
  • S03 E22 - Aquí somos una familia - Slow Speed - 33% Spanish
    Jul 15 2024

    Last episode of the season! See if you'd want the job offered in this posting.


    1. los servicios al cliente is Customer Service
    2. un terapista is therapist
    3. única is unique
    4. llevar a cabo is bring to completion
    5. completamente is completely
    6. predecibles is predictable
    7. delgada is lean
    8. lo adivinaste (adivinar) is you guessed it
    9. las inversiones are investments
    10. combatir is to combat
    11. seguidas is in a row
    12. a menudo is often
    13. adecuado is adequate
    14. tiempo extra is overtime
    15. alcanzar is to achieve
    16. un ambiente de alta velocidad is a fast paced environment
    17. aliviar el estrés is to relieve stress
    18. el promedio is average
    19. las calificaciones are qualifications
    20. las entrevistas are interviews

    To donate to this podcast, follow this link and click "donate": https://rss.com/podcasts/thegringaspanglishpodcast/

    For the book from this season, go to: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9JWVBRD

    For more from Gringa Consulting, visit www.gringaconsulting.com/products

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • S03 E21 - Las nuevas reglas del clima - Medium Speed - 80% Spanish
    Jul 8 2024

    A kid in 2040 learns the ropes from his mom about how to survive with the new rules of the climate.


    1. unas reglas are rules
    2. una aprobación is approval
    3. ara nieve (arar) is he plows snow
    4. los mariscos are seafood
    5. la basura is trash
    6. una milla is a mile
    7. el propósito is purpose
    8. peligroso is dangerous
    9. el amanecer is sunrise
    10. el anochecer is sundown
    11. la deshidratación is dehydration
    12. la natación is swimming
    13. las inundaciones are floods
    14. sostener el aliento is to hold their breath
    15. la vida cotidiana is daily life
    16. una multa is a ticket
    17. No me grites (gritar) is don’t yell at me
    18. el gobierno is the government
    19. analfabeto is illiterate
    20. jubilarse is to retire

    For the book from this season, go to: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9JWVBRD

    For free transcripts, visit: https://rss.com/podcasts/thegringaspanglishpodcast/

    Check back soon for Gringa Spanglish Short Stories Volume 3!

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • S03 E20 - De acuerdo de no estar de acuerdo - Slow Speed - 10% Spanish
    Jul 1 2024

    We get the privilege of hearing the inner dialogue of a conservative and a liberal couple during a dinner party.

    Don't forget to send me an email at gringaconsulting@gmail.com for a free sample video from the Gringa Video Library!


    1. evitaban (evitar) is they avoided
    2. la retrospección is retrospect
    3. un poco is a bit
    4. desafiantemente is defiantely
    5. molesto is upset
    6. una querida amiga is a dear friend
    7. hostiles is hostile
    8. el sistema político is the political system
    9. hacerse una composición de lugar is to “read the room”
    10. las pistolas are guns
    11. vacunar is to vaccinate
    12. incómoda is uncomfortable
    13. las creencias are beliefs
    14. las teorías de la conspiración are conspiracy theories
    15. darle un puñetazo is to punch him
    16. quejan (quejar) is they complain
    17. ¿A quién le importa? is Who cares?
    18. había durado (durar) is had lasted
    19. relajado is relaxed
    20. la bandera blanca is white flag

    For free transcripts, visit: https://rss.com/podcasts/thegringaspanglishpodcast/

    For the book from this season, go to: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9JWVBRD

    For a free consultation with Alyssa, book a time here: https://calendly.com/gringaconsulting/spanish-lesson-free-consultation?back=1&month=2024-06

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • S03 E19 ¿Dónde estás? - Fast Speed - 30% Spanish
    Jun 24 2024

    Test your comprehension skills and country knowledge by guessing the four places dónde tú estás.


    1. el / la cantante is singer
    2. la discoteca is nightclub
    3. agradable is agreeable
    4. rodeada is surrounded
    5. una isla is an island
    6. la parrilla is grill
    7. asqueroso is gross
    8. los castillos are castles
    9. el lenguaje is language
    10. un descanso is a rest
    11. caluroso is hot
    12. los mariscos are seafood
    13. una corona is a crown
    14. están vitoreando (vitorear) is they are applauding
    15. calvos is bald
    16. los carriles pequeños are small carts
    17. el jengibre is ginger
    18. las bebidas gratis are the free drinks
    19. los tacones are high heels
    20. por seguro is for sure

    For free transcripts, visit: https://rss.com/podcasts/thegringaspanglishpodcast/

    For a free consultation with Alyssa, book a time here: https://calendly.com/gringaconsulting/spanish-lesson-free-consultation?back=1&month=2024-06

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • S03 E18 - La mascota araña - Medium Speed - 70% Spanish
    Jun 17 2024

    Gatos and perros are the pets of yesteryear, Have you considered a SpiderPet?


    1. la enésima is the umpteenth
    2. testaruda is stubborn
    3. alérgico is alergic
    4. la jaula is cage
    5. la tienda de mascotas is pet store
    6. las muñecas de peluche are stuffed animals
    7. peludo is furry
    8. los juguetes are toys
    9. el tamaño is size
    10. temblar is to tremble
    11. la sospecha is suspicion
    12. aplastar is smash
    13. inmóvil is motionless
    14. lobo is wolf
    15. alzó una ceja (alzar) is she raised an eyebrow
    16. una red is a web
    17. las moscas are flies
    18. una hoja is a leaf
    19. horripilante is creepy
    20. asqueada is grossed out

    Buy a copy of the books based on this podcast, here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BMYLX21Y?ref_=dbs_p_pwh_rwt_anx_b_lnk&storeType=ebooks

    Access the free transcripts here: https://rss.com/podcasts/thegringaspanglishpodcast/

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • S03 E17 - Terapia - Medium Speed - 40% Spanish
    Jun 10 2024

    Challenge your perceptions of therapy in this dually narrated, strange encounter.


    1. deprimentes is depressing
    2. las enfermedades graves are serious illnesses
    3. predecible is predictable
    4. el / la terapista is the therapist
    5. emocionado is excited
    6. transformar is to transform
    7. lloran (llorar) is they cry
    8. sonríe (sonreír) is he smiles
    9. ¿Qué carajo? is What the fuck?
    10. bastante bien is good enough
    11. el éxito is success
    12. la mueca is a face
    13. el promedio is average
    14. el propósito is the purpose
    15. insoportable is unbearable
    16. diagnosticar is to diagnose
    17. una mentalidad de escasez is a scarcity mindset
    18. la alegría is joy
    19. supongo (suponer) is I suppose
    20. expectativamente is expectantly

    For more from Gringa Consulting, visit www.gringaconsulting.com

    For free transcripts and to donate, go to: https://rss.com/podcasts/thegringaspanglishpodcast/

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • S03 E16 - Malentendidos - Slow Speed - 20% Spanish
    Jun 3 2024

    A true story of an overconfident Spanish tutor and her misunderstandings in South America.


    1. una parte is one part
    2. no importa (importar) is it doesn’t matter
    3. la vergüenza is shame
    4. los principiantes are beginners
    5. Si no has oído (oír) is if you haven’t heard
    6. utilizan (utilizar) they use
    7. la cuota is installment
    8. la empleada is employee
    9. estaba dando la vuelta (dar) is she was turning around
    10. para llevar is take away or to-go
    11. había fracasado (fracasar) is I had failed
    12. el misterio is the mystery
    13. señaló (señalar) is pointed
    14. avergonzada is embarrassed
    15. las paltas are avocados
    16. las frutillas are strawberries
    17. el choclo is corn
    18. los porotos are beans
    19. el orgullo is pride
    20. agradeceré (agradecer) is I will thank

    Contact Alyssa at www.gringaconsulting.com for Spanish lessons for your company. Mention the podcast for a free intro lesson.

    For transcripts and to donate, visit: https://rss.com/podcasts/thegringaspanglishpodcast/

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • S03 E15 - ¿Quién soy? familia - Fast Speed - 75% Spanish
    May 27 2024

    Solve the mystery of what family member is talking to you in 4 short conversations at a family fiesta.


    1. el familiar is a relative
    2. ¿qué onda? is what’s happening
    3. sin ofensa a ti is no offense
    4. la llegada is the arrival
    5. el / la aguafiestas is party pooper
    6. el esposo is husband
    7. los suegros are parents in law
    8. se encarga de eso (encargarse) is she is in charge of that
    9. orgullosos are proud
    10. la empresa is business
    11. técnicamente is technically
    12. no me cae bien (caerse) is I don’t get along well with him
    13. me prestas (prestar) is you lend me
    14. malvada is evil
    15. guárdame (guardar) is save me
    16. ¡No me digas! is you don’t say!
    17. la bisnieta is great-granddaughter
    18. inocuos is harmless
    19. las alitas de pollo are chicken wings
    20. la silla de ruedas is wheelchair

    For more from Gringa Consulting, visit www.gringaconsulting,com

    For free transcripts and to donate, visit: https://rss.com/podcasts/thegringaspanglishpodcast/

    Más Menos
    11 m