
  • Ep 16- TRIGGERED! You Have to Get Pissed Off! Best Tip Ever to Help You Move Forward
    Jul 28 2024

    With all the motivational, positive, inspirational meme's, quotes, books, podcasts, videos, etc. out there...

    One would think we would all be achieving our goals and dreams. But the hard reality is, the vast majority are not.

    They are stuck in comfort and fear.

    How do you get unstuck?

    You have to get pissed off enough to make the changes and shifts you need to make and stay the course- over time.

    This podcast/video shares my weight loss example from 2020 and how it has continued this year.

    I also talk about hiring a coach/mentor to help keep you accountable and what is wrong with that perspective.

    Join me in this episode and work on shifting something in your life or business too- Look fear and comfort in the face, aka mirror, and decide now!

    Thanks for listening and sharing!

    Melinda Van Fleet is an Intuitive Energetic Business and Leadership Growth Mentor/Coach/Consultant who helps her clients with what they can't see, so they can experience results fast.

    She helps her clients by teaching, guiding, supporting and empowering so they can grow their business. Melinda and her husband, Capt. Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching), moved to The FL Keys in 2009 after they were both laid off at the same time.

    Melinda, on her 3.5 life, has an unparalleled story of dreaming big, manifestation, and a lot of hard work. In addition to her coaching business, and being The Wizard Behind the Curtain for Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching, she is an energy practitioner, Human Design coach, professional speaker, host of The Wake Up Call Podcast, The Success Codes Podcast, freelance writer, 2x best-selling author.

    Wish to start to work on your intuition immediately so you can start to see results?

    Click below for the Believe and Take Action Daily Guide and get a kick start! https://www.goodkarmaconfidence.com https://www.melindavanfleet.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/melinda-van-fleet/ https://www.facebook.com/melinda.vanfleet.31 https://www.instagram.com/melinda_vanfleet/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJOVOytOhi7yjcibU6o26g

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Ep 15: Joint Podcast w/ Ryan Van Fleet- Mental Health, Social Media, YouTube, and Business Tips
    Jul 22 2024
    NEW! joint podcast w/ my husband Ryan Van Fleet of Good Karma Sportfishing and Coaching that we started in the summer of 2019. We dive into all things: business strategy, awareness, mental health, emotional health, mental mastery, YouTube, comparison, social media and more. It's jammed- real, authentic, and raw. I also talk about some very important "R" words: —Relatable —Relationships —Relevant —Respect Connect with Ryan: https://www.goodkarmasportfishing.com / goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys Connect with Melinda Van Fleet: Melinda Van Fleet is an Intuitive Energetic Business and Leadership Growth Mentor/Coach/Consultant who helps her clients with what they can't see, so they can experience results fast. She helps her clients by teaching, guiding, supporting and empowering so they can grow their business. Melinda and her husband, Capt. Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching), moved to The FL Keys in 2009 after they were both laid off at the same time. Melinda, on her 3.5 life, has an unparalleled story of dreaming big, manifestation, and a lot of hard work. In addition to her coaching business, and being The Wizard Behind the Curtain for Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching, she is an energy practitioner, Human Design coach, professional speaker, host of The Wake Up Call Podcast, The Success Codes Podcast, freelance writer, 2x best-selling author. Wish to start to work on your intuition immediately so you can start to see results? Click below for the Believe and Take Action Daily Guide and get a kick start! https://www.goodkarmaconfidence.com https://www.melindavanfleet.com / melinda-van-fleet / melinda.vanfleet.31 / melinda_vanfleet / @melindavanfleet407
    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Ep 14: Wake-Up Call on Words that SEEP Into YOUR Beliefs— Healthy, Abundance, Freedom, Success
    Jul 14 2024

    Have you ever thought about the general context and narratives about words that are being used all the time now such as: healthy, success, freedom, and abundance?

    And then how they are used in marketing, social media, etc.) in conjunction with what happens to our belief system? judgment? relationships?

    The vast majority do not think about it. Hence, it seeps into their subconscious and creates patterns that they don't even see/recognize.

    This Wake-Up Call Podcast episode explores this conversation with a real-life example of something that my niece innocently shared with me the other day about her up-coming college dorm and the word "healthy."

    Thank you for listening and sharing!

    Melinda Van Fleet is an Intuitive Energetic Business and Leadership Growth Mentor/Coach/Consultant who helps her clients with what they can't see, so they can experience results fast. She helps her clients by teaching, guiding, supporting and empowering so they can grow their business.

    Melinda and her husband, Capt. Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching), moved to The FL Keys in 2009 after they were both laid off at the same time.

    Melinda, on her 3.5 life, has an unparalleled story of dreaming big, manifestation, and a lot of hard work.

    In addition to her coaching business, and being The Wizard Behind the Curtain for Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching, she is an energy practitioner, Human Design coach, professional speaker, host of The Wake Up Call Podcast, The Success Codes Podcast, freelance writer, 2x best-selling author.

    Wish to start to work on your intuition immediately so you can start to see results?

    Click below for the Believe and Take Action Daily Guide and get a kick start!







    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Ep 13: THE Relevancy Revolution- Beyond Business Basics
    Jul 7 2024

    Messaging, niching, audience, AI, and marketing in general is all the buzz out there, but no one is talking about relevancy.

    Relevancy as both as a a creator and a consumer. And taking this further into "being" as far as The Law of Atttraction goes.

    This episode of The Wake-Up Call Podcast is dialed into this crucial energetic, Beyond Business Basics, conversation to help you as an entrepreneur and business owner to get unstuck and have some forward momentum in your business with your marketing.

    Understanding your vision in regards to your marketing pillars and then layering in what's relevant to your audience and where you wish to take them on their journey is vitual to business growth and most importantly your clients growth.

    In this episode I also share about the Pink Sock for Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching marketing and mention a recent podcast I was on- Brad Powell's Standout Business Show:


    The Pink Sock also shares the journey of collaboration with my husband Ryan Van Fleet and using creativity vs. AI.


    I also share a personal journey with another coaching program and being bored on social media. A lot packed into this episode- enjoy!

    Thanks for listening and sharing.

    Melinda Van Fleet is an Intuitive Energetic Business and Leadership Growth Mentor/Coach/Consultant who helps her clients with what they can't see, so they can experience results fast. She helps her clients by teaching, guiding, supporting and empowering so they can grow their business.

    Melinda and her husband, Capt. Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching), moved to The FL Keys in 2009 after they were both laid off at the same time.

    Melinda, on her 3.5 life, has an unparalleled story of dreaming big, manifestation, and a lot of hard work.

    In addition to her coaching business, and being The Wizard Behind the Curtain for Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching, she is an energy practitioner, Human Design coach, professional speaker, host of The Wake Up Call Podcast, The Success Codes Podcast, freelance writer, 2x best-selling author.

    Wish to start to work on your intuition immediately so you can start to see results?

    Click below for the Believe and Take Action Daily Guide and get a kick start!







    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Ep 12: "Justification", "Explaining"- Business and Relationship Tips w/ Next Level Energetics
    Jun 30 2024

    This powerful new Wake-Up Call podcast episode talks about a level of energetics never talked about...

    inner work of patterns of "justifying" and "explaining" and how it shows up in your life and business- often based on your past.

    Thanks for listening and sharing!

    Melinda Van Fleet is an Intuitive Energetic Business and Leadership Growth Mentor/Coach/Consultant who helps her clients with what they can't see, so they can experience results fast. She helps her clients by teaching, guiding, supporting and empowering so they can grow their business.

    Melinda and her husband, Capt. Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching), moved to The FL Keys in 2009 after they were both laid off at the same time. Melinda, on her 3.5 life, has an unparalleled story of dreaming big, manifestation, and a lot of hard work.

    In addition to her coaching business, and being The Wizard Behind the Curtain for Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching, she is an energy practitioner, Human Design coach, professional speaker, host of The Wake Up Call Podcast, The Success Codes Podcast, freelance writer, 2x best-selling author.

    Wish to start to work on your intuition immediately so you can start to see results? Click below for the Believe and Take Action Daily Guide and get a kick start!







    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Ep 11: BOLD Opinions and Views Get Traction
    Jun 23 2024

    How strong are you at taking a stand on what you believe in? And showing up in that energy consistently?

    Truth be told many are not. And many coaches/experts talk about alignment and this is a huge piece. And if you are not paying attention to this, it could be a reason why you are stuck and your business is not moving forward.

    Other YouTube examples I mention— Joe Rogan, Megyn Kelly, Candance Owens, Piers Morgan, Russell Brand, Tucker Carlson and their huge followings—there is a reason they are crushing it.

    So it's time to unapologetically stand up for what you believe in. Don't shy away from a little controversy. Stir the pot, make some noise, understand not everyone will agree with you or like you. That's okay.

    In this podcast episode I also talk about an AI poll I did on LinkedIn, WeGovy commercial that has people being "sheep", Ozempic, and Hers.com.

    Here is the article I mentioned about Ozempic babies:


    The Wake-Up Call Podcast Episode 5 is about how I was Catfished by someone who uses AI for commenting. Video details - YouTube Studio

    Connect further:

    Melinda Van Fleet is an Intuitive Energetic Business and Leadership Growth Mentor/Coach/Consultant who helps her clients with what they can't see, so they can experience results fast. She helps her clients by teaching, guiding, supporting and empowering so they can grow their business.

    Melinda and her husband, Capt. Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching), moved to The FL Keys in 2009 after they were both laid off at the same time.

    Melinda, on her 3.5 life, has an unparalleled story of dreaming big, manifestation, and a lot of hard work.

    In addition to her coaching business, and being The Wizard Behind the Curtain for Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching, she is an energy practitioner, Human Design coach, professional speaker, host of The Wake Up Call Podcast, The Success Codes Podcast, freelance writer, 2x best-selling author.

    Wish to start to work on your intuition immediately so you can start to see results?

    Click below for the Believe and Take Action Daily Guide and get a kick start!







    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Ep 10: What Are My Core Values? Destiny, Excitement, and FOMO Marketing: Wake-Up Call in Your Business
    Jun 16 2024
    With all the marketing coaches, experts out there in the land... It's easy to get swept up in someone else's excitement and the box of what worked for them vs. what you are truly excited about and what your destiny is. Personal Development questions to ask yourself for clarity and direction are: —What are my core values? —What do I want? —What inspires me? —What am I good at? This episode of The Wake-Up Call Podcast explores this narrative, FOMO Marketing in conjunction with a lesson learned (mistake) we (my husband Ryan Van Fleet and I) made in our sportfishing business many years ago—Good Karma Sportfishing and Coaching. We got caught up in trying to emulate strategies that we thought would lead to higher visibility and success. However, these approaches didn't align with our true passion and strengths. It was a costly lesson but an invaluable one that taught us the importance of staying true to our core values and what genuinely excites us. By shifting our focus back to our authentic selves, we found a more fulfilling path that not only resonated with us but also attracted the right kind of clients for our business. This journey underscores the significance of self-awareness and intentionality in any venture you undertake. So, if you're feeling disoriented by the myriad of marketing tactics out there, take a moment to reflect on your core values and your unique strengths. What truly excites you? What kind of impact do you want to make? Staying aligned with these answers will guide you toward a path that feels not only successful but also deeply satisfying. Ultimately, the essence of our story is about alignment. Aligning your business strategies with your core values and passions isn't just a lofty ideal—it's a practical guide to sustainable success. When you pursue what genuinely excites you and tap into your unique strengths, your work becomes more than just a job; it transforms into an extension of who you are. This alignment attracts opportunities that are a good fit and fosters a work environment where you can thrive. Furthermore, this journey also enhances resilience. When you're rooted in your core values, you’re more equipped to navigate setbacks and challenges, as your motivation comes from a deeper, more enduring source. In retrospect, our experience with the sportfishing business was not just a lesson in marketing but a profound reminder of the power of authenticity. As you embark or continue on your own entrepreneurial path, remember to periodically reassess and realign with your core values. The marketplace is ever-changing, but grounding your strategies in what truly matters to you will provide clarity and direction. Embrace the continuous evolution of your business as a journey in discovering and expressing your true self. Thank you for listening! Melinda Van Fleet is an Intuitive Energetic Business and Leadership Growth Mentor/Coach/Consultant who helps her clients with what they can't see, so they can experience results fast. She helps her clients by teaching, guiding, supporting and empowering so they can grow their business. Melinda and her husband, Capt. Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching), moved to The FL Keys in 2009 after they were both laid off at the same time. Melinda, on her 3.5 life, has an unparalleled story of dreaming big, manifestation, and a lot of hard work. In addition to her coaching business, and being The Wizard Behind the Curtain for Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching, she is an energy practitioner, Human Design coach, professional speaker, host of The Wake Up Call Podcast, The Success Codes Podcast, freelance writer, 2x best-selling author. Wish to start to work on your intuition immediately so you can start to see results? Click below for the Believe and Take Action Daily Guide and get a kick start! https://www.goodkarmaconfidence.com https://www.melindavanfleet.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/melinda-van-fleet/ https://www.facebook.com/melinda.vanfleet.31 https://www.instagram.com/melinda_vanfleet/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJOVOytOhi7yjcibU6o26g
    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Ep 9: Wake-Up Call in Your Life- Stop Ignoring This!
    Jun 9 2024

    Have you ever found yourself ignoring a little voice in your head and you override it thinking:

    • You should be doing something,
    • Continuing something


    • Maybe it's a relationship that needs to end?

    Then if you stopped and gave it some serious consideration in conjunction with your goals and where you are headed in your life (and business)...

    Maybe it's just not in alignment anymore?

    It doesn't have to be something "negative" or after something "bad" has happened...

    It's just not a fit?

    Well, don't ignore it anymore! This week's episode of The Wake Up Call Podcast shares a recent example of mine, again it's nothing negative, just not a fit for my life direction with my husband anymore so it has to stop.

    Where do you see this fitting in for your life direction?

    Thank you for listening and sharing.

    Melinda Van Fleet is an Intuitive Energetic Business and Leadership Growth Mentor/Coach/Consultant who helps her clients with what they can't see, so they can experience results fast. She helps her clients by teaching, guiding, supporting and empowering so they can grow their business.

    Melinda and her husband, Capt. Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching), moved to The FL Keys in 2009 after they were both laid off at the same time.

    Melinda, on her 3.5 life, has an unparalleled story of dreaming big, manifestation, and a lot of hard work.

    In addition to her coaching business, and being The Wizard Behind the Curtain for Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching, she is an energy practitioner, Human Design coach, professional speaker, host of The Wake Up Call Podcast, The Success Codes Podcast, freelance writer, 2x best-selling author.

    Wish to start to work on your intuition immediately so you can start to see results?

    Click below for the Believe and Take Action Daily Guide and get a kick start!







    Más Menos
    9 m