
  • Conspiracy Skeptic Episode 106 – Higher Strangeness with Eric Bickernicks
    Apr 21 2024
    New England author Eric Bickernicks is back with a sequel to his 2019 novel High Strangeness. It's naturally called Higher Strangeness. His first novel is stil a free Kindle download but do please consider buying this one.
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  • Conspiracy Skeptic Episode 105 - Infertility with Dr. Karen Stollznow
    Mar 17 2024
    Dr. Karen Stollznow comes on to discuss her new book Missed Conceptions. It's a book that looks at Karen's own journey to have a child as well as how history has treated women who are unable to have children. Missed Conceptions is a frank and honest work that anyone who is considering having a child should read.
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  • Conspiracy Skeptic Episode 104 - Conspiracy Year in Review with Dr. David D. Perlmutter
    Dec 21 2023
    Dr. Perlmutter and I review some of the key conspiracies that hit the net and airwaves this year and what it says about where society is heading.
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  • Conspiracy Skeptic Episode 103 - The Risks and Rewards of AI with Darren McKee
    Nov 25 2023
    If that voice sounds familiar it is because Darren McKee is the regular intro voice of Canada's long running and well regarded Reality Check podcast. When he's not podcasting, he is a policy advisor in Ottawa. Darren has recently published a very timely book on AI called Uncontrollable: The Threat of Artificial Superintelligence and the Race to Save the World (US Amazon link). We talk about his book and AI's past, present, and possible futures. Is AI like a more efficient tractor that will destroy some jobs but create more? Or is it something dot dot dot else?
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  • Conspiracy Skeptic Episode 102 - Antoine Delbast's Journey from Non-Believer to UFO Believer to Skeptic
    Nov 23 2023
    Continuing in our Canadian trilogy, Antoine Delbast is a long time listener who comes on to talk about being secular celebrant who can marry people in Quebec 100 percent legal like. He talks about his journey from growing up in a secular French Canadian household to his life as a youthful believer in UFOs to his life as a skeptic.
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  • Conspiracy Skeptic Episode 101 - Creature X Novel Series with Jeff Dupuis
    Nov 4 2023
    Jeff Dupuis is a Canadian author, based in Toronto, who has written a series of mystery books called Creature X. His books (Roanoke Ridge, Lake Cresent, and Umboi Island) are not just whodunit novels but weave in cryptids and skepticism! He comes on the podcast to talk about his skeptical approach to writing and researching cryptids. Apologies: Jeff's family also comes from my hometown of Windsor so we chat a bit out that. As well, we're a couple Canadian lefties so we side track a bit there too. Canadian readers should check out his author page at Dundurn Press. American listeners, and points beyond, should find his books on Amazon.
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  • Conspiracy Skeptic Episode 100 - Whatever Happened to Pizza at McDonald's with Brian Thompson
    Oct 1 2023
    It's finally show 100! Yeah. My very first official guest was Brian Thompson. Back then he was host of the Amateur Scientist podcast. Now he's host of the very funny, very meta Whatever Happened to Pizza at McDonald's. Brian comes on to talk about what he's been up to the last 14 years, the origins of his podcast, and how it mocks, among other things, conspiratorial thinking.
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  • Conspiracy Skeptic Episode 99 - The Montreal Screwjob with Dr. Dónal Gill and Cian Gill
    May 24 2023
    Cian Gill hosts an excellent podcast called Wide Atlantic Weird. It's skepticism meets Forteanism. Cian covers a wide range of topics but some of his best are when he brings on his brother Dr. Dónal Gill to talk about pro wrestling. No. Seriously. They come on my show to talk about one of the greatest pro westing conspiracies ever: the legendary Montreal screwjob.
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