
  • Women on Modesty: Episode 856
    Jun 27 2024

    Women discuss the implications of modesty, plus more with Dr. Jake Porter on singles and sexuality, and can you save money in a spend-centric culture?

    Guests: Georgia Dunham, Megan Linser, Taylor Loftus, Jake Porter, Glenn Lutjens

    Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts

    Roundtable: Men and Women Talk Modesty (Part 2)

    Many of us heard about the importance of modesty growing up: “Dress appropriately.” “Don’t cause your friend to stumble.” “What would Jesus do?” But what is modesty, what’s the biblical instruction on it, and is it just about clothes (or a lack of them)? This week we conclude a two-part discussion on the underlying motivations and practical application of modesty. A panel of women shares how modesty is a matter of the heart, what they appreciate from brothers in Christ, and some of the challenges women face in the world of fashion.

    Guests: Georgia Dunham, Megan Linser, Taylor Loftus

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    Culture: Singles and Sexuality (Part 2)

    What if sexuality is about so much more than having sex and not breaking the rules? What are the unique takeaways for singles in particular? Dr. Jake Porter is a therapist who has researched extensively on sexuality, especially as it manifests apart from marriage and sex. He joins us for a provocative discussion featuring findings from his own background and the state of singleness in the United States today.

    Guest: Jake Porter

    Featured resource: Rethinking Sexuality: God's Design and Why It Matters

    Visit Jake's Website

    Inbox: Saving Money in a Spending Culture

    How can you save money when your friends and others are spending at the drop of a hat? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.

    Guest: Glenn Lutjens

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    1 h y 2 m
  • Men on Modesty: Episode 855
    Jun 20 2024

    Men discuss the implications of modesty, plus Dr. Jake Porter on singles and sexuality, and what about dating couples who act married?

    Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker

    Roundtable: Men and Women Talk Modesty (Part 1)

    Many of us heard about the importance of modesty growing up: “Dress appropriately.” “Don’t cause your friend to stumble.” “What would Jesus do?” But what is modesty, what’s the biblical instruction on it, and is it just about clothes (or a lack of them)? This week we begin a two-part discussion on the underlying motivations and practical application of modesty. In part one, a panel of guys shares how modesty is a matter of the heart, what they appreciate from sisters in Christ, and their encouragement to girls who feel overlooked. (Next week, the women have their turn.)

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    Culture: Singles and Sexuality (Part 1)

    What if sexuality is about so much more than having sex and not breaking the rules? What are the unique takeaways for singles in particular? Dr. Jake Porter is a therapist who has researched extensively on sexuality, especially as it manifests apart from marriage and sex. He joins us for a provocative discussion featuring findings from his own background and the state of singleness in the United States today.

    Rethinking Sexuality: God’s Design and Why It Matters

    Visit Jake’s Website

    Inbox: Should a Dating Couple Act Married?

    Is there a point in a dating relationship where a couple can and should act married? Why or why not? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.

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    1 h
  • Summer Plans: Episode 854
    Jun 13 2024

    What will make this a great summer? Plus, a biblical approach to grief and trauma, and does sporadic Bible reading make you a bad Christian?

    Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust

    Roundtable: Summer Planning Tips

    Summer is upon us, and that means long days, warm weather, outdoor activities and vacations (except for you southern hemisphere folks — sorry!). In order to maximize the season, should you plan your every decision or be as spontaneous as possible? Our guests share what they’re excited about doing this summer, how they pace themselves with summer obligations, and they’ll offer ideas for making summer unique, fun and fulfilling.

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    Culture: Healing What You Can’t Erase

    All of us have experienced grief, hardship, and even trauma. When your soul feels exhausted, where do you go for help? Christopher Cook is candid about how the death of his mother followed by an unexpected medical diagnosis sent him into a tailspin. He was faced with giving in or pushing through. Biblical truth plus concrete strategies for addressing toxic thoughts helped him choose the latter. Learn about it all in this week’s conversation.

    Healing What You Can’t Erase: Transform Your Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health from the Inside Out

    Inbox: Should I Read the Bible Daily?

    If you don’t read the Bible every day, does that make you a terrible Christian? Counselor Rob Jackson weighs in.

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    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Boundless Answers: Episode 853
    Jun 6 2024

    Questions for the Boundless team, plus part two of Joshua Broome’s journey out of the porn industry, and interacting with LGBT coworkers.

    Featured musical artist: Mosaic MSC

    Roundtable: Your Questions, Our Answers

    We’re mixing it up on this week’s Roundtable by answering questions you sent to us on a wide variety of topics. Some of what you’ll hear: Is love transactional? How do I move on from a situationship? Can I stay connected to siblings who live far away? Tune in for answers to these questions and more!

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    Culture: My Journey Out of the Porn Industry (Part 2)

    Joshua Broome was one of the porn industry’s top stars — but he was lonely, depressed, and without purpose. He eventually contemplated suicide, but an encounter with a bank teller put him on a different path. Where he went from there is the substance of his miraculous story. In part two of his testimony, Joshua shares about leaving the sex industry, meeting his future wife, and coming to Christ.

    7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life: What My Journey from Porn Star to Preacher Taught Me About the Truth That Sets Us Free

    Watch Our Bonus Interview with Joshua Broome

    Inbox: Your Relationship With LGBT Coworkers

    As a Christian, how can you interact with and show Christ’s love to coworkers who identify as LGBT? Our friend Jeff Johnston weighs in.

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    58 m
  • From Porn Star to Evangelist: Episode 852
    May 30 2024

    Being fun vs. serious in dating, plus part one of Joshua Broome’s journey out of the porn industry, and when a woman wants marriage but not kids.

    Featured musical artist: Danen Kane

    Roundtable: Balancing Fun and Intention in Dating

    Some of us gravitate toward lightheartedness and fun, while others are naturally more measured and serious. When it comes to dating, how do you enjoy spending time with a person while also getting to know important information about them? Our guests share ideas for finding the balance between fun and facts in a growing relationship.

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    Culture: My Journey Out of the Porn Industry (Part 1)

    Joshua Broome was one of the porn industry’s top stars — but he was lonely, depressed, and without purpose. He eventually contemplated suicide, but an encounter with a bank teller put him on a different path. Where he went from there is the substance of his miraculous story. In part one of his testimony, Joshua shares how his difficult home life as a child and teen influenced decisions he made later on.

    7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life: What My Journey from Porn Star to Preacher Taught Me About the Truth That Sets Us Free

    Inbox: She Doesn’t Want Kids

    Is it wrong if a woman wants to get married but doesn’t want kids? Counselor Kari A weighs in.

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    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Protect Your Mental Health: Episode 851
    May 23 2024

    Mental health strategies for everyday life, plus more on how singles can make the most of today, and handling awkward same-gender friend dynamics.

    Featured musical artist: Ginny Owens

    Roundtable: Mental Health Self-Care

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Whether or not you have a particular mental health diagnosis, we all need to practice self-care in this area. Our panelists discuss guarding our minds and spirits with helpful strategies including good sleep, friendships, boundaries and more.

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    Culture: Loving Singleness Today (Part 2)

    There are two enemies of enjoying your single season: yesterday and tomorrow. When you fixate on either one for too long, you miss opportunities to make the most of today. Ryan Wekenman is a single young adult, pastor, and author of the book, “Single Today.” In part two of our conversation, he’ll answer questions sent in by show listeners.

    Single Today: Conquer Yesterday’s Regrets, Ditch Tomorrow’s Worries, and Thrive Right Where You Are

    Inbox: She’s Making Me Uncomfortable

    She met a girl at a dance class who is acting in a way that makes our listener uncomfortable. Is this a reason for concern or suspicion? What should our listener do? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.

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    Más Menos
    58 m
  • You Need to Calm Down: Episode 850
    May 16 2024

    Choosing peace when you are angry, plus Ryan Wekenman challenges singles to make the most of today, and how should we respond when God seems silent?

    Featured musical artist: James Peden

    Roundtable: Choosing Peace Over Contention

    You hear some news you don’t like, the person whose behavior drives you crazy just called you out, or you have to deal with a difficult family member. These situations are prime opportunities to get you riled up, so how do you prioritize peace when you’d rather lash out? Our guests describe their biggest triggers, why they react, and how they manage their emotions and behaviors with God’s help.

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    Culture: Loving Singleness Today (Part 1)

    There are two enemies of enjoying your single season: yesterday and tomorrow. When you fixate on either one for too long, you miss opportunities to make the most of today. Ryan Wekenman is a single young adult, pastor, and author of the book, “Single Today.” In part one of our conversation, he’ll discuss some of his own journey in singleness, plus why we’re so prone to fixate on regrets and fears instead of the joys right in front of us.

    Single Today: Conquer Yesterday’s Regrets, Ditch Tomorrow’s Worries, and Thrive Right Where You Are

    Inbox: When God Seems Silent

    Most of us go through seasons where it feels like God is distant and refuses to answer our questions. When this happens, how can we stay hopeful and keep our hearts in a healthy place? Counselor Linda Miller weighs in.

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    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Breaking Up and Moving On: Episode 849
    May 9 2024

    Learning from a breakup, plus part two on finding joy in difficulty, and a correct interpretation of Jesus’ command to “turn the other cheek.”

    Featured musical artist: Ellie Holcomb

    Roundtable: Overcoming a “Square One” Dating Mindset

    Going through a breakup can be one of the toughest things to work through emotionally. Many daters refer to it as feeling back at “square one.” But what if there’s a more constructive way to view a breakup than taking an all-or-nothing approach? Our panel talks about the pitfalls of a “square one” mindset in dating, and how breakups can actually teach you valuable relationship lessons.

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    Culture: Finding Joy in a Messed-Up World (Part 2)

    Everyone’s chasing happiness, but do you sometimes feel like everything around you is falling apart? The fact is: Life is hard, but God is good. Brant Hansen reminds us of this as he challenges us to live in joy despite our circumstances. In part two of our discussion, he’ll encourage you to laugh at yourself and live with eternal hope as a Christian.

    Life is Hard. God is Good. Let’s Dance.: Experiencing Real Joy in a World Gone Mad

    Inbox: Set Boundaries or Turn the Other Cheek?

    Jesus said that if someone strikes you on the cheek, to turn the other one to them as well. But we also are to create good boundaries with others, so what’s a correct response when people treat us with disrespect and even violence? Counselor George Stahnke weighs in.

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    Más Menos
    59 m