
  • Teaching Resiliency to Your Child
    Aug 29 2024
    What do you do when your child or teen has a meltdown? How do you help your kids bounce back after suffering a bitter disappointment or worse, trauma and grief? Teaching your kids resilience is so key to their success as an adult, that I’ve asked a resilience coach to join us so we can master resilience for both ourselves and our kids.Russell Harvey's mission is giving others the tools and techniques to create the right conditions to apply “transformation” to their roles as parents and leaders.To learn more about Russell Harvey, receive coaching find resources or listen to his podcast visit: https://www.theresiliencecoach.co.uk/Special thanks to InGenius Prep for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. To learn more about InGenius Prep or to claim your free consultation, visit: https://ingeniusprep.com/get-a-free-consultation/?utm_campaign=2024+Podcast+Email+Marketing&utm_content=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_medium=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_source=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_term=Fatherhood+PodcastSpecial thanks to Zencastr for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. Use my special link https://zen.ai/CWHIjopqUnnp9xKhbWqscGp-61ATMClwZ1R8J5rm824WHQIJesasjKDm-vGxYtYJ to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.Transcription - Teaching Resiliency to Your Child---What do you do when your child or your teen has a meltdown?How do you help your kids bounce back after suffering a bitter disappointment or worse, trauma or grief?Teaching your kids resilience is so key to their success as an adultthat I've asked a resilience coach to join us here if this will help us master resilience for bothourselves and our kids. So don't go anywhere. Before we begin, I'd like to thank our proud sponsorof this episode and the Fatherhood Challenge in Genius Prep. In Genius Prep is the world'spremier admissions consulting firm proud to be officially recognized as the country's top collegeadmissions consultants, helping students prepare for admissions to top schools through individualizededucational programs that increase chances of admission by up to 10 times. In Genius Prepstudents work with former admission officers to differentiate themselves from other competitivestudents in three areas colleges evaluate students in academics, extra curricular activitiesand personal characteristics. Just this past admission cycle,Genius Prep students have secured 110 offers from Ivy League schools, 268 offers from top 20 schoolsand 904 offers from top 50 schools. Genius Prep student success lies within the fact thatGenius Prep is an all-in-one consulting firm offering every service of family needs,whether it be test prep, tailored candidacy, building mentorship, academic mentorships,the leadership and innovation lab, soft skills courses, writing courses, and othercustomized programs to develop their application persona to the most effective and authenticextent to share with colleges. Just click on the link in the episode description to book a freestrategy call with one of Genius Prep's college experts or you can visit ingeniousprep.comthat's ingeniousprep.com and let them know you came from the Fatherhood Challenge.Welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge, a movement to awaken and inspire fathers everywhere to takegreat pride in their role and a challenge society to understand how important fathers are to thestability and culture of their family's environment. Now here's your host, Jonathan Guerrero.Greetings everyone, thank you so much for joining me. Also joining us is Russell Harvey.Russell's passion and mission is giving others the tools and techniques to create the rightconditions to apply transformation to their roles as parents and leaders. Russell, thank you somuch for being on the Fatherhood Challenge. Thank you so much for asking me, Jonathan, it's anabsolute pleasure to be here and to have all of their listeners tuning in. Hello to you all.One of my favorite questions to start out with is a dad joke. So Russell, what is your favoritedad joke? I'm in Leeds UK and there is in Scotland there's the Edinburgh festival,comedy festival coming up again. So I actually had a look for last year's top 10 jokes for last year.So for me a dad joke has to have this real mixture of like grown and laughter to it at the same time.So the number one joke which I think sort of fits this bill from the last year's EdinburghFringe Festival was as follows. I started dating a zookeeper but it turned out they were a cheetah.So that should, yeah, do the laugh and the groan of the same problem. Thank you for beingwith me. And that's actually from a Lorna Rose train that we need to have tripped that too.And then I saw another one that caught me eye in the top 10. I thought this is number four or five.So this one is when women gossip they get called too faced but when men gossip it's called a podcast.So those ones tickled me and I hope they tickle everybody else as well. So those yes,those are two for you there are two for one. The Russell, they were true dad ...
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  • The God Advantage
    Aug 22 2024
    In this episode we’re going to discuss why a belief in a God higher than yourself is essential to be at your best for your children. We are also going to discuss why teaching your kids to be spiritually connected can give them many advantages in life over dads who choose not to.My guest is Bryan Ward. Bryan is a dad, husband and the creator and host of a top-rated podcast called Dad Up Podcast. Bryan has also coached countless fathers on becoming the best dad they can be for their families.To Listen to the Dad Up Podcast visit: https://www.daduptribe.com/ or look up "Dad Up Podcast" on any major podcast app.Connect directly with Bryan Ward onInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/daduppodcast/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082562809850Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/263902205363487LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryan-ward-0653b821/Special thanks to InGenius Prep for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. To learn more about InGenius Prep or to claim your free consultation, visit: https://ingeniusprep.com/get-a-free-consultation/?utm_campaign=2024+Podcast+Email+Marketing&utm_content=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_medium=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_source=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_term=Fatherhood+PodcastSpecial thanks to Zencastr for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. Use my special link https://zen.ai/CWHIjopqUnnp9xKhbWqscGp-61ATMClwZ1R8J5rm824WHQIJesasjKDm-vGxYtYJ to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.Transcription - The God Advantage---In this episode, we're going to discuss why a belief in a God higher than yourself is essential to be at your best for your children.We're also going to discuss why teaching your kids to be spiritually connected can give them many advantages in life over other dads who choose not to.All this in just a moment, so don't go anywhere.Before we begin, I'd like to thank our proud sponsor of this episode and the Fatherhood Challenge, Ingenius Prep.Ingenius Prep is the world's premier admissions consulting firm, proud to be officially recognized as the country's top college admissions consultants, helping students prepare for admissions to top schools through individualized educational programs that increase chances of admission by up to 10 times.Ingenius Prep students work with former admission officers to differentiate themselves from other competitive students in three areas colleges evaluate students.In academics, extra curricular activities and personal characteristics.Just this past admission cycle, Ingenius Prep students have secured 110 offers from Ivy League schools, 268 offers from top 20 schools and 904 offers from top 50 schools.Ingenius Prep student success lies within the fact that Ingenius Prep is an all in one consulting firm offering every service of family needs, whether it be test prep, tailored candidacy, building mentorship, academic mentorships, the leadership and innovation lab, soft skills courses, writing courses and other customized programs to develop their application persona to the most effective and authentic extent to share with colleges.Just click on the link in the episode description to book a free strategy call with one of Ingenius Prep's college experts or you can visit IngeniusPrep.com that's IngeniusPrep.com and let them know you came from the Fatherhood Challenge.Welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge, a movement to awaken and inspire fathers everywhere to take great pride in their role and a challenge society to understand how important fathers are to the stability and culture of their family's environment.Now here's your host, Jonathan Guerrero.Greetings everyone, thank you so much for joining me. My guest is Brian Ward.Brian is a dad, husband and creator and co-host of a top rated podcast called Dad Up Podcast. Brian has also coached countless fathers on becoming the best dad that they can be for their families.Brian, thank you so much for being on the Fatherhood Challenge.Thank you very much for having me, brother. I really appreciate it. I've been looking forward to this conversation.Brian, what is your favorite dad joke?Which one?I think dads probably have a few in their belts that they keep around. I think I've thrown so many at my kids that they don't really into them anymore. They're 25 and 22. They're like, okay whatever dad.Now the first one that comes to mind is when I was looking at the question, I was like, okay, I could think of the one that I always go to.It's a simple one, but how do you organize a party in space?Party in space. I have no idea. You plan it.And then the other one I like to use is why did this bar involves a bar, but why did the dad bring his ladder to the bar?I have no idea.Because it drinks around the house.Those are my two, those are my two vote to use, but love it. Yeah. Well, Brian, what is your story behind why and how you started the dad podcast?You know, it's interesting. I went through a phase in my life where I've been a pretty, I'd like to call myself...
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  • Understanding Conflicts With Your Kids
    Aug 15 2024
    Got a problem child or teenager that acts out, has serious behaviors or acts aggressively? Are there moments, even frequent moments when they don’t even seem like they’re your child because it seems they have no interest in connecting with you? I invited an expert here with me who is eager to help you understand and connect with your child.My guest is Certified Human Behavior Consultant and Master Trainer, Karen Wagnon. Karen is also the author of "My Three and Me: A Journey in Parenting by Design," Her mission is to empower and equip parents with the tools they need to cultivate strong, positive relationships with their children.To learn more about what Karen Wagnon is doing or to get her book "My Three and Me" visit: https://www.teachingouryouth.com/homeTo connect with Karen directly, email her at: karen@teachingouryouth.comSpecial thanks to InGenius Prep for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. To learn more about InGenius Prep or to claim your free consultation, visit:https://ingeniusprep.com/get-a-free-consultation/?utm_campaign=2024+Podcast+Email+Marketing&utm_content=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_medium=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_source=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_term=Fatherhood+PodcastSpecial thanks to Zencastr for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. Use my special link https://zen.ai/CWHIjopqUnnp9xKhbWqscGp-61ATMClwZ1R8J5rm824WHQIJesasjKDm-vGxYtYJ to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.Transcription - Understanding Conflicts With Your Kids---You got a problem child or teenager that acts out, has serious behaviors or acts aggressively?Are there moments even frequent moments when they don't seem like they're even yourchild because it seems they have no interest in connecting with you?I have an expert here with me who is eager to help you understand and connect with yourchild.You'll hear from her in just a moment so don't go anywhere.Before we begin, I'd like to thank our proud sponsor of this episode and the FatherhoodChallenge, Ingenius Prep.Ingenius Prep is the world's premier admissions consulting firm, proud to be officially recognizedas the country's top college admissions consultants, helping students prepare for admissionsto top schools through individualized educational programs that increase chances of admissionby up to 10 times.Ingenius Prep students work with former admission officers to differentiate themselvesfrom other competitive students in three areas colleges evaluate students.In academics, extracurricular activities and personal characteristics.Just this past admission cycle, Ingenius Prep students have secured 110 offers from IvyLeague schools, 268 offers from top 20 schools and 904 offers from top 50 schools.Ingenius Prep's student success lies within the fact that Ingenius Prep is an all in oneconsulting firm offering every service a family needs, whether it be test prep, tailoredcandidacy, building mentorship, academic mentorships, the leadership and innovation lab, soft skills,courses, writing courses and other customized programs to develop their application personato the most effective and authentic extent to share with colleges.Just click on the link in the episode description to book a free strategy call with one of IngeniusPrep's college experts.Or you can visit IngeniusPrep.com that's IngeniusPrep.com and let them know you came from theFatherhood Challenge.Welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge, a movement to awaken and inspire fathers everywhereto take great pride in their role and to challenge society to understand how important fathersare to the stability and culture of their family's environment.Now here's your host, Jonathan Guerrero.Greetings everyone.Thank you so much for joining me.My guest is a certified human behavior consultant and master trainer.She's also the author of My Three and Me, a journey in parenting by design.Her mission is to empower and equip parents with the tools they need to cultivate strong,positive relationships with their children.I'm so glad Karen Wagnan is here with me.Karen, welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge.Jonathan, thank you so much for inviting me to join you today.Karen, please share your story about how you became a behavior consultant and where didyou find your passion to help parents connect with their kids?Jonathan, that is an excellent question and many people ask me, how did you get involvedin what you do today?And I often say, have you met my son, Kyle?Kyle was my challenging son.But let me take you back a little bit further.I mean, I always wanted to be a mom.I love children.I love the wonder in children as they learn and discover their world.I just love seeing life through the lens of a child as they go through life with differentexperiences.And so I became a mom.I was in my late 20s.So I was a little older than maybe some other moms.So I had already had a career that I was successful at and then I had my children.And so of course, I'm thinking is though, I would successful in my career that I wouldbe a ...
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  • Fitness for Dads
    Aug 1 2024
    When you wake up in the morning, do you feel beat up, like you got hit by a freight train and you just want to roll over and go back to sleep? Is it hard to get through your day without a nap or drinking several cups of strong coffee? Do you feel like you have no energy left for your family at the end of a work day? My guest understands what this is like and joins us to talk about how you can naturally increase your energy, upgrade your fitness and improve your quality of life.Drawing from his fifteen years of experience as a competitive powerlifter and combat sport athlete, a wilderness and hiking guide, and a dad, Josh Wood has developed a holistic approach to fitness grounded solidly in the pragmatic and the natural world.To connect with Josh Wood, get coaching help or resources visit: https://strongforlife.online/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachjoshwood/Special thanks to InGenius Prep for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. To learn more about InGenius Prep or to claim your free consultation, visit: https://ingeniusprep.com/get-a-free-consultation/?utm_campaign=2024+Podcast+Email+Marketing&utm_content=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_medium=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_source=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_term=Fatherhood+PodcastSpecial thanks to Zencastr for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. Use my special link https://zen.ai/CWHIjopqUnnp9xKhbWqscGp-61ATMClwZ1R8J5rm824WHQIJesasjKDm-vGxYtYJ to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.Transcription - Fitness for Dads---When you wake up in the morning, do you feel beat up?Like you got hit by a freight train and you just want to roll over and go back to sleep?Is it hard to get through your day without a nap, drinking several cups of coffee?Do you feel like you have no energy left for your family at the end of the day?My guest understands what this is like and he will join us shortly to talk about how you can naturallyincrease your energy, upgrade your fitness and improve your quality of life.So don't go anywhere.Before we begin, I'd like to thank our proud sponsor of this episode and the Fatherhood Challenge in Genius Prep.In Genius Prep is the world's premier admissions consulting firmproud to be officially recognized as the country's top college admissions consultants,helping students prepare for admissions to top schools through individualized educational programsthat increase chances of admission by up to 10 times.In Genius Prep students work with former admission officers to differentiate themselves from other competitive studentsin three areas, colleges evaluate students in academics, extra curricular activities and personal characteristics.Just this past admission cycle in Genius Prep students have secured 110 offers from Ivy League schools,268 offers from top 20 schools and 904 offers from top 50 schools.In Genius Prep student success lies within the fact that in Genius Prep is an all in one consulting firmoffering every service of family needs, whether it be test prep, tailored candidacy, building mentorship,academic mentorships, the leadership and innovation lab, soft skills courses,writing courses and other customized programs to develop their application personato the most effective and authentic extent to share with colleges.Just click on the link in the episode description to book a free strategy call with one of Genius Prep's college expertsor you can visit ingeniousprep.com that's ingeniousprep.com and let them know you came from the Fatherhood Challenge.Welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge, a movement to awaken and inspire fathers everywhereto take great pride in their role and a challenge society to understand how important fathers areto the stability and culture of their family's environment.Now here's your host, Jonathan Guerrero.Greetings everyone, thank you so much for joining me.My guest is TEDx speaker, educator and fitness expert Josh Wood.Drawing from his 15 years of experience as a competitive powerlifter and combat sports athlete,a wilderness hiking guide and a dad, Josh has developed a holistic approach to fitness groundedsolidly in the pragmatic and the natural world.Josh, welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge.Thanks for having me.Okay, I gotta ask, what is your favorite dad joke?A man is out of funeral for his best friend and it's obviously a very somber occasion and he steps upand asks his best friend's wife, "Hey, do you mind if I say a word?"And she's like, "Of course, you were his best friend."And so he gets up in front of everyone.He looks with great seriousness at all the crowd and the friends.And he says, "Plessera" and steps down.And with a tear in her eye, his best friend's wife says,"That means a lot."Oh, that was good.So thank you.Oh, that's how I like to kick things off.Let's start with your story.How did your fitness journey begin?So I'm 35.And my fitness journey started when I was 17.I believe.Yeah, I was 17.So I was in Rochester, Minnesota working at a computer repair shop.And one day I'm sitting there ...
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  • How Veterans Find Purpose in Fatherhood
    Jul 15 2024
    This episode is dedicated to and about military dads. If you’re actively serving or a veteran and you’re trying to find purpose and balance in fatherhood, you’re going to want to stick around for this episode. My guest will share his story and journey from being a soldier to being a veteran dad.Joseph Peck is a successful Vice President, Financial Adviser and father. But before that he was a soldier and he’s here to share his journey into fatherhood.To learn more about Joseph Peck or connect with him.Email: josephgpeck@gmail.comLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-peck-a81932116/Special thanks to InGenius Prep for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. To learn more about InGenius Prep or to claim your free consultation, visit: https://ingeniusprep.com/get-a-free-consultation/?utm_campaign=2024+Podcast+Email+Marketing&utm_content=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_medium=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_source=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_term=Fatherhood+PodcastSpecial thanks to Zencastr for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. Use my special link https://zen.ai/CWHIjopqUnnp9xKhbWqscGp-61ATMClwZ1R8J5rm824WHQIJesasjKDm-vGxYtYJ to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.Transcription - How Veterans Find Purpose in Fatherhood---This episode is dedicated to and about military dads.If you're actively serving or a veteran and you're trying to find purpose and balance in fatherhood,you're gonna want to stick around for this episode.My guest will share his story and journey from being a soldier to being a veteran dad in just a moment so don't go anywhere.Before we begin, I'd like to thank our proud sponsor of this episode and the Fatherhood Challenge in Genius Prep.In Genius Prep is the world's premier admissions consulting firm, proud to be officially recognized as the country's top college admissions consultants.Helping students prepare for admissions to top schools through individualized educational programs that increase chances of admission by up to 10 times.In Genius Prep students work with former admission officers to differentiate themselves from other competitive students in three areas colleges evaluate students.In academics, extra curricular activities and personal characteristics.Just this past admission cycle, Genius Prep students have secured 110 offers from Ivy League schools, 268 offers,from top 20 schools, and 904 offers from top 50 schools.In Genius Prep's student success lies within the fact that in Genius Prep is an all-in-one consulting firmoffering every service a family needs, whether it be test prep, tailored candidacy, building mentorship, academic mentorships,the leadership and innovation lab, soft skills courses, writing courses and other customized programs to develop their application persona to the most effective and authentic extent to share with colleges.Just click on the link in the episode description to book a free strategy call with one of Genius Prep's college experts.Or you can visit in Genius Prep.com that's in Genius Prep.com and let them know you came from the Fatherhood Challenge.Welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge, a movement to awaken and inspire fathers everywhere to take great pride in their role and to challenge society to understand how important fathers are to the stability and culture of their families environment.Now here's your host, Jonathan Guerrero.Greetings everyone, thank you so much for joining me. My guest is Joseph Peck. Joseph is a successful vice president and financial advisor and father, but before that he was a soldier and he's here to share his journey to Fatherhood.Joseph, thank you so much for being on the Fatherhood Challenge.Hey, it's my pleasure, Jonathan. Thank you for having me.Joseph, what is your favorite dad joke?I have been telling this joke even before I was a father when I was in high school, I was giving a presentation and the computer stopped working, the PowerPoint stopped working and it was me and my partner working on the presentation, standing up there, staring at about 60 adults.And I pulled this joke out and it has never ceased to fail me. It is hands down my favorite dad joke, so this is the way it goes.There are two muffins in an oven. One muffin turns to the other and says, oh my gosh, we're in an oven.The second muffin looks at the other one and says, oh my god, you're a talking muffin.[Laughter]Yeah, that is awesome.Thank you. Thank you for sharing that with us.I love that the way this show starts, so thank you.So Joseph, please share your story from what made you want to join the military and what was your experience like while you were in?Absolutely. I wanted to join the military pretty early on since I was in early teenager and I really just wanted to serve the country.I was kind of hot-headed like a lot of young men are.I wanted to do things that were exciting. I wanted to travel the world. I liked confrontation.So I was very much stereotypical, I guess you could say, for the kind of person that would have ...
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  • Guarding Your Kids Hearts and Minds
    Jul 3 2024
    Dads, have you ever wondered what’s going on inside your children's minds? Would you like to know what they’re thinking? If you had a chance to learn ways to strengthen your child’s mental health, to help them feel safe, loved and confident would you take that opportunity? That chance is now on this episode. My guest is Psychotherapist, Keynote Speaker and Parent Coach Nicole Runyon.To learn more about Nicole Runyon or book a discovery call visit:https://nicolerunyon.com/To connect with Nicole Runyon on social media visit:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolerunyonlmsw/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/igenerationmentalhealth/Special thanks to InGenius Prep for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. To learn more about InGenius Prep or to claim your free consultation, visit: https://ingeniusprep.com/get-a-free-consultation/?utm_campaign=2024+Podcast+Email+Marketing&utm_content=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_medium=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_source=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_term=Fatherhood+PodcastSpecial thanks to Zencastr for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. Use my special link https://zen.ai/CWHIjopqUnnp9xKhbWqscGp-61ATMClwZ1R8J5rm824WHQIJesasjKDm-vGxYtYJ to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.Transcription - Guarding Your Kid's Hearts and Minds---Dads, have you ever wondered what's going on inside your children's minds?Would you like to know what they're thinking?If you had a chance to learn ways to strengthen your child's mental health to help them feelsafe, loved, and confident, would you take that opportunity?That chance is now on this episode.So don't go anywhere before we begin.I'd like to thank our proud sponsor of this episode and the Fatherhood Challenge in GeniusPrep.Genius Prep is the world's premier admissions consulting firm, proud to be officiallyrecognized as the country's top college admissions consultants, helping students preparefor admissions to top schools through individualized educational programs that increase chancesof admission by up to 10 times.Genius Prep students work with former admission officers to differentiate themselves fromother competitive students in three areas colleges evaluate students.In academics, extracurricular activities, and personal characteristics.Just this past admission cycle, Genius Prep students have secured 110 offers from IvyLeague schools, 268 offers from top 20 schools, and 904 offers from top 50 schools.Genius Prep's student success lies within the fact that Genius Prep is an all-in-one consultingfirm offering every service a family needs, whether it be test prep, tailored candidacy,building mentorship, academic mentorships, the leadership, and innovation lab, soft skillscourses, writing courses, and other customized programs to develop their application personato the most effective and authentic extent to share with colleges.Just click on the link in the episode description to book a free strategy call with one ofGenius Prep's college experts.Welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge, a movement to awaken and inspire fathers everywhereto take great pride in their role and to challenge society to understand how important fathersare to the stability and culture of their family's environment.Now here's your host, Jonathan Guerrero.Greetings, everyone.Thank you so much for joining me.My guest is psychotherapist, keynote speaker, and parent coach, Nicole Rennian.Nicole, thank you so much for being on the Fatherhood Challenge.Thank you for having me.I'm excited to talk about this.Let's dive right in.Nicole, let's start from the beginning of how you got into coaching parents and helpingthem understand their child's mental health.What's your own story?Well, so my story starts when I was around 10 years old.When I decided that I always loved children, I was one of the oldest in my family, my siblingsand my cousins.And I had just really felt like I wanted to go into something that made a difference inchildren's lives and helped them.And psychology was just always an interest of mine.And so I ended up having a private practice where I specialized in seeing children.I've done that for about 21 years.And in the last 10 years or so, I've noticed sort of a major shift with this generationof kids.And the shift was that I was seeing mental health cases in front of me with these very severesymptoms with no root in any kind of trauma or any psychosocial issue that I could attachit to.And in my training, I was always taught to see the child in the context of their environment,which for a child is their family or their community or their school.And when I would do digging into these kids' lives, I would find that for the most part,everything was intact.I mean, sure, there were some things to work on.Maybe some family dynamic stuff to work through.But nothing that would warrant the symptoms that I was seeing.And so I kind of started asking myself, what's happening with these kids?And this was 10 years ago.So nobody was talking about the effects of ...
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  • Saving Dads Saving Communities
    Jun 26 2024
    Have you imagined yourself as a powerful influence on your community and culture around you? Are you ready to make the important decisions in your relationships to be an effective leader at home and everywhere you go? It starts at home and my guest Warren Mainard is going to walk us through that journey. Warren is the national director at Impact Players.To to connect with Warren Mainard visit:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wmainardLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/warren-mainard/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wmainard/To learn more about Impact Players Visit:https://www.impactplayers.org/Special thanks to InGenius Prep for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. To learn more about InGenius Prep or to claim your free consultation, visit: https://ingeniusprep.com/get-a-free-consultation/?utm_campaign=2024+Podcast+Email+Marketing&utm_content=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_medium=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_source=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_term=Fatherhood+PodcastSpecial thanks to Zencastr for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. Use my special link https://zen.ai/CWHIjopqUnnp9xKhbWqscGp-61ATMClwZ1R8J5rm824WHQIJesasjKDm-vGxYtYJ to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.Transcription - Saving Dads Saving Communities---Have you imagined yourself as a powerful influence on your community and culture around you?Are you ready to make important decisions in your relationships and to be an effective leader at home?And everywhere you go, it starts at home and my guest is going to walk us through that journeyin just a moment so don't go anywhere. Before we begin, I'd like to thank our proud sponsor ofthis episode and the Fatherhood Challenge in Genius Prep. In Genius Prep is the world's premieradmissions consulting firm, proud to be officially recognized as the country's top college admissionsconsultants, helping students prepare for admissions to top schools through individualizededucational programs that increase chances of admission by up to 10 times. In Genius Prepstudents work with former admission officers to differentiate themselves from other competitivestudents in three areas, colleges evaluate students. In academics, extra curricular activities,and personal characteristics. Just this past admission cycle,Genius Prep students have secured 110 offers from Ivy League schools, 268 offers from top 20 schools,and 904 offers from top 50 schools. In Genius Prep student success lies within the fact thatin Genius Prep is an all-in-one consulting firm offering every service of family needs,whether it be test prep, tailored candidacy, building mentorship, academic mentorships,the leadership and innovation lab, soft skills courses, writing courses, and othercustomized programs to develop their application persona to the most effective and authenticextent to share with colleges. Just click on the link in the episode description to book a freestrategy call with one of Genius Prep's college experts or you can visit ingeniousprep.com.That's ingeniousprep.com and let them know you came from the Fatherhood Challenge.Welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge, a movement to awaken and inspire fathers everywhere,to take great pride in their role and to challenge society to understand how important fathers areto the stability and culture of their family's environment. Now here's your host, Jonathan Guerrero.We need everyone. Thank you so much for joining me. My guest is Warren Menard.Warren is the national director at Impact Players and we're going to learn more about it shortly.Warren, thank you so much for being on the Fatherhood Challenge.Oh hey Jonathan, it's so great to be with you and very excited to talk about being better dad.This is so important, such a great topic. Warren, this next question goes right in line withtradition. So I always like to start each episode with a dad joke. So Warren, what is your favoritedad joke? Oh man, we love dad jokes and impact players. We start every impact breakfastwith a series of dad jokes and I've got a handful but here's a quick one. So my son asked me the otherday, hey dad, have you seen my sunglasses? I said no son, have you seen my dad glasses?That's a great one. It's cheesy, is cheesy. I love it. I was talking with my wife. That's what makesthe dad joke. That's right. I was talking with my wife on the elevator the other day. We got intoan argument. Turns out I was wrong on so many levels. Oh wow, you're good at this. You have some practice.We have a lot of fun. In fact, we really believe that getting a group of men together and lettingthem laugh and just have that camaraderie with one another is absolutely critical to opening upmen's hearts and getting into really important things. What is the story behind impact players? What isit? How did it start and how did you become involved? Yeah, it's a powerful story. It started in 2004with a man named Matt Wimmer and a handful of other men who witnessed a dear friend of theirs really fallinto a series of devastating decisions ...
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  • Creating Stronger Bonds and Stronger Development
    Jun 19 2024
    Looking for ways to connect closer to your kids and family? My guest will share some simple actionable steps you can start using today.Michael Anderson is a public speaker and children's book author whose mission and purpose is helping fathers gain the strategies to transform their relationships, do their inner work, and show up more powerfully for their families.To connect with Michael Anderson visit: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-anderson-44ba36ba/To get Michael's book No More Mistakes from the Jungle Tales series visit:https://www.amazon.com/Jungle-Tails-No-More-Mistakes/dp/B0D2BGH6YQSpecial thanks to InGenius Prep for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. To learn more about InGenius Prep or to claim your free consultation, visit: https://ingeniusprep.com/get-a-free-consultation/?utm_campaign=2024+Podcast+Email+Marketing&utm_content=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_medium=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_source=Fatherhood+Podcast&utm_term=Fatherhood+PodcastSpecial thanks to Zencastr for sponsoring The Fatherhood Challenge. Use my special link https://zen.ai/CWHIjopqUnnp9xKhbWqscGp-61ATMClwZ1R8J5rm824WHQIJesasjKDm-vGxYtYJ to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.Transcription - Creating Stronger Bonds and Stronger Development---Looking for ways to connect closer to your kids and family?My guest will share simple actionable steps you can start using today,and he will be with us in just a moment, so don't go anywhere.Before we begin, I'd like to thank our proud sponsor of this episodeand the Fatherhood Challenge, Ingenious Prep.Ingenious Prep is the world's premier admissions consulting firm,proud to be officially recognized as the country's top college admissions consultants,helping students prepare for admissionsto top schools through individualized educational programsthat increase chances of admission by up to 10 times.Ingenious Prep students work with former admission officersto differentiate themselves from other competitive studentsin three areas colleges evaluate students in academics,extra curricular activities, and personal characteristics.Just this past admission cycle,Ingenious Prep students have secured 110 offers from Ivy League schools,268 offers from top 20 schools, and 904 offers from top 50 schools.Ingenious Prep's student success lies within the factthat Ingenious Prep is an all-in-one consulting firmoffering every service a family needs,whether it be test prep, tailored candidacy, building mentorship,academic mentorships, the leadership, and innovation lab,soft skills courses, writing courses, and other customized programsto develop their application persona to the most effective and authentic extentto share with colleges.Just click on the link in the episode descriptionto book a free strategy call with one of Ingenious Prep's college experts,or you can visit ingeniousprep.comthat's ingeniousprep.comand let them know you came from the Fatherhood Challenge.Welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge!A movement to awaken and inspire fathers everywhere,to take great pride in their role,and a challenge society to understand how important fathers areto the stability and culture of their family's environment.Now here's your host, Jonathan Guerrero.Greetings everyone, thank you so much for joining me.My guest is Michael Anderson.Michael is a public speaker and a children's book author,whose mission and purpose is helping fathers gain the strategiesto transform their relationships,and do their inner work and also show up more powerfully for their families.Michael, thank you so much for being on the Fatherhood Challenge.Yeah, this is awesome, Jonathan. Thanks for having me on, man.So Michael, what is your favorite dad joke?(laughs)Favorite dad joke?Oh man, I'm trying to think of all the, you know,I can't believe I say this joke because when my dad said it,I just rolled my eyes every time.But I am guilty of the classic when my kids say,"Dad, I'm thirsty."I'll say, "Well, nice to meet you, thirsty. I'm dad."And they have never once found it funny.(laughs)They've never once found it funny,but I do every time. I can't help myself.(laughs)I love it.I really don't want to eat it.I'm glad someone loves it because they love it.(laughs)Well, Michael, let's get right to it.What is the story behind how and why you got into the workof helping families connect and stay connected?I kind of, you know, I kind of like I stumbled into this.I was working in a different job, had a different career.I kind of thought I was going to be doing that for the rest of my life.My wife was going to school at the time.I think we had just had our first child, I think,just this baby, my wife was getting her undergrad in family studies.And she was telling me about things she was learning about marriage,about family, parenting, and I just started realizing thatthe stuff she was saying was way more interesting than the stuff I was doing as a career.And so I decided to go back to school and get and become a marriage and family ...
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