
  • How to reclaim influence when undermined
    Sep 23 2023

    Have you ever felt a sinking sensation, an unsettling feeling that despite your sincere efforts, you are always trying to make the world a better place, in some way, with motivation driven by heartfelt purpose – that you are being deliberately undermined at work? If so, you’re not alone. In this episode, I'll help you navigate this situation.

    To listen to the episode about "Having your own Fan Club," mentioned in this episode: LISTEN HERE.

    To join the waitlist so you are the FIRST to know the next time my SHINE Coaching Program opens for new clients, CLICK HERE.

    You can also subscribe to my "Rise and Shine" Newsletter, where you'll get weekly accountability, activities, tips, and tricks to continue to rise in your organization. If you have any questions, ideas for an episode you'd love to hear me talk about, or just want to connect, email me at tami.north@genuinedrivenwomen.com.

    Click here to leave a review!

    If you LOVE what you hear, the best way you can help me spread the word about this podcast is by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or by sharing an episode you LOVE with a friend. These are some speedy ways you could support me in connecting with other introverted women ready to create a career they LOVE!

    You can also follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IntrovertedExecutive.

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    22 m
  • From Hidden Gem to Workplace Star: Making Your Mark in Your Organization
    Sep 11 2023
    Does the Senior Leadership Know Your Name? Do you know those moments at work when you feel like blending into the wallpaper? You're this hidden gem, but no one has the map to find you. Yeah, I've been there, and trust me, so many of the fantastic people I talk to feel the same way. Whenever someone like you shares their story with me, I always think, 'Wow, if only more people knew just how awesome they are.' You’ve got all these amazing talents and ideas, but sometimes it feels like you're whispering in a crowded football stadium. Today, I’m going to dive deep into this topic. It's not just about getting noticed at work but about celebrating all the cool things that make you YOU. Remember, it's not always about the big office or the fancy title. It's about making waves, leaving your mark, and creating your unique magic. So, if you've ever felt like you’re playing small, grab a coffee or a cup of tea, and let's chat. Because you, my friend, are meant for a more expansive career and life. It is possible! How Did I Become Known? I became “known” for my focus on our customers and deep technical and system focus. This didn’t happen overnight… I spent ten years as an Enlisted Sailor, working as a systems technician Later, I became a defense acquisition expert. I had opportunities to work at organizations where I was directly responsible for the manpower, training, and sustainment of the systems. When working at an organization leading Defense Acquisition efforts, I was directly responsible for developing the modern version of the program I was a technician for in my younger days. Eventually, I had the opportunity to work at an organization that greatly expanded my knowledge, but where there was an abundance of people who understood the training and even a good amount who understood manpower and manning, but a minimal number who understood the entire spectrum of taking a new technical requirement for a capability and transforming it into a powerful system out in an operational environment. Still.. I always remembered what it was like to be a young Enlisted person or a young Naval Officer who didn’t have the network or understanding of budgets, programs, available support, and how it all came together. Some people cared about the Fleet without my expertise, and some had exquisite expertise without understanding what it was like to be a Sailor. Some people cared about the Fleet without my expertise, and some had exquisite expertise without understanding what it was like to be a Sailor. I used my combination of experiences and went ALL IN and became known for making sure our customers (the Sailors) have what they need to conduct their missions, in a MAJOR WAY. Does it Matter if You are Known at Work? For many reasons, it is essential to become "known" for something in a large organization. Here are a few of the most important ones: It can help you get ahead. When you are known for your skills and expertise, you are more likely to be promoted and given more opportunities. It can help you build relationships. When people know you and what you do, they are more likely to want to work with you. This can lead to new opportunities and collaborations. It can give you a voice. When you are known, you have a platform to share your ideas and insights. This can help you make a difference in the organization and the world. It can make you more marketable. If you are known for your skills and expertise, you will be more attractive to other organizations. This can give you more options and opportunities in your career. It can boost your confidence. When you are known for something, it can give you a sense of accomplishment and confidence. This can help you succeed in your career and in life. Of course, there are also some challenges to becoming known in a large organization. It can take time and effort to build a reputation. You may also need to overcome the challenges of being an introvert in a corporate setting. But if you are willing to put in the work, becoming known for something can be a valuable asset to your career. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE NOT KNOWN? There are a few signs that you may not be known in a large organization: People don't know your name. This is the most obvious sign. If people don't know your name, they probably know little about you or your work. You're not invited to meetings or events. If you're not invited to important meetings or events, it's a sign that people don't see you as a critical player in the organization. Your ideas are ignored. If you share your ideas and no one notices, it's a sign that people don't value your contributions. You're not considered for promotions or new opportunities. If you're not being considered for promotions or new opportunities, it's a sign that people don't see you as a high-potential employee. You feel like an outsider. If you feel like you don't belong in the organization, ...
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    20 m
  • How and Why Executives Invest in Themselves
    Aug 27 2023

    When was the last time you decided to invest in yourself? I mean REALLY invest in yourself? Today, I want to talk to you about what I mean when I ask you that question and some of the ways you might consider making more significant investments in yourself that will propel you to your desired version of success.

    The "Looking for a Place to SHINE, from Underestimated to Executive" coaching program is OPEN for new clients. You don't have to wait until you are an executive to have your own coach. This is one of those decisions that changes the entire trajectory of your life -- the coaches I have had over the last 12 years have made that 100% accurate for me.



    If you want to be alerted when my executive coaching opens to take in new clients again, subscribe to the "Rise and Shine" Newsletter, where you will also get weekly accountability, activities, tips, and tricks to continue to rise in your organization. If you have any questions or want to connect, email me at tami.north@genuinedrivenwomen.com.

    Click here to leave a review!

    If you LOVE what you hear, the best way you can help me spread the word about this podcast is by leaving a review on iTunes or sharing an episode you LOVE with a friend. It would mean the world if you would take a few minutes to write an iTunes review. That is one speedy way you could support me in connecting with other introverted women ready to rise!

    You can also follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IntrovertedExecutive

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    24 m
  • Breaking the Chain: Stop Negative Thinking in Its Tracks After a Big Mistake
    Aug 12 2023

    Making a mistake, even what you consider a BIG mistake, isn’t necessarily a problem until you start beating yourself up over something that’s already done and can’t be undone. Your mind is tricky, and sometimes it can get stuck in a loop, especially if you feel shame, humiliation, deep regret, sadness, embarrassment, mortification, or possibly discredited. Maybe you find yourself saying, over and over, “Why did I do that? How could I have been so stupid? I’m a complete idiot!” These feelings are powerful and probably make you want to hide in a hole and never come out. In this episode, I will help you work through these moments so you can come back stronger.

    REGISTER FOR MY FREE MASTERCLASS HERE - 3 Steps to be seen as Ready for Executive Leadership that you can start TODAY!

    If you want to be alerted when my executive coaching opens to take in new clients again, subscribe to the "Rise and Shine" Newsletter, where you will also get weekly accountability, activities, tips, and tricks to continue to rise in your organization. If you have any questions or want to connect, email me at tami.north@genuinedrivenwomen.com.

    Click here to leave a review!

    If you LOVE what you hear, the best way you can help me spread the word about this podcast is by leaving a review on iTunes or sharing an episode you LOVE with a friend. It would mean the world if you would take a few minutes to write an iTunes review. That is one speedy way you could support me in connecting with other introverted women ready to rise!

    You can also follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IntrovertedExecutive.

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    22 m
  • What I did when someone called my life "TUMULTUOUS"
    Jun 26 2023

    I know you're doing everything you can to lean fully into the complete experience of life. You’re going for it in your career, relationships, family, and overall experiences. No matter how hard you try, and even if you have a similarly motivated family – things will never be perfect, not even close. So, what do you do when other people describe your life with negative adjectives? Listen to this episode to find out what I do in these situations.

    Do you want to know when my executive coaching opens to take in new clients again? Subscribe to the "Rise and Shine" Newsletter, curated for introverted women who want to rise to executive leadership; when my program opens - you'll be the first to know.

    If you have questions or want to connect, email me at tami.north@genuinedrivenwomen.com.

    Click here to leave a review!

    If you LOVE what you hear, the best way you can help me spread the word about this podcast is by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or sharing an episode you LOVE with a friend. It would mean the world if you would take a few minutes to write an Apple Podcast review. 🌟

    For more great content, head to my website: GenuineDrivenWomen.com.

    You can also follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IntrovertedExecutive

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • How to Choose if You Should Stay or Leave Your Current Job
    Jun 11 2023

    Inevitably, when you're looking to grow in your career, you will come to a crossroads and have to decide if it is time to leave your current organization. As with most things, there are pros and cons to the approach you take. This is a very personal decision; ultimately, you must choose which option is right for you.

    This episode will give help you navigate this decision.

    DM me at @introvertedexecutive on Instagram.com/introvertedexecutive


    Do you want to know when my executive coaching opens to take in new clients again? Subscribe to the "Rise and Shine" Newsletter, curated for introverted executives (and introverted women who want to rise to executive leadership); when my program opens - you'll be the first to know.

    If you have questions or want to connect with me, email me at tami.north@genuinedrivenwomen.com.

    Click here to leave a review!

    If you LOVE what you hear, the best way you can help me spread the word about this podcast is by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or sharing an episode you LOVE with a friend. It would mean the world to me if you would take a few minutes to write an Apple Podcast review. 🌟

    For more great content, head to my website: GenuineDrivenWomen.com.

    You can also follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IntrovertedExecutive

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    20 m
  • The 13th Week: My Secret to Success
    Oct 24 2022

    One of my secrets to powerful goal accomplishment and building the career and life you have always dreamed of is to not only set big goals but then to check in periodically on the progress you're making. This includes a fresh intentional decision that you want to continue to pursue the goals you have been working toward. It's what you do in the 13th week that makes all the difference. It's that 13th week when you make your luck, so to speak. In this episode, I will walk you through, step-by-step, what I do during that 13th week and how it will dramatically change your outcomes if you do the same.

    Get the Full Focus Planner here: 25% off sale through 10/31!

    Do you want to know when my executive coaching opens to take in new clients again? Subscribe to the "Rise and Shine" Newsletter, curated for introverted executives (and introverted women who want to rise to executive leadership); when my program opens - you'll be the first to know.

    If you have questions or want to connect with me, email me at tami.north@genuinedrivenwomen.com or call me at (724) 374-8362 and leave a voice message.

    Click here to leave a review!

    If you LOVE what you are hearing, the best way you can help me spread the word about this podcast is by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or sharing an episode you LOVE with a friend. It would mean the world to me if you would take a couple of minutes to write an Apple Podcast review. 🌟

    For more great content, head to my website: GenuineDrivenWomen.com.

    You can also follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IntrovertedExecutive

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    19 m
  • Be an Example of What's Possible: How Your Success Helps Those Around You
    Oct 16 2022

    Have you ever felt a touch of guilt because you think you might be getting too successful or that you are selfish for wanting a more significant life? Do you think you'd be a better mom if you didn’t work or if you had a more straightforward career with less responsibility? Do you ever feel others judge you for your success or for your desire to be more successful? If so, this episode is for you!

    Do you want to know when my executive coaching program opens to take in new clients next? Subscribe to the "Rise and Shine" Newsletter, curated for introverted executives (and introverted women who want to rise to executive leadership); when my program opens - you'll be the first to know.

    If you have questions or want to connect with me, email me at tami.north@genuinedrivenwomen.com or call me at (724) 374-8362 and leave a voice message.

    Click here to leave a review!

    If you LOVE what you are hearing, the best way you can help me spread the word about this podcast is by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or sharing an episode you LOVE with a friend. It would mean the world to me if you would take a couple of minutes to write an Apple Podcast review. 🌟

    For more great content, head to my website: GenuineDrivenWomen.com.

    You can also follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IntrovertedExecutive

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    15 m