
  • Episode 15 Take 2 Winged Red Nemesis, disillusionment of baby boomers and approach of Nibiru
    Jun 28 2021

    A new beginning focus points of Nibiru and it's arrival, the Vatican Mt. Graham Observatory in Arizona and it's infrared telescope, where is the Winged Red Nemesis? The Miami free fall condo tower mimicking the twin towers with no diversionary event to proceed the fall and expanded look at the Alamo and the disillusionment of the baby boomers.

    Donate to the podcast today! https://tinyurl.com/bwv4uk6n

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    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Episode 15 Take 1 Condo Collapse Miami United States conspiracy and The Alamo
    Jun 28 2021

    Talking about the Condo collapse in Miami, the similar circumstances of the free fall, it took 30 seconds for it all to come down. The conspiracy that ultimately lead to the creation of the United States and the truth about the battle at the Alamo with Santa Anna taking on the group of Texans and Mexicans in 1835. Donate now and support the show! https://tinyurl.com/bwv4uk6n

    See end of podcast theexperiment.club@yahoo.com

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/david-gregory286/support
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    34 m
  • The Experiment Club E12 Zecharia Sitchens and the Earth Chronicles discussion 1990
    Jun 8 2021

    Followers and readers of Zecharia Sitchin will know that the information about Nibiru comes from the Sumerians and the writing and artifacts they, and other ancient people, left behind. The core premise he has made in his writings is that there is a 10th Planet (again, including Pluto) in our solar system with an elliptical orbit of about 3600 of our years. People from Nibiru came to Earth and discovered the gold they needed to help repair their atmosphere and they began mining it. Much of the knowledge of these ancient people, which they knew because the Anunnaki (those who from heaven to Earth came) told them, has come true, including the color and size of Neptune and Uranus, and the very existence of the outer planets, long before our telescopes could find them. Scientists even suspect another large object in the Kuiper Belt, which might be Nibiru. So let's assume that the other writings also have merit.

    According to Zecharia Sitchin, and discussed at length in his book, The End of Days, Nibiru is not due to come near Earth for at least several hundred more years. Although it is possible that celestial events have impacted Nibiru's orbit and shortened its annual cycle from 3600 years to something less, we don't need to worry about its presence near Earth for some time.

    When it comes, will it cause calamity? During its existence, it has orbited the sun and come into the vicinity of Earth thousands of times. A few of those caused calamities on Earth. Zecharia believed that the Biblical Deluge was caused by the gravitational pull of Nibiru causing the Antarctic ice cap to slip into the ocean and create a world-wide tsunami that inundated the Earth. In pre-history, Nibiru, or its moons, may have collided with Earth, exchanging genetic material that allowed life on both planets to evolve with compatible DNA. Most of the time, when Nibiru came into the vicinity of the solar system near the sun and the other known planets, there were no incidents of concern.

    Readers of Zecharia Sitchin's work will be inclined to believe there is a Nibiru and that the ancient Sumerians were writing from the knowledge of the Anunnaki about the planet, its orbit, its inhabitants, especially those who came to Earth, and of the origins of life on our planet Earth. They will say, as Zecharia did, that there is no doubt that there is a Nibiru. While we agree that there is no need for panic, we otherwise respectfully disagree with Morrison on this subject.

    TheExperiment.club@yahoo.com videos here: https://rb.gy/uznxzg

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    Más Menos
    59 m
  • The Creature From Jekyll Island E8 P2
    May 31 2021

    Continuing the expose that should wake up every citizen that would become an epiphany if eyes could remain open and the realization that the Federal Reserve is a PONZI scheme for the rich intending to keeping our people enslaved by the money that is spewed out by this private cartel of banks! An introduction to the first Bank of the United States (BUS) and then the second Bank of the United States which President Andrew Jackson successfully campaigned against winning his reelection. His hatred for the Bank was centered on the belief that the common man did not benefit from it's existence while the privileged of our society did. Finally G Edward Griffin giving us his talk on the The Curse of Jekyll Island and the name of a new private cartel known as THE FEDERAL RESERVE which prints fiat money and charges the Citizens of the United States 3% interest which turns out to be our National Debt that you and I pay for through IRS taxes. Our National Budget will never be balance when our money is backed by nothing. It so appropriate the our currency that the fed prints is referred to as fiat money by the bankers, remembering the cheap Italian automobile known as the fiat. Wonder if that's where the name eventually came from later in history?

    Help keep our podcast going by donating! See end of podcast

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    Más Menos
    32 m
  • The Creature From Jekyll Island E8 P1
    May 20 2021

    Opening commentary discussing the current news about the COVID-19 and the vaccinated New York Yankees players and staff who still test positive for the virus after the shots. Comparing Covid-19 with the some of the characteristics of HIV in the United States when it first appeared in 1981. An introduction to the first Bank of the United States (BUS) and then the second Bank of the United States which President Andrew Jackson successfully campaigned against winning his reelection. His hatred for the Bank was centered on the belief that the common man did not benefit from it's existence while the privileged of our society did. Finally G Edward Griffin giving us his talk on the The Creature From Jekyll Island and the name of a new private cartel known as THE FEDERAL RESERVE which prints fiat money and charges us 3% interest which turns out to be our National Debt that you and pay for through our taxes. Our National Budget will never be balance when our money is backed by nothing. It so appropriate the our currency that the fed prints is referred to as fiat money by the bankers, remembering the cheap Italian automobile known as the fiat. Wonder if that's where the name eventually came from later in history?

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    The Experiment Club

    A podcast by David Gregory

    Read less“Take the first step on the journey for truth, it may change your perception of reality and bring a better understanding of the real events that lead us to where we stand now, come along for the ride, you may never want to return! Donate to continue the Journey! ”

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    1 h y 2 m
  • BONUS for Episode 5 PT 2 Killing Jack
    May 5 2021

    Step Into The Darkness To See The Light as more players are revealed in the killing of Jack while his wife Jackie watched. And as the Kennedy family died off the myth of the Kennedy Bad Luck propagated the media controlled by the puppet masters. Causing sane people to shout, "ARE YOU ALL NUTS?" Discover the mortician who was called in to work on the body double J D Tippit, that E Howard Hunt shot, his role on the flight back to Washington DC was to make sure that Tippit's body had wounds matching the official declaration as to the guilty party and where the shots were fired from!Subscribe and support our podcast, it makes us all stronger!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/david-gregory286/support
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • The Experiment Club BONUS Podcast Killing Jack
    May 4 2021

    Donate to your podcast to keep you and I strong!

    The government got it wrong and the first successful murder of a United States President in Modern Times was carried out by many overlapping government offices including Hoover's FBI, CIA, and the Secret Service. It wasn't the Deep State then, it was the military-industrial complex. Subsequent Presidents who weren't involve in the murder of Jack and his family, are all accessories after the fact, for failure to uphold their sworn duties of the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are the back bone of this Nation and still stand strong awaiting that someone who will take back the Presidency as there is no other Constitutional office in the land that holds more power and the ludicrous assertion secrets are keep from the Presidency based on "need to know" is pure unadulterated nonsense.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/david-gregory286/support
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • The Experiment Club Episode 7 The Search For The Black Knight
    Apr 18 2021

    In the race for power space was the next frontier to hold dominion of the earth. The first step achieved by the Russians as the world held it's breath in anticipation. With Sputnik orbiting the earth in 1957 the listening stations on earth began to pick up another signal from space? Some say it was the Black Knight orbiting satellite on a North and South Pole orbit? The only logical conclusion, if true, it would of had to have been put there by someone other than the human civilization on earth!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/david-gregory286/support
    Más Menos
    56 m