
  • The Medlock Post Ep. 171: A Special Message
    Sep 3 2023
    Richard G. Medlock, The Medlock Post, and Sensible Truth have moved to Rumble.com. Please join us on Rumble to hear and see our important educational messages for everyone. Search richardgmedlock and then click The Medlock Post. See you there.
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    4 m
  • The Medlock Post Ep. 170: Patriotism, Freedom, and Truth
    Jul 31 2023
    We are also going through hard times in America. This quote from Abraham Lincoln sums it up, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” I believe this is true. And right now we are destroying ourselves. It can be hard to stand by and watch this happen (I see many parallels between right now and Nazi Germany) but you can do something about it! Love your country and defend it! I know it seems like there are only bad people left but I have seen and met many good families who still believe in America. I know God is on our side and we need to stay on His.
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    37 m
  • The Medlock Post Ep. 169: Ayn Rand Part 2
    Jul 28 2023
    'Atlas Shrugged' author saw that growing influence of 'rotten ideas' would create 'rotten outcomes,' social upheaval.Many foundational pillars of society in the United States appear to be crumbling right now before our eyes, weakened by an erosive array of social, economic, and political forces.The deterioration of traditional cultural norms and the social upheaval that’s followed — from the living room to classroom the boardroom — is no surprise to Ayn Rand scholars.
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    40 m
  • The Medlock Post Ep. 168: Ayn Rand Part 1
    Jul 26 2023
    Ayn Rand explains her full support for the Founding Fathers and American values.
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    43 m
  • The Medlock Post Ep. 167: Medlock's Presidential Platform
    Jul 24 2023
    Presenting Richard G. Medlock's Presidential Platform. What other candidates are not talking about.
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    49 m
  • The Medlock Post Ep. 166: Happy Birthday America!
    Jun 30 2023
    Dedicated to that generation of resolute Americans whom we call the Founding Fathers. They created the first free people to survive as a nation in modern times. They wrote a new kind of Constitution which is now the oldest in existence. They built a new kind of commonwealth designed as a model for the whole human race. They believed it was thoroughly possible to create a new kind of civilization, giving freedom, equality, and justice to all.
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    36 m
  • The Medlock Post Ep. 165: A Pop Quiz
    Jun 27 2023
    Although Marx advocated the use of any means, especially including violent revolution, to bring about socialist dictatorship, he suggested ten political goals for developed countries such as the United States. How far has the United States -- traditionally the bastion of freedom, free markets, and private property -- gone down the Marxist Road to fulfill these socialist aims? You be the judge.
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    45 m
  • The Medlock Post Ep. 164: A Law unto Itself
    Jun 21 2023
    John Adams understood the potential of righteous government when he wrote: “Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited. Every member would be obligated in conscience to temperance and frugality and industry; to justice and kindness and charity towards his fellowmen; and to piety, love and reverence toward Almighty God.
    Más Menos
    28 m