
  • Current Market Turbulence | Ep92
    Aug 15 2024
    Today, on the Market Call Show, we examine strategies for navigating volatile market conditions. Recent turbulence, driven by factors like the global sell-off, tech declines, and yen carry trade unwinding, has intensified volatility. We dissect the economic and geopolitical influences intensifying volatility. We illustrate the multifaceted challenges facing investors through examples such as NVIDIA's production issues and looming stagflation fears. Additionally, we consider election-year uncertainties and their impacts on sentiment. Yet amidst shifting seas, opportunity remains—with prudent planning. Given overvaluation concerns, we stress diversifying beyond tech and maintaining awareness of indicators and policy shifts. For those nearing retirement, tailored strategies emphasize balancing risk through diversified equity allocation over heavy bonds. Well-informed risk management and acknowledging market cycles also feature prominently. P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you with YOUR investing and wealth planning advice: 1. Listen to the Market Call Show Podcast One of my favorite things to do is to talk with smart people about investing, financial planning, and how to live a full life. I share this on my podcast the Market Call Show. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZZBFVZq3wIkZtToH-StTYw 2. Read the Financial Freedom Blueprint: 7 Steps to Accelerate Your Path to Prosperity If you’re ready to accelerate your path to prosperity, the Financial Freedom Blueprint lays out a proven system for planning and investing to secure your financial independence. You can get a personalized signed hardcover copy – https://www.pathtorealwealth.com/the-book/p/financial-freedom-blueprint 3. Work with me one-on-one If you would like talk with me about planning and investing for your future. – https://meetings.hubspot.com/louis-llanes?uuid=979d970e-5869-43f5-87f7-0c20ea991e6e TRANSCRIPT (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors) Louis: But if you look at it statistically and you just kind of graph out the market and then you kind of overlay whether it was a Democrat or a Republican, there's really, statistically, not that much difference in the capital market outcomes, but there is definitely big differences between how certain sectors respond and how certain industries respond. Hello, this is Louis Llanes for the Market Call Show. I want to talk a little bit about the headlines recently. A lot of people are asking me questions about what do you think about all this craziness in the market? In fact, I've had several people email me or text me or even as I'm walking down the hallway at the office, saying, how are you holding up with this market? And I had a conversation with a client who once was a stockbroker back in the day, a very sophisticated client and we were talking about the markets and we were talking about ups and downs and the difference between certain investors and how they deal with ups and downs. So I wanted to spend a little bit of time just talking about the major headlines that we've seen recently, that's affecting the stock market. And once I kind of get through that, I want to kind of give you my take on it and then just talk about what I think are kind of the lessons to get from the recent headlines and then also, in particular for people who are nearing retirement which is a lot of people who are watching this podcast or are already retired what this means. And it's just some reminders of some basic things to think about. When these headlines come about, they really bring certain aspects of fundamental investing to light. So first of all, let's talk a little bit about the recent headlines. So we had a global market sell-off. So, like on August 5th, the S&P 500 experienced a big drop. It was down like 3% and it was marking like the worst day we saw since December 2022. And that was part of a broader global market sell-off and the Japanese market had suffered the biggest one-day drop that it saw since 1987. The biggest one-day drop that it saw since 1987. In fact, it brings back. I remember the day that the market crash happened. Actually, I went into a small brokerage firm that day. I was in college at that time and I was studying finance and I walked in and I remember the branch manager of this brokerage firm was kind of in a panic and he grabbed all the brokers and they had a big open floor and he said do you realize what happened in the Japanese market? It had a massive sell-off. Today is going to be an ugly day and I just remember how everybody was running around. But what's interesting is our stock market did not follow through on the downside to the same extent as 1987. So a lot of people are making kind of a correlation between 1987 and today and really they're very different scenarios. So anyway, so there was a lot of concerns about economic growth and overvaluation of tech stocks, which I have been talking about ...
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    18 m
  • Staying Rational in Emotional Markets | Ep91
    Aug 1 2024
    In this episode of the Market Call Show, we're discussing mastering long-term investing and balancing risk and return through strategies like adjusting asset allocation over time. With large-cap sell offs recently, we highlight opportunities in small-cap stocks and look at the fundamental analysis of these businesses. Drawing my experience as a portfolio manager, I'll share some of the tools I've used, like quantitative analysis that can help safeguard your hard-earned capital before uncovering economic sectors with untapped potential, such as property and casualty insurance. Wrapping up, we dive into way you can optimize outcomes by staying grounded in market turbulence, making increment adjustments, and embracing diversification across sectors and investment styles for stability. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS I discuss the importance of long-term compounding and protecting investments during market volatility, advocating for a balance between steadier and more volatile investments in portfolios.We talk about recent market trends indicate an overvaluation of large-cap companies, suggesting that small caps may offer promising opportunities for investors.Emphasizing the significance of risk management, I draw on insights from my book, The Financial Freedom Blueprint, to highlight the necessity of sound economic principles and fundamental analysis.Investment expert Jim Rogers is cited, stressing that no single asset class is perfect and that a thorough risk assessment is essential for aligning investment goals with risk tolerance.I explore the strategic investment approach within the property and casualty insurance sector, recommending a blend of active and passive strategies for a diversified, all-weather portfolio.The importance of probabilistic thinking and incremental strategy adjustments is highlighted as a means to navigate the financial landscape successfully.Small-cap companies are identified as having rising potential, with quantitative analysis being a useful tool for building well-balanced portfolios.Fundamental metrics and scoring methodologies are recommended for better investment decision-making, rather than relying solely on indexing.I stress the need for a steady pace in investing, focusing on long-term fundamentals rather than reacting to market volatility. PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are three ways I can help you prepare for retirement: 1. Listen to the Market Call Show Podcast or Watch on Youtube One of my favorite things to do is to talk with smart people about investing, financial planning, and how to live a full life. I share this on my podcast the Market Call Show. To watch on Youtube – Click here 2. Read the Financial Freedom Blueprint: 7 Steps to Accelerate Your Path to Prosperity If you’re ready to accelerate your path to prosperity, the Financial Freedom Blueprint lays out a proven system for planning and investing to secure your financial independence. You can get a personalized signed hardcover copy – Click here 3. Work with me one-on-one If you would like to talk with me about planning and investing for your future. – Click here TRANSCRIPT (This AI transcript is provided for reference and may contain errors) Louis Louis Llanes. Here I am going to be discussing and riffing on something that I haven't talked about in a while, and that's protecting your money. Today I was looking at the market and we saw a pretty good sell-off one of the worst sell-offs we've seen in quite a while and actually what's happening is to be expected. It's something that I've been talking about. I've been talking about how the valuation of the larger cap companies many of the companies that have been the darlings have really gotten out of whack, really, and we're starting to see a correction. I was talking to a friend of mine and I was telling him about how I saw small caps being a relatively good opportunity. I think there's a lot of skepticism out there sometimes when you have these big locations in the market, and it's understandable, because it's easier to follow the crowd. Following the crowd is something that we naturally have an instinct to do, especially when it comes to investing. One of the worst things that we ever want to do is to be in a situation where we feel like we're missing out or kind of the phone feelings that we can have that really create a feeling of angst when we see certain investments going up One of the things that's interesting about the investment world, at least in the public markets, is that you see marking up and increases in values happening slowly, and then, whenever you have a correction, it tends to be quicker and some people feel surprised by that. So, as a long-term investor who is focused on the economics of investments for the long run, based on cash flows, we can have periods of time where there's a dislocation or there's a disconnect between what we're seeing in the markets and what sound fundamental analysis ...
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    28 m
  • The Fear and Greed Index-Discussion with Jason Meshnick | Ep90
    Jul 26 2024
    In this episode of the Market Call show, I sit down with Jason Meshnick, a market maker turned fintech pioneer whose intriguing career journey has taken him from the bustling trading floors of the early 2000s to the cutting edge of AI in finance. Jason recounts his winding path from a philosophy major in small-town Poughkeepsie, New York, to becoming a Wall Street trader and, later, a leader in tech for trading. We explore his transition to automated trading as floors shifted online trader jobs contracted and his move into roles in finance education and media. Jason offers a captivating look into the evolution of markets and trading strategies, from the dynamics of floor versus electronic exchanges to analyzing sentiment shifts through media platforms and tools like CNN’s iconic Fear and Greed Index, which he helped develop. Across various sectors of finance, Jason’s experiences highlight the human element alongside technical progress. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS Jason Meshnick talks about his transition from being a market maker on Wall Street to becoming a fintech expert.We discuss the changes in trading desks from the early 2000s to the present, emphasizing the shift towards automation and a reduced number of traders.Jason describes his unconventional career path, moving from a philosophy major to a Wall Street trader, and his eventual move into fintech.Jason shares insights into the development of CNN's Fear and Greed Index, including the collaborative efforts and practical constraints faced during its creation.We explore the shift from floor trading to electronic markets and how enduring principles of market trading continue to influence career paths in finance.Jason recounts his personal and professional journey, including his move to Boulder, Colorado, and his involvement with the CFA Society.We dive into the intricacies of building decision trees for financial data analysis, comparing their transparency and reliability to large language models.Jason reflects on his editorial role at TheStreet.com and the importance of market sentiment analysis in shaping financial media platforms.We discuss the role of experience and a deep understanding of market nuances in successful investment strategies.Jason explains the seven indicators used in CNN's Fear and Greed Index and how this tool helps both sophisticated and retail investors make informed decisions. PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are three ways I can help you prepare for retirement: 1. Listen to the Market Call Show Podcast or Watch on Youtube One of my favorite things to do is to talk with smart people about investing, financial planning, and how to live a full life. I share this on my podcast the Market Call Show. To watch on Youtube – Click here 2. Read the Financial Freedom Blueprint: 7 Steps to Accelerate Your Path to Prosperity If you’re ready to accelerate your path to prosperity, the Financial Freedom Blueprint lays out a proven system for planning and investing to secure your financial independence. You can get a personalized signed hardcover copy – Click here 3. Work with me one-on-one If you would like to talk with me about planning and investing for your future. – Click here TRANSCRIPT (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors) Louis: Jason Meshnick how are you? Jason: I'm doing great, Lewis. It's so great to see you. Louis: I know I'm so glad to finally have you on the podcast. You know, just knowing you for so many years and you know, knowing that you have so much knowledge out there with regard to investing and just your overall creativity, I had to have you on and I'm so glad that you came on. Jason: Well, and one thing as you know from from our relationship, I've always gotten so much out of talking to you and I always learn something just through our conversations, and I feel like by the time this podcast is over, I will have five new ideas to to go after and try to figure out what to do, how to make them all reality oh god, I hope so, I hope so. Louis: it's all about the ideas you know exactly. It was funny. I asked you to send me a send me your bio and I've known you for a long time and we met years and years ago at a CFA meeting I think we were both on a board for the CFA Colorado or Denver chapter and and since then we've worked together in many capacities. But I didn't know a lot of things about you that I should have known just reading your bio. I knew that you spent 20 years in the fintech world and I didn't know that you were also working on some AI investment analysis, which I'd like to learn more about, and that you really have a lot of passion for educating. And I guess your coworkers asked you to write a newsletter. I had no idea about that and you know now what is this about. Vampires are rich. Why are vampires so rich? Jason: That was one of my favorite things that I wrote. Yeah, if you want to cover that now, we can, or we can talk later. Louis: I ...
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    1 h y 27 m
  • Unlocking Long-Term Gains in Tech Investments | Ep 89
    Jul 18 2024
    In this week's show, we talk about some of the secrets to tax-efficient investing strategies specifically tailored for tech stock portfolios. As someone working in the tech industry, you may have significant shares tied up in your employer's stock—with great potential for appreciation, but also significant risks. Listen as I break down the potential volatility and tax implications of concentrated stock holdings, and walk you through a real-world case study of a high-income client and discover the ways we evaluate the quality, valuation, and technical conditions of your current holdings, strategically plan for long-term growth, and diversify your portfolio to mitigate risk. Efficiently managing your investment returns is crucial, especially when balancing a diversified portfolio. In this episode, we delve into advanced tax management techniques like tax loss analysis and harvesting. I'll reveal how to prioritize long-term gains for favorable tax treatment and share the advantages of donating highly appreciated stocks to charity. Discover the importance of selecting high-quality businesses with strong competitive advantages for long-term investment, and why working with a financial advisor can help you stay disciplined and aligned with your financial goals. Don't miss out on this wealth of practical advice designed to make your investment journey smoother and more tax-efficient. Highlights In this week's show we discuss: Acknowledging the significant gains in tech stocks over the past five years and a caution about current overvaluation.Strategies for diversifying tech stock portfolios to find good opportunities.Discussion on the challenges associated with concentrated stock portfolios.Evaluation criteria including quality, value, and technical conditions to determine stock attractiveness for long-term holding.Ranking stocks based on percentage gain from cost basis to minimize tax impact.Emphasis on prioritizing long-term gains over short-term gains for favorable tax treatment.Maximizing after-tax rate of return, particularly for high-income individuals.Suggestion to donate highly appreciated stocks to charity to reduce taxable gains.Importance of working with a financial advisor for managing complex decisions and aligning them with personal financial goals.Encouragement for listeners to delve deeper into the conversation for detailed strategies on tech stock investments and tax efficiency. PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are three ways I can help you prepare for retirement: 1. Listen to the Market Call Show Podcast or Watch on Youtube One of my favorite things to do is to talk with smart people about investing, financial planning, and how to live a full life. I share this on my podcast the Market Call Show. To watch on Youtube – Click here 2. Read the Financial Freedom Blueprint: 7 Steps to Accelerate Your Path to Prosperity If you’re ready to accelerate your path to prosperity, the Financial Freedom Blueprint lays out a proven system for planning and investing to secure your financial independence. You can get a personalized signed hardcover copy – Click here 3. Work with me one-on-one If you would like to talk with me about planning and investing for your future. – Click here Transcript (Generated for reference - May contain errors) Hi, I'm Louis Llanes and this is the Market Call Show. Today I'm going to be talking about something that I ran into, and I run into quite a bit lately, you may be in this position, but I'm going to be talking about smart tax moves for a stock portfolio, basically, tax tips for people who have tech stocks. A lot of people have been making money in tech stocks over the last five years or even more, and they're highly appreciated, and if you work for a tech company, you may have quite a bit of that tech stock because the company has been granting you shares and you've been getting more and more tax lots over time at various prices, and maybe you even started investing in other stocks and those stocks have gone up in value. Maybe you've been emphasizing tech stocks in general, which has been a very smart move, but a lot of people would argue that a lot of tech stocks are overpriced today compared to their fundamentals. Things that savvy investors are thinking about today is how do I get a good, solid portfolio when I have a concentration in tech stocks, in particular, maybe your company stock? So I'm going to kind of just use a case study of an actual client, an actual person that we have been working with in helping them solve this issue working with in helping them solve this issue and this particular person works for a large tech company and has been acquiring the stock over time and he wants to get a tax-efficient portfolio because he makes high income and he doesn't want to pay a lot in taxes. None of us really want to pay a lot of taxes. That makes total sense. So what we're looking at is how do we take these tech stocks ...
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    18 m
  • Maximizing Your Real Estate Returns | Ep88
    Jul 8 2024
    Unlock the secrets to smart real estate investing and learn how to maximize your returns while minimizing your tax burden. In this episode of the Market Call Show, we uncover the essential strategies for achieving a balanced portfolio by diversifying your assets into business ventures, real estate holdings, and secure reserves like cash or gold. We'll reveal how to strategically rebalance your investments without the heavy tax implications, even if a large portion of your net worth is anchored in real estate. Plus, we analyze the effects of inflation and interest rates on property values and rental income, underscoring the significance of after-tax, inflation-adjusted returns. Navigate the complexities of capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes with our expert insights on 1031 and 721 exchanges. Discover the advantages and potential drawbacks of these powerful tax deferral tools, which can help you transfer property into like-kind assets or Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). These strategies offer not just tax benefits, but also avenues for diversification, liquidity, and improved estate planning. However, be prepared to give up some control over your properties. Listen in to gain a comprehensive understanding of how these tactics can aid in managing tax liabilities and diversifying your real estate investments in today's dynamic market. Show Highlights In this episode we'll talk about: Diversifying your assets into business ventures, real estate holdings, and secure reserves like cash or gold.How achieving a balanced portfolio can help mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations and economic changes.Learn strategies to rebalance your real estate investments without incurring heavy tax implications.Understand the complexities of capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes and how they affect your net worth.Analyze how inflation and interest rates influence property values and rental income.Focus on after-tax, inflation-adjusted returns to better gauge the true performance of your investments.Explore the benefits and drawbacks of 1031 exchanges to defer taxes by transferring property into like-kind assets.Discover how 721 exchanges allow for moving assets into Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) for diversification and liquidity.Understand that while these tools offer tax deferral and estate planning benefits, they may require giving up some control over your properties.Consider how REITs can provide quarterly liquidity and simplify estate planning through unit-based ownership.REITs offer a diversified portfolio that may include sectors like multifamily housing, storage, and healthcare, which are more recession-resistant.Evaluate opportunities to reduce real estate concentration and invest in other areas like businesses and reserves.Implement a low-turnover investment strategy to maximize your after-tax rate of return and minimize costs associated with frequent exchanges.Recognize the challenges in commercial real estate post-COVID, such as high vacancy rates.Identify resilient sectors like self-storage, healthcare, and education that offer more stability and growth potential- Be mindful of not letting real estate become too dominant in your portfolio.Diversify across different asset classes to protect against market volatility and economic downturns.Stay informed about quality investment opportunities in both real estate and the stock market. PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are three ways I can help you prepare for retirement: 1. Listen to the Market Call Show Podcast or Watch on Youtube One of my favorite things to do is to talk with smart people about investing, financial planning, and how to live a full life. I share this on my podcast the Market Call Show. To watch on Youtube – Click here 2. Read the Financial Freedom Blueprint: 7 Steps to Accelerate Your Path to Prosperity If you’re ready to accelerate your path to prosperity, the Financial Freedom Blueprint lays out a proven system for planning and investing to secure your financial independence. You can get a personalized signed hardcover copy – Click here 3. Work with me one-on-one If you would like to talk with me about planning and investing for your future. – Click here Transcript 00:00 - Louis Llanes (Host) Now I want to talk a little bit about the challenge that we get with capital gains. So now you've got this real estate, maybe you're lopsided and you have a lot of real estate. Maybe you want to retire soon and you want to have, or you just want to get more balance in your situation, or you want to diversify. Maybe you have too much concentration in one piece of real estate, or you might just be tired of renting it out and dealing with all of the issues of being a landlord and you want to have more of a passive approach. 00:30 - Intro/Outro (Announcement) Welcome to the Market Call Show where we discuss investing wisely and living well. Tune in every Thursday to Apple ...
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    20 m
  • Roadmap to Fueling Your Best Life | Ep 87
    Feb 6 2024

    A living well focus on this week’s podcast leads me to a great interview with Paris Heinen. If you’ve struggled to make lasting changes, Paris Heinen gets it. After regaining lost weight herself, she shifted her approach and dropped 65 pounds. Best part? She’s kept it off for 24+ years.

    Now Paris distills decades of wisdom into bite-sized nuggets. Get simple tracking tips to decode habits. Discover her “Power of 13” formula for sustainable change. Pick up thoughts on handling kids’ nutrition, balancing boundaries, and more.

    Paris delivers an empowering dose of “you’ve got this” in this passionate chat. Let her practical inspiration propel your own progress, not perfection. Hit play now for achievable motivation from someone who has walked the walk.

    Email Us! Is there a financial question or market problem you would like to hear Louis work through on The Market Call Show? Email us at hello@louisllanes.com and you may see it answered on a future episode! When you are ready, here are some ways we can help YOU with your investing and financial planning: 1. Try the new RISK NUMBER SCORECARD Everyone has a risk number. Let’s find yours. This tool can help you find YOUR personal risk number to have a peaceful investment journey ➡ https://bit.ly/3KJmpwv 2. Read the Financial Freedom Blueprint: 7 Steps to Accelerate Your Path to Prosperity If you’re ready to accelerate your path to prosperity, Financial Freedom Blueprint lays out a proven system for planning and investing to secure your financial independence. ➡https://www.pathtorealwealth.com/ You can also get a personalize signed hard cover copy ➡ https://www.pathtorealwealth.com/the-... 3. Work with me one-on-one If you would like to talk about planning and investing for your future. ➡https://calendly.com/wealthnet

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    1 h y 4 m
  • Monte Carlo Simulations and Financial Planning | Ep 86
    Jan 11 2024

    Podcast Mentions:

    FREE Portfolio Review, www.wealthnetinvest.com

    Wealth Beyond Numbers, www.lblmedia.net/workshop

    Welcome to the Market Call Show!

    This latest episode of the Market Call Show explains the best way to use Monte Carlo simulation, model different scenarios and make decisions with greater wisdom. The key is constructing the right asset blend, with stability, growth potential, and tax efficiency. This episode has insights on how to find your own "Moneyball" retirement strategy.

    In this week's episode, host Louis Llanes discusses:

    • Why financial security & peace of mind are most people's biggest investment goals
    • How Monte Carlo simulation is used to model investment plans, and its pros and cons
    • Limitations of Monte Carlo: Doesn't fully capture complex cash flows, equal failures
    • Disconnect between Monte Carlo projections & client definitions of success
    • Having portfolio "players" with different roles: stability, growth, liquidity

    Social Media Links:

    Twitter: /LouisLlanes

    Linkedin: /LouisLlanes

    Facebook: /MarketCallShow or/WealthnetInvestments

    FREE Download chapter one of the Financial Freedom Blueprint to learn how to stay ahead of the herd. Visit www.pathtorealwealth.com

    Schedule a call and free portfolio review www.wealthnetinvestments.com

    1. Try the new RISK NUMBER SCORECARD Everyone has a risk number. Let’s find yours. This tool can help you find YOUR personal risk number to have a peaceful investment journey – Click here 2. Read the Financial Freedom Blueprint: 7 Steps to Accelerate Your Path to Prosperity If you’re ready to accelerate your path to prosperity, Financial Freedom Blueprint lays out a proven system for planning and investing to secure your financial independence. – Click here You can also get a personalize signed hard cover copy – Click here 3. Work with me one-on-one If you would like to talk about planning and investing for your future. – Click here

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    29 m
  • Use ”Mr. Market” to Your Advantage | Ep 85
    Dec 21 2023

    Welcome back to another episode of The Market Call Show! I'm Louis Llanes, and I'm excited to share some valuable insights with you today. In this episode, we'll be diving into the dynamic world of market fluctuations, economic implications, and uncovering key principles from one of the greatest investment minds, Benjamin Graham. I recently heard a fascinating strategist call with industry experts, including Schwab's Liz Ann Sonders and fixed income analyst Kathy Jones. We'll dissect the discussions on political uncertainties, economic indicators, and the potential impact on investors.

    But that's not all – we'll also explore the concept of a compass in investing. Think of it as your north star, guiding you through the complexities of today's financial landscape. How can you steer clear of poor decisions in times of uncertainty? I'll draw on timeless principles from Graham and Warren Buffett, discussing the importance of margin of safety, diversification, and separating speculation from sound investment.

    Stay tuned for a thought-provoking episode that aims to empower you with knowledge and strategies for navigating the markets. Let's jump right in!

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