
  • 'Technofeudalism': The World According to Yanis Varoufakis
    Jun 20 2024

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    We discuss Yanis Varoufakis' new book 'Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism,’ in which he argues that capitalism is dead and has been "replaced by something fundamentally different."

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    50 m
  • 2.03: The Hungarian Soviet Republic
    May 28 2024

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    Not unlike the Paris Commune, the Hungarian Soviet Republic, which held power in that country for 133 heroic days in 1919, exerted influence through example in greater measure than its brief lease on life would suggest. Not only did it raise the profile and recast the soul of Georg Lukács, but in its own time, it was recognized as a failed example of communist revolution worth learning from.

    Soviet communism came to Hungary in the golden hour between the Bolshevik success, and that moment expectation of World Revolution was fully extinguished in the minds of communists everywhere. The Marxist politics of Hungary 1919 is our subject in this episode.

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    1 h y 1 m
  • Beach Read #1: Bukharin's 'Historical Materialism'
    May 1 2024

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    We kick off our new 'beach reads' series with a discussion of Bukharin's 1921 text, Historical Materialism: A System of Sociology.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • 'The World According to...' Episode 1
    Apr 10 2024

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    We are changing things up here at Measures Taken HQ! In this new series (which will supplement but not replace our former episode track) we discuss what's being talked about on the contemporary left.

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    55 m
  • 2.02: 'Left-Wing' Communism
    Feb 15 2024

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    We discuss Lenin's "'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder" as well as the responses and political positions of some of the pamphlet's main targets. We also examine the concept of left-wing communism itself, asking whether or not it is a category that can clarify our political lives today.

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    1 h y 1 m
  • 2.01: Red Terror
    Sep 1 2023

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    What components of Marxism can most successfully help us to understand the appearance and shape of the phenomenon of ‘Red Terror?’

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    1 h y 4 m
  • 1.12: The Invention of Communism
    Feb 27 2023

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    The seizure of state power by Russian social democrats, and the success of their party in developing military and administrative capacities, forced the class-conscious worker the rest of the world over to decide to what extent it was appropriate to accept organizational leadership from the first and only proletarian dictatorship (if one does not count the inspired and brief experiments in Paris 1871). The choice all but made itself, especially if bearing witness to industrial warfare had made it difficult for any worker to desire a return to a past within living memory or, indeed, imagine that the political and economic status quo might persist. If they had heretofore modelled their organization on its German counterpart, the Russian party now served as the living example of successful Marxist revolutionism. Having adopted a new program in the Spring of 1919, what now called itself the Russian Communist Party delegated to Nikolai Bukharin and Evgenii Preobrazhensky the task of expositing its contents. The text they produced, rather wonderfully named The ABC of Communism, remains the most important source for understanding what Communism entailed at its birth.

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    1 h y 10 m
  • 1.11: The World War
    Dec 2 2022

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    The climax of the World War would present socialists with the actuality of revolution and result in a new North Star for Marxism, but its immediate effects were to irrevocably destroy the fabric of the international socialist movement, and in doing so inaugurate a period of painful soul-searching. In this episode, we will trace the responses of socialists to the war, as well as responses to the existential crises it provoked.

    Más Menos
    56 m