
  • Earth Energy + Rooted Wisdom with Rachel Strivelli
    Jun 27 2024

    Danielle welcomes Rachel Strivelli, an intuitive, manifesting teacher, speaker, and author of "Talk to the Trees."

    In this Episode, We Cover:

    • Rachel's journey as an intuitive and manifesting teacher.

    • The significance of nature and trees in spiritual practices.

    • Overcoming self-judgment and self-doubt to manifest abundance.

    • The importance of embodying one's true self in different environments and situations.

    • Rachel's process of writing "Talk to the Trees" and the wisdom she gained from it.

    Memorable Quotes:

    • "Trees are what made planet Earth home, providing food, shelter, and a sense of belonging." - Rachel Strivelli

    • "Nature doesn't need us to tweak or fix it; it has its own system and cycle that runs perfectly." - Rachel Strivelli

    • "When you can't commit to something, it's often your intuition telling you it's not the right fit." - Rachel Strivelli

    About Rachel Strivelli:

    Rachel Strivelli is an intuitive, manifesting teacher, and speaker who helps ambitious people overcome self-judgment and self-doubt to bring more money, love, and joy into their lives. She works with individuals and groups to assist them in making clear decisions and sustainably moving towards their goals. A former science teacher and garden educator, Rachel supports growth and creative path-finding. She has been featured on Thrive Global, Tiny Buddha, Fox News Carolina, Scary Mommy, and Positively Positive.

    • Website: RachelStrivelli.com

    • Facebook: Rachel Strivelli

    • LinkedIn: Rachel Strivelli

    • Instagram: Rachel Strivelli

    • Book: Talk to the Trees


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    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Embracing the Light: Summer Solstice and Our Collective Transformation
    Jun 19 2024

    Explore the mega significance of the Summer Solstice—the longest day of the year—occurring on June 20th, marking the sun's entry into Cancer. This cosmic event not only heralds the summer season but also symbolizes a period of maximum light and potential. Danielle delves into how this time influences our creativity, visibility, and the desire to manifest personal aspirations that contribute positively to our collective evolution.

    Key Points:

    • The Transition into Summer: Understanding the solstice as a pivot from spring to summer, emphasizing growth and the nurturing of new projects.
    • Age of Aquarius Connection: Reflecting on the 2012 shift into the Aquarius era, which promised a more harmonious collective society and the challenges that come with it.
    • Personal and Collective Responsibility: How personal desires and creative outputs are intertwined with our responsibilities towards the collective.
    • Numerological Insights: The significance of June as the sixth month, representing growth, clarity, and the preparation for an accelerated pace in life.
    • Planetary Alignments: The impactful return of Jupiter in Gemini, mirroring its position from December 2012, suggesting a cyclic return to themes of growth, fortune, and societal reflection.
    • Spiritual and Practical Guidance: Strategies for embracing simplicity, reducing noise, and focusing on meaningful personal and collective contributions.

    Join me in Philly on 6/21 for The Solstice Sound Bath + Yoga Nidra Ceremony

    Details here.

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    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Your Body Was Built to Work Hard and Be Hot with Stasia Patwell
    Jun 13 2024

    In this episode of "The Danielle Mercurio Show," Danielle is joined by the dynamic spitfire Stasia Patwell, a fitness instructor, certified personal trainer, and stand-up comedian. Stasia's unique blend of humor and no-nonsense approach to fitness has made her an effective and beloved instructor. Tune in for a lively conversation about fitness, personal transformation, and the thrills of nomadic living.

    In this Episode, We Cover:

    • Stasia's journey from Venice Beach to Greece and the freedom of Airbnb life.
    • The balance between stability and nomadic living for a homebody Taurus.
    • The importance of humor in fitness and how it enhances the workout experience.
    • Stasia's philosophy on body and somatic healing, emphasizing the need to work through the body for deep transformation.
    • The impact of accountability and community in fitness programs.

    Memorable Quotes:

    • "I'm a nomadic homebody, and it's weirdly so freeing." - Stasia Patwell
    • "Working out sucks, but you have to do it. It's hard, but so is feeling trapped in a body that doesn't feel right." - Stasia Patwell
    • "Miracles are happening. When you look for miracles, you find miracles." - Stasia Patwell

    About Stasia Patwell:

    Stasia Patwell is not only a fitness instructor and certified personal trainer, but also a stand-up comedian. Her unique approach to fitness incorporates humor and a no-nonsense attitude, making her classes both effective and enjoyable. Stasia's programs focus on deep embodied integration, helping her clients achieve lasting personal transformation.

    Check out Stasia's website for more information and to connect with her: Stasia Patwell

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    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Embracing AI: Moving Beyond Fear to a Future of Possibilities
    Jun 7 2024

    In this episode, Danielle dives deep into the current discourse around AI, exploring whether it can be a positive movement or if it's destined to be mired in fear. She reflects on her personal journey with AI, the benefits it brings, how to maintain an optimistic mindset, and the historical context of technological advancements. Danielle emphasizes the importance of embracing change, using discernment, and leveraging AI to enhance human potential and creativity.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    1. Introduction to AI and Its Personal Impact:

      • Danielle's initial excitement and awakening upon discovering generative AI.

      • How AI complements her creative spirit and helps manage repetitive tasks.

    2. The Historical Context of Technological Fear:

      • The Industrial Revolution:

        • Fear of job displacement and societal change.

        • Adaptation and the eventual positive outcomes of new jobs and industries.

      • The Internet Boom:

        • Initial fears of privacy, security, and job displacement.

        • The internet's integration into daily life, creating new industries and job opportunities.

    3. The Benefits of AI:

      • How AI can automate routine tasks and create more personalized experiences.

      • Positive impacts on industries like healthcare, education, and wellness.

      • Freeing up mental, energetic, and physical space to operate in one's zone of genius.

    4. Maintaining an Optimistic Mindset:

      • The importance of adaptability and embracing technological evolution.

      • The potential for AI to enhance creativity, innovation, and personal growth.

      • Addressing fears and concerns while focusing on new opportunities.

    5. Mindfulness and Discernment with AI:

      • Ethical considerations and the importance of responsible AI use.

      • Encouraging listeners to stay informed and make conscious choices about AI tools.

      • The role of human intention and heart-centered use of AI in shaping its future.

    6. Astrological Influences on Technological Advances:

      • Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius:

        • Their impact on innovation, social progress, and technological growth.

      • Pluto in Sagittarius:

        • Expanding cultural and philosophical connections through technology in the 90s

      • Jupiter in Aries:

        • Encouraging entrepreneurial spirit and expansion during the internet boom.

    7. AI's Potential to Enhance Human Capabilities:

      • How AI can help solve big problems and create a healthier work-life balance.

      • The future of job landscapes and the creation of new roles through AI integration.

      • The importance of critical thinking and philosophical inquiry in the AI age.

    8. Embracing Freedom and Creativity with AI:

      • Overcoming the fear of success and freedom that AI can bring.

      • Leveraging AI to support one's mission, purpose, and creative endeavors.

      • Staying connected to one's WHY and using AI as an extension of human potential.

    Call to Action:

    • Subscribe to The Danielle Mercurio Show for more conversations on spirituality, AI, and philosophy.

    • Check out the course, Illuminating AI
    • Follow along on IG: @daniellemercurio
    Más Menos
    41 m
  • We Don't Need All This Love + Light Sh*t with Jamie Rea
    May 14 2024

    Welcome to Season 7 of "The Danielle Mercurio Show"! We're kicking off this exciting new season with the vibrant and insightful Jamie Rea. Jamie is a writer, comedian, and coach specializing in Divine Energetics, Embodiment, and Union. His unique approach to spiritual transformation integrates deep embodied healing, making this episode a must-listen for anyone ready to move beyond surface-level spirituality.

    In this Episode, We Cover:

    • The importance of doing the work verse bypassing

    • The power of Divine Energetics and Divine Embodiment.

    • Understanding and balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy.

    • The journey of Deep Personal Transformation.

    • How humor can add levity to the spiritual path.

    Jamie’s coaching methodology goes beyond traditional talk therapy, emphasizing the necessity of working within the body for genuine healing and transformation. He shares his belief that bridging the gap between our higher selves and the unconscious patterns of the body is essential for stepping into our most potent and powerful selves.

    About Jamie Rea:

    Jamie Rea’s coaching is deeply rooted in somatic processes, focusing on embodied integration to facilitate impactful healing. His work is ideal for those who have progressed beyond the initial stages of their healing journey, aiming to merge the aspirations of the higher self with the unconscious patterns of the body. This process, which Jamie terms the DIVINE INITIATION, guides individuals toward their DIVINE PATHWAY, enabling them to realize their deepest dreams and desires.

    Check out Jamie's Substack for more of his transformative insights: Jamie Rea's Substack

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    1 h y 28 m
  • Echoes of the Future: Atlantis Reimagined
    May 8 2024

    Join Danielle Mercurio as she explores the theory of Atlantis not merely as a lost ancient civilization, but as a potential future society.

    In this episode, we delve into the connections between Atlantis and the astrological Ages of Aquarius and Leo, examining how these cosmic periods might influence our understanding of time and civilization. We’ll explore the concepts of retrocausality and non-linear time to uncover how the future might be influencing our present, drawing parallels to the advanced societal and technological aspects of Atlantis.

    Additionally, we’ll discuss Atlantis's cultural essence and its ties to ancient Egypt, opening up a dialogue about the continuous thread of human advancement and spiritual evolution.

    This episode is perfect for anyone interested in ancient myths, future possibilities, and the spiritual lessons that connect past, present, and future. Join us as we journey through time and explore what Atlantis can teach us about our own era and beyond.

    Don’t miss the deeper exploration of these themes in the upcoming Lion's Gate retreat, where we will connect more deeply with these cosmic energies and insights.

    Apply for the Lion's Gate 8/8/8 experience.

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    • www.daniellemercurio.com

    • Instagram: @daniellemercurio

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Eclipse Afterglow: Navigating the New Energy
    Apr 10 2024

    In this enlightening episode, Danielle dives into the aftermath of the recent solar eclipse in Aries. You'll explore the lingering portal of new energy open to us all and learn the significant recalibration of the Earth's grid lines, especially noticeable in the path of totality. Danielle also shares her personal eclipse experience and how releasing an old pattern brought a new purposeful plan into place.

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    • The significance of the solar eclipse's energy and how it continues to influence us.
    • Insights into the recalibration of the Earth's grid lines and what this means for the planet and its inhabitants.
    • Practical tips for grounding and aligning with the portal.
    • The spiritual implications of this cosmic event on personal and collective levels.
    • How to harness the post-eclipse energy for personal growth and collective healing.

    1:1 Post Eclipse Support Session: This 35 minute experience will expand upon the eclipse cycle, bring in relief + repair, and help you understand where to go from here.

    Book any time in April by signing up here.

    Check out the Costa Rica Retreat!

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    • Cosmic Channel Membership

    • Instagram: @daniellemercurio

    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • Spiritual GPS: Astro Mapping + Grid Work Explained
    Mar 27 2024

    Delve deep into the mystical realms of astrocartography, ley lines, and grid work, uncovering how these powerful tools can guide you to your personal power spots and align your life's path with the cosmos. Join Danielle as she explores the intricate connections between the stars above and the Earth beneath our feet, and discover how you can harness these energies to navigate your journey with greater clarity and purpose.

    Check out the Costa Rica Retreat!

    Book a 1:1 session with Danielle

    Buy the Astro-Mapping Course - use code GRIDTECH for discount


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    Más Menos
    42 m