
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-28-24 part 2
    Jun 28 2024

    1) Christians shouldn't be overly quiet, sitting in a corner, saying nothing, and just accepting things. We can review the scripture and discover that the righteous are as bold as a lion, and we are ambassadors for Christ, meant to declare the truth boldly. We can also understand that the disciples, after being attacked, prayed for more boldness to continue speaking about God’s partnership. Perhaps that's the approach we need to take instead of running away and hiding.

    2) Most of you know that I am a strong believer in the unity of the brethren, the unity of faith, the unity of God's family, and the unity of brothers and sisters. It's crucial for us to understand that when Scripture commands us to maintain unity, it conveys that unity has already been established for us. I want to take the time to honor the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit properly and to also examine how this unity is eternal.

    3) Up next is a reality check for humanity. It's time to sit down and be quiet. Every government, leader, politician, and wealthy individual believes they can direct the earth as they please. When you see this manifesting, you should immediately recognize that as powerful as these people are, they are equally misguided. They don't own the earth; they never will, and if they're not careful, they'll be expelled from it.

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    58 m
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-28-24 part 1
    Jun 28 2024

    A) Verse 15 clearly illustrates that prayer for the sick is relevant today. Does every person ALWAYS get healed? No. And only the most immature try to blame someone in this process. Paul left Trophimus in Miletus sick (2 Tim. 4:20). It happens. But we keep on praying.

    B) This does Not convey that there is forgiveness…just cuz. But it does communicate that Christians DO struggle. And even though that is trough, there is abundant grace available. Where sin does abound, grace much more abounds.

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    30 m
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-27-24 part 2
    Jun 27 2024

    1) As we resume Acts 26:18, we recognize that those who turn towards the Lord receive forgiveness, are given a place among God's people, and are set apart. These are three phenomenal benefits of becoming a Christian. The act of turning towards the Lord signifies a transformative shift in a person's life, leading to spiritual renewal and a profound sense of belonging within the Christian community.

    2) In verse 19, Paul continues his discussion with Agrippa, stating there was no way he would be disobedient to the vision of heaven. Paul ensures Agrippa understands that, regardless of circumstances, he would always obey God over any other authority. This unwavering commitment to divine instruction highlights Paul's dedication and the seriousness with which he approaches his mission. He wants Agrippa to grasp the depth of his conviction and the divine mandate driving his actions.

    3) Paul then emphasizes that genuine repentance leads to a real change in a person's life. He asserts that if someone claims to be a Christian but shows no change, it is highly suspect. Paul likely defines this transformation by the actions they take in service to the Lord. True conversion is marked by a visible shift in behavior, priorities, and values. This transformation is not just a superficial change but a profound reorientation of one's entire life towards God's will.

    4) Then, Paul delivers a powerful statement that resonates across the room. He declares, "I'm alive today to tell these facts to everyone, whether they are small or great. What I'm teaching is nothing different from what was taught by Moses and the prophets." By aligning his teachings with those of Moses and the prophets, Paul underscores the continuity and fulfillment of the Jewish faith through Jesus Christ. He stresses that his message is not a departure from tradition but a realization of ancient prophecies.

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    57 m
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-27-24 part 1
    Jun 27 2024

    A) Here we are in Jude Verse 20. After all of that encouragement, Jude says, "But you, beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith." One of the great takeaways is how much compassion and love Jude had for the people of God. He tells them to build themselves up in their most holy faith. By that, he means to strengthen themselves, similar to what happened to David in 1 Samuel, Chapter 30, where everything seemed lost, and the Bible says that David strengthened himself in the Lord. That’s what he’s talking about. We do that by spending time with the Lord.

    B) Jude also tells us to pray in the Holy Spirit. What does that mean? Could it mean praying in tongues? Sure. Does it have to be tongues? No. We already know that John the Apostle, when he wrote the Book of Revelation, was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day. Being in the Spirit means not being in the flesh. It means not being centered and connected with our own desires, needs, or things that encourage the old man to stick around. It means being involved in the spiritual things that God has established by the power of His Spirit.

    C) Verse 21 tells us to keep ourselves in the love of God. What’s amazing is that people don’t realize how easy it is to not keep yourself in the love of God. In fact, we’re encouraged to stay in that love, which is difficult because so many people and things come towards us that make us want to throw mud. The fact of the matter is that God was compassionate to us when we were jerks, and we need to be compassionate to other people too.

    D) Jude gives a reason for us to stay in the love of God: we are awaiting the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring us eternal life. In a sense, we have eternal life now, but as you know, we have not yet fully realized that eternal life. We need to put on an immortal body to get there. As we wait for the mercy of Jesus to bring us eternal life, we need to stay in the love God has established.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-26-24 part 2
    Jun 26 2024
    57 m
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-26-24 part 1
    Jun 26 2024
    30 m
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-25-24 part 2
    Jun 25 2024

    1) Today's episode of the David Spoon Experience goes completely off the rails, as usual. Our brother Samson calls in and asks how we should deal with leaders who have fallen into disgrace. He expresses his frustration, understanding that it not only puts a blemish on the church but also discourages the Christians involved with that ministry. 2)

    2) David takes the time to share with Samson the importance of understanding that what God has done in the past is not invalidated by a person's failures. He cites Peter, who was a close disciple of Jesus Christ but denied Him when it counted. This did not invalidate his ministry. Similarly, Paul, when he came out of ministry, did not have his future contributions invalidated by his past. John Mark, who completely gave up on ministry, later underwent discipleship from Peter and specifically wrote the Gospel of Mark, which inspired millions of people to follow Jesus.

    3) David explains that the biggest problem is the church's inability to show mercy when it is needed. It should be understood that just because God has used a person in the past does not exonerate them from requiring restoration in the present if they sin. When a person fails, their ministry stops, and they must come to redemption through Jesus Christ in their pursuit of wholeness. However, this does not invalidate the person's past, nor guarantee their future.

    4) Then, Roslyn calls in with a challenging question about why Jesus could not perform many mighty works in his hometown. David explains that, even in the Greek, it's not that Jesus couldn't, but that He didn't, because the vehicle of faith is the key that God requires us to operate from. If we don't operate from the principle of faith, we don't see the blessings the Lord has intended because that's the vehicle He has chosen. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • The David Spoon Experience 6-25-24 part 1
    Jun 25 2024

    1) The challenge extends beyond the disciples to each one of us. If we can humble ourselves like a trusting, dependent child, we meet the criteria. However, Jesus then shifts His teaching to issue a warning against those who harm little children.

    2) Quoting Isaiah chapter 3 verse 12, Dave goes on a mini rant about how people have lost the capacity to understand that children should be disciplined in a healthy manner, as biblically prescribed. When that doesn't happen, children become the oppressors, and women rule over society, which God says is His judgment.

    C) Regardless of societal norms, Jesus is clear. If anyone causes a little child to stumble or lose their faith, it would be better for that person to be cast into the sea with a large stone tied around their neck. There are severe consequences when a child is mistreated by an adult. This teaching has both spiritual and natural implications, reminding us that children are a heritage from the

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    30 m