
  • Taking High Vibe Radical Responsibility with Karen Maloney
    Jul 15 2024
    Is taking responsibility a downer for you? Do you want to know the secrets to why radical responsibilty is a pathway to thriving and vibing In this conversation, we'll talk about the importance of taking radical responsibility for yourself. Sometimes things get worse before they get better, but we hold all the power in our lives. Get inspired again to work on the relationship you have with yourself.
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Your Divorce Compass: Coaching Meets Forensic Accounting
    Jul 1 2024
    Navigate your divorce with confidence and clarity. Join us as we bring together expert divorce coaching and forensic accounting to uncover hidden assets, simplify complex financial documents, and connect you with trusted professionals. Equip yourself with the knowledge and resources to make informed decisions, avoid excessive legal fees, and move forward with peace of mind.
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    28 m
  • Staying Aliive with Energy Enhancement System Healing
    Jun 17 2024
    Join us as we journey into the world of Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) with international podcast host and founder of the Staying Aliive Wellness Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, Mel Carmine.

    The EESystem is a revolutionary technology that creates an enhanced energy field to promote healing and overall well-being. Generating multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves,” which have been shown to enable the body to heal itself, the EESystem provides the body with the energy it needs to heal itself, unlocking its incredible potential.

    When exposed to the scalar waves generated by the EESystem, the electromagnetic field of the individual is awakened and energized, optimizing the mind/body complex and balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

    This episode is a must for anyone looking to level up the the way they feel or suffering from chronic conditions as we will be discussing the vast benefits of the EESystem and the improvements to a variety of conditions that many individuals have experienced. Tune in and learn all about this groundbreaking technology!!

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    28 m
  • Be Your Own Hero
    Jun 3 2024
    Life and Business Coach, Karl Klausewitz helps, teaches and inspires leaders and
    entrepreneurs to take their life to the next level! In his own works, "Nobody is coming to save you, if you want change to happen it has to come from you - It is about being your own hero." This episode focuses on living more intentionally, connecting to your authentic self as well as delving into the precepts of "If you're not growing, you're dying" and "Life is easy living the hard way, and hard living the easy way."
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    26 m
  • High V.I.B.E. Divorce & Hitting Restart with special guest Elisa Valentino
    May 23 2024
    Divorce can be a traumatic experience that causes feelings of fear, overwhelm, lack and overall emotional turmoil. Divorce & Life Transitional Coach, Elisa Valentino, host of The High V.I.B.E. Show with Elisa V: Livin' The High VIBE Life, will chat with Dr. Pat about how to achieve A High V.I.B.E. divorce and hit the restart button on a new life! They will discuss her proprietary 4 Pillars of V.I.B.E.™ coaching model and her holistic 3-Step Divorce & Life Transition Accelerator Method Program for regaining normalcy and a smooth transition to post-divorce life.
    Más Menos
    55 m
  • How to Attract & Manifest Your Best Partner
    May 20 2024
    Rachel Russo, MS, MFT is one of the love industry’s top professional matchmakers and dating coaches and is a powerhouse in the world of love, relationships, and empowerment! She shows singles how to attract and manifest their best partner—using all she has learned in almost two decades as a love connector.i As a Dating Expert and Relationship Strategist, Rachel will bring her two decades of experience and wisdom as a professional matchmaker , author, speaker and educator to The High VIBE Show as we explore the secret sauce for attracting and manifesting your best love partner.
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    29 m
  • Transforming with Fire & Butterflies
    May 6 2024
    "Transforming with Fire & Butterflies" takes you on a captivating journey of growth and self-discovery with, Spiritual Life Coach, Cristal Baez. Dive into the transformative insights behind her signature program, "Unlocking Your Inner Comadre," and discover the power of embracing change and igniting your inner light. Join us for an episode filled with inspiration, resilience, and the magic of transformation.
    Más Menos
    27 m
  • The Miracle of Scalar Light Energy
    Apr 15 2024
    Imagine having ultimate health, energy and wellness so that you can get back to enjoying your life. And no longer suffer? What if you were no longer in pain, exhausted, struggling? And if it could be as easy as uploading a photo of yourself to a website. Imagine that this simple act can turn your life around! In this episode, we will be talking with Tom Paladino, researcher and humanitarian, about Scalar Light Healing. Following in the footsteps of the Father of Scalar Light research and development, Nikola Tesla and Scalar Light expert, Galen Hieronymus, Tom is passionate about the power of Skalar LIght Energy and educating people worldwide about its divine healing power. Join us as we take you on a journey to understand the Miracle of Scalar Energy, which is divine energy for which the Sun, our solar system and the stars serve as the “storehouses” for this divine light, which holds the key to healing humanity.
    Más Menos
    24 m