
  • First-Century Youth Ministry (featuring Heather Quiroz)
    Jun 9 2024
    Summary Heather Quiroz, founder of First-Century Youth Ministry, joins Matt and Ron Davis on the Jewish Road Podcast to discuss her ministry and the importance of understanding Jesus from within his Jewish context. Heather shares her experience of walking the land of Israel as a first-century disciple and how it radically changed her perspective on the Bible. She emphasizes the need to teach young people the Bible from its cultural and historical context, helping them see the deeper meaning behind the text. Heather's ministry aims to equip youth leaders with resources and knowledge to make disciples who have a strong foundation in the Jewish roots of their faith. Takeaways
    • Understanding Jesus from within his Jewish context can radically transform one's faith and deepen their understanding of the Bible.
    • Teaching young people the Bible from its cultural and historical context helps them see the deeper meaning behind the text and strengthens their faith.
    • Youth leaders play a crucial role in equipping young people with a strong foundation in the Jewish roots of their faith.
    • There is a need for resources and support for youth leaders to effectively teach the Jewish context of the Bible.
    Sound Bites
    • "Walking the land as if she were a first-century disciple following a rabbi."
    • "Knowing the Bible from within its near Eastern context helps all of scripture make more sense and come to life."
    • "Studying the Bible differently, not just reading it at face value, but considering the cultural and historical context."
    Chapters 00:00 - Introduction and Welcome 02:26 - First Century Youth Ministry 05:19 - Walking the Land as a First-Century Disciple 10:07 - The Impact of Understanding the Jewish Context 14:48 - Teaching Youth with Cultural and Historical Context 23:19 - Connecting with First-Century Youth Ministry
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Links To Messiah (featuring Rachel Kushner)
    May 28 2024

    In this conversation, Ron and Matt Davis interview Rachel Kushner, the CEO (Chief Enthusiasm Officer) of Links to Messiah. They discuss Rachel's background growing up in a Messianic Jewish home, the inspiration behind her ministry, and the importance of bridging the gap between the Old and New Testaments.

    Rachel shares how Links to Messiah provides resources and activities for families to engage with Jewish holidays and traditions, helping them understand the Jewish roots of their faith. The conversation highlights the significance of family engagement and the joy of learning about the Bible in a fun and interactive way.


    • Links to Messiah is a ministry that provides resources and activities for families to engage with Jewish holidays and traditions.

    • The ministry aims to bridge the gap between the Old and New Testaments, helping families understand the Jewish roots of their faith.

    • Family engagement is crucial in teaching children about the Bible and creating a lifelong relationship with Jesus.

    • Learning about the Bible can be fun and interactive, and it doesn't have to be boring.


    00:00 - Introduction

    02:49 - Rachel's Background

    05:49 - Rachel's Father's Story

    07:23 - Links to Messiah Ministry

    10:01 - Connecting the Hebrew Scriptures to Yeshua Jesus

    12:01 - The Importance of Family Engagement

    15:45 - Bridging the Gap between the Old and New Testament

    19:51 - The Role of Links to Messiah in Equipping Families

    21:24 - Rachel's Enthusiasm and Joy

    23:04 - Upcoming Events and Resources

    25:02 - Closing Remarks

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Israel At The Epicenter (featuring Dennis Karp from Jerusalem)
    May 25 2024
    Summary Dennis Karp shares his journey of moving from the United States to Israel and the challenges in the transition. He discusses the need for marriage and relationship counseling in Israel and the growing openness to the Messiah among the people. Dennis also talks about the spiritual climate in Israel and the work his ministry does with Holocaust survivors and young believers. He shares his perspective on sending children off to war and the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments in the media. The conversation covers various themes related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the impact on families, the role of the American church, and the importance of biblical knowledge and understanding. Takeaways
    • Moving to a new country and culture can be challenging, especially for children who have to adjust to a new language and education system.
    • There is a growing need for marriage and relationship counseling in Israel, and many people are open to seeking help in these areas.
    • The spiritual climate in Israel is changing, with more openness to the Messiah and a willingness to explore faith.
    • The ministry focuses on counseling, discipleship, and outreach to Holocaust survivors and young believers in Israel.
    • Sending children off to war is a difficult experience for parents, but there is a sense of pride and support for those serving in the Israeli army.
    • There is a significant amount of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment in the media, which adds to the challenges faced by the people living in Israel. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an existential war for Israel's existence, not just a war for land.
    • The American church needs to upgrade its knowledge of scripture and worldwide politics to ask the right questions and confront false accusations against Israel.
    • Yom HaZikaron is a day of remembrance for fallen soldiers in Israel, while Yom Ha'atzmaut is Israel's Independence Day.
    • The Israeli educational system is facing challenges, including the dumbing down of curriculum and the introduction of biased ideologies.
    • There is a need for biblical scholarship and literacy in the church to counter ignorance and indifference.
    Chapters 00:00 - Introduction and Background 05:15 - The Challenges of Moving to Israel 08:04 - The Need for Marriage and Relationship Counseling in Israel 09:32 - The Changing Spiritual Climate in Israel 12:25 - Ministry Focus: Counseling, Discipleship, and Outreach 16:39 - The Experience of Sending Children Off to War 18:06 - The Impact of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 25:08 - Remembering Fallen Soldiers and Celebrating Independence 28:28 - The Miraculous Protection of Israel 30:30 - The Role of the American Church 34:18 - Challenges in the Israeli Educational System 36:24 - Biblical Scholarship and Literacy in the Church
    Más Menos
    37 m
  • The Bitter & The Sweet - Israel's Memorial & Independence Days
    May 14 2024

    In this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast, 'The Bitter & The Sweet,' we talk through the intense emotions surrounding Israel's back-to-back observances: Yom HaZikaron, a somber Memorial Day, and Yom Ha'Atzmaut, the vibrant celebration of Independence Day.

    What we are seeing in the headlines these days encapsulate the ongoing story of Israel - a nation carved out of conflict and marked by continual struggle for existence against rising tides of global antisemitism.

    Join us as we discuss how Israel's fierce spirit of independence is intertwined with the profound sacrifices made by its people. We'll explore why the existence of a Jewish state is not just a political necessity but a the only hope in a world where ancient enmities persist.

    We also talk about how believers worldwide can support Israel in these trying times, emphasizing the church’s role in advocating for peace and justice. This discussion is not just about remembering the past - it's about actively shaping the future in anticipation of the Messiah's return.


    • Israel's independence and the ongoing struggles and wars the nation has faced are significant in both biblical and historical contexts.
    • The rise of anti-Semitism and the need for the church to stand with Israel is a pressing issue.
    • The ultimate hope and victory will come when the Messiah returns.
    • Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and keeping our eyes on God's promises is crucial in these times.


    00:00 - Introduction and Overview 02:13 - The Bitter and the Sweet: Passover and the Holidays 03:08 - The Significance of Memorial Day and Independence Day 08:14 - The Covenant with Abraham and God's Faithfulness 10:37 - The Promises to Israel and the Messiah 13:01 - The Wars and Struggles of Israel 19:31 - The Existential Battle for Israel 28:55 - The Rising Tide of Anti-Semitism 31:20 - The Deception and Spiritual Warfare 35:07 - Israel's Stand and the Church's Role 41:34 - The Ultimate Hope and Victory
    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Are Red Heifers In Israel A Sign We're In The Last Days?
    May 7 2024


    In this episode of the Jewish Road Podcast, Matt and Ron Davis discuss the topic of the red heifer, which is a question they frequently get asked. They explore the biblical significance of the red heifer and its connection to the purification rituals in the Old Testament. They also discuss the current interest in the red heifer and its potential role in the construction of the third temple in Jerusalem. While they acknowledge the importance of the red heifer in Jewish tradition, they caution against getting too caught up in the speculation surrounding its significance in end-time prophecy.


    • The red heifer is a young female cow without blemish that plays a significant role in the purification rituals of the Old Testament.

    • The red heifer is mentioned in Numbers 19 and is associated with the cleansing of those who came in contact with dead bodies in the wilderness.

    • The red heifer is seen as a prerequisite for the construction of the third temple in Jerusalem, and its potential availability has generated interest and speculation.

    • While the red heifer and the third temple are important in Jewish tradition, it is important to focus on the spiritual significance of the temple within ourselves and the future temple that the Messiah will build.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • This World Is Not Our Home
    Apr 29 2024


    In this episode of the Jewish Road Podcast, we discuss the current state of the world through a Messianic Jewish lens. We look at the idea that America, once a safe place for Jewish people, is now experiencing disarray and division. Drawing parallels to the story of Joseph in the Bible, we emphasize the importance of not getting too comfortable in the current world and longing for a greater homeland. We talk through the rise of anti-Semitism and the need for believers to live in the world but not be of the world.


    • America, once a safe place for Jewish people, is experiencing disarray and division.

    • Believers should not get too comfortable in the current world and should long for a greater homeland.

    • Anti-Semitism is on the rise, and believers need to be cautious and aware of the changing landscape.

    • Living in the world but not being of the world is a challenge, but believers are called to follow the great commission and bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.

    • Prayer for peace in Jerusalem is important, especially in the current climate.

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • The Jewish Road 101 - How To Know And Share The Gospel From The Old Testament
    Mar 22 2024

    Imagine this: You're shipwrecked and find yourself on an island inhabited by Jewish people. Your New Testament is gone, sunk to the bottom of the ocean. All you have to share the story of the Messiah is the Old Testament.

    Could you share the Good News?

    Welcome to Episode 101 of The Jewish Road Podcast, where we dive into how to share the Good News of the Messiah using the Old Testament, or as it's known in Jewish tradition, the Tanakh.

    In this episode, we discuss how the so-called "Roman Road" may not resonate with Jewish people, as it leads to a spiritual dead end for them.

    Instead, we introduce you to The Jewish Road – a path paved with Old Testament scriptures pointing to the Messiah. Learn how these ancient texts show the Good News in a way that connects deeply with Jewish hearts and minds.

    Equip yourself with knowledge and confidence to share the Messiah's story from the Tanakh.

    It's not just good news - it's the story of hope and salvation!

    Join us for a journey back to the roots, where the message of the Messiah shines brightly through the Old Testament. Get ready to walk The Jewish Road.

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • A Deep Rooted Love For Israel with Joshua Aaron
    Feb 13 2024


    In this episode, Matt and Ron Davis interview Joshua Aaron, a musician and believer in Jesus. They discuss Joshua's background, his journey to Israel, and the impact of conflict on his family. They also explore the significance of his songs and their message of unity and love for Israel. In this conversation, Joshua Aaron discusses the impact of his song 'Zion' and how it has resonated with listeners. He also talks about his approach to songwriting and the importance of interpreting the Bible accurately. The conversation touches on the appreciation for old Messianic worship and the idea of music coming full circle. Joshua Aaron shares details about his upcoming concert in Lexington and introduces his crew and the instruments they play.


    • Joshua Aaron's journey to Israel was deeply rooted in his family history and a desire to follow God's calling.
    • The conflict in Israel has had a profound impact on Joshua's family, with his daughter serving in the IDF and his son preparing to join.
    • Joshua's music, particularly the song 'You Are Holy,' has been a source of comfort and inspiration for many, reminding them of God's presence and calling.
    • The message of unity and love for Israel in Joshua's songs resonates with both Jewish and Christian audiences, fostering a sense of connection and understanding.


    00:00 - Introduction and Background 09:40 - Calling to Reunite the Church 15:12 - Moving to Israel 23:26 - Impact of Conflict on Family 36:10 - Songs of Significance 42:07 - The Impact of Aaron's Song 'Zion' 43:06 - Interpreting the Bible in Songwriting 44:18 - Appreciation for Old Messianic Worship 45:31 - Music Coming Full Circle 46:21 - Upcoming Concert in Lexington 49:38 - Closing Prayer and Benediction

    Más Menos
    50 m