
  • Need More Clients? Be Careful What You Wish For!
    Jul 30 2024

    In this candid episode, we dive deep into the challenges of overwhelming success. Discover why being ultra-busy might not be the dream it seems and learn three essential tips to help you balance your workload and maintain your sanity. We explore the importance of reclaiming your time and setting achievable goals to avoid burnout.

    Listen in as three critical lessons are unfolded:
    1. The Double-Edged Sword of Business Busyness: Learn why bustling activity can lead to burnout and distract from creative pursuits that fuel business growth.
    2. Reclaiming Your Time: Hear about the importance of managing your schedule to avoid overwhelm and maintain your mental health.
    3. Setting Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs): Explore how setting ambitious, long-term goals can streamline your focus and enhance your personal brand, making your future business endeavors smoother and more successful.
    Is your business burning out?

    Discover the hidden dangers of being too busy. In this episode, we uncover the reality behind the hustle and bustle. Learn how excessive workload can impact your well-being and hinder your business growth. We delve into the challenges of maintaining a healthy work-life balance while running a successful enterprise.

    Tired of the hustle?

    Discover how constant busyness can actually hinder your business growth. In this episode, we explore the challenges of balancing a packed schedule with creativity and productivity. Learn how to prioritise your time and build a sustainable business that allows you to enjoy the journey. We also discuss the importance of creating valuable content and marketing assets to generate leads effortlessly.

    This episode is a must-listen for small business owners and entrepreneurs aiming for sustainable growth without compromising their well-being or creative drive. Tune in to gain practical tips and heartfelt advice to help you navigate the complex terrain of business management. Whether you're overwhelmed with demand or seeking to increase your business activity, this episode offers valuable perspectives to help you balance ambition with personal well-being.

    To Apply for a FREE Coaching Session with Robin

    Use the following link: https://www.robinwaite.com/app

    To find out more about Fearless Business:

    Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook: >> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore

    And check out the Robin's website: >> https://www.robinwaite.com

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    12 m
  • Turning Creatives into Strategic Thinkers - Anneli Hansson
    May 13 2024
    Are you tired of being treated like an order-taker? Let me help you become your clients’ go-to for solving their business problems and developing their brands. We do a deep dive into Personal Branding and Long-Term Brand Strategy. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT MY GUEST TODAY: Anneli Hansson is the Swedish sustainability award-winning Brand strategist and author of the best-selling course Brand Strategy Fundamentals together with The Futur. On a mission to create sustainable brands for the future, she now educates through her own programs, helping creatives transform into strategic thinkers. Her 20+ years of experience spans from both international client work and coaching start-ups, to being the CBO and CMO of Lantmännen, a multi-billion-dollar company and Northern Europe's leader in agriculture, machinery, bioenergy, and food products. Visit Anneli's Website: https://www.annelihansson.com/ Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/theannelihansson/ And follow Anneli on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theannelihansso To Apply for a FREE Coaching Session with Robin

    Use the following link: https://www.robinwaite.com/app

    To find out more about Fearless Business:

    Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook: >> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore

    And check out the Robin's website: >> https://www.robinwaite.com

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    59 m
  • My Business Lessons From Disney World
    Apr 30 2024

    Earlier on this year I took a family trip to Disney World Florida for the first time. I've never been before so I had absolutely no point of reference as to what the experience was going to be like.

    It goes without saying that it was epic.

    While I was out there I still carried on with my Weekly Group Coaching calls with my amazing Fearless Crew, and so after ten days at Disney I shared my business lessons with them on the call.

    So, what you're listening to is me speaking on a coaching call, if it feels more/less formal that usual or different to my typical podcast recordings.

    What were my business lessons from Disney? 1. Add Upgrades and Upsells Into Your Business:

    There is just incredible demand at Disney...throughout the year...ALL of the time! And despite there being four parks there are only a handful of big experience rides at each park. Which means that if you want to get onto those rides, you've got to a) upgrade to the Genie+ feature in the Disney App...which is a daily upgrade of about $36 per person (EVERY DAY!!!!)...which then unlocks Lightening Lanes.

    What could you introduce into your business to give people an upgrade?

    In Fearless Business I have the Group Accelerator, but if you want to hang out with me 1:2:1 then you have to upgrade to my Hybrid Coaching programme or full 1:2:1 Business Coaching.

    Food at Disney is also a premium. Drinks are a premium.

    With their having a captive audience you can't escape spending even more money while you're there.

    2. Customer Services and Remarkable Value

    Just brilliant...at every single part of Disney...just brilliant!

    3. Stimulating the Demand with FREE Marketing!

    What I loved was the photographers throughout the parks and it was included to have your photos taken. You could approach any photographer and have your photo taken, scan your card and they'd send it into your Disney App within seconds.

    Why would they do this for free? Instead of you paying for it?

    Disney know that you're going to share their photos on social media and with your family, and they want those photos and Disney to be seen in the best possible light. So it's brilliant free marketing for Disney.

    What could you do to encourage people to talk about and share your business and brand FOR FREE?

    And FOMO is a huge part of marketing within the parks as well. The queues are long and it makes you want to go on the rides MORE not less. So if you are too cheap you're signalling to the market that you "have lots of supply" available...i.e. you're not in demand. So, why would people get FOMO when you're not in demand. Limit your supply and you'll find you have a waitlist for your services.

    4. Requesting Reviews

    Disney have all sorts of marketing assets driving people towards their parks. But within 15 minutes of me leaving the park in my Uber, I received a notification asking for a review. Which got pumped straight out into social media.

    How can you automate requesting review from your customers?

    To Apply for a FREE Coaching Session with Robin

    Use the following link: https://www.robinwaite.com/app

    To find out more about Fearless Business:

    Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook: >> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore

    And check out the Robin's website: >> https://www.robinwaite.com

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • How I Generated £150k From a Single Podcast Interview
    Apr 22 2024

    In August '23 I was particularly fortunate to be a guest on the Deep Dive Podcast with Ali Abdaal. For those who don't know Ali has 6 million subscribers to his main YouTube channel.

    That one single podcast interview generated 1,500 leads for my business in the subsequent 90 days, which led to 80+ sales calls and over £150,000 in booked revenue.

    It blew my mind how one podcast interview could make or break the fortunes of a business owner, and so in this episode I disect what steps I went through in order to get this podcast booked.

    My blinding flash of the obvious was that it was all down to the Partnerships that I built that this podcast even came about. From doing the Key Person of Influence course ten years ago with Daniel Priestley, to my friendship with author Simon Alexanger-Ong they all played a part.

    The 5 Steps for Partnership are:
    1. Be intentional about the 10-20 people you would like to partner up with and how the partnership will benefit both you and them.
    2. Ensure you a rephysically in the same room with your partners regularly. Yes we live in an online world but nothing beats a hand shake and looking into someone's eyes!
    3. Be helpful and add value.
    4. Finding your inside man/woman.
    5. The "Silver Platter" methodology for sealing a new partnership.
    To Apply for a FREE Coaching Session with Robin

    Use the following link: https://www.robinwaite.com/app

    To find out more about Fearless Business:

    Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook: >> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore

    And check out the Robin's website: >> https://www.robinwaite.com

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • How I Get More Downloads on my Podcast Episodes
    Apr 15 2024

    I get asked very frequently what my process is for producing a podcast episode, and in this episode of the podcast (a bit meta!!) I break it down for you.

    My Podcast process is quite simple:

    1. Come up with an overall topic for the episode. Generally this is either from questions I get asked throughout the week from clients and prospects or I might look for a topic on Google which is highly searched for. These are topics which I know will get traction because people are talking about the topic already.
    2. Once I've chosen my topic for the podcast, I'll do a quick bit of research and write down a bullet point list of what I want to speak about. This is where frameworks are quite helpful, so something like my "Silver Platter Patnership" Framework might be made up of 5 steps. So if I do a 2 minutes introduction and backstory, along with 2 minutes for each step (or bullet point) and then 2 minutes for an outro, that equates to a nice succint 14 minute long episode.
    3. I try and record monologues in one-take because I get into flow, and I'll only go back and re-record that short segment.
    4. Without thinking about it I send it to my awesome Podcast Editor, James Ede, and he normally has it back to me within 48 hours.

    This means I can get a very simple podcast episode up in a very short period of time.

    The other things to consider on your podcast are:

    1. Monologues vs Guest Interviews: I found when I was solely doing guest interviews my downloads were generally quite low because I was selecting relatively unknown people with small audiences and my guests weren't promoting the episode. When I switched to 3 monologues to every 1 guest interview my downloads went up fourfold and people enquiring after my lead magnets also shot up, plus the guest interviews got a lot more traction.
    2. Platform: Choosing the right platform is paramount, originally I was on Anchor.fm which was good enough, but I didn't find the distribution was as wide as I wanted it to be, when I switched to Podbean again the management of the podcast was easier but the downloads increased dramatically because of the wider distribution.
    3. Reviews: ASK PEOPLE FOR REVIEWS!!!
    4. Spring Clean: Spring clean your podcast periodically. During th e100th episode relaunch I went through and SEO optimised all of the episode titles and descriptions, removed some of the lesser downloaded episodes. Ordered the episodes into seasons. And again on doing all of this the downloads went up.

    Hope you found this helpful, let me know if you did!!

    To Apply for a FREE Coaching Session with Robin

    Use the following link: https://www.robinwaite.com/app

    To find out more about Fearless Business:

    Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook: >> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore

    And check out the Robin's website: >> https://www.robinwaite.com

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    7 m
  • How to Grow a Successful Wedding Business - Katie Lyth and Roxy Bond
    Oct 27 2023

    The wedding industry is a world of dreams, where every couple envisions their special day as perfect, memorable, and stress-free. As a wedding industry professional, your mission is not just to meet these expectations but to surpass them. In this illuminating podcast episode, we dive deep into the wisdom of Robin Waite, a seasoned expert in business. He shares invaluable insights on pricing strategies, the art of sales, and building a successful wedding business that leaves both you and your clients feeling fulfilled.

    Katie Lyth is one half of The Wedding Business Hub alongside her business partner Roxy Bond they make a dynamic team and are wedding industry experts. They are dedicated to helping small businesses in the wedding industry achieve remarkable financial milestones. With a passion for entrepreneurship and an in-depth understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within the wedding sector, They are a trusted guide for aspiring and established wedding professionals alike.

    What We Discussed on The WedPro Podcast
    1. Offering Value: In the wedding industry, it's essential to offer experiences that resonate with couples, providing peace of mind and stress-free planning.
    2. Money-Back Guarantee: Consider offering a 100% money-back guarantee to showcase your faith in your services while ensuring you work with the right clients.
    3. Pricing Confidence: Don't fear raising your prices gradually, focusing on delivering exceptional experiences that justify the cost.
    4. Conversion Rates: Aim for a conversion rate between 20% and 40%, focusing on quality over quantity and gaining feedback through lower conversion rates.
    5. Six-Step Sales Process: Implement a concise sales script to boost confidence during sales conversations, navigate objections, and guide clients toward positive decisions.
    6. Sales Roleplay: Live roleplay exercises offer practical insights into handling objections, adjusting tonality, pacing, and perfecting body language.
    7. WEDCON Event: Beyond pricing and sales, WEDCON celebrates success and well-being for wedding professionals, offering a supportive community and relaxation.
    8. Financial Buffer: Build a financial buffer to enhance business stability, boost confidence, and approach bookings more strategically.
    Connect with Katie and Roxy:


    Facebook: The Wedding Business Hub

    Learn More About WEDCON Here

    To find out more about Fearless Business:

    Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook: >> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore

    And check out the Fearless Business website: >> https://fearless.biz and https://www.robinwaite.com

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    45 m
  • The Benefits of Podcasts and Video for Business - Darren Ockenden
    Oct 24 2023

    I had a really fascinating conversation between Business Coach, Robin Waite and Darren Ockenden, founder of Motion to Profit, about the benefits of Video and Podcasts for small business owners and why it's wortwhile investing the money into building these as a marketing asset.

    Having served as a police officer for 14 years, Darren is the visionary behind Motion to Profit, a top-rated marketing agency specialising in Video Production and Podcast Management.

    The podcast discussion covered a wide range of topics related to personal branding, content creation, and business growth. Here are some key highlights from the conversation:

    What We Discussed With Darren Ockenden
    1. Podcasting and Video for Personal Branding: Podcasting and video are powerful tools for building a personal brand. They allow you to connect with your audience on a personal level, create trust, and engage with your target audience effectively.
    2. Consistency and Quality: Consistency in content creation is essential, but it should not compromise quality. Focus on delivering valuable content that resonates with your audience and aligns with your brand's message and values.
    3. Transparency and Authenticity: Building trust through transparency and authenticity is key to personal branding. Share your journey, including successes and failures, to connect with your audience on a deeper level.
    4. Diversify Content Formats: Diversify your content formats to cater to different preferences within your audience. Offer a mix of blogs, podcasts, videos, and social media posts to engage a broader audience.
    5. Networking and Collaboration: Building a network within your industry and collaborating with influencers can open up opportunities for growth and exposure.
    6. SEO and Online Visibility: Optimise your online presence for search engines to reach a wider audience. Use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and backlinks to improve your website's search rankings.
    7. Monitoring and Adaptation: Regularly analyse your personal branding efforts, monitor engagement metrics, and adapt your strategy based on what works best for your audience.
    8. Seek Professional Guidance: Consider outsourcing tasks that aren't your core strengths, like content creation, to professionals who can help you maintain consistency and quality.
    9. Stay True to Your Values: Never compromise your values or authenticity for the sake of personal branding. Your brand should reflect your true self and the values you hold dear.
    To find out more about Fearless Business:

    Join our amazing community of Coaches, Consultants and Freelancers on Facebook: >> https://facebook.com/groups/ChargeMore

    And check out the Fearless Business website: >> https://fearless.biz and https://www.robinwaite.com

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Money Mastery: A Conversation with Rob Moore
    Oct 9 2023

    In this episode of the Fearless Business Podcast, Rob Moore joins seasoned business coach Robin Waite to talk about entrepreneurship and money mastery.

    Rob Moore is a self-made property investor, entrepreneur, accomplished author, record-breaking individual, dynamic speaker, skilled pilot, and proud father. He holds co-ownership in seven companies specialising in property, lettings, and finance. Rob has forged partnerships with some of the most prominent names in the business and household spheres. He has made appearances as a business mentor on prime-time TV shows, including those on Living, Channel 4, the BBC, The Independent, and The Business Channel. Moreover, Rob is dedicated to mentoring individuals striving for success, helping them attain greater financial prosperity and recognition in both business and life.

    He is the acclaimed author of bestsellers like "LIFE LEVERAGE" and "MONEY" and serves as the host of the widely followed DISRUPTIVE ENTREPRENEUR podcast.

    In the world of entrepreneurship, there are those who play it safe, and then there are those who embrace the challenges with a fearless attitude. Rob Moore, a renowned entrepreneur, author, and coach, undoubtedly falls into the latter category. In this insightful interview, we had the privilege of delving into Rob's world, exploring his journey, mindset, and the secrets behind his remarkable success.

    What We Discussed with Rob Moore on the Fearless Business Podcast
    1. Fearless Entrepreneurship: Rob Moore's journey from art to entrepreneurship highlights the importance of embracing change and making data-driven decisions in the world of business.
    2. Role of Mentorship: Mentorship plays a crucial role in accelerating entrepreneurial growth by providing valuable insights and guidance to avoid common pitfalls.
    3. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Rob Moore's success is built on data-driven decision-making, using available information and market insights to make strategic choices.
    4. Harnessing Fear: Fear can be a motivator for entrepreneurs, driving them to make better decisions and confront challenges head-on.
    5. Money Mastery: Rob Moore is an expert in money mastery, with a focus on helping others understand financial management through books like "Money Matrix" and "Money Loves You."
    6. Rob.team: Rob's platform, Rob.team, empowers entrepreneurs with a wealth of resources, courses, and a supportive community to help them succeed.
    7. Community Support: Being part of a supportive community is vital for entrepreneurs, allowing them to share challenges, seek advice, and celebrate successes together.

    Future Impact: Rob Moore's fearless approach and commitment to empowering entrepreneurs make him a leader in the field, with a growing impact on the world of entrepreneurship.

    Más Menos
    59 m