
  • // Interview Prep: How to Answer “Tell Me About a Time You Made A Mistake”
    Jul 24 2024

    Welcome back to '5 Minutes to Flourish', where I share quick, actionable tips to enhance your work and well-being. Today, let's tackle this challenging interview question: "Tell me about a time you made a mistake." Interviewers don't ask this question to catch you off guard; they want to understand how you handle challenges, evaluate your self-awareness, and gauge your capacity to learn and grow.

    Join me to discuss: - How to choose the right mistake to share - The framework for a compelling response - Examples to help you craft your answer

    Turn this tricky question into an opportunity to showcase your resilience and growth mindset. Keep your story structured, emphasizing learning and improvement.

    🎧 Related Episodes: Top Three Interview Mistakes and How to Avoid Them in partnership with The Muse and Fairygodboss

    💛 Free Gifts: Interview Essentials Toolkit | 25 Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, Spirit in 5 Minutes or Less

    🌟 The Flourish Careers Podcast is proudly highlighted in the Top Career Podcast Guide 2024

    💛 Ways to work together:

    • Let's partner to craft your HEART-based career path or propel your company's talent strategy
    • Join Fried to Flourishing, the self-paced career change course or virtual coaching experience
    • You're invited to the Gathering Ground, an insider circle where careers take root, grow and flourish
    • Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads

    💛 Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.

    🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • // Should I Stay or Go: Heart-Based Career Decisions
    Jul 17 2024

    Today, we're discussing one of the toughest questions many heart-based professionals face at some point: Should I stay or go?

    Imagine this: you're at a career crossroads. That inner whisper tells you something needs to change, but you’re worried and not sure what to do next.

    Join me as we consider three inquiries to support your decision; remember, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. But by exploring these inquiries, you can uncover the next best step forward.

    So, my friends, let's channel the wisdom of The Clash’s famous song: "Should I stay or should I go?" But it's not about the song; it's about finding our rhythm in the symphony of our heart-based careers.

    🎧 Related Episodes:

    • Daring Decisions When You're At A Career Crossroads
    • Intuitive Insights: The Power of Clean Energy in Decision-Making
    • Free To Flourish: How to Define Success on Your Terms
    • Inside Out: The Strategic Playbook for Navigating Internal Job Changes

    🌟 The Flourish Careers Podcast is proudly highlighted in the Top Career Podcast Guide 2024

    💛 Free Gift: Heart-Based Career Change Checklist

    ⚙️ Tools to help: 25 Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, Spirit in 5 Minutes or Less

    💛 Ways to work together:

    • Let's partner to craft your HEART-based career path or propel your company's talent strategy
    • Join Fried to Flourishing, the self-paced career change course or virtual coaching experience
    • You're invited to the Gathering Ground, an insider circle where careers take root, grow and flourish
    • Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads

    💛 Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.

    🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • // Elevate Your Career: Strategies for Attending In-Person Events
    Jul 10 2024

    Summer is here 😎 and it's the perfect time to cultivate your network. There are countless ways to meet new people through events, workshops, concerts, picnics, and vacations.

    Attending in-person events holds a unique significance in a digital age dominated by virtual interactions. Approaching in-person events intentionally opens doors to exceptional opportunities for learning, networking, and personal growth.

    I was recently inspired by community members who leveraged in-person gatherings to elevate their paths, and I'm excited to share their strategies with you!

    🎧 Related Episodes: The Networking Mindset: A Fresh Perspective on Connecting with Others

    💛 Free Gift: Heart-Based Career Change Checklist

    📚 ⚙️ Tools to help: 25 Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, Spirit in 5 Minutes or Less

    💛 Ways to work together:

    • Let's partner to craft your HEART-based career path or propel your company's talent strategy
    • Join Fried to Flourishing, the self-paced career change course or virtual coaching experience
    • You're invited to the Gathering Ground, an insider circle where careers take root, grow and flourish
    • Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads

    💛 Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.

    🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • // Inspire Your Workspace with Heart Art
    Jul 3 2024

    Imagine walking into your workspace and being instantly welcomed by a splash of colors, vibrant images, and inspiring words perfectly capturing your HEART-based career goals. 🌟

    These visual reminders aren't just decorations; they're powerful tools for staying focused, motivated, and grateful throughout your day.

    When we create visual representations of our goals (I like to call this Heart Art), we engage the conscious and subconscious mind, reinforcing our commitment to achieving them. 🌟

    So, what are you waiting for? Grab your art supplies or fire up your design software, and let's create a compelling visual to inspire you on your heart-based path!

    🎧 Related Episodes: Visualization: The Link Between Thoughts + Behaviors

    💛 Free Gift: Heart-Based Career Change Checklist

    ⚙️ Tools to help: 25 Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, Spirit in 5 Minutes or Less

    💛 Ways to work together:

    • Let's partner to craft your HEART-based career path or propel your company's talent strategy
    • Join Fried to Flourishing, the self-paced career change course or virtual coaching experience
    • You're invited to the Gathering Ground, an insider circle where careers take root, grow and flourish
    • Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads

    💛 Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.

    🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • // Join Me for a Mid-Year Check-In: Gratitude for Growth
    Jun 26 2024

    We're halfway through the year, and it's the perfect time for a mid-year check-in. Instead of skimming through your accomplishments, let's dive into a ritual I call Gratitude for Growth:

    • Flourish: Reflect on what you've achieved and how far you've come; celebrate your wins, big and small.
    • Cultivate Connections: Consider the mentors, colleagues, and friends who have supported you. Take a moment to send them a note of appreciation.
    • Grow: Consider how you've expanded your skills and knowledge. Embrace these opportunities as stepping stones to future success.
    • Nourish: Reflect on how you've cared for your mind, body, and spirit. Think about how you've found balance and how to keep that momentum going.

    These reflections aren't just about the past—they're seeds for future growth. Let them inspire you to pursue your heart-based path with purpose. As we move into the second half of the year, let's carry this spirit of gratitude and reflection with us.🌸

    🎧 Related Episodes: Confetti + Careers: A Toast to Your Achievements

    💛 Blog Post: How to Perform a Mid-Year Check-in

    🎶 Summer Playlist: Radiant Rhythms

    💛 Ways to work together:

    • Let's partner to craft your HEART-based career path or propel your company's talent strategy
    • Join Fried to Flourishing, the self-paced career change course or virtual coaching experience
    • You're invited to the Gathering Ground, an insider circle where careers take root, grow and flourish
    • Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads

    💛 Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.

    🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • // Building Momentum and Fueling Your Progress
    Jun 19 2024

    Do you often dread the start of another week, knowing that your job is draining your energy? If so, you're not alone. The good news is that we can change this.

    Let's shift our mindset—focus on possibilities, not limitations. Set energizing, HEART-based goals that resonate with your values. Instead of running away from what drains us, let's run toward what excites us.

    Don't underestimate the power of shaking up your routine. While stability is comforting, it doesn't always lead to growth. Introducing new habits and rituals can create space for exploration and innovation, leading to a more fulfilling path.

    Lastly, let's talk about momentum. In physics, an object in motion gains momentum. Investing just five minutes a day in ourselves can ignite that momentum in our careers. 🌟

    🎧Related episodes:

    • How To Conduct A Personal Energy Audit For A Flourishing New Year
    • How To Set HEART-Based Goals

    📚 ⚙️ Tools to help: The Power of Belief: Mindset and Success by Eduardo Briceno

    💛 Ways to work together:

    • Let's partner to craft your HEART-based career path or propel your company's talent strategy
    • Join Fried to Flourishing, the self-paced career change course or virtual coaching experience
    • You're invited to the Gathering Ground, an insider circle where careers take root, grow and flourish
    • Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads

    💛 Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.

    🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • // Tiny Actions, Big Results: 5 Minutes to Flourish!
    Jun 12 2024

    Welcome to Season 5 of The Flourish Careers Podcast!

    I'm excited to share our special summer series, "5 Minutes to Flourish." This series is part of our HEART-based career planning approach, where the "T" stands for "Take Tiny Action."

    The idea is simple: dedicating just 5 minutes a day to your professional growth can make a big difference in our busy lives. Setting a timer, taking a deep breath, and committing to a tiny action will create momentum and make consistent progress.

    These actions can be as simple as researching new industries or listening to short, impactful episodes like this one. Over time, you'll see how these small steps add to significant progress in your career path.

    Summer is the season of short shorts, refreshing dips, and quick getaways. And what better time to apply that same principle to your personal and professional development?

    Join me each week for short + sharp episodes designed to fit perfectly into your summertime schedule. Don't miss out — tune in today, and let's flourish together! 🌸

    🎧 Related Episodes: How To Activate The Power Of Tiny Actions For Big Results

    💛 Free Gift: Heart-Based Career Change Checklist

    ⚙️ Tools to help: 25 Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, Spirit in 5 Minutes or Less

    💛 Ways to work together:

    • Let's partner to craft your HEART-based career path or propel your company's talent strategy
    • Join Fried to Flourishing, the self-paced career change course or virtual coaching experience
    • You're invited to the Gathering Ground, an insider circle where careers take root, grow and flourish
    • Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads

    💛 Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.

    🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • // Navigating Uncertainty: Classroom to Career Series Part 3 + The End of Season 4!
    May 29 2024

    Welcome back! Today, we are wrapping up the Classroom to Career series and closing out season 4 with an episode dedicated to embracing uncertainty.

    I know how hard it can be to embrace uncertainty, although doing so can lead to personal growth and fresh opportunities. Focus on what excites you and aligns with your values. Notice the subtle hints and signals around you—they can guide you toward aligned opportunities. Stay curious, proactive, and open-minded, and you'll navigate your career with confidence and purpose. 🌟

    I'll be back soon to kick off Season 5. This new season offers a fresh perspective and will be an experiment, and I can't wait to share it with you!

    🎧 Related episodes:

    • Resume Writing For Recent Graduates, Classroom to Career Series Part 1
    • Paving Your Path from Internship to Full-Time Role, Classroom to Career Series Part 2
    • Value-Driven Careers: Planning with Purpose Featuring Laura Eigel

    ⚙️ Tools to help:

    • Playbook for recent grads: Jump-Start Your Job Search. This playbook will boost your job search by providing personalized resume feedback and guidance on crafting an attention-grabbing cover letter. It also equips you with strategies to impress hiring managers, such as preparing for interviews, framing responses through memorable stories, and mastering your elevator pitch.

    💛 Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.

    🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog

    Más Menos
    23 m