
  • How to Measure Your Blood Pressure at Home
    Jul 30 2024
    12 m
  • Are you Snoring? Is it just noise or Dangerous for your heart | Expert : Dr Jagdish Hiremath | Host : Dr Aman Kapoor
    Jul 14 2024

    Welcome back to the Heart Guardian podcast for a Healthy Heart, powered by the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences and Madhubak Institute of Preventive Cardiology. I'm your host, Dr. Aman Kapoor. In today's episode, we delve into a topic often associated with memes and jokes, yet also a significant cause of marital discord and family breakdowns: snoring.

    Joining us is renowned Cardiologist with 4 decades of experience Dr Jagdish Hiremath

    Snoring ranges from mild rumbling noises to thunderous sounds that disturb others. While snoring might seem harmless, it can indicate underlying health issues. Today, we explore when snoring should be taken seriously and what it could mean for your health.

    Highlights of This Episode:

    1. Understanding Snoring:
      • Snoring is a common occurrence that varies from light rumbling to loud noises.
      • It often disrupts the sleep of partners, family members, or friends, leading to playful ridicule or serious marital discord.
    2. Causes of Snoring:
      • Being overweight, consuming alcohol, or taking sedatives can exacerbate snoring.
      • The mechanics involve air gushing through relaxed throat muscles during sleep, causing vibrations.
    3. When Snoring Indicates a Problem:
      • Snoring can be a natural part of deep sleep or indicate a serious condition like Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).
      • OSA is characterized by repeated stops in breathing during sleep, leading to a lack of oxygen and potential heart and lung complications.
    4. Medical Insights from Dr. Jagdish Hiremath:
      • Dr. Hiremath explains that OSA can lead to pulmonary hypertension, heart strain, and other serious health issues.
      • Diagnosing OSA involves sleep tests, lung function tests, and echocardiography.
    5. Treatment and Prevention:
      • Weight loss, using CPAP machines, and medical interventions can significantly improve symptoms and overall health.
      • Early diagnosis and treatment of OSA are crucial to prevent long-term complications.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Snoring is not just a source of annoyance; it can be a sign of serious health problems.
    • If you or a loved one snore frequently, it's essential to seek medical advice to rule out conditions like OSA.
    • Awareness and timely intervention can prevent severe health issues and improve quality of life.

    Call to Action:

    Share this episode with your friends and family to raise awareness about the importance of addressing snoring. Follow us on your favorite podcast platform to stay updated on more episodes focusing on heart health and preventive cardiology. Don't forget to leave a comment, like, and share this valuable information on social media.


    • Snoring
    • Obstructive Sleep Apnea
    • OSA
    • Heart Health
    • Lung Health
    • Preventive Cardiology
    • Dr. Aman Kapoor
    • Heart Guardian Podcast
    • Sleep Disorders
    • Pulmonary Hypertension
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Myocardium of Heart : Your Heart Muscles that keep you alive
    Jun 29 2024

    Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of the Heart Guardian podcast. I am your host, Dr. Aman Kapoor, and today we have an exciting and insightful discussion lined up for you. We are going to deep dive into the powerhouse of our heart, the myocardium. This remarkable muscle keeps our heart pumping and our bodies thriving.

    Imagine your heart as a bustling city with roads, signals, and power plants. Myocardium is the powerhouse, the engine room that keeps everything moving smoothly. Joining us today is the esteemed cardiologist Dr. Jagdish Hiremath, with extensive experience in understanding and treating heart conditions.

    What is myocardium? The myocardium is the heart muscle situated in the secure bony rib cage, weighing about 400 grams, and the size of a human fist. It plays a crucial role in the heart's function, with the left ventricle containing almost 80% of the myocardium, responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.

    Importance of myocardium The contraction of the myocardium is a highly complex affair, involving a rotatory and twisting movement that pushes blood into the aorta. Despite its small size, the heart receives about 9% of the entire blood flow, indicating the myocardium's significance. The coronary arteries supply the myocardium with glucose, oxygen, and other nutrients, keeping it healthy and enabling it to work relentlessly.

    Myocardial infarction and heart attack The most common abnormality affecting the myocardium is permanent damage due to blocked coronary arteries, known as myocardial infarction or heart attack. This damage reduces the left ventricle's ejection fraction (LVEF), which can be measured through echocardiography. Depending on the extent of damage, it is categorized as mild, moderate, or severe.

    Cardiomyopathy and heart failure Cardiomyopathy refers to diseases of the heart muscle caused by viral infections, chronic alcohol abuse, or chemotherapy. It leads to a reduction in ejection fraction, termed global hypokinesia. On the other hand, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy results in excessively thick myocardium due to genetic factors or prolonged high blood pressure. Both conditions can lead to heart failure if not managed properly.

    Preventive cardiology and treatments Preventive measures include controlling blood pressure and ensuring a healthy lifestyle to avoid hypertrophy and other heart issues. Medical treatments have advanced significantly, offering solutions like CRTD and CRTP pacemakers, LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device), and even heart transplants for severe cases.

    Conclusion Taking good care of the myocardium is of paramount importance for overall heart health. With proper care and timely medical intervention, many heart conditions can be managed effectively.

    My dear friends, remember, myocardium is your powerhouse. It is the muscle that keeps your body running, so take good care of it. Share this podcast with your friends and family, and follow our series for authentic information on heart health. This podcast series is powered by the Maharashtra Institute of Health Sciences and the Madhubak Institute of Preventive Cardiology.

    Stay tuned for the next episode. This is your host, Dr. Aman Kapoor, signing off. Bye-bye!

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • What is Heart Failure : Understanding Heart Failure better
    Jun 14 2024

    Welcome to another insightful episode of the Heart Guardian Podcast, hosted by Dr. Aman Kapoor. In this episode, we dive into the critical topic of heart failure—a condition that affects millions but is often misunderstood. Heart failure can be a daunting term, but understanding its nuances can make a significant difference in managing and preventing it.

    We are honored to have Dr. Jagdish Hiremath, a renowned cardiologist, back with us. Dr. Hiremath provides a detailed explanation of what heart failure truly means, how it differs from heart attacks and sudden cardiac arrests, and the vital steps one can take to manage this condition.

    Key Points Covered in This Episode:

    1. Heart Failure vs. Heart Attack vs. Cardiac Arrest:
      • Heart attack: A blockage in the coronary arteries leading to muscle damage.
      • Cardiac arrest: An electrical failure causing the heart to stop beating.
      • Heart failure: The heart's inability to pump sufficient blood to meet the body's needs.
    2. Understanding Heart Failure:
      • Heart failure is categorized based on the heart's efficiency in pumping blood.
      • Causes include high blood pressure, heart muscle diseases (cardiomyopathy), and long-term conditions affecting the heart's ability to pump blood effectively.
    3. Symptoms of Heart Failure:
      • Shortness of breath, swelling of feet and face, inability to lie flat, fluid buildup in lungs.
      • Advanced stages may include cold limbs, low blood pressure, and severe breathlessness.
    4. Diagnostic Tools:
      • NT-PRO-BNP blood test to determine heart-related breathlessness.
      • Echocardiography to assess the heart's pumping capacity (ejection fraction).
      • Advanced tests like cardiac MRI for detailed heart condition analysis.
    5. Treatment Options:
      • Medications: Diuretics to remove excess fluid, along with the "Golden Four" medications that significantly improve heart function.
      • Lifestyle Adjustments: Rest, graded exercises, and breathing exercises to enhance heart efficiency.
      • Advanced Therapies: Specialized pacemakers (CRTD/CRTP) and mechanical treatments like LVAD and heart transplants for severe cases.
    6. Preventive Measures and Management:
      • Regular check-ups, managing blood pressure, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and early intervention can drastically improve outcomes for individuals with heart failure.

    SEO Keywords: Heart failure, heart health, cardiomyopathy, heart attack, cardiac arrest, Dr. Aman Kapoor, Dr. Jagdish Hiremath, heart failure treatment, heart failure symptoms, heart failure diagnosis, heart failure management, Heart Guardian Podcast.

    Tags: #AKonnects #DrAmanKapoor #DrJagdishHiremath #HeartHealth #HeartFailure #Cardiology #HealthPodcast #HeartGuardian #MedicalPodcast #HealthyHeart

    Join us as we unpack the complexities of heart failure with the expertise of Dr. Jagdish Hiremath. Whether you or a loved one is dealing with heart issues, this episode is essential listening for understanding and managing this serious condition. Subscribe, listen, and share this vital information to help spread awareness and improve heart health for all.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • What Are Artificial Heart Valves ,How Do They Work & When are they needed? In conversation with Dr. Jagdish Hiremath & Dr Aman Kapoor
    May 31 2024

    Welcome back to the Heart Guardian podcast, hosted by Dr. Aman Kapoor. In today's episode, we delve into the fascinating and critical topic of artificial heart valves, devices that have revolutionized the treatment of heart valve diseases. Our special guest, the eminent cardiologist Dr. Jagdish Hiremath, joins us to provide an in-depth understanding of these life-saving devices.

    Understanding Artificial Heart Valves: Artificial heart valves are mechanical devices designed to replace diseased heart valves and restore normal blood flow. The heart functions as a mechanical pump, with blood moving in a unidirectional flow through four main valves: the tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, and aortic valves. When these valves malfunction due to diseases, artificial heart valves can step in to maintain this crucial flow.

    Types of Artificial Valves:

    1. Tissue Valves: Made from pig tissue (bovine) or the pericardium, these valves are designed for older patients. They require only a single dose of aspirin daily and typically last 10-12 years in the mitral position and 12-15 years in the aortic position.
    2. Metallic Valves: Constructed from specialized steel, these durable valves are suitable for younger patients. They require serious blood thinners and regular monitoring through INR tests to prevent clotting and ensure proper functioning.

    Surgical and Non-Surgical Interventions:

    • Open-Heart Surgery: The most common method for valve replacement, involving the removal of the diseased valve and suturing of the new artificial valve.
    • TAVR (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement): A less invasive procedure for older patients, where the valve is replaced through the groin without open-heart surgery.
    • SAVR (Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement): Traditional surgical replacement of the aortic valve.

    Post-Surgery Management: Managing life with an artificial heart valve involves regular check-ups and blood tests. Patients with metallic valves need to maintain their INR levels between 2-3 to prevent clotting and bleeding complications. Tissue valves, while more convenient, require periodic echocardiography to monitor their condition.

    Success Rates and Complications: The success rate for heart valve surgeries in India is approximately 90%. While complications such as clot formation, valve infection, and valve dysfunction can occur, they are relatively rare with proper management and follow-up.

    Future Innovations: Advancements in artificial valve technology continue to improve patient outcomes, with new designs aimed at increasing the lifespan of the valves and reducing the need for repeated surgeries.

    Join us for an enlightening discussion that not only explores the mechanics and benefits of artificial heart valves but also highlights their impact on enhancing the quality and longevity of life for patients with heart valve diseases.


    Dr. Jagdish Hiremath, Dr. Aman Kapoor, AKonnects, MUHS, MIPC, artificial heart valves, tissue valves, metallic valves, TAVR, SAVR, heart valve surgery, heart health, cardiology.

    #DrJagdishHiremath #DrAmanKapoor #AKonnects #MUHS #MIPC #HeartHealth #ArtificialHeartValves #Cardiology #HeartValveSurgery #TAVR #SAVR #HealthyHeart

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • What are heart valves & What do they do? Unveiling the Secrets of heart valves with Dr. Jagdish Hiremath & Dr Aman Kapoor
    May 18 2024

    Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Heart Guardian podcast, hosted by Dr. Aman Kapoor. In today's episode, we delve into the fascinating world of heart valves, the unsung heroes of our cardiovascular system. These tiny yet crucial components ensure that blood flows in the right direction, providing our body with the oxygen it needs.

    Our special guest, the eminent cardiologist Dr. Jagdish Hiremath, joins us to unravel the mysteries of heart valves. He explains their function, the importance of unidirectional blood flow, and what happens when these valves malfunction. Dr. Hiremath breaks down complex concepts into simple terms, making it easy for everyone to understand.

    Key Highlights:

    • Heart Valve Functions: Learn how the tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, and aortic valves work tirelessly to keep your heart functioning correctly.
    • Diseases and Conditions: Understand the common diseases affecting heart valves, including congenital defects, degenerative diseases, rheumatic heart disease, and more.
    • Diagnosis and Treatment: Discover how echocardiography helps diagnose heart valve issues and the various treatment options available, from medication to surgical interventions like TAVR and mitral clip procedures.
    • Preventive Measures: Gain insights into how lifestyle choices and preventive measures can help maintain heart valve health.

    Join us for an informative session that highlights the incredible resilience and importance of heart valves. Don't miss this chance to enhance your knowledge and take proactive steps towards better heart health.


    Dr. Jagdish Hiremath, Dr. Aman Kapoor, AKonnects, MUHS, MIPC, heart valves, tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, mitral valve, aortic valve, echocardiography, heart health, TAVR, mitral clip, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart defects.


    #DrJagdishHiremath #DrAmanKapoor #AKonnects #MUHS #MIPC #HeartHealth #HeartValves #Cardiology #HealthyHeart #Echocardiography #TAVR #MitralClip #RheumaticHeartDisease #CongenitalHeartDefect

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Revolutionizing Heart Care: The Power of Nuclear Imaging of Heart
    Feb 19 2024

    Welcome to another episode of "The Heart Guardian" podcast, where we delve into groundbreaking advancements in cardiac care. Hosted by Dr. Aman Kapoor, today's episode takes us into the fascinating world of nuclear imaging—a non-invasive technique that has significantly advanced the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.

    Key Insights:

    • Introduction to Nuclear Imaging: Dr. Kapoor introduces nuclear imaging, explaining how this technology allows cardiologists to assess blood flow through the heart and determine the viability of heart muscle.
    • Expert Guest - Dr. Jagdish Hiremath: Renowned cardiologist Dr. Jagdish Hiremath joins the episode to share his expert insights and experiences with nuclear imaging, highlighting its role as a game-changer in cardiac care.
    • Real-Life Impact: Through compelling stories, we learn how nuclear imaging has influenced decision-making processes in cardiology, offering precise therapy planning and transforming patient outcomes.
    • Understanding Nuclear Imaging: Discover how nuclear imaging works, including the use of radioactive nuclear tracers and gamma cameras to capture detailed images of the heart, providing critical information without invasive procedures.
    • Case Studies: Dr. Hiremath presents intriguing case studies, such as Mr. T's story, to illustrate the pivotal role of nuclear imaging in resolving diagnostic dilemmas and guiding treatment strategies.
    • The Future of Cardiac Care: The episode explores the broader applications of nuclear imaging in cardiology, from assessing heart muscle viability to detecting unusual conditions, showcasing its versatility and precision.

    Why This Episode Matters:

    Nuclear imaging represents a leap forward in cardiac care, offering detailed insights that were previously unattainable. Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Hiremath's discussion sheds light on the technique's importance, not only in diagnosing heart conditions but also in guiding treatment decisions with unprecedented accuracy.


    "Revolutionizing Heart Care: The Power of Nuclear Imaging" emphasizes the significance of technological advancements in improving patient care. Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Hiremath's insights into nuclear imaging underscore the importance of innovation in the ongoing quest to save lives and enhance the quality of cardiac care.

    Stay Engaged:

    Subscribe to "The Heart Guardian" podcast, follow us on social media, and stay tuned for more episodes filled with informative discussions and practical tips to support your heart health. Together, we can create a future where our hearts beat stronger, and we live life to the fullest.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey to better heart health. Remember, your heart matters, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Goodbye for today, but remember to take action and embrace the power of knowledge to nurture your heart's well-being.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Understanding What Keeps Your Heart Beating: The Electrical System Explained
    Feb 18 2024

    In this enlightening episode of "The Heart Guardian" podcast, hosted by Dr. Aman Kapoor, we dive deep into the heart's electrical system with the expertise of Dr. Jagdish Hiremath. Together, they unravel the mysteries of what keeps our heart beating, providing insights into the intricate electrical system that powers every heartbeat.

    Key Highlights:

    • The Heart's Electrical System: Dr. Hiremath explains the basics of the heart's electrical system, including the role of the sinus node, AV node, and how electrical impulses travel through the heart to ensure it beats regularly.
    • Importance of the ECG: Learn how the electrocardiogram (ECG) captures the electrical activity of the heart, helping diagnose various conditions like arrhythmias, tachy-brady syndrome, and heart blocks.
    • Conditions Affecting the Heart: Discover common issues related to the heart's electrical system, such as arrhythmias, which can lead to irregular heartbeats, and how they're detected and treated.
    • Treatment and Innovations: The discussion covers treatments like pacemakers and AICDs (Artificial Implantable Converter Defibrillators) that help manage rhythm disorders. Dr. Hiremath highlights advancements like the micro pacemaker, a minimally invasive option that offers a new lease on life for patients with heart rhythm issues.
    • Practical Tips for Heart Health: Dr. Kapoor emphasizes the importance of understanding our heart's functionality and encourages listeners to take proactive steps towards maintaining heart health, including regular check-ups and lifestyle modifications.

    Why This Episode Matters:

    Understanding the electrical system of the heart is crucial for recognizing symptoms and conditions that could lead to serious health issues. This episode demystifies the complex workings of the heart, making it accessible to everyone. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a patient, or simply interested in heart health, this conversation offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you keep your heart in rhythm.

    Stay Informed and Healthy:

    Understanding What Keeps Your Heart Beating: The Electrical System Explained" is more than just an episode; it's a comprehensive guide to heart health. By exploring how our hearts function and what we can do to support this vital organ, Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Hiremath inspire us to prioritize our cardiovascular well-being.

    Subscribe to "The Heart Guardian" podcast for more episodes that empower you with knowledge and tools to support your heart health. Join us on this journey to a healthier heart and a healthier life.

    Más Menos
    12 m