
  • Adolf Hitler Died - in America?
    Dec 17 2015
    Adolf Hitler. Nazi Germany. The Third Reich. They're words that conjure hate, wonder and questions - and will always continue to do so - forever. This time of year, as the Anniversary of Dday, the end of World War II, and all the dates that matter arrive, the fact is that Hitler did NOT die of suicide in Germany. He didn't get transported to Argentina and live out his days either, as the recent "Hunting Hitler" surmises. The facts ARE DIFFERENT and they're all going under the spotlight here on the Conspiracy Angents - a focus on Hitler Dying in America...?
    Más Menos
    50 m
  • The End of the World - The Ultimate Conspiracy
    Nov 29 2015
    There are those who wear sandwich signs that detail the end of it all, the earth going concave, the destruction of all that we've known and will know, the earth becoming naught. It's coming in many people's minds, but there are more things that lead to our destruction and we're cracking that egg wide open inside this discussion of all things as they end here on The Conspiracy Agents Podcast on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network.
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Hollywood's Industrial Complex Defrauding America
    Nov 17 2015
    Pulling the wool over one's eyes isn't always the easiest thing in the world, after all, this isn't the turn of the century where we take the stage and fool a bunch of people watching us live in a theater or somethin-- Oh. Y'know, there is STILL a lot of trickery, foolery, and ballyhoo going on today even as technology, instantaeous satisfaction and the interwebs take hold of every minute of our lives. In fact, we're going to be digging HARD into this subject inside this episode of the Conspiracy Agents -  
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    1 h y 10 m
  • Houdini: The First Ever Undercover Paranomal Investigator? A Discussion via The Conspiracy Agents Podcast
    Oct 29 2015
    I have vivid memories of magic when I was a child. I remember a magic wand. A Silver bowl. handkerchiefs of all kinds and ropes, rings, and cards that tripped the days and nights fantastic. In my younger case, the master magician that knew all when it came to slight of hand was - my Dad, Fred Wilkerson. While the years and arthritis have not been kind to my father's hands, his spirit, zeal and showmanship still carries along great stories of magic of all kinds. Tonite, we remember another magician - one that did a few more in-depth and "showy" things than what my father was interested in. Houdini - a master escape artist but did you also Houdini was an the first Undercover Paranomal Investigator? as we arrive at the anniversary of his death, 2015, we begin to unravel the REAL mystries that people need to know about a man that made millions marvel - and still continues to, inside this episode of The Conspiracy Agents Podcast...
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    1 h y 6 m
  • Peak Performance & The Sustainability of Everything
    Oct 18 2015
    We've been looking at our world all wrong. We continue to put traditional “limits” on things form manufacturing, to science to the process of creating energy itself. What do YOU consider Peak performance? We're not talking about the crescendo of a high-performance engine we're talking about what allows us to experience true, sustained leap when it comes to what was, and what is. Join Dr. Michael Lynch, and Mike Wilkerson as they banter the details of Peak Performance: The sustainability of All things.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • Pension Poaching Ponzi Schemes - Where's the Money?
    Sep 13 2015
    Inside of large cities across the United States, law enforcement officers who protect our homes, streets, and businesses have been working for a long time to reach retirement. With a large wave of them coming up for retirement status, who would have thought the money they look forward to would be GONE? What will those who have served and protected for so long do when the money they're due simply isn't there? "Where's the conspiracy on this one?", you ask. All will be revealed as we unfold this very real life origami thread inside this episode of Conspiracy Agents.
    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Sports Conspiracies with Randy Karraker
    May 8 2015
    The world's conspiracies aren't just for those that are into politics, geonational aliens, or the furry reaches of the great white north... Sports, also have their stranger edges and Sports Trivia Superphile Randy Karraker joins us for this episode of The Conspiracy Agents Podcast, to talk more about the ones that matter! Enjoy this episode of The Conspiracy Agents and our thanks to Randy for stepping in and bringing a level of knowledge, detail and overall sports appreciation that is simply unrivaled!
    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m
  • Who's Murdering NASA's Scientists - and Why?
    Mar 26 2015
    The years when NASA was a player in the global view on space, human spaceflight and more have slowly come to a trickle. With only satellites, probes, and robots being sent to space, it seems that the value of NASA has been marginalized to something much less than they were in their heyday. But what's this? The body count for NASA scientists continue to skyrocket and we're ready to tell you, the listening audience - WHY. Listen to this incredibly vital episode of The Conspiracy Agents and tell us what YOUR theory is on why they continue to die! It's another special edition of The Conspiracy Agents on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network!
    Más Menos
    55 m