
  • 044 Why We Sabotage
    Jun 24 2024

    Are you one of those people that has watched yourself sabotage something that you know you want, and yet something in you is blocking it or even actively pushing it away? Why is it that when you finally receive the love, the nourishment, the care, the fulfilment, the success, the money, the attention, the connection that you want, having it is so threatening that before you know it, you're finding whatever way you can find to get rid of it? It doesn't make any logical sense to reject a beautiful opportunity, but you still say no. And you're watching yourself and you know what you're doing, but you can't stop it.

    Why is sabotage so common in human beings, and why is it a cause of so much of our pain and suffering? And what could possibly be a solution to that? This is what we’re going to dive into in this episode.

    What is Covered:

    -How we normalise the pattern of sabotage in our lives

    -Why sabotage is a blind spot and why we can’t stop it

    -Survival vs. living and why we remain stuck in survival

    -Looking at the pain and shame of sabotage from an ontological perspective

    -What’s the alternative to sabotage

    -Are you living to win or are you living to not lose?


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Episode 041 Appearing Reality: How Blindspots Blind Us https://player.captivate.fm/episode/442d620c-3bfc-4a4c-81ab-cfd500eb8976

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • 043 Sacred Vulnerability - It All Begins and Ends with the Heart
    Jun 17 2024

    I'm sure that this is not the first time you are hearing the word vulnerability. But most of the time, I don't think many of us know what it even really means, and how powerful and sacred vulnerability is.

    Vulnerability is not just an emotion or a state of being, it is actually a gateway, a doorway into being able to connect with each other deeper. It is a space within the heart, within the space of consciousness and truth of human beings that allows us to connect universally with each other, with ourselves and with the present moment - all of which I believe is a universal longing and want.

    So how do we go from the head into the heart to experience the state of sacred vulnerability?

    What is Covered:

    -Connection and disconnection - our greatest wants and greatest regrets

    -Why vulnerability is the only gateway to experience deeper connection with others

    -Original heartbreak and why everything begins and ends with the heart

    -How sitting with the heart’s ache enables us to be more present

    -Journaling prompt for exploring your vulnerability


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • 042 The Great Human Drug: Human Stories
    Jun 10 2024

    This week’s topic is not an easy one. First, because it’s a significant blindspot to how we experience reality itself, how we experience ourselves and each other. And second, because it’s the root to some of our greatest attachments in survival, so it may bring up a lot of activation for you.

    So we’re talking about the greatest human addiction of all - the human story. We human beings are storytelling animals, and the mind itself is a storytelling mechanism. These stories not only define how we think and know of ourselves, but they literally colour and give us our entire experience of our reality, the stories of our family, of our ancestors, of our countries, of love. So let’s unpack this great human drug that are the stories that run us.

    What is Covered:

    -Why we need stories and how they are connected to our survival

    -How our attachment to stories block our longing for connection with others

    -Whose stories are running us and how we absorb them

    -Identification with stories and the illusion of identity

    -The alternative to holding on the stories and why we avoid it

    -The stories of countries and how they create our shared reality

    -Why we can compare stories to drugs

    -How we can begin to come out of this blindspot


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • 041 Appearing Reality: How Blindspots Blind Us
    Jun 3 2024

    This week, I want to dive deeper into blindspots and explore how blindspots actually blind us. I’ll talk about how blindspots work and how they colour the appearing reality that we get. And then I’ll discuss why that is such a significant dilemma to the human species, and why we are stuck in our blindspots.

    In previous episodes, I talked about what blinspots are - a way of seeing or a context from where we are seeing, that colours how we see and that we don't even know that we don't know that we don't know! So we don't know we have a blindspot until the very moment the blindspot reveals itself. So how do we become conscious of our blindspots and how do they stop blinding us?

    What is Covered:

    -Why blindspots are so powerful in colouring our reality

    -How we can perceive and dissolve our blindspots

    -Jean Piaget and his research of blindspots in child brain development

    -Blindspots that are consistent to the entire human species

    -Why we keep repeating the same patterns and cycles

    -How blindspots work in our perception of reality

    -Why blindspots are such a big dilemma for the whole world

    -How a different and more mature world can look like


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Ep 02 The Body, the Mind and the Identity https://player.captivate.fm/episode/d09b2639-ae85-42c8-a892-aa9dc4629dc8

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • 040 Curiosity: The Cure to Fear
    May 27 2024

    This week's topic is on curiosity, which I believe is the cure to fear. But we cannot talk about curiosity without first speaking about fear.

    Fear is the number one piece that keeps us human beings stuck in survival. It’s the catalyst, the food to our survival mechanisms, and the suffering at the root of the human condition. Fear is like addiction. Survival cannot survive without fear. It is the human experience that keeps people from really living their life.

    So how do we go beyond fear, and what is the alternative to the paradigm of fear? In this episode, we’re going to talk about this alternative.

    What is Covered:

    -Why fear is much more than just a feeling and why it keeps us stuck

    -The connection between fear and the function of the human mind

    -How perceived death can mean different things - rejection, betrayal, humiliation

    -How fear leads to disconnection from living our lives

    -Why curiosity is so counterintuitive to human mind

    -How to engage in the process of curiosity and live from the paradigm of curiosity

    -Why curiosity is the cure to fear


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Episode 017: What Creates Reality? What Creates Paradigm? https://player.captivate.fm/episode/063aa15f-03c8-4a3e-adfb-7b4e5c5a964f

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • 039 Manifestation, Integrity and the Quantum
    May 25 2024

    Today marks a very exciting moment as we enter phase 2 of the podcast with our first ever guest interview episode. And who better to kick this off with than my dear sister and friend, and the world's number one manifestation coach, Regan Hillyer.

    Regan is a Serial Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Energetic Coach, International Speaker and Mindset Coach and the CEO and founder of, amongst other ventures, Regan Hillyer International (RHI), a global 8-figure business.

    Regan is also the creator of the world’s Number One Manifestation Method - the “Energetic Architecture Method™” - a unique manifestation modality that uses the quantum field to allow people to manifest the lives that they desire.

    Today we discuss the potential and capability that every human being has to manifest the world that they intend. Regan talks about The Nest, a special place for frequency upgrading that she and her partner created in Costa Rica. We also talk about integrity, commitment and turning discipline into blisscipline, as well as the three steps to begin upgrading your energetic field.

    To celebrate entering this next phase of the podcast, I am giving one lucky winner the chance to win a VIP Day with me! To enter, you need to listen to Thursday's BONUS episode (38) and today's guest episode (39) where at the end of each, I reveal one key word.

    Once you have both words, enter them here to win: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-giveaway-may-24/

    Competition ends 30th May 2024 midnight BST. The winner will be randomly selected and contacted by the latest 3rd June 2024.

    What is Covered:

    -What inspired Regan to commit to her mission of raising the frequency and vibration of the planet

    -Why we need to experience and purge lower densities in our BodyMinds and how to do it

    -The current energetic shift and recalibration that is happening on our planet

    -Why some people feel terror and anxiety while others are living their best lives ever

    -Biohacking and ascension technologies that Regan is applying at The Nest, her place in Costa Rica

    -Commitment, discipline, integrity and blisscipline

    -Three steps for upgrading our energy field

    -Nicky’s Empress birthday and Empress year


    -Connect with Regan Hillyer at https://www.instagram.com/reganhillyer/

    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • 038 BONUS EPISODE: The Creative Process
    May 23 2024

    This week is a big week for the podcast. Not only are we moving into phase 2 of our journey, with our first ever guest interview episode being released this Saturday, but it is also my birthday week!

    To celebrate, I am giving one lucky winner the chance to win a VIP Day with me!

    To enter, you need to listen to today’s BONUS episode (38) and Saturday’s episode (39) where at the end of each, I will reveal one key word. Once you have both words, enter them here to win: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-giveaway-may-24/

    Competition ends 30th May 2024 midnight BST. The winner will be randomly selected and contacted by latest 3 June 2024.

    Today’s episode is a quick roundup and a celebration of the creative process that led me to this point in my life and to this phase of the podcast. I’m going to share with you a little bit more of my personal journey, which I haven't done a lot in previous episodes. I want to describe the process of alchemy that is the creative process, with all its uncertainty and stepping into the unknown, but also with the firm commitment to something we cannot yet see materialised in 3D form.

    We’re going to cover what creation is, how it can feel, how to deal with uncertainty and failures, and finally, how to receive and accept success when it comes.


    • Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/
    • Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/
    • Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/
    • Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation
    • Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • 037 Living and Creating in Flow
    May 20 2024

    We are opening a competition to celebrate the entering into a new phase of this show! In order to participate and win a valuable prize, you have to listen to all the episodes this week. Stay tuned to get all the information!

    Today, I am speaking about living and creating in flow. Flow is a big topic nowadays, but it’s often presented as something that we can get outside of ourselves. In fact, flow is a state of being, and a paradigm from which we are coming from and creating from. It's not something to hold onto. It's not an object that we can find somewhere, that will somehow solve the dissatisfaction, pain and emptiness that we are currently in.

    So how do we start to experience more flow, and learn to live and create in flow?

    What is Covered:

    -Why we remain stuck or get stuck even deeper by searching for flow

    -Flow as a natural state of being

    -Why the function of our mind is the complete antithesis to flow

    -How to access and experience flow

    -Unexpected life experiences that can help us understand flow better

    -How to uncover our points of resistance to flow


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Episode 0002 The Body, the Mind and the Identity https://player.captivate.fm/episode/d09b2639-ae85-42c8-a892-aa9dc4629dc8

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

    Más Menos
    39 m