | Kuyper was deeply motivated to advocate for active Christian engagement in society, contrasting with a passive retreat into the background. His belief in a comprehensive kingdom view emphasized the active shaping of the world by Christians, rather than taking a back seat. While some may attempt to use Kuyper's ideas to promote Christian nationalism, it's important to note that Kuyper's vision did not seek to exclude other worldviews from public life. Instead, he aimed for a society that allowed for diverse perspectives while actively involving the church in critiquing and holding governments accountable.
    • 27:25 | Kuyper's views on Calvinism and state control emphasize the consecration of all life to the glory of God and the government's obligation to serve God's moral laws. He advocates for accountability of the government to God's decrees, opposed to the imposition of Christian norms by the magistrate, reflecting his theological depth and practical political engagement.
    • 31:41 | The historical origin of the doctrine of the lesser magistrate, its connection with sphere sovereignty in the reformed Protestant tradition, and the significance of the Magdeburg Confession in advocating resistance to tyranny during a period of religious conflict and political upheaval following the Protestant Reformation.
    • 35:59 | Obligation to prioritize divine laws over human authority.
    • 40:13 | Biblical principles advocate for decentralized governance to counter human sinfulness and the potential for corruption and tyranny that comes with concentrating too much power in the hands of a single individual or institution. This is reflected in the warnings given in 1st Samuel regarding the Israelites' request for a king, which ultimately led to oppression and problems. The biblical worldview emphasizes the understanding that power should not be sought for the sake of personal idolatry or the desire for a savior, but should be rooted in principles that guard against the pitfalls of centralized authority.

    Additional Resources:

    • https://libertarianchristians.com/episode/are-christians-supposed-to-pay-taxes/
    • https://reformedlibertarians.com/episode/gregory-baus-on-sphere-sovereignty-biblical-anarchy-podcast/

    The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: daniel318.com

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Ep. 60: The Libertarian Christian Response to the Hamas Terror Attack on Israel
    May 1 2024

    This episode provides a comprehensive libertarian critique of the war in Gaza, discussing historical contexts, current events, and internal debates within libertarian circles about the application of their principles to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It emphasizes the importance of consistency in applying libertarian ideals, regardless of the political or cultural context, to advocate for peace and justice in international relations. Link to full debate here: https://libertarianchristians.com/episode/what-is-the-libertarian-response-to-israels-war-in-gaza-jacob-winograd-vs-jack-lloyd/

    The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: daniel318.com

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

    Más Menos
    46 m