
  • 5 Ways to Improve Your Mitochondria
    Jul 26 2024

    Improve Your Mitochondria

    To improve your mitochondria requires you focus a little more than on just “exercise” or “anything is better than nothing.”

    First, though, let's talk about why you want to. Now, if you want a deeper conversation, I’ve got a couple resources for you. There are prior Flipping 50 episodes I’ll link to and if you love to geek out and would love 2 hour long explanations you may want to listen to Peter Attia podcasts on the topic or Rhonda Patrick episodes. They both host longer shows that for the most part many of you express you don’t have time (or patience) for but that are very deep dive.

    Counter to some of the “bros” in science, I also don’t agree with Zone 2 training being the best thing for women to improve mitochondria and VO2 max, at least without understanding it.

    Practices for Optimal Mitochondrial Performance:

    • Regular physical activity

      Base building, strength training, HIIT

    • Intermittent fasting or two meals a day

      Times without eating

    • Reduce stress

      Overall, stress has a negative impact on mitochondria production because it’s not an “essential” to keep you alive

    • Prioritize sleep

      Sleep is regenerating at it’s best

    • Nutritional supplementation

    Secret Weapons to Improve Your Mitochondria

    • Mitopure / Urolithin A - Results seen in about 2 months of supplementation 500 mg a day
    • NAD or CoQ10 - support energy production again, But ignores the need to to clear out poor mitochondria for the inactive (take out the trash) – which is what Urolithin A does. Improves the quality and the quantity of mitochondria. Greater resistance to fatigue, then you walk and move more spontaneously during the day, total energy expenditure increases and blood sugar improves… It's a positive domino effect.
    • C60 - longevity agent, educes inflammation from oxidation and free radical damage, degeneration of cartilage, boosts immunity, hair growth, libido, hormones function better

    Other Episodes You Might Like:

    Are Your Mitochondria Aging Too Fast? | Slow Down to Energy Up: https://www.flippingfifty.com/aging-too-fast/

    The Importance of Mitochondria | Energy, Heath, and Longevity


    The Most Unsuspecting Motivation Source | C60 30-Day Follow Up:



    Energy Bits: https://www.flippingfifty.com/energybits

    C60: https://www.flippingfifty.com/c60

    Mitopure: https://www.flippingfifty.com/mitopure

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • 78 Year Old Endurance Athlete Training for Triathlons
    Jul 23 2024

    Rarely do we look at training for endurance or being an endurance athlete here. Today is different. This isn’t a suggestion nor a recommendation. But it is a glass ceiling lift. Whatever you think is possible, is possible. There are few 78-year-olds training for 4-5 hours on a bike or spending hours a week in the pool and on their zero gravity treadmill... preparing for one of the most daunting events in triathlon. But today’s guest is. My returning guest is a 78-year-old endurance athlete and she’s here to share her next goal. If you walk away with one thing, I hope it is that it’s never too late, you’re not too old. And if you find yourself thinking, she shouldn’t, you reconsider and do a self check about your own fear level instead.

    My Guest:

    Dexter Yeats, age 78, but identified as 79 for Racing, as it is My Last Year in the Female 74-79 Age Group!

    In the late 1970s, she began participating in triathlons. In her first race, she finished as the third female overall but was also dead last. There were few female racers back then, and no awards for women, so they received single red roses from a local grocery store. Her first Ironman was in Penticton, Canada, in 1993, where she won her age group (45-49) and qualified for KONA, finishing 10th in her age group. Life's demands limited her swimming and cycling, drawing her to Ultra Running. She ran a dozen 50-mile trail runs and attempted a few 100-mile runs, but her career as a Teamster truck driver restricted her training time, leading to some years without racing. After retiring in 2010, she moved near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and resumed racing at 66. She has since completed 15 more full Ironman races, totaling 16, with 10 age group wins and 5 Kona finishes. Despite a few DNFs, she remains undeterred. She has also competed in Ironman 70.3 races, qualifying for the World Championships in Australia, South Africa, and France. In 2018, she won as The World Champion in her age group (70-74) in South Africa. ASEA sponsors her, providing 'Fountain of Youth' products that help her stay healthy, recover and keep going.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    ● How long have you been racing? 00:08:30 ● Any plans to hang it up? 00:09:30 ● What kind of goals do you have? 00:015:40 ● Are you training by the numbers and testing or what does that look like ?00:08:20

    ● Do you get resistance from people who think this is too much or wonder if you should be doing this? 19:00

    Thoughts about endurance training or being an endurance athlete in latter decades? Inspired? Or what are your reactions? Share them with us!

    Connect with Dexter:
    • https://newlifesg.redoxlivewell.com/athletes/dexter-yeats
    On Social:
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dexteryeats/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yeatsdexter/
    Other Episodes You May Like:
    • Previous with Dexter Yeats Ironman Dexter Yeats About Being 72, Unstoppable, and Unique: https://www.flippingfifty.com/ironman-dexter-yeats-72-unstoppable-unique/
    • My Fittest Year | My Ironman without Training: https://www.flippingfifty.com/my-fittest-year/

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    47 m
  • One Thing I Would Change After 40 Years Working with Women in Menopause
    Jul 19 2024
    One Thing I Would Change After 40 Years Working with Women in Menopause

    Working with women in menopause for 40 years, even before it dawned on me that’s what I was doing, I know now what I wish I’d have done differently.

    I’ve never said this out loud quite like this, though I’ve hinted at it. The name Flipping 50 was taken very literally by 50% of those first hearing about it. I at first had to help some understand that 50 referred to the way we think about the second half, the way we prepare for it and look forward vs dread it. With knowledge that no two people “age anything” actually age the same, and that epigenetics or habits have more impact on aging than do our genetics, we can indeed flip 50 if we choose to. Our mission in delivery is to help women optimize their lives through optimizing the fitness they have before, during and after menopause.

    Working with women in menopause, the biggest positive impact doesn’t come with helping the 6000 women a day entering menopause, or the 1.1 billion in menopause by 2025. Maybe for a moment right now. In this episode I look back at all of it and some friends, some clients, some family members… everyone of whose name has been changed.

    Questions I Answer in this Episode:

    • Why women don’t want to pay attention [00:03:00]
    • When body composition was first measured [00:24:00]
    • When we first really addressed the importance of sleep [00:28:50]
    • Why we didn’t talk about sex and it could have helped [00:10:20]
    • The effects of alcohol and weight, and bone patterns [00:09:20]
    • What seems to matter most [00:15:40]
    Working with Women In Menopause I’ve Learned…

    Mindset/attitude/happiness/purpose … an ultra positive effect even when lifestyle habits were mild to moderately present (no excess exercise commitment, just basics)

    What I’d Change:

    • Resistance training is a more central part of every woman’s workout from 30 on
    • Resistance training relayed as the most important component of fitness in college
    • Every university student be required to take a basic physical fitness course
    • Monitoring muscle, body fat, strength and VO2 from age 30 on
    • A baseline bone density scan
    • Questions about digestion, elimination asked in intake sessions
    • Increased awareness of skin and gut connection for women (and men)
    • Increased awareness of mental health and diet connection

    Challenge you:

    Have a conversation with a young woman. Leave out the word “should.” Ask if she wants support.


    • Membership: https://www.flippingfifty.com/cafe
    • 10-Day Challenge: https://www.flippingfifty.com/hnb-challenge

    Other Episodes You Might Like:

    • What They Don’t Teach Women About Strength Training and should: https://www.flippingfifty.com/teach-women-about-strength-training/
    • Ageless Aging: Believe it or Not? https://www.flippingfifty.com/ageless-aging/
    • Midlife Weight Loss: Burn Body Fat, Balance Your Hormones https://www.flippingfifty.com/midlife-weight-loss/

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Lose Weight in Menopause Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible
    Jul 16 2024

    If you have repressed metabolic syndrome your quest to lose weight in menopause faster and easier is sunk. But stay tuned to this episode.

    In this Flipping 50 episode with podcast guest favorite, Stu Schaffer we talk about the #1 goal most of you tell me is yours… weight loss. More specifically weight loss in menopause. It’s stubborn, you’re tired, nothing you used to do works any more.

    In the 11th year of the podcast, having interviewed thousands of guests, Stu’s episode in last year was one of the MOST downloaded of all of 2023.

    My Guest:

    Stu Schaefer is a 20-year award-winning celebrity weight-loss coach. He specializes in helping women over 40 put their body into The Thermogenic State so they burn fat 24/7… and lose weight like they did in their 20s. For the last 20 years, Stu has helped thousands of women take control of their body, lose weight faster and easier than ever before, and ditch the dieting cycle forever.

    Questions We Answer in This Episode:
    • What is your secret for menopause weight loss? [00:03:40]
    • How did you figure this out - since nobody teaches this? [00:08:00]
    • So how does this work? How does someone do it? [00:06:50]
    • Let’s remind listeners what affects whether a person is burning fat or storing fat [00:06:00]
    • How have you seen low-carb impact the body?[00:18:00]
    • What's the biggest food mistake women make? [00:17:30]
    Connect with Stu:
    • https://www.stuschaefer.com/flipping
    On Social:
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stuschaefer
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stu.schaefer.5/
    Other Episodes You Might Like:
    • Midlife Weight Loss: Burn Body Fat, Balance Your Hormones: https://www.flippingfifty.com/midlife-weight-loss/
    • Monitor your FAT and MUSCLE when Losing Weight: https://www.flippingfifty.com/smart-scales
    • Free Masterclass: https://www.flippingfifty.com/stu

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Protein Consumption in Menopause
    Jul 12 2024
    When it comes to protein consumption in menopause, there are several things to consider. Even though there's no science or medical evidence to show higher (than you grew up with or are used to) protein intakes cause kidney (renal) issues, many people still believe it’s true. What is true is or anyone who has an existing renal issue, diabetes for instance, high protein diets should be discussed with and then monitored with your physician. Let’s back pedal to what is “high protein.” It’s very personal in interpretation. The recommended range of protein is 10-35A% of total calories. That’s a large range. So, if you eat 2500 calories a day and consumed only 10% protein that would be 250 calories from protein. Protein contains 4 kcal per gram so that’s 62 grams of protein. If you ate 35% of your diet from protein, you’d consume 875 kcals from protein. That would be 218 grams of protein. Anywhere between 62 and 218 grams of protein is within recommended daily amounts. That’s nuts! RDAs are actually the “minimum to prevent deficiency.” Consider the meaning of that. Protein Consumption in Menopause The current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) to prevent deficiency in minimally active adults is 0.8 grams (g) of protein per kilogram (kg) of body weight. However, newer research suggests individuals trying to build muscle need more than this. It also makes sense that women over 50 with greater anabolic resistance trying to build muscle mass and lose fat will want to pay special attention to their need for protein. Consuming less protein than the body needs has been linked to decreased muscle mass. In contrast, increased protein intakes above the RDA may help increase strength and lean body mass when paired with resistance exercise. In order to build muscle, a person must consume more protein than what is broken down. This is often referred to as a net positive nitrogen balance, as protein is high in nitrogen. That is muscle protein synthesis must be greater than muscle protein breakdown for nitrogen balance to be achieved. According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, most healthy adults over 19 years old should get between 10-35% of their daily calories from protein. One gram of protein provides 4 calories. This means that a person who eats 2,000 calories per day would need to consume between 50 and 175 grams of protein per day. Doctors generally agree that healthy adults can safely tolerate a long-term protein intake of up to 2 g per kg of body weight per day without any side effects. However, some groups of people, such as healthy, well-trained athletes, may tolerate up to 3.5 g per kg of body weight. A 130 lb individual = 60 kg 2g per kg = 120g protein 3.5g/kg = 210g protein Varied Protein Consumption Recommendations Exist The World Health Organization in their official report on protein stated that "the most widely quoted potential problems of a high-protein diet relate to renal function and damage, but as discussed [above] the evidence for such claims in otherwise healthy individuals does not stand up to scrutiny." From Stanford Lifestyle Medicine Longevity: For adults aged 50+, we recommend consuming 1.2 – 1.6 grams of protein/kg of body weight per day (0.54 – 0.72 grams/pound body weight per day). For a 165-pound adult, this translates to roughly 90 – 120 grams of protein per day To build muscle past the age of 50, we need to eat enough protein AND do weight training and consume 30 – 35 grams of protein within two hours of the workout. Due to anabolic resistance, which increases as we age, it’s recommended to increase protein intake per meal to roughly 30 – 35 grams. For those over 65, another study recommended 1.2 – 2.0 grams / kg of body weight per day. Data from the Health, Aging and Body Composition study support these findings, showing that intake of animal protein (with greater content of EAA), but not plant protein, was significantly associated with the preservation of lean body mass over three years in older adults. In dieting older adults (eating significantly below adequate caloric intake need) the loss of muscle percent was much greater in studies than in those adults consuming twice the recommended daily amount. Subjects with the highest protein intake had 40% less muscle loss than those with lowest protein intake. Muscle Mass, Body Composition and Protein Consumption in Menopause When the energy content of the protein source is accounted for, the caloric intake needed to meet the EAA requirements from plant sources of protein is considerably higher than the caloric intake from animal sources of protein. This is important to consider since obesity, especially with aging, is a major public health concern. Obesity is the most predominant factor limiting mobility in the elderly For anabolic response maximal anabolic response is ~35 g/meal For older adults it is 2x that of younger adults The amount of total intake (with at least 35 g per meal) ...
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    1 h y 1 m
  • How to Eat Out Without Blowing It!
    Jul 9 2024

    Registered dietitian Bonni London joins me today to talk about how to eat out without blowing it and how to decide if fasting is something you want and need and if so how.

    Let’s talk about your definition of healthy. Is it for weight loss, weight maintenance, or is it to reverse an illness? Stay tuned to know which kind of healthy food can help achieve your goals.

    My Guest:

    Bonni London is a Sarasota-based registered dietitian since 1999 with a 30-year career dedicated to empowering people to overcome health and weight challenges. Bonni holds a Master's degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University, has blended her early experience as a personal trainer with her nutrition expertise to develop personalized nutrition plans. Her work has been recognized by the Herald Tribune and shared on platforms like ABC TV 7 and her YouTube channel, "Healthy Rebels."

    If you’re listening to the episode today would you comment, how many times a week do you eat out or get take out of some kind?

    Questions We Answer in This Episode:
    • What have you completely changed your mind about in the past 3 decades? [00:04:14]
    • What is the biggest obstacle in achieving weight or health goals that no one is speaking about? [00:08:14]
    • What "healthy" foods are keeping us fat and sick? [00:11:04]
    • What is your opinion of fasting? [00:21:48]
    • What nutrition trends should stay and which should go? [00:18:08]
    Connect with Bonni London :
    • https://www.londonwellness.net
    On Social:
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LondonWellnessSarasota
    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bonnilondon/
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bonnilondonrd/
    Other Episodes You Might Like:
    • Your Glucose Levels in Menopause with the Glucose Goddess: https://www.flippingfifty.com/glucose-levels-in-menopause
    • A New WeightLoss Mindset: From Ballerina to Dietitian: https://www.flippingfifty.com/weightloss-mindset/


    • The Dinning Out Cheat Sheet: https://www.thediningoutcheatsheet.com
    • Debra’s Essential Amino Acids: https://www.flippingfifty.com/resources
    • Flipping 50’s Burn Boost with Leucine: https://www.flippingfifty.com/protein
    • Watch for her program: Bye, Bye Belly Fat, Boot Camp!: https://thebyebyebellyfatbootcamp.com/

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Progressive Relaxation in Menopause: A Unique Practical Podcast Episode
    Jul 5 2024

    I love progressive relaxation in menopause as a tool to do just that. Whether it’s to take a 10 minute break or get to sleep or back to sleep, it works. This method is a powerful tool to reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance overall well-being. Incorporating this practice into your routine can make a significant difference in how you manage menopause, release tension and find balance to your movement routine.

    Introduction to Progressive Relaxation:
    • Explanation of what progressive relaxation is.
    • Benefits for women in menopause, including stress reduction, improved sleep, and better hormonal balance.
    Step-by-Step Guide:
    • Toes: Begin by focusing on your toes. Tighten the muscles, hold for a few seconds, then release and feel the relaxation.
    • Feet: Move to your feet, repeat the process of tensing and relaxing.
    • Calves: Focus on your calf muscles, tightening and releasing.
    • Thighs: Shift your attention to your thighs, tensing and then relaxing the muscles.
    • Hips and Buttocks: Tighten the muscles in your hips and buttocks, hold, and release.
    • Abdomen: Focus on your abdominal muscles, tensing and relaxing.
    • Chest: Tighten the muscles in your chest, hold for a few seconds, then release.
    • Hands: Move to your hands, clenching your fists tightly and then releasing.
    • Arms: Focus on your arms, tightening and relaxing the muscles.
    • Shoulders: Lift your shoulders up towards your ears, hold, and then let them drop and relax.
    • Neck: Gently tighten the muscles in your neck, hold, and release.
    • Face: Scrunch up the muscles in your face, hold, and then relax completely.
    • Head: Finally, focus on your scalp, tensing the muscles and then releasing.
    • Benefits Recap:
    • Review the benefits of each muscle group relaxation and how it aids in stress relief and hormonal balance.
    • Encourage regular practice for optimal results.
    • More tips: https://www.flippingfifty.com
    • Stronger 12-Week strength training: https://www.flippingfifty.com/getstronger
    Other Episodes You Might Like:
    • 10 Comprehensive Ways Resistance Training Revolutionizes Menopause Health https://www.flippingfifty.com/resistance-training-revolutionizes-menopause-health/
    • Yoga Booty, Yoga Belly, and Now Yoga Brain: Better with Yoga https://www.flippingfifty.com/yoga-booty-yoga-belly-and-now-yoga-brain-better-with-yoga/
    • Cortisol Hormone: Don’t let it derail your fat loss efforts https://www.flippingfifty.com/cortisol-hormone/

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Too Much or Not Enough Variety in Exercise in Menopause?
    Jul 2 2024

    The Importance of Basics and Variety in Exercise in Menopause
    Exercise during menopause can be challenging, but focusing on basics is key. These exercises build and maintain lean muscle mass and bone density, which are crucial as women age. For women over 40, sticking to basics provides significant benefits.

    Incorporate new exercises into warm-ups and cool-downs, but keep your fitness program focused on basic movements. This boosts metabolism, muscle and bone density, and functional fitness.

    These exercises assist with daily activities like getting up, picking things up, and managing stairs. Functional benefits are crucial as we age.

    A well-designed exercise program considers sequencing, timing, and rest periods tailored to individual needs. For women over 40, workout timing, repetitions, sets, and recovery periods are vital. Consider life stressors too.

    The goal is to maintain body composition, energy levels, muscle strength, bone density, and overall functionality, ensuring a healthy, active life into later years.

    Questions We Answer In This Episode:

    • Why are basic exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts crucial for women over 40? [00:09:00]
    • How does exercise variety impact metabolism and muscle/bone health during menopause? [00:08:00]
    • What makes an exercise program unique and effective for women over 40? [00:14:00]
    • How do life stressors influence exercise routines for menopausal women? [00:19:20]
    • What role do basics play in achieving optimal body composition and preventing disease?[00:06:10]


    • Flipping 50 Membership: https://www.flippingfifty.com/cafe
    • 10 Day Hot Not Bothered Challenge: https://www.flippingfifty.com/hnb-challenge
    • Facebook Insiders Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/flippig50insiders
    • Other Episodes You Might Like:
    • Exercise Physiology Plus Menopause Physiology for the Midlife Exercise Rx:
    • https://www.flippingfifty.com/midlife-exercise-rx/
    • 5 Menopause Workout Tips from Recent Exercise Studies:
    • https://www.flippingfifty.com/menopause-workout-tips/
    • What’s the Best Exercise Schedule at Midlife:
    • https://www.flippingfifty.com/best-exercise-schedule/

    Más Menos
    30 m