
  • What You Need to Know about Student AI Chatbots
    Apr 9 2024

    We've said it for more than a year ... Students can't officially use AI chatbots because they're not old enough per the terms of use ... but student-facing chatbots are coming. Now they're finally here. Holly and Matt have used them -- and have worked with students in the classroom using AI chatbots. In this episode, we share the things we like about them -- and things to be aware of.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • When AI Cheating Isn't About AI
    Apr 2 2024

    When ChatGPT was released, one of teachers' immediate concerns was cheating. What happens, we wondered, when students use AI to do work we want them to do? Teachers are still grappling with that question. It has occurred to Matt and Holly, though, that AI isn't the main culprit when it comes to AI cheating. The reasons that students use it go much deeper than that. In this episode, we examine some of the real reasons.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • I'm Blowing Up How I Grade. Here's How
    Feb 7 2024

    Matt's back in the classroom teaching high school Spanish. He recently read the book The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek ... and it changed his view on how he approaches grading and rigor in his classroom. In this episode, Matt and Holly discuss it -- and how you can take an "infinite game" approach to your own classroom, too. 


    Read: The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek 

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • How AI Image Generators Can Lock Students Into Learning
    Jan 30 2024

    AI image generators are pretty incredible. They take a text description and create images based on those descriptions. (Although sometimes they miss the mark -- and they struggle with creating certain things, like human hands!) But many times, they are way better than searching Google Images for pictures. How can they be used in the classroom? Matt and Holly brainstorm ideas -- and how they can be an entry point to having conversations with students about AI.


    AI image generators: 10 tools, 10 classroom uses

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • How I Provide Lightning-Quick Student Feedback
    Jan 19 2024

    We know how important timely feedback is to student growth. But it can also be a struggle to provide it -- especially when we have lots and lots of students! How can we make it manageable? In his return to the classroom, Matt has found a simple strategy with Pear Deck that lets him provide targeted student feedback and general feedback to the class. In this episode, he and Holly talk about it and why it works.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Our Favorite Lessons from the Ditch Summit
    Jan 19 2024

    The Ditch Summit, a free online conference for educators hosted by Matt, is open! You can register at http://ditchsummit.com. What can you expect? In this episode, Matt and Holly discuss some of their favorite takeaways from several Ditch Summit sessions, including content on artificial intelligence, project-based learning, student relationships, and more.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 5 Essential Skills for an AI Future
    Dec 18 2023

    We know that artificial intelligence will grow in its sophistication and ability. But how will that impact the workforce? And, just as importantly, what skills will be beneficial in this shifted workforce? In this episode, Holly and Matt discuss this with Dr. Micah Shippee, Director of Education Technology Consulting and Solutions for Samsung. They share several skills we can develop in students and some thoughts on how they can be integrated into learning.


    Dr. Micah Shippee, is the Director of Education Technology Consulting and Solutions at Samsung. Micah and his team design, develop, and deliver learning solutions to inspire and empower educators and learners. The team strives to amplify the meaningful work in education by supporting the adoption of Samsung innovation. Micah operates at the intersection of practice and research as a veteran consultant and professor specializing in planned change and innovation, learning theory, project management, and organizational behavior. His efforts focus on the adoption and deployment of new technological innovations in organizations. As an author, consultant, and keynote speaker, he focuses on the adoption of innovation through the development of cultures that embrace change. Micah is the author of WanderlustEDU: An Educator’s Guide to Innovation, Change, and Adventure and co-author of Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality.



    AI for Educators book by Matt Miller

    Artificial intelligence may change the world more than the iPhone, the internet, or even electricity.

    It’s bound to change education. (It already has.) But how?

    AI for Educators is a readable guide for educators.

    • It translates AI through a teacher lens.
    • It provides practical ideas you can use in class right away.
    • It unlocks powerful ways to streamline teaching and save time.
    • It also paints a picture of the future our students will face—and provides questions you can help them grapple with.

    We can use AI to empower teaching and learning. And it can start today.


    The AI Infused Classroom book by Holly Clark

    Ready or not . . . AI is here. Now. And it has concerned and curious educators asking questions:

    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of artificial intelligence (AI) models, like ChatGPT?
    • How do ChatGPT and other large language models change things like the writing process?
    • What do we need to understand about large language models (LLMs) and AI’s ability to transform how—and how quickly—we can communicate with our students and peers?
    • How can we teach students to use AI appropriately and in ways that enhance their learning experiences?

    With the right mindset, the right questions, and the right strategies, you can use AI to create and broaden meaningful learning experiences for every student.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • How to Shift Classwork to Respond to AI
    Dec 13 2023

    It's clear that AI is going to force some changes to how we do classwork and school. But in what directions should we move? It's time to look through our Tomorrow Glasses and predict what students will need to survive and thrive in the era of artificial intelligence. In this episode, Holly and Matt share some shifts we can make now in our classwork and schools to start to prepare students for their future.

    Más Menos
    28 m