
  • EP - 187 Doing Busy Right with Larry Tribble
    Jun 21 2024
    Larry Tribble, PhD, joins us this week to discuss how busy professionals can be productive in managing their professional and personal lives. Larry and I start our discussion by defining what a typical knowledge worker experiences concerning minimum direction and oversight by the management team we report to. We compare the state of management and the working environment today to that of forty to fifty years ago. As part of that comparison, we discuss how pride in creating space for leisure activities signals your success in your professional life. Now, it seems the opposite is true. We see people bragging about how busy and indispensable they are, leaving little time for self-development, personal fulfillment, and even family and grandchildren. As our conversation progresses, Larry talks about how humans enjoy being busy or occupied. He also talks about how we sometimes confuse activity for productivity. We agree that being busy tends to be an activity that does not move a task or goal forward or at least not noticeably further. Productivity, on the other hand, is focused action that purposely moves to close out a task or accomplish a goal. Larry discusses the roadblocks to focused work as we continue our conversation about being busy versus productive. We further discuss his Attention Compass program, which successfully helps professionals learn or relearn to focus on what is essential for themselves and their teams. Larry lists the following as roadblocks or waste to doing busy right: Interruptions - This is pretty self-explanatory. These are all the items that take us out of our flow or mindset for the task that we are working on. Multi-tasking - There is no such thing. There is mult-focus, which takes an already limited resource and diminishes it by creating other tasks or goals with the result of work that is often sub-par to what we could have accomplished by defending our time and mindset. Distraction - This waste of effort often allows thoughts or external stimuli to pop up, keeping us from getting into a work groove and putting our best efforts and abilities into the task at hand. We next pivot to a discussion about Larry's father, his impact on Larry growing up, and how his father and mother embraced becoming grandparents to two adopted children. Larry does a great job in telling us how his father and mother took the new family members to heart and, in typical grandparent fashion, might have gone a bit overboard that first Christmas. Larry and I also discuss fathers' roles as coaches and mentors in their adult children's lives. You will enjoy this conversation with Larry, and I encourage you to share it with friends and family. You can also connect with Larry through the links and email addresses below. Links Use this link to sign up for Grandparents Week. This is a great free resource for grandparents: . Here is Larry's email address should you want to send him a question or even provide him with feedback about what you found valuable in our conversation: Click on this link to visit Larry's website, Do Busy Right: If you would like to connect with Larry through LinkedIn, you can use this link to view his profile:
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    54 m
  • EP - 186 Understanding and Addressing Teen Loneliness
    Jun 14 2024
    Dr. Gene Beresin, MD, MA, from The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, joins us to discuss the increase in loneliness among today's teenagers. We start by discussing the Surgeon General's report on loneliness, the causes and effects of loneliness in teenagers, and the role of social media and over-scheduling in contributing to loneliness. We also discuss and emphasize the importance of face-to-face interactions, social-emotional learning, and deep relationships in combating loneliness. We talk about the need for grandparents to be a resource for their grandchildren. Gene and I feel that Grandparents play a unique role in their grandchildren's lives, offering wisdom, support, and meaningful conversations about challenges we have faced and overcome. Grandparents can teach new skills, validate their grandchildren's knowledge of technology, and foster curiosity and connection. However, as we discuss, social media can be beneficial and detrimental. It can foster connections and academic resources but also displace in-person engagement and lead to cyberbullying and misinformation. It's important for grandparents to ask about loneliness, anxiety, and depression and to have conversations about mental health. Here is a list of the surgeon general's seven recommendations. I also strongly recommend purchasing the e-book Ways to Help Your Lonely Teen, discussed in this episode. The link is . Invest in Your Relationship with Your Child or Loved One Model Healthy Social Connection Help Children Develop Relationships with Supportive Adults Encourage Healthy Social Connection with Peers Be Attentive to How Young People Spend Time Online Identify Behaviors that May Increase Risk for Social Disconnection Talk to Your Children About Social Connection Regularly Once you have listened to this important conversation, please share it with someone who would benefit from Gene's wisdom and insights in working with children and adolescents. Links Click here to visit The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds: You can order your e-book, Your Lonely Teen, by clicking this link: Here is a link to the ShrinkingIt Down Podcast on Spotify: . Here is the link to the first conversation that Gene and I had: Use this link to sign up for Grandparents Week. This is a great free resource for grandparents: . If you would like to view this interview, click on this link: .
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    1 h y 1 m
  • EP - 185 4 Tips To Elevate Your Relationships Today
    Jun 8 2024
    This week, we have another chance to have a one-on-one conversation. In this week's episode, I share four tips you can implement immediately to enhance your relationship with your grandchildren. Our first tip is to help our grandchildren learn to give and receive compliments. Remember that when complimenting our grandchildren and people generally, we want to be timely and specific. Too often, we can fall into the trap of discounting or dismissing compliments for different reasons. A great way to help our grandchildren learn to be both polite and generous with their praise is to model how to give and receive compliments. Tip two is to write down or document important information about your grandchildren. We all want to keep birthdays and other information about our grandchildren straight, but it can become challenging to keep this in our minds, especially when we end up with multiple grandchildren. Writing down information in a notepad or an electronic document is a great way to help keep track of what is first and foremost in our grandchildren's lives. It is also fun to track how their tastes and preferences change. Our third tip is to become a fantastic listener. We all desire to be heard and listened to. It is one way that we feel we matter to people close to us. Being an active listener vs. an active fixer might be a tough challenge for cool grandpas. After all, we all desire to jump in and correct what might be an obstacle to our grandchildren's desires. This notion of fixing everything needs to take second place to truly listen to our grandchildren's hopes, dreams, and even their pain. This episode's fourth and final tip is to express love in and around the grandchildren. Remember that they are always watching how you interact with your spouse, your adult children, and your child's spouse or partner. How you touch, talk, and interact with close family members is how the grandchild will associate love. A great way to express love is to talk about how much you love members of your family AND your love towards your friends and others outside your family. This explicit and implicit conversation will help to demonstrate what you and your family consider love for family and friends. If you enjoyed this conversation, please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast. If you would like to work with me on increasing your influence and relationship as a grandparent, don't hesitate to contact me. Let's talk about whether my current coaching program might fit you. Links To sign up for Grandparents Academy's Grandparents Week, you can use this link: . If you would like to watch this episode, you can check it out on YouTube by clicking this link:
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    25 m
  • EP - 184 Using Nature to Help Heal Others
    May 31 2024
    This week’s guest is Adrienne Davis. Adrienne is a Health & Wellness Coach, helping adults and children overcome physical and mental health challenges by eating more plants and spending time outdoors. She’s a plant-based wife and momma with 3 sons and a dog. Adrienne loves nature, especially hiking, tent camping, and listening to cicadas. After using nature and nutrition to eliminate her panic attacks and help her husband reverse Type 2 Diabetes, she now helps others take charge of their health so they can live life to the fullest and become all that God has created them to be. We talk about her memories of her grandparents, and she updates us on what has been going on with her since the last time we spoke. We learn how Adrienne ended up in delivery with her third son right before our previous episode went live. I also ask about her memories of her oldest son’s experience with her grandfather. Adrienne discusses how she felt called to start helping people with Type 2 Diabetes to minimize complications through a combination of plant-based nutrition and nature therapy, to create a holistic approach to living a healthy lifestyle. You will enjoy learning about how God led Adrienne to return to spending time in nature to reduce stress and promote wellness, and how following that prompting has served her well. Adrienne provides valuable insight into how grandparents can introduce or use nature to connect with their grandchildren. We agree that many meaningful experiences occur when grandchildren and grandparents work or play outdoors. As Adrienne says, her job is to help grandparents be able to go hiking and actively play with their grandchildren. Once you have listened to this episode, please remember to like, share, and subscribe to the show. Also, be sure to connect with Adrienne using the link to Raven Creek Wellness below. LINKS To sign up for Grandparents Academy's Grandparents Week, you can use this link: . You can click on this link to visit Raven's Creek Wellness: Click on this link to hear the first conversation that Adrienne and I had about her grandfather:
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    44 m
  • EP - 183 Learning about Legacy Coalition
    May 24 2024
    John Coulombe, Director of Spiritual Development for Legacy Coalition, joins the conversation this week to discuss his background as a pastor's kid. We also learn about John's history with entering the ministry and starting down the road as an intergenerational ministry leader. With 55 years in ministry, John met with Larry Flower, the founder of Legacy Coalition, along with other key people interested in starting a ministry movement for grandparents. Along with starting a group focused on supporting grandparents, they also asked what the Bible says about Grandparenting. A young man, Josh Mulvihill, who was not a grandfather, was starting his dissertation on the role of grandparents according to the Bible. John talks about how their group was puzzled about how they had all missed the information in the Bible about the role of grandparents. About eight years ago, after the group signed its charter, Legacy Coalition held its first event for grandparents. As John says, Legacy Coalition's mission is "We help Grandparents grow in their Biblical role so they can have a greater spiritual impact on their families." John talks about how, within a short time, they have seen an explosion of growth in their mission and those picking up on the ministry to grandparents or people entering the second half of life. John talks about how when he has people around him who are retiring, he talks with them about having a period to relax, travel, and do what they want to, but then he will call them into service and influence. We talk about how, in the Bible, there is a mention of retirement, where the church priests were to retire at 50. Still, that retirement was moving from physical labor to a calling of spiritually shepherding those around them compared to the physical acts of taking care of the temples and the appropriate sacrifices. You will enjoy this conversation and will no doubt learn more about what the Bible teaches about being a grandparent. To learn more about Legacy Coalition, please check out their website below. Hopefully, I'll see you at their next Grandparenting Summit. Links To sign up for Grandparents Academy's Grandparents Week, you can use this link: . To check out Legacy Coalition: To learn more about John, check out this link: . If you want to check out Josh Mulvihill's book, "Biblical Grandparenting: Exploring God's Design for Disciple-Making and Passing Faith to Future Generations." Click on this link: If you want to see the Stars and Whales singing "How Great is Our God," you can watch it here: . You can check out Louie Giglio's books by clicking on this link:
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    56 m
  • EP - 182 I am Fine
    May 17 2024
    With close to four million check-in calls, is a passionate company that ensures that seniors and other people living alone are safe and accounted for. Paul Hammond, the founder, and his brother started this business to have an automated check-in for his mother and her friends. Paul joins our conversation to discuss the background and driving force that led him and his brother to create a fantastic way to check on people choosing to live alone but at greater risk of medical or physical challenges. Paul talks about how this service comforts what he calls a person's care circle. How this service works is that a person receives a daily call and presses "1" on their phone to confirm they are well. When a person does not respond, a message is sent to that person's care circle, inviting them to call or text that person to ensure they are okay. Part of this service's benefit is that it also provides peace of mind to users who might have pets living with them and worry about what would happen to their pets if they were incapacitated. We also learned how care and assisted living facilities are adopting Iamfine's services to help check in on all of their residents without needing a physical check-in. You will enjoy learning about Paul's background and the service offerings. Links Here is a link to sign up for Grandparents Academy's Grandparent Week Celebration: You can use this link to check out Iamfine and sign up for a free 14-day trial of their service: . If you would like to watch this conversation, here is the link to view it on YouTube:
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    42 m
  • EP - 181 Rocking Retirement
    May 10 2024
    Kevin Lyles joined us this week to discuss his experience becoming a retirement coach. We discussed the difference between financial planners and wealth managers and how each helps grandparents and seniors plan for their financial future. Kevin also helped us understand what a retirement coach does to help retirees plan and develop their purpose and goals in retirement. As a retirement coach, Kevin works with his clients to define and create goals around the following: taking care of elderly parents, finding a purpose outside of their old profession, and determining what they want to do to enjoy retirement in terms of recreation. Of course, a big part of creating an enjoyable retirement is discussing what the grandparents want to do with their grandchildren. We also talk about making the right mindset and adjusting your retirement plan if you should find yourself needing to take care of and raise your grandchildren. Kevin's main area of expertise is helping his clients and others with their retirement mindset. He works with retirees to help them be optimistic about aging, retirement, and their relationship with their spouse. We talked about the importance of aligning the goals of both people in the relationship so that they can identify their differences and similarities. You are going to enjoy this conversation with Kevin and learn a lot about how you can plan to rock your retirement. Once you have listened to this conversation, please like, share, and subscribe to the podcast. Links Save your seat for Grandparents Week - the world's largest online celebration and educational conference for grandparents - this September 8 - 14. Hosted by GrandparentsAcademy.com. General admission is free. Pre-register today to enter pre-event giveaways and receive important updates: Check out the Rock RetirementClub'ss website: Use this link to check out Kevin's bio at Rock Retirement Club: If you would like to connect with Kevin on LinkedIn, use this link: If you would like to watch this interview, you can watch us on YouTube by using this link:
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    52 m
  • EP - 180 Balancing Selfish and Selfless Motives
    May 3 2024
    In this one-on-one conversation, I want to discuss the frustrations that grandparents sometimes have when things don't go as planned with their grandkids. I also want to explore the concept of having selfish and selfless motives in our actions and how these coexist. When things don't go our way, I think there is an opportunity to detach from the situation and analyze why it didn't work out. I suggest you ask yourself a few questions: Why didn't the activity go as planned? Did I communicate my expectations for the activity and those of everyone else? Did I put more importance on the activity than everyone else? When you step back and review an activity that didn't go just right, you will see that you were perhaps more invested in the outcome because of your desires than the other participants were. This doesn't mean that you were or are wrong to be hurt, but it might help to have this review process to understand that the activity meant more to you. Having that understanding can help identify where the hurt is coming from.
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    19 m