• Ep 71 ~ How the IRS determines if you qualify as a church
    Jul 16 2024
    Information the IRS requests on Schedule A of Form 1023:
    • A recognized creed and form of worship,
    • A definite and distinct ecclesiastical government,
    • A formal code of doctrine and discipline,
    • A distinct religious history,
    • A membership not associated with any other church or denomination,
    • Ordained ministers ministering to the congregation,
    • Ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed courses of study,
    • A literature of its own,
    • Established places of worship,
    • Regular congregations,
    • Regular religious services,
    • Sunday schools for the religious instruction of the young, and
    • Schools for the preparation of
    xo, Michelle Next Steps:

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    12 m
  • Ep 70 ~ Strange Taxes from the past
    Jul 9 2024
    Enjoy a break from work, and learn a few of the strangest taxes in history. xo, Michelle Next Steps:

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    9 m
  • Ep 69 ~ Recent Minister Tax Court Case
    Jul 2 2024


    • Whether petitioners are entitled to deduct job expenses and certain miscellaneous expenses totaling $37,535 for the 2014 tax year.


    • Petitioners, MInister and his wife, resided in Oklahoma and filed a joint federal income tax return.

    • Minister was a staff pastor, and his wife was a salesperson and later a teacher.

    • They moved from Oklahoma to Florida for new job positions, incurring various expenses.

    • Petitioners claimed unreimbursed employee expenses, including vehicle expenses, travel expenses, meals and entertainment, and other business expenses.

    • Petitioners' records were lost, and they attempted to reconstruct their mileage log from memory.

    Listen is to see what we can learn from this case. xo, Michelle Next Steps:

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    19 m
  • Ep 68 ~ Ways to reduce taxable income to Ministers
    Jun 25 2024
    "In today's episode, we're exploring 'Ways to Reduce Taxable Income for Ministers.' Ministers often face unique tax challenges, balancing their roles as both employees and self-employed individuals. We'll uncover effective strategies to legally minimize taxable income, with a special focus on salary reduction agreements and the option to refuse part of one's salary. Whether you're a minister looking to optimize your tax situation or simply interested in the intricacies of clergy taxation, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical advice. Let's get started!" Episode Quote: "Today’s episode quote is by Amy Porterfield, a go-to expert for creating online and digital courses. Amy says, 'I don’t even realize how good it can get, but I’m willing to try and find out.' Introduction: Believe it or not, as part of your church’s finance team, one of the top priorities is to help minimize the tax liability of the minister’s income. Many ministers are not well-versed in the U.S. Tax Code System and are also not finance gurus. They are there to share the Gospel and equip the members for the work of the Gospel. It’s up to the church treasurer, bookkeeper, personnel team, finance team, or whatever title you hold within your church, to take care of the finances, including the minister's compensation package. Dual Status Explanation: Ministers have a unique dual status for tax purposes: they are considered employees for income tax purposes and self-employed for Social Security tax purposes. This dual status opens up specific strategies for reducing taxable income. Pre-Tax Deductions: A pre-tax deduction is an amount subtracted from an employee's (minister's) gross income before taxes are calculated. This reduces the minister’s taxable income, thereby lowering the amount of income and SECA tax owed. Common examples include contributions to retirement plans (such as 403(b) plans), health insurance premiums, housing allowance, and even charitable contributions. Retirement Contributions: Utilizing tax-advantaged retirement plans like 403(b) and IRAs can significantly reduce taxable income.In 2024, the most an employee can contribute to a 403(b) account out of salary is $23,000.Housing allowances should typically be excluded from compensation for retirement plans due to their special tax treatment.Example: If a minister receives a $20,000 tax-free housing allowance, this amount is excluded from gross income and not included in the compensation for retirement plans. Housing Allowance: Explanation of the housing allowance exclusion and how to maximize this benefit. Charitable Contributions: Donating part of the salary back to the church can provide tax benefits.Example Scenario: Suppose you are a minister receiving a salary of $50,000. You decide to donate $10,000 back to the church. Verify the church’s status as a qualified organization under IRC §170(c)(2).Write a check for $10,000 and ensure it is deposited into the church's account.Obtain documentation such as a receipt from the church.Report the donation on your tax return, deducting it on Schedule A (Form 1040) as a charitable contribution. Refusal to Accept Full Salary: Definition: Refusal to accept full salary means a minister voluntarily chooses not to take a portion of their agreed-upon salary, reducing taxable income. Legal Basis: Treasury Regulation § 1.451-2(a) outlines the concept of constructive receipt of income. Impact on Taxable Income: If a minister specifies where the money should go, it remains taxable. If the minister has no expectation or intent to withdraw the money later and gives no direction on its use, it can be considered non-taxable. Example: Pastor Gary, with an annual salary of $50,000, decides to refuse $10,000 with no intent of drawing it later and no direction on its use, reducing his taxable income to $40,000.If Pastor Gary specifies the $10,000 to go to a specific fund, it becomes taxable income. Steps to Properly Document a Refusal to Accept Full Salary: Written Agreement: Create a written agreement stating the agreed-upon salary and the portion refused.Include the effective date and duration. Board Approval: Obtain approval from the church board and record it in the meeting minutes. Amend Employment Contract: Amend the minister's contract if necessary and ensure both parties sign it. Payroll Adjustments: Adjust payroll records to reflect the reduced salary. Maintain Records: Keep copies of all related documents for IRS review. Annual Review: Review the arrangement annually to confirm continuation or make adjustments. Example: Pastor Gary agrees to refuse $10,000 of his $50,000 salary, with a written agreement and board approval. Payroll is adjusted, and all documents are filed. This arrangement is reviewed annually. Conclusion: By understanding and utilizing these strategies—such as salary reduction agreements, housing allowances, charitable contributions, and the refusal to accept full...
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    21 m
  • Ep 67 ~ Mid-Year Review for Your Church: Budget, Contributions, & Minister Housing Allowance
    Jun 18 2024

    Episode Date: June 18, 2024

    Episode Summary: It is June and it is HOT! That means the year is halfway over, so now is the perfect time to conduct your mid-year review. In today's episode, we discuss the importance of performing a mid-year review for your church and the three key areas that require your attention: Budget, Contributions, and Minister Housing Allowance. Are you ready? Let’s go!

    Quote of the Day: Today's quote comes from John Gordon & Alex Demcazk's book, “The Sale”: “A fool thinks only of how his decisions will impact him in the moment, but someone who has wisdom considers the long-term implications of his decisions.”

    Episode Highlights:

    1. Budget:

    • Definition: An estimate of income and expenditures for a set period.
    • Importance: Budgets are not set in stone and can be adjusted when needed. With major church activities often occurring in the third and fourth quarters, a mid-year review can help prepare for increased expenses.
    • Action Steps:
      • Provide each department leader with a year-to-date copy of their budget and expenses.
      • Have leaders review their planning schedules for the remainder of the year to determine if they are on target or if adjustments are needed.
      • Follow your church's procedures for budget adjustments as outlined in your Financial Policy and Procedure guide.

    2. Contributions:

    • Mid-Year Contribution Statement: Send a mid-year contribution statement to donors, showing their giving year-to-date along with a Giving Supplement statement highlighting completed ministry projects.
    • Methods: Contribution statements can be mailed, picked up at the church office, or accessed via an online giving portal.
    • Communication: Include a sampling of ministry accomplishments in your church bulletin or pre-service slides to show the impact of donations.

    3. Minister Housing Allowance:

    • Understanding the Benefit: Review housing expenses year-to-date. Qualified ministers should take note of any unexpected expenses, such as storm damage or essential repairs.
    • Key Point: Housing allowance adjustments must be proactive, not retroactive. Ensure the designation is made before paying for the expenses to include them in the housing allowance.

    Call to Action:

    • Take the time now to conduct your mid-year review focusing on your church's budget, contributions, and minister housing allowance.
    • Share today's episode with other church leaders to help them understand the importance of these mid-year adjustments.
    xo, Michelle Next Steps: Grab Your Freebies:

    Six Steps to Doing Business God's Way biz owners

    A QuickStart Guide to Church Finances everybody

    Looking for a group of like-minded people that want to keep Jesus at the center of everything they do?

    Join the BEST FaceBook group for church finances at Church Bookkeeping and Clergy Tax Facebook Group

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    18 m
  • Ep 66 ~ Current QuickBooks Scam going around
    Jun 11 2024

    The current scam going around for QuickBooks is discussed in today's episode.

    I share the "red flags" to look for along with other helpful information.

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    xo, Michelle Next Steps: Grab Your Freebies:

    Six Steps to Doing Business God's Way biz owners

    A QuickStart Guide to Church Finances everybody

    Looking for a group of like-minded people that want to keep Jesus at the center of everything they do?

    Join the BEST Facebook group for church finances at Church Bookkeeping and Clergy Tax Facebook Group

    Need an extra hand with an immediate situation? Schedule a Consultation:

    Schedule Consultation

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    19 m
  • Ep 65 ~ Navigating the IRS Maze: Avoiding Financial Pitfalls - Key Tips for Churches
    Jun 4 2024

    Welcome to The Church Finance & Minister Tax Podcast! Are you ready to safeguard your church's financial health? Join us as we uncover common pitfalls and share tips for financial compliance. From avoiding the commingling of funds to reporting taxable income, get ready to empower your church with the knowledge it needs. Stay tuned for valuable insights coming up in our final part of the 3-part series on Navigating the IRS.

    Episode Quote

    "You are successful when you do what you need to do today." — Craig Groeschel, "Think Ahead"

    Episode Highlights Common Pitfalls in Church Financial Compliance
    1. Commingling Personal and Church Finances

      • Issue: Using church funds for personal expenses and reimbursing later blurs financial lines.
      • Consequences: Lack of transparency, serious tax implications.
      • Solution: Maintain separate personal and church accounts, revoke credit card privileges if misused, and ensure expenses are properly handled and reported.
    2. Failure to Report Taxable Income

      • Issue: Ministers failing to report housing allowances and other taxable income accurately.
      • Consequences: Penalties and legal repercussions from the IRS.
      • Solution: Understand housing allowances are subject to Self-Employment Contributions Act (SECA) taxes, and consider voluntary Federal withholding by the church to aid compliance.
    3. Importance of Professional Guidance

      • Issue: Unique complexities in church finances require specialized knowledge.
      • Solution: Seek professionals with expertise in nonprofit and church finances. Research and choose the right financial advisor, attend relevant training, and continuously educate church leaders on financial laws and best practices.
    Special Announcement
    • New Course: Intro to Church Finances
      • Details: A comprehensive beginners course to help church leaders understand financial management and compliance.
      • Join the Waitlist: Be the first to know when it launches by signing up at www.introtochurchfinances.com.

    Maintaining financial compliance in church operations requires consistency, transparency, and a commitment to understanding and fulfilling the legal and tax obligations for the church. By avoiding common pitfalls such as commingling funds and failing to report taxable income, and seeking professional guidance, church leaders can safeguard their organization's financial integrity, allowing staff to focus on their spiritual missions without the stress of financial mismanagement.

    Thank you for joining us for the final episode of our Navigating the IRS series. Stay tuned for more episodes on how to empower your church with sound financial practices.

    This podcast is brought to you by Hallmark Tax Solutions, LLC, specializing in church financial compliance and minister tax services. Learn more at Hallmark Tax Solutions, LLC.

    xo, Michelle Next Steps: Grab Your Freebies:

    Six Steps to Doing Business God's Way biz owners

    A QuickStart Guide to Church Finances everybody

    Looking for a group of like-minded people that want to keep Jesus at the center of everything they do?

    Join the BEST Facebook group for church finances at Church Bookkeeping and Clergy Tax Facebook Group

    Need an extra hand with an immediate situation? Schedule a Consultation:

    Schedule Consultation

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    16 m
  • Ep 64 ~ Know your value
    May 28 2024
    In today's episode I share about a recent consultation session I had and what I shared about not allowing others to walk over you even when you work at a church!

    Listen in and hear the passion :-)

    xo, Michelle Next Steps: Grab Your Freebies:

    Six Steps to Doing Business God's Way biz owners

    A QuickStart Guide to Church Finances everybody

    Looking for a group of like-minded people that want to keep Jesus at the center of everything they do?

    Join the BEST FaceBook group for church finances at Church Bookkeeping and Clergy Tax Facebook Group

    Need an extra hand with an immediate situation? Schedule a Consultation:

    Schedule Consultation

    Más Menos
    13 m