
  • A History of the Christian Church (Part 13) The Council of Constantinople (382 AD)
    Jul 27 2024

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    Episodes Notes.


    • 4th Century Context: The Christian church was under significant theological and political turmoil, grappling with the nature of God, the influence of religious cults, and the intersection of imperial power and doctrine.
    • Arianism: A belief that denied the full divinity of Christ, leading to significant controversy within the church.
    • Political Intrigue: The council's decisions, especially the controversial third canon, contributed to the long-term discord between the Eastern and Western churches.

    Background of the Council

    • Convocation: The First Council of Constantinople was convened in 381 by Emperor Theodosius I in Constantinople.
    • Objective: To address the heresy of Arianism and unify the Christian doctrine under Nicene Christianity.

    The Nicene Creed

    • Significance: The council produced the definitive Nicene Creed, which remains a central statement of Christian faith.

    Canons Established by the Council

    • First Canon: Condemned Arianism, Macedonianism, and Apollinarianism.
    • Second Canon: Reinforced Nicene laws and set patriarchal boundaries.
    • Third Canon: Elevated the Bishop of Constantinople's status, second only to the Bishop of Rome.
    • Fourth Canon: Invalidated Maximus's consecration as Bishop of Constantinople.
    • Fifth Canon: Likely from 382, passed judgment on a literary work attributed to Western bishops.
    • Sixth Canon: Set limits on accusations against bishops.
    • Seventh Canon: Detailed procedures for admitting heretics back into the church.

    Condemnation of Heresies

    • Arianism: The council reinforced the Nicene Creed and condemned Arianism, contributing to its decline.
    • Macedonianism: The creed implied the deity of the Holy Spirit, though Macedonian bishops walked out.
    • Apollinarianism: Formally condemned the belief that Jesus lacked a human soul.

    Long-term Impact

    • Ecumenical Status: The council is considered the second great ecumenical council, with its creed still widely used in both Eastern and Western churches.
    • Filioque Controversy: The addition of "and the Son" to the creed in the West contributed to the East-West Schism.
    • Hierarchical Struggles: The elevation of Constantinople's status led to conflicts with Alexandria and Rome, foreshadowing future schisms.

    Summary and Legacy

    • Doctrinal Clarification: The council reinforced orthodox Trinitarian doctrine, condemned major heresies, and clarified the nature of the Holy Spirit.
    • Political Repercussions: The elevation of Constantinople challenged Rome's primacy and contributed to ongoing ecclesiastical power struggles.
    • Lasting Influence: The council's decisions and the Nicene Creed continue to shape Christian theology and ecclesiastical structure.


    • Mystery of Christ: The council's aim was to protect the doctrine of the incarnation from heretical attacks, not to eliminate its mystery.
    • Historical Importance: The creeds and canons should be viewed as vital historical documents that defended the early church against theological distortions.

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    31 m
  • A History of the Christian Church (Part 12) The Capadocian Fathers - Defining and Refining the Trinity
    Jul 6 2024

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    Episodes Notes.

    oday, we continue our journey through church history with a focus on the Cappadocian Fathers, a trio of influential Byzantine Christian leaders who shaped early Christianity. These remarkable figures played a pivotal role in defining the doctrine of the Trinity and combating Arianism. contributions.

    Part 1: The Lives of the Cappadocian Fathers

    • Basil of Caesarea:
    • Gregory of Nazianzus:
    • Gregory of Nyssa:

    Part 2: Theological Contributions and Trinitarian Doctrine

    The Cappadocians are celebrated for their defence of Nicene orthodoxy and their articulation of the Trinity. They harmonized the Nicene belief in the consubstantiality of the Father and the Son with the Origenist concept of three distinct hypostases. Basil explained this relationship by comparing the universal concept of humanity with individual human beings, emphasizing that God’s substance is shared, but each hypostasis has unique characteristics.

    Despite accusations of tritheism, the Cappadocians defended the unity and distinctiveness of the Trinity by emphasizing the perfect harmony and common action of the three persons.

    Part 3: Engaging with Greek Philosophy and Addressing Heresies

    The Cappadocians aimed to demonstrate that Christianity could engage with Greek intellectual thought while maintaining doctrinal purity. They balanced the Christian faith with elements of classical culture, presenting Christianity as a movement focused on the healing of the human soul and union with God.

    They also addressed various heresies:

    • Arianism and Semi-Arianism: Arianism claimed that the Son was created and not of the same essence as the Father. The Cappadocians' defence of the consubstantiality of the Trinity was instrumental in combating this heresy.
    • Macedonianism: This group denied the deity of the Holy Spirit. Basil’s work, "On the Holy Spirit," and Gregory of Nazianzus’s explicit affirmation of the Holy Spirit’s deity were crucial in refuting this view.
    • Apollinarianism: Apollinarius denied that Jesus had a human soul or mind. Gregory of Nazianzus countered this by asserting that Christ had to be fully human to fully save humanity.

    Part 4: Legacy and Biblical Perspective

    The Cappadocian Fathers significantly advanced the understanding of the Trinity and provided a robust defence against various heresies. Their contributions laid the groundwork for the First Council of Constantinople in 381, which finalized the Nicene Creed and marked the decline of Arianism.

    From a biblical perspective, their scriptural fidelity and theological precision are commendable. However, their integration of monastic ideals and hierarchical ecclesiastical structures reflects the context of their time and may invite critique from certain Protestant viewpoints. Additionally, their engagement with Greek philosophy, while intellectually valuable, must be balanced with the clear teachings of Scripture.

    Conclusion: The Cappadocian Fathers are rightly celebrated for their profound theological contributions and their defence of orthodox Christian doctrine. Their legacy underscores the importance of theological clarity and the centrality of the biblical witness in the life of the church. Join us next time as we explore the Council of Constantinople and its impact on the

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    26 m
  • A History of the Christian Church - (Part 11) Athanasius - Contending For the Deity of Christ (AD c293-376 )
    Jun 15 2024

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    To get an ad-free version of this podcast, join my Patreon community. You will also be able to enjoy two free exclusive episode per month as well as access over 60 hours of bonus and exclusive content, on Philosophy, Psychology, Political History, and the arts +++ for that.
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    Episodes Notes.

    Welcome to "Athanasius - Contending For the Deity of Christ"


    Join us on a journey through the life and thinking of one of Christianity's most formidable figures, Athanasius. Born in the city of Alexandria, Athanasius emerged as a central figure in the theological battles of the early church. We look into his upbringing, his education, and his unwavering commitment to defending the deity of Christ amidst the turbulent waters of Arianism.

    From his early years as a precocious youth to his tenure as the Bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius's life was marked by intellectual rigor and unyielding conviction. Explore the cultural and political landscape of Alexandria, the epicenter of trade and intellectual inquiry, where Athanasius honed his theological acumen amidst the diverse tapestry of Graeco-Roman society.

    Follow Athanasius's tireless efforts in contending against Arianism, a heresy that threatened to undermine the very foundations of Christian faith. Journey with him through periods of exile, where his steadfastness in the face of opposition became legendary.

    His Writings and Works:

    Discover Athanasius's prolific literary legacy, from his seminal works against Arianism to his influential treatises on the incarnation of the Word. Explore his Easter letters, which not only commemorated the Easter season but also played a pivotal role in shaping the New Testament canon as we know it today. We also uncover Athanasius's theological insights on the nature of Christ's divinity and the indispensable role of the Holy Spirit in Christian doctrine.


    We reflect on Athanasius's enduring legacy as a champion of orthodox Christian doctrine and the personhood of the Trinity and consider his contributions to the broader landscape of Christian thought, from his defence of Christ's deity to his theological reflections on eschatology and prophecy.

    Closing Thoughts:

    As we journey through the life and thinking of Athanasius, I invite you to engage critically and thoughtfully with his theological contributions. Whether you approach from a Roman Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, Orthodox, or Reformed perspective, there is much to glean from Athanasius's unwavering commitment to biblical truth and his profound impact on the Christian church.

    Join us as we navigate the complexities of Athanasius's legacy and seek to uphold the timeless truths of the Christian faith in our contemporary context. Welcome to "Athanasius - Contending For the Deity of Christ."

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    32 m
  • A History of the Christian Church - (Part 10) The Council of Nicea (AD 325) The Nicean Creed
    May 25 2024

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    Welcome to Episode Notes: The First Council of Nicaea (325 AD)

    In this episode, we look at the historical and theological significance of the First Council of Nicaea, convened in 325 AD. Led by Emperor Constantine, this council addressed the theological controversy sparked by Arius, a presbyter from Alexandria, and his teachings on the nature of Christ.

    We explore the origins of the theological debate surrounding Arius' belief that the Father is greater than the Son, challenging the traditional understanding of the Trinity. We examine the historical context of the council, situated amidst the political and religious landscape of the Roman Empire.

    Arianism vs. Orthodoxy:
    We outline the core tenets of Arian theology, emphasizing Jesus Christ as a created being distinct from the eternal God. The opposition led by Bishop Alexander and the subsequent appeal to other bishops in the East set the stage for the Council of Nicaea.

    We discuss Emperor Constantine's motivation for convening the council, aiming to maintain imperial unity by resolving theological disputes within Christianity. We explore the implications of Constantine's involvement in church affairs, marking a significant shift in the relationship between church and state.

    Canons and Ecclesiastical Discipline:
    Beyond doctrinal matters, we explore the canons established by the Council of Nicaea, aimed at promoting uniformity and discipline within the Church. From regulations on clergy conduct to guidelines for ecclesiastical authority, these canons reflect the council's broader impact on church governance.

    Legacy and Continuing Debate:
    Despite the council's efforts, theological tensions persisted, leading to further debates and schisms within the Church. We reflect on the ongoing significance of the Nicene Creed and its implications for contemporary Christian theology.

    Finally, I offer a personal critical analysis of the Nicene Creed from an evangelical Protestant standpoint, highlighting concerns about theological complexity, historical context, and doctrinal emphasis. While acknowledging the creed's importance, we explore avenues for dialogue and theological reflection within the broader Christian community.

    Join us as we unravel the complexities of the First Council of Nicaea and its enduring impact on Christian theology and practice.

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    29 m
  • A History of the Christian Church (Pt 9) Eusebius (AD 260 339) From Empire to Ecclesiastical History
    May 12 2024

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    Episode Notes:

    1. Welcome and Introduction.

    2. Biography.
    2.1 Overview.
    2.2 Early Life.
    2.3 Bishop of Caesarea.

    3. Works (His Literary Legacy)
    3.1. Biblical Textual Criticism:
    3.2. The Chronicle:
    3.3. Church History:
    3.4. Life of Constantine:
    3.5. Minor Historical Works:
    3.6. Apologetic and Dogmatic Works:
    3.7. Exegetical Works:

    4. His Doctrine.

    5. Legacy.

    6. Summary and Conclusion.

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    45 m
  • A History of the Christian Church (Pt 8) Cyprian (AD 258-310) The Martyr Bishop.
    Apr 14 2024

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    Cyprian (c210-258 AD)

    The Martyr/Bishop.

    1. Introduction

    2. Biography.

    2.1 Overview.

    2.2 Early Life.

    2.3 The Decian Persecution and the Controversy over the lapsed

    3. Writings.

    4. Theology.

    4.1 Sacraments:

    4.2 The Church:

    5. Final Persecution under Valerian.

    6. Summary and Conclusion.

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    39 m
  • A History of the Christian Church (Pt 7) Origen (AD 185 -253) Christian Philosophy For the Masses.
    Apr 2 2024

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    Origen (AD 185 -253) Christian Philosophy For the Masses.

    Episode Contents:

    1. Welcome

    2. Introduction and Overview.

    3. Biography.

    3.1 Early years

    3.2 Mid- Life Adventures..

    3.3 Later life.

    4. Works.

    4.1 Exegetical writings.

    4.2 Commentaries

    4.3 On the First Principles.

    4.4 Against Celsus.

    4.5 Other writings

    5. Origins Theological Views.

    5.1 The Position of Christ. (Christology).

    5.2 Cosmology and Eschatology

    5.3 Ethics.

    5.4 His Interpretation of Scripture.

    5.5 Trinitarian Theology.

    6. Influence on the Later Church

    6.1 Council of Constantinople.

    6.2 After the Anathemas.

    7 Summary.

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    1 h y 32 m
  • A History of the Christian Church (Pt 6) Clement of Alexandria.- Christian Philosopher and Theologian. (c150-215 A.D.)
    Mar 17 2024

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    Welcome to Episode Six:

    Clement of Alexandria (c. 150-215 A.D.): Greek Born Christian Philosopher and Theologian


    In today's episode, I look at the life and teachings of a remarkable figure in early Christian thought, Clement of Alexandria. Born into a Pagan Greek family in the middle of the 2nd century, Clément's journey from paganism to Christianity was both profound and influential.


    Clement's early life is shrouded in mystery, with conflicting accounts of his birthdate and birthplace. What we do know is that he was deeply immersed in Greek philosophy and literature before his conversion to Christianity. His extensive travels and encounters with various Christian teachers shaped his intellectual and spiritual development.

    Theological Works

    Clement's theological legacy is primarily preserved in three major works: The Protrepticus, The Paedagogus, and The Stromata. Each of these works offers a unique perspective on Christian doctrine and practice, reflecting Clement's deep engagement with both Greek philosophy and Christian theology.

    Key Themes in Clement's Theology

    Throughout his writings, Clement grapples with a wide range of theological themes, including:

    • Gnosis: Clement introduces the concept of "gnosis," a form of spiritual and mystical knowledge that complements faith in Christian salvation.
    • Philosophy: He seeks to reconcile Greek philosophical insights with biblical teachings, laying the groundwork for Christian philosophical theology.
    • Universalism: Clement advocates for the eventual salvation of all humanity, emphasizing God's redemptive love and corrective punishment.
    • Education: He emphasizes the importance of disciplining the soul and integrating Greek learning with Christian spirituality.

    Legacy and Criticism

    Despite his widespread acclaim, Clement's theological legacy is not without controversy. Some critics have raised concerns about his ambivalence towards certain heresies and the influence of Greek philosophical ideas on his theology.


    Clement of Alexandria remains a towering figure in the history of the Christian church, admired for his intellectual rigor and spiritual insights.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey through the life and teachings of Clement of Alexandria. Stay tuned for more episodes of 2000 years of Christian thought, A History of the Christian Church..

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