• #37 Environmental Toxins: 3 Powerful Ways To Reduce Your Exposure
    Jan 31 2023

    Today I’m going to give you 3 powerful actions that you can take as an individual to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins, and in so doing you will be helping not just yourself, but your family, the environment, and generations to come. but I do this knowing that first I, like Mordecai, have to make you aware and remind you of the position of royalty (power) to you hold, for such a time as this. You are in a position of POWER, the power you have is the power to choose, as a consumer, what you’re willing to pay for, what you’re willing to consume. Become an advocate for your own health and wellness, and in so doing you’ll also be advocating for your family and friends, and the environment as a whole.

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    Or if you have questions you’d like answered in a future episode you can Email: support_thegoodway@protonmail.com or life.thegoodway@gmail.com

    If what you’ve heard has blessed you , and you feel led to support the work of The Good Way Ministries inc. you can do so at Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/the_good_way

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    22 m
  • #36 Environmental Toxins: If I’m Already Exposed, What Can I Do? 7 Ways To Detox from Environmental Toxins
    Jan 26 2023

    Today we’re going to be looking at ways that you can help your body to remove the toxins that you’re exposed to on a daily basis in our society. How to support your body, and give it what it needs to do the job. But I want you to know, first and foremost, that this is doable, you can make a difference, for your self, your own health and wellness, your family, the environment, and for generations to come. The majority of environmental pollutants being produced today are substances that did not exist a little over 150 years ago; mankind lived, and thrived, without them for thousands of years; they may be ubiquitous in our society today, an everyday part of our lives, but we can reduce or eliminate their use and therefore their production; we as consumers have the power to impact change. Our bodies, although they are being required to do a job that they were not originally intended to do, and certainly not at such high levels, are able to remove a lot of these toxins, with our help and support; And by the power of the Spirit of God who dwells in those who believe, we can do this, we can make a difference, and we’re going to have some fun doing it, as we look at ways to lighten the load and support our bodies so that they can get the job done.

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    Or if you have questions you’d like answered in a future episode you can Email: support_thegoodway@protonmail.com or life.thegoodway@gmail.com

    If what you’ve heard has blessed you , and you feel led to support the work of The Good Way Ministries inc. you can do so at Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/the_good_way

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    23 m
  • #35Such A Time As This: How Your Choices Now Can Effect The Long Term Health And Wellness Of You, Your Family, Your Community, Your Nation, And The World.
    Jan 24 2023

    Have you ever noticed that the things that are having the greatest negative impact on our environment and on our physical and mental health and wellness are predominantly things that didn’t exist a couple of hundred years ago? Things that mankind lived without for thousands of years, that are now ubiquitous; all for the sake of convenience, expedience, and profit margins. Today we’re going to look at three of the major environmental pollutants, their known effects on the environment and on human health, and what we can do about it

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    Or if you have questions you’d like answered in a future episode you can Email: support_thegoodway@protonmail.com or life.thegoodway@gmail.com

    If what you’ve heard has blessed you , and you feel led to support the work of The Good Way Ministries inc. you can do so at Patreon:


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    20 m
  • #34 New Year, New Start: How To Fail Forward To Ultimately Achieve Your Goals
    Jan 5 2023

    Happy New Year! Yes it’s a new year and a new start, we have the blank page of a fresh new year before us, and as with many people I’m sure you’ve set new goals for yourself, with the sure and certain belief that by mid February, and I’m being generous here, you’ll have failed at your new year’s resolutions and can get on with life as usual. Today I want to let you know that failure doesn’t have to be the end of the road. In fact failure is a major part of the journey to success. John C. Maxwell, the person who coined the phrase, Fail Forward says, “Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward. …Failing forward is the ability to get back up after you’ve been knocked down, learn from mistakes, and move forward in a better direction.”

    So how do we do this? How do we set goals for ourselves and actually achieve them? How do we stick with our good intentions long enough to see the results we want? How do we get past the lie that to fail is a full stop; the end of the story. Today I’m going to give you 3 strategies to help you keep going to continue to work towards your goals and to ultimately achieve them.

    If you would like some support or accountability in a safe space, come join us in The Good Way Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/577003364110535

    If you’re interested in one on one coaching click the link below to fill out the Coaching Interest Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfhVjfZIZXk05hNNbmRKKJaqu3chInVq5IkCS18prpTLjEZhw/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Or if you have questions you’d like answered in a future episode you can Email: support_thegoodway@protonmail.com or life.thegoodway@gmail.com

    If what you’ve heard has blessed you , and you feel led to support the work of The Good Way Ministries inc. you can do so at Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/the_good_way

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    23 m
  • #33Convenience Can Be Your Friend Part 3; Making Healthy Eating Convenient And Cost Effective: Plant-based- Snacks and Treats
    Dec 6 2022

    Today we’re going to continue our series in How to make convenience your Best friend; so far we’ve gone back over what are First Foods; the whole plant foods listed in Genesis 1:28-29, seeds, nuts, grains, legumes, fruit and vegetables, and leafy greens; and we’ve covered plant-based pantry basics, and plant-based meal prepping; today we’re going to look at healthy, delicious, plant-based snacks and treats.

    How often have you gone through your day, with all the best intentions in the world, eating healthy and sticking to your diet plan, only to find yourself at the end of the day, and the end of a packet of cookies, or bag of chips, and wondering how you managed to eat so much without even realising it? Having some not so healthy treats and snacks available as a reward for eating well all day, or week, is great, if you can use the self control, and restraint needed to only have a small bite or a single cookie; much better is to have delicious whole food, plant-based snacks stocked so that even if we overindulge occasionally, we may tip the scale next day, but at least we’ve eaten food that is going to provide blessing and benefit to our bodies. It also means that you have some good fuel available for when you’re working out, or going for a long run, or ride.

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    Or if you have questions you’d like answered in a future episode you can Email: support_thegoodway@protonmail.com or life.thegoodway@gmail.com

    If what you’ve heard has blessed you , and you feel led to support the work of The Good Way Ministries inc. you can do so at Patreon:


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    17 m
  • #32 Convenience Can Be Your Friend Part 2; Making Healthy Eating Convenient And Cost Effective: Plant-based- Meal Prep + Free recipes
    Nov 24 2022

    Are you ready to make convenience your best friend? It’s time to fight fire with fire, we are going to use the convenience of having meals prepared and ready to be eaten, heated, or quickly and easily cooked, to fight the temptation to give in to the convenience of fast food or prepackaged, processed food. If you’re willing to put in a little time monthly and/or weekly, you can have your breakfasts, lunches and dinners prepped and ready for you each day. The time you invest will return to you with interest, because it takes almost as much time to prep one meal as it does ten.

    If you would like some support or accountability in a safe space, come join us in The Good Way Community Facebook Group:


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    Or if you have questions you’d like answered in a future episode you can Email: support_thegoodway@protonmail.com or life.thegoodway@gmail.com

    If what you’ve heard has blessed you , and you feel led to support the work of The Good Way Ministries inc. you can do so at Patreon:


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    24 m
  • #31 Convenience Can Be Your Friend Part 1; Making Healthy Eating Convenient And Cost Effective: Plant-based Pantry Basics
    Nov 21 2022

    Have you ever been in that position where you’ve been planning all day to prepare and eat a really tasty, healthy, meal when you get home; but by the time you get there the thought of putting all the work in, to get that meal prepared, just seems like way too much effort; all you feel like doing is grabbing whatever’s convenient, to put in your mouth, and then vegging on the couch. Convenience can be the enemy of consistency, particularly when it comes to eating healthy; but if you’re willing I can help you make convenience your friend. Over the next three episodes we’re going to be looking at ways you can make plant-based eating convenient and easy, by having the basics that you’ll need stocked in your pantry or freezer, and being prepared with easily available, healthy, no-fuss meals and snacks.

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    Or if you have questions you’d like answered in a future episode you can Email: support_thegoodway@protonmail.com or life.thegoodway@gmail.com

    If what you’ve heard has blessed you , and you feel led to support the work of The Good Way Ministries inc. you can do so at Patreon:


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    30 m
  • #30 What Has Stewardship Got To Do With What I Eat? Three Forgotten Areas Of Godly Stewardship, Continued.
    Oct 18 2022

    All too often in the church we think of the stewardship of the household of faith as belonging to the pastors, the deacons, the elders; those who have a position, or title within the church. We sit back and think, “That’s their job, that’s what we’re paying them for isn’t it?, I can just go to church and soak up the atmosphere, sing some songs, listen to a sermon, and then leave and get on with my everyday life. The responsibility and authority aren’t mine.” The problem with this thinking, is that no matter how prevalent it is, it does not line up with scripture. You may think that the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists, are supposed to to minister to you, at church; but the scripture says that they are there to prepare you to go out and minister, in your home, your work place, and your community.

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    Or if you have questions you’d like answered in a future episode you can Email: support_thegoodway@protonmail.com or life.thegoodway@gmail.com

    If what you’ve heard has blessed you , and you feel led to support the work of The Good Way Ministries inc. you can do so at Patreon:


    Más Menos
    17 m