
  • What Relationship Attachment Style Do You Have?
    Sep 26 2024

    Nicky Yazbeck, host, speaks with Valerie Rubin, a rapid transformational therapist specializing in anxious attachment, discusses the different attachment styles and their impact on relationships. She explains that anxious attachment can lead to anxiety, fear of abandonment, and difficulty trusting partners. Other attachment styles include secure attachment, fearful avoidant, and dismissive avoidant. Valerie focuses on anxious attachment because it is a common issue that affects relationships. She helps clients heal their attachment wounds, regulate their nervous systems, and develop a secure attachment style. Healing the abandonment wound is crucial for individuals to feel safe and confident in relationships. In this conversation, Valerie Rubin and Nicky Yazbeck discuss techniques for managing anxiety and building self-confidence. Valerie explains that when experiencing high levels of anxiety, it's important to shake out the body and engage in physical activities rather than trying to meditate or journal. She emphasizes the importance of connecting with the body and identifying sensations and emotions when feeling anxious. Valerie also introduces the concept of brain spotting, a technique that helps locate and release trauma memories stored in the body. They also discuss the importance of building self-esteem and confidence through self-care and keeping promises to oneself.


    • Anxious attachment can lead to anxiety, fear of abandonment, and difficulty trusting partners.
    • Healing the abandonment wound is crucial for individuals to feel safe and confident in relationships.
    • Regulating the nervous system and developing body-based tools can help individuals move out of anxious states.
    • Developing a secure attachment style allows individuals to have healthier and more fulfilling relationships.
    • When experiencing high levels of anxiety, engage in physical activities to shake out the body and release tension.
    • Connect with your body and identify sensations and emotions when feeling anxious.
    • Brain spotting is a technique that helps locate and release trauma memories stored in the body.
    • Building self-esteem and confidence involves unlearning false beliefs and keeping promises to oneself.
    • Self-care and self-trust are essential for building confidence and developing a secure attachment style.

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    Keywords: attachment styles, anxious attachment, secure attachment, fearful avoidant, dismissive avoidant, healing attachment wounds, regulating nervous system, secure relationships, anxiety, self-confidence, body connection, sensations, emotions, brain spotting, trauma healing, self-esteem, self-care

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Choosing an Alcohol Free Life
    Sep 19 2024

    In this episode, host Nicky Yazbeck sits down with Laura Valvasori, a business and well-being mentor, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and creator of the “Still Me, But Alcohol-Free” program. Laura shares her personal journey of deciding to go alcohol-free in her mid-40s after recognizing the negative effects alcohol was having on her health, including sleep, gut health, and mental clarity.

    The conversation explores the challenges of navigating social situations in a culture that normalizes drinking and highlights the mental clarity and overall well-being that can come from stepping away from alcohol. Laura explains how choosing to go alcohol-free eliminates the constant mental debate around drinking, while also reducing stress. She emphasizes that this decision is not necessarily about giving up alcohol for good but about experimenting with an alcohol-free lifestyle to see how it feels.

    By taking a break from alcohol, individuals can gain clarity and make an informed choice about whether they wish to moderate, withhold, or continue drinking in the future. The episode encourages listeners to explore how alcohol affects their body, mind, and social life, and to discover what feels best for their personal well-being.

    Nicky and Laura also discuss the lesser-known risks of alcohol, including its strong link to breast cancer in women, and how even moderate consumption can have lasting effects on health. Laura underscores that while moderation works for some, the experience of going alcohol-free offers a fresh perspective on one's relationship with alcohol and its impact on physical and emotional health.

    This thoughtful and practical discussion empowers listeners to reflect on their habits and make informed decisions about alcohol use based on their own experiences.


    • Going alcohol-free can have positive effects on sleep and overall well-being.
    • Navigating social situations without alcohol can be challenging but is possible with the right mindset.
    • Choosing to go completely alcohol-free eliminates the need to constantly make decisions about drinking and reduces mental chatter.
    • Alcohol can impact various systems in the body, including sleep and digestion.
    • Having a supportive partner can make the transition to an alcohol-free lifestyle easier.
    • Alcohol use is strongly linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.
    • Alcohol is a known carcinogen and can have negative effects on sleep and overall health.
    • Taking a break from alcohol can help restore gut health and mental clarity.
    • Mindset and substitutes are key to navigating social situations without alcohol.
    • It is possible to change our beliefs and create new experiences around alcohol.

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    alcohol-free lifestyle, well-being, sleep, relationships, alcohol, gut health, mental clarity, social situations, mindset,

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Emotional Eating: How to Break Free for Good
    Sep 12 2024

    In this episode, host Nicky Yazbeck sits down with Madeleine Karlsson, an Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach, Pilates Instructor, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, and a two-time TEDx speaker. Madeleine shares her personal journey overcoming emotional eating and dives deep into why we turn to food for comfort, the biochemical and emotional triggers behind emotional eating, and how to finally break free from the cycle.

    Throughout the episode, Madeleine discusses the importance of understanding our emotional triggers and the role of mindfulness in cultivating a healthier relationship with food. She explores common myths surrounding dieting and weight loss and offers practical tips for combating sugar and salt cravings. The conversation touches on the significance of nutrient-dense meals, sleep, and stress management in stabilizing blood sugar levels and avoiding emotional eating.

    Listeners will learn how to shift away from restrictive dieting, practice self-compassion, and make lasting changes that nourish both body and mind. Madeleine also emphasizes the value of understanding emotional eating as more than just a food issue, but a reflection of unmet emotional needs.

    Tune in to learn how to break free from emotional eating and build a healthier, more balanced relationship with food.


    • Emotional eating is often a result of using food as compensation or a crutch to deal with uncomfortable emotions.
    • Understanding the impact of food on our bodies and prioritizing nutrient-dense meals can help reduce cravings and emotional eating.
    • Improving the quality and quantity of sleep is crucial for regulating hunger hormones and reducing emotional eating.
    • Mindful eating, including chewing each bite thoroughly and eating slowly, can help improve digestion and prevent overeating.
    • Breaking the cycle of emotional eating requires addressing the underlying emotional triggers and finding healthier ways to cope with emotions. Emotional eating is often a result of seeking comfort and nourishment from food to fill a void in other areas of life.
    • Breaking free from emotional eating requires understanding and addressing the underlying emotions and triggers.
    • Diets and restrictive eating are not sustainable or effective for long-term weight loss.
    • Improving the quality of food and nourishing the body with nutrient-dense meals can naturally reduce hunger and support weight management.
    • Self-compassion, learning from mistakes, and seeking support are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship with food.

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    Keywords: emotional eating, sugar addiction, cravings, food addiction, mindful eating, nutrient density, gut health, emotional eating, comfort eating, food cravings, dieting, weight loss, nutrition, self-compassion, holistic approach

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • How to Optimize our Brain Health
    Sep 5 2024

    In this episode, host Nicky Yazbeck delves into the fascinating world of brain health with Nicola Hunt, a Specialist in Neurological and Vestibular Physiotherapy, educator, and certified brain health coach. With over 20 years of experience working with individuals recovering from brain injuries, Nicola offers a wealth of knowledge on how to optimize our brain health through sleep and lifestyle choices.

    Throughout the conversation, Nicola emphasizes the critical role of sleep in maintaining and enhancing brain function. She breaks down the stages of sleep and their essential contributions to brain health, particularly in restorative processes and memory consolidation. Nicola also addresses common sleep disruptions and offers practical tips to improve sleep hygiene. This includes the importance of maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a calming bedtime routine, and avoiding sleep disruptors like caffeine and alcohol.

    Nicola dispels myths about sleep, particularly the misconception that teenagers are just lazy when they stay up late and sleep in. She explains the natural circadian rhythm shifts that occur during adolescence and underscores the importance of adequate sleep for their developing brains. Nicola also provides strategies for coping with sleep challenges caused by travel and jet lag, stressing the need to align with the local time as quickly as possible.

    In addition to sleep, Nicola introduces the LNMNOP principles—Love and social connection, Movement, Nature, Novelty, Omega-3 supplementation, and Pauses—as vital components for optimizing brain health. These principles, coupled with mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga, can significantly enhance brain function and overall well-being.

    This episode is packed with actionable insights for anyone looking to improve their brain health, whether through better sleep habits, mindful living, or understanding the science behind how our brains work. Nicola’s expert advice is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to enhance their cognitive performance and maintain a healthy brain throughout their life.


    • Optimizing brain health involves considering factors that encourage neuroplasticity, such as social connection and overall well-being.
    • Sleep is crucial for brain health and overall well-being, as it allows the body and brain to recover and prepare for the next day.
    • There are different stages of sleep, each with its own function, including light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep.
    • Good sleep hygiene habits, such as consistent bedtimes, wind-down routines, and avoiding stimulants, can promote better sleep quality.
    • Alcohol and certain medications can disrupt sleep patterns and reduce the amount of REM sleep.
    • When traveling to different time zones, adjusting to the local time as soon as possible can help regulate sleep patterns.
    • Napping before 2 o'clock in the afternoon can provide a boost without interfering with nighttime sleep.
    • Blue light from screens may not directly interfere with falling asleep, but it can lead to sleep procrastination.
    • Teenagers have a shifted circadian rhythm and naturally fall asleep later, but they still need sufficient sleep.
    • Sleep deprivation can lead to short-term effects like brain fog and memory problems, as well as long-term risks to brain health.
    • Optimizing brain health involves prioritizing sleep, love and social connection, movement, time in nature, novelty, Omega-3 supplementation, and taking pauses throughout the day.

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    Más Menos
    47 m
  • The Detrimental Impact of Sugar on our Body
    Aug 29 2024

    In this episode, host Nicky Yazbeck is joined by Julie Alsaker, a dedicated concierge holistic practitioner with nearly thirty years of experience in the realm of natural health. Julie's journey into holistic wellness began at the age of 15, fueled by her personal battle with chronic illness and her passion for discovering natural ways to heal the body. Her extensive background as a medical interpreter, coupled with advanced studies in genetics and functional blood analysis, has given her a unique perspective on health that goes beyond conventional naturopathy.

    Julie delves deep into the detrimental impact of sugar on the body, arguing that sugar isn’t just harmful in moderation—it should be cut out entirely for optimal health. She explains the complex physiological and neurochemical effects of sugar, highlighting how it weakens the immune system, disrupts gut health, and negatively affects emotional well-being. Julie also explores the role genetics play in individual responses to sugar, revealing why some people are more susceptible to sugar addiction and its harmful effects.

    Throughout the conversation, Julie debunks common myths about sugar, such as the idea that moderation is a viable strategy, and stresses that true wellness requires a radical approach to cutting out sugar. She also provides insights into healthier alternatives, such as the benefits of sourdough bread for those with gluten sensitivity, and the potential disease-preventing properties of local honey compared to refined sugars.

    Julie emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body’s systems and the importance of addressing underlying issues to achieve overall wellness. By understanding the molecular structure of food and how it impacts the body, listeners can make more informed choices about what they consume. The episode closes with practical advice on how to shift your mindset away from sugar reliance, offering alternative ways to celebrate and reward yourself without harmful sweets.

    Listeners will come away from this episode with a comprehensive understanding of the dangers of sugar, practical steps to reduce its presence in their diets, and a renewed commitment to pursuing extraordinary health as a foundation for a life of radical freedom.


    • Sugar has a detrimental impact on the body, including suppressing the immune system and affecting gut health.
    • Cutting out sugar can lead to significant improvements in symptoms, such as joint pain, within a couple of weeks.
    • Genetics play a role in individual responses to sugar, with some people being more susceptible to cravings and negative effects.
    • Sourdough bread can be a healthier option for those with gluten sensitivity or thyroid issues.
    • Addressing underlying issues and taking a holistic approach to health is essential for overall wellness.
    • Local honey can have different disease prevention impacts compared to honey from far away.
    • Moderation is a myth when it comes to sugar; it can lead to cravings and the consumption of more ultra-processed foods.
    • There are alternative ways to celebrate and reward without relying on sugar.

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    Connect with Julie:

    Website: www.luxbioanalytics.com

    Facebook and Instagram: @julie.alsaker

    Linkedin: @julie-alsaker

    Keywords: sugar, chronic illness, natural healing, processed foods, immune system, gut health, emotional well-being, genetics, sourdough bread, carbohydrate consumption, bodily systems, overall wellness, types of sugar, molecular structure, local honey, refined sugar, sugar myths,

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • The Wilderness Experience: Using Nature to Heal
    Aug 22 2024

    Mike Martin, a wilderness first responder, survival skills trainer, and certified meditation guide, shares his journey and how meditation and mindfulness have become an integral part of his outdoor experiences. He discusses the connection between meditation and outdoor skills, the benefits of meditation in the wilderness, and the importance of self-reflection and letting go. Mike also talks about his motivation to become a better father and how therapy played a crucial role in his healing process. In this conversation, Mike Martin and Nicky Yazbeck discuss the benefits of meditation and mindfulness in nature. They emphasize the importance of observing and accepting one's thoughts and emotions rather than trying to silence them. They also explore the concept of building a friendship with oneself and embracing all feelings, both positive and negative. Mike shares his personal story of overcoming social anxiety and isolation through meditation and connecting with nature.


    • Meditation and outdoor skills can go hand in hand, as the practice of mindfulness can enhance the outdoor experience and help with self-reflection and personal growth.
    • Engaging in walking meditation in nature can help to slow down the mind, connect with the surroundings, and gain insight into one's own life.
    • Meditation can be a powerful tool for overcoming anxiety and building resilience, allowing individuals to face challenges with a calm and focused mindset.
    • Self-reflection and letting go of negative emotions can be facilitated through personalized meditation practices, such as observing and releasing thoughts and feelings symbolically.
    • Therapy can provide a supportive environment for personal growth and healing, and meditation can complement the therapeutic process by promoting self-awareness and emotional well-being.
    • Meditation is about observing and accepting thoughts and emotions, rather than trying to silence them.
    • Building a friendship with oneself involves embracing all feelings, both positive and negative.
    • Connecting with nature and practicing mindfulness outdoors can have profound effects on mental well-being.
    • Starting small and celebrating small wins is key to establishing a meditation practice.

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    Keywords: wilderness, meditation, mindfulness, outdoor skills, self-reflection, therapy, healing, meditation, mindfulness, nature, overcoming social anxiety, connecting with nature

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Gut Healing Essentials: What You Need to Know
    Aug 15 2024

    In this episode, host Nicky Yazbeck interviews Dr. Crystal Felice, a functional wellness coach with a PharmD and an Applied Functional Medicine Certification (AFMC). Dr. Felice shares her transformative journey into gut health and functional medicine, discussing how she overcame her own health challenges by healing her gut. She emphasizes the critical role of gut health in achieving hormone balance and overall well-being, drawing on her expertise in functional medicine.

    Dr. Felice explains the importance of gut health testing, such as the GI map, and her experiences with parasite cleanses and regular maintenance for optimal gut function. She discusses how factors like stress, diet, and certain foods such as gluten and dairy can impact gut health, potentially leading to issues like digestive problems, mood disorders, and sleep disturbances.

    Throughout the conversation, Dr. Felice debunks common myths about probiotics and highlights natural methods for addressing gut imbalances, including the use of fermented foods and prebiotics. She also shares her insights on supporting liver health, offering practical advice for anyone looking to optimize their gut health.


    • Functional medicine can be a powerful tool in healing gut health issues.
    • Gut testing, such as the GI map, can provide valuable information about gut health and guide treatment.
    • A parasite cleanse can be beneficial for gut health, and regular maintenance is important.
    • Gut health plays a significant role in hormone balance and overall well-being.
    • Gluten and dairy can have different effects on the gut, and individual tolerance varies.
    • Increasing fiber intake can optimize gut health and have various health benefits.
    • Imbalances in the gut can lead to various health issues, including digestive problems, mood disorders, hormonal imbalances, and sleep disturbances.
    • Stress and diet play a significant role in gut health, and high stress levels can contribute to imbalances in the gut.
    • Gut imbalances can be treated naturally through diet changes, lifestyle modifications, and the use of natural antimicrobials.
    • Regular gut testing is important to identify imbalances and guide treatment protocols.
    • Supporting liver health is crucial for overall well-being, and castor oil packs and bitters tinctures can be beneficial for liver support.
    • Probiotics alone cannot restore gut balance, and incorporating fermented foods and prebiotics into the diet is essential for gut health.

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    Connect with Crystal:

    Book a free consult call: https://www.phunctional-health.com/

    Free gut health guide: https://www.phunctional-health.com/resources

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phunctional.health/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/functionalhealthpharmd/

    Keywords: Gut health, functional medicine, hormone balance, gluten, dairy, fiber intake, digestive problems, mood disorders, sleep disturbances, stress, diet, natural treatment, liver health, probiotics, prebiotics, parasite cleanse.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Modern Shamanism and Religion
    Aug 8 2024

    In this conversation, Nicky Yazbeck speaks with Katy Valentine, a shamanic practitioner with a background in theology, about her journey into shamanism and how it relates to religion. She explains that shamanism is a framework for seeing the world and communicating with the spirit world, rather than a religion itself. She emphasizes that shamanic practices are culturally embedded and vary across different cultures and religious systems. Katy also discusses the importance of dreams in shamanic journeys and how they can provide insights and guidance. She encourages people to suspend their skepticism and approach shamanic practices with curiosity and an open mind.

    In this conversation, Katy and Nicky explore the three worlds of shamanic journeying: the lower world, the middle world, and the upper world. They discuss the importance of setting intentions before a journey and the different ways people experience journeys, such as seeing, hearing, feeling, or intuiting. They also touch on the topic of soul restoration and the role of witnessing in the healing process. Katy shares her perspective on the accessibility of shamanic work and the importance of reducing human suffering.

    Throughout the conversation, Nicky and Katy discuss practical ways to incorporate shamanic principles into everyday life, offering listeners actionable steps to begin their own spiritual journey. Whether you are new to shamanism or looking to deepen your understanding, this episode provides a comprehensive and engaging introduction to this mystical tradition.

    Tune in to discover the wisdom of the shamanic path and how it can enrich your spiritual practice and overall well-being.


    - Shamanism is a framework for seeing the world and communicating with the spirit world, rather than a religion itself.

    - Shamanic practices are culturally embedded and vary across different cultures and religious systems.

    - Dreams can provide insights and guidance in shamanic journeys, and it's important to pay attention to them.

    - Approach shamanic practices with curiosity and an open mind, suspending skepticism to fully experience the benefits.

    - Shamanic journeying involves exploring the lower world, middle world, and upper world.

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    Más Menos
    46 m