
  • It's Never Done, It's Simply In Process | #30
    Oct 29 2018


    Why are we always in process? Because we choose to be. Living and being is a process, not an outcome and it involves doing the work and overcoming obstacles but we get better at it over time.

    In this episode we cover:

    • What occurs when you choose to be in process and choose this as the foundation for life.
    • Why “Im not good enough” is the source code that needs to be changed.
    • What drives our need to be “done”?
    • The goal of the new paradigm.
    • How to enjoy the process of creating who we’re being

    #Thrival Tips for your Thrival Kits:  

    1. When the “not good enough” shows up, just remember - it’s a feeling. Breathe and respond from love.
    2. Accept that you’re always in process and that’s okay.
    3. Be here now because there’s only one moment. That’s a gift. You can choose to be or not to be in process, and love and enjoy it.

    Subscribe to The Change Room Podcast here.

    Continue the conversation in Facebook - The Change Room Podcast Group.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Connect with Suzy Jacobs here.

    Get the latest on The Change Room delivered to your inbox here.

    The Change Room is powered by Finesque and designed by Bench Creative.

    Host: Suzy Jacobs

    Regular Special Guest: Lorna Patten

    Producer: Nicole Hatherly

    Sound and Publishing: Lyndal Harris, Podcast VA

    Studio: RadioHub

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • How Do You Know You're Stuck In The Drama | #29
    Oct 22 2018

    We all experience drama in our lives. In fact, we are very good at creating drama and being highly dramatic over the smallest things. It can be very frustrating especially when we don’t know we’re there. So, how do you know you’re stuck in the drama?

    In this episode we cover:

    • Suzy’s personal experience with this distinction and the steps she took to get out of it.
    • How drama affects your life and takes you away from the things you need to focus on.
    • Recognising the drama by being aware of the 3 key elements of the old paradigm.
    • How this distinction relates to previous ones we’ve discussed, especially the distinction of “I’m not good enough”.  
    • Identifying the source of the drama and getting through it.

    #Thrival Tips for your Thrival Kits:  

    1. Practice asking yourself often, “Where am I coming from - fear or love?” Then choose.
    2. Fear is insidious. It runs the world. So chances are, you are in fear whenever you ask if you are in fear.  So, let go and choose.
    3. You are the one that’s causing everything that’s occurring. You are causing it all with loving intention.

    Subscribe to The Change Room Podcast here.

    Continue the conversation in Facebook - The Change Room Podcast Group.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Connect with Suzy Jacobs here.

    Get the latest on The Change Room delivered to your inbox here.

    The Change Room is powered by Finesque and designed by Bench Creative.

    Host: Suzy Jacobs

    Regular Special Guest: Lorna Patten

    Producer: Nicole Hatherly

    Sound and Publishing: Lyndal Harris, Podcast VA

    Studio: RadioHub

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • If Something Doesn't Change, The Truth Hasn't Been Told | #28
    Oct 15 2018

    It can be very frustrating when things don’t go your way despite all the changes you make. But nothing will change no matter how many times you seem to change it if you don’t tell the whole truth.

    In this episode we cover:

    • Why this distinction is the ultimate responsibility that requires massive honesty.
    • How this relates to the distinction of “I get to choose and create the whole of my reality”.
    • Lorna’s experience of this distinction, how she overcame it and how she is dealing with it now.
    • Being in charge of the distinction rather than getting rid of it.
    • How the distinction applies to running your business.

    #Thrival Tips for your Thrival Kits:  

    1. If you want something to change, tell the truth and keep telling the truth until it does.
    2. You will recognize you’ve told the whole truth when the energy shifts, and it will when you tell the whole truth.
    3. Be patient and gentle with yourself. It’s not a race. Be here now and just tell the truth.

    Subscribe to The Change Room Podcast here.

    Continue the conversation in Facebook - The Change Room Podcast Group.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Connect with Suzy Jacobs here.

    Get the latest on The Change Room delivered to your inbox here.

    The Change Room is powered by Finesque and designed by Bench Creative.

    Host: Suzy Jacobs

    Regular Special Guest: Lorna Patten

    Producer: Nicole Hatherly

    Sound and Publishing: Lyndal Harris, Podcast VA

    Studio: RadioHub

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • What Do You Mean By That | #27
    Oct 8 2018

    Being misunderstood or not understanding something can cause us frustration, but asking one this simple question can change everything: “What do you mean by that?”

    In this episode we cover:

    • The challenges that changing communication channels bring.
    • How and why it is important to be responsible in our communication.
    • The reason why communication doesn’t work when something isn’t being said.
    • The risks of reading between the lines.
    • The use of miscommunication as a reason for not being clear enough.
    • Why being misunderstood is a myth.

    #Thrival Tips for your Thrival Kits:  

    1. When you don’t get the response you want or expect, ask yourself what you didn’t say. Take responsibility and then communicate it.
    2. Whenever you find yourself reacting to a communication, 1) ask “what did you mean by that?” or 2) feedback what you thought it meant by saying “did you mean this?” and then respond.
    3. Being explicit in all your communication is a choice. It saves time, energy and makes life simple.

    Subscribe to The Change Room Podcast here.

    Continue the conversation in Facebook - The Change Room Podcast Group.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Connect with Suzy Jacobs here.

    Get the latest on The Change Room delivered to your inbox here.

    The Change Room is powered by Finesque and designed by Bench Creative.

    Host: Suzy Jacobs

    Regular Special Guest: Lorna Patten

    Producer: Nicole Hatherly

    Sound and Publishing: Lyndal Harris, Podcast VA

    Studio: RadioHub

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • The Purpose Of Indecision | #26
    Oct 1 2018

    Indecision may be uncomfortable or painful, especially when faced with making big or even small decisions, but it’s part of the process that serves an important purpose. In this episode, we distill the purpose of indecision.

    In this episode we cover:

    • The outcomes we can expect from the space of ‘not knowing yet’.
    • The critical role that indecision plays in creating our reality.
    • 2 scenarios of indecision in your life.
    • How 'not knowing something' can make a difference to the decision making process.
    • How making mistakes help us learn, grow and find our unshakeable truth.

    #Thrival Tips for your Thrival Kits:  

    1. Accept that indecision is part of your process and let go of self-judgment when you don’t know. Just be willing to sit in the discomfort of indecision and it will shift.
    2. When you don’t know what to choose or if you feel stuck, ask yourself: is it simply fear of choosing what you know you want, or is it that you actually need more information?
    3. Confusion and indecision are simply showing you there’s something you do not know and that when you do know it, it will change everything.

    Subscribe to The Change Room Podcast here.

    Continue the conversation in Facebook - The Change Room Podcast Group.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Connect with Suzy Jacobs here.

    Get the latest on The Change Room delivered to your inbox here.

    The Change Room is powered by Finesque and designed by Bench Creative.

    Host: Suzy Jacobs

    Regular Special Guest: Lorna Patten

    Producer: Nicole Hatherly

    Sound and Publishing: Lyndal Harris, Podcast VA

    Studio: RadioHub

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Love Yourself. Tell The Truth. Be Responsible. | #25
    Sep 24 2018

    How would life be any different if you can you love yourself, tell the truth and be responsible? If finding the source of inner peace for when you are in the craziest, busiest, most challenging times of life is of interest, stick around to discover the magic held in this distinction.

    In this episode we cover:

    • Suzy’s Triple Top Line Questions to sorting opportunities: can I add value, will I have fun and can I make money?
    • Cut-through and power of both the triple distinction and the triple top line questions in making decisions.
    • This triple distinction, these are the 3 keys to the new paradigm.
    • Suzy’s personal experience of this distinction.
    • Mastering the new paradigm by consistently applying the same rigor with these 3 distinctions.
    • The meaning of loving yourself.
    • Transforming your experience of life when you love yourself.

    #Thrival Tips for your Thrival Kits:  

    1. Loving myself means getting to know who this self is that I’m here to loe.  It’s about doing the deeper work, accepting who you are.
    2. When you don’t know what to do or how to deal with something, ask yourself: “what would loving myself look like right now?” And then do that.
    3. Use loving yourself, telling the truth and being responsible as a 3-step conscious process for 1 whole day and see what happens.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Subscribe to The Change Room Podcast here.

    Continue the conversation in Facebook - The Change Room Podcast Group.

    Connect with Suzy Jacobs here.

    Get the latest on The Change Room delivered to your inbox here.

    The Change Room is powered by Finesque and designed by Bench Creative.

    Host: Suzy Jacobs

    Regular Special Guest: Lorna Patten

    Producer: Nicole Hatherly

    Sound and Publishing: Lyndal Harris, Podcast VA

    Studio: RadioHub

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • You're Never Upset For The Reason You Think You Are | #24
    Sep 17 2018

    In this episode, Lorna Patten, co-creator of Extraordinary Conversations, and I will talk about the distinction called “you’re never upset for the reason you think you are.” We will discuss and explain why when we are upset, it’s because of something that’s happened in the past and not the present.  When you are in the Change Room you are in the new paradigm. We will share stories and provide tools for your Thrival Kit.

    This episode is in honour of our friend and colleague, Monica Brewer, an extraordinary and beautiful human being.

    In this episode we cover:

    • How the past is so critical to this distinction and how it interferes with the present.
    • Suzy’s story of how she has experienced this distinction.
    • How creating space, slowing down, thinking about what was going on and digging below the superficial reaction has helped Suzy get to her source of truth and be present.
    • When you’re willing to stop for a moment and be present then you get see what’s really at source and it’s not usually what you first think it is.
    • Lorna shares her example of going through this distinction and how she got through it and became present.
    • The power of having an awareness of this distinction so that you can be responsible for unpacking what’s actually going on and having the conversation that matters in that moment with that person about that thing.

    #Thrival Tips for your Thrival Kits:  

    1. When you find yourself reacting, when you find yourself in that emotional place of reacting / pushing back, ask yourself, “what’s really going on?” And then listen and keep responding until the energy shifts and it will.
    2. There’s nothing wrong with feeling upset. It’s simply an opportunity to get present and respond. So, let go of the judgement and get curious instead.
    3. The more you practice choosing to view everything through the filter of ‘being cause’ through the paradigm of love, the easier it gets.

    Continue the conversation in Facebook - The Change Room Podcast Group.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Subscribe to The Change Room Podcast here.

    Continue the conversation in Facebook - The Change Room Podcast Group.

    Connect with Suzy Jacobs here.

    Get the latest on The Change Room delivered to your inbox here.

    The Change Room is powered by Finesque and designed by Bench Creative.

    Host: Suzy Jacobs

    Regular Special Guest: Lorna Patten

    Producer: Nicole Hatherly

    Sound and Publishing: Lyndal Harris, Podcast VA

    Studio: RadioHub

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Stop Agreeing With Your Fear | #23
    Sep 10 2018

    In this episode, Lorna Patten, co-creator of Extraordinary Conversations, and I will talk about “stop agreeing with fear.”  Be ready to skill up, add more to your thrival kits so you can make informed choices at the biggest moments in your life.

    In this episode we cover:

    • This distinction of people agreeing with their fear is most often seen in the arena of money, investment and wealth creation.
    • Our Money Mindset which is mostly unconsciously gathered from life experiences can range from scarcity to abundance.
    • Being confronted about what we don’t know makes us agree with our fear and slides us down to the scarcity money mindset.
    • You can choose fear or you can choose love. Fear is insidious, pervasive and largely unconscious.
    • How to distinguish a context of fear.
    • Lorna shares her personal story about operating from a context of fear.
    • Choose who to speak to about money to get informed, educated and wise
    • Majority of people live in fear.
    • Money is only over a means to an end.

    #Thrival Tips for your Thrival Kits:  

    1. Choose to become aware of when you’re operating out of fear and then choose again.
    2. Be responsible for staying in the process and identifying what isn’t working.
    3. When you’re in fear, choose love.

    Continue the conversation in Facebook - The Change Room Podcast Group.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Subscribe to The Change Room Podcast here.

    Continue the conversation in Facebook - The Change Room Podcast Group.

    Connect with Suzy Jacobs here.

    Get the latest on The Change Room delivered to your inbox here.

    The Change Room is powered by Finesque and designed by Bench Creative.

    Host: Suzy Jacobs

    Regular Special Guest: Lorna Patten

    Producer: Nicole Hatherly

    Sound and Publishing: Lyndal Harris, Podcast VA

    Studio: RadioHub

    Más Menos
    24 m