
  • The Mike Drop! Compassion, Philanthropy, Education and Changing the World!
    Jul 23 2020
    By now, many of you know Mike Robinson, the founder of the Global Cannabinoid Research Center, TSC Talks’ Director of Research and Development, and among many other titles, he is also the formulator of various topicals and cannabinoid products which help thousands of people through an extensive and impressive compassion care project. Last week Mike shared some of his thoughts on the advancements in the cannabinoid medicine and gave the public an update about the different things that are currently going on, including his corporations, AMA certified endocannabinoid courses through the Global Cannabinoid Research Center, and a successful press release about his story and transition “From Compassion Care to Cannabis Philanthropy”Wondering what Mike is going through right now? Here are some thoughts:“I wanted to talk about so many advancements in cannabinoid medicine, as we're still giving away compassion products. We've got capsules, we've got tinctures, and still custom blending some stuff for people that seriously need it. We've got all kinds of activity going on.”“In the last couple of days, a press release was published in over 100 newspapers. In order to see the new compassion drive, we've got to create it. And the only way to create a new compassion is through philanthropy. It's not going to happen the way it used to.”“Through this giveaway, over 12,000 products have left my home. My hands have been on every single box that was made here. I've talked to every single person, or Anne Mari has, but that type of compassion is over.”“This giveaway was a way to bring back to light attention to people what it was like, back in the days of compassion, back in the days where we just wrote on bottles and gave away things, and helped people everywhere. Now, things have changed.” Mike expresses the struggle of keeping up with such an amazing program that not only brings joy to others, but also to himself, knowing that he is helping so many people as so many share gratitude for his continuous effort. Mike also talks about his corporations and how they all come together, to fund the Carousel Challenge, and the compassion program:“How are we going to fund compassion? How possibly can one guy fill 12,000 boxes every three months and make sure people have that? That won't work! The only thing we can do is fund corporations. So what you're going to find is you've got Nanobles incorporated with my partner in the Bay Area, working hard right now with the prototypes that were created a couple of months ago, looking for investors for that Corporation, which is also set up to fund the Carousel Challenge. Relaxation Revolution is also set up to fund the Carousel Challenge. Genevieve’s Dream incorporated is pushing forward, getting investment funds, also set up to fund the Carousel Challenge, which builds a $12.5 million Developmental Center for kids and adults with developmental delays with funds from cannabis oils. Now, isn't that compassion? To create corporations that fund what our kids need and young adults need with developmental delays and making it an amusement park so you and I can go and have fun at the place and watch a bunch of smiling faces, because we need to smile. And one thing for sure, people with developmental delays are a lot happier than most of us.”Among his hands-on skills, Mike has the ability to pass on his knowledge with AMA Certified Courses that can be found at the Global Cannabinoid Research Center website. Dr. Perry Solomon states that “This course sets the standards for quality education materials regarding the endocannabinoid system and cannabis.” Here Mike expresses the importance of these courses:“I've got multiple different things I'm working on right now, including some investigative medicine with the universities. I'm starting to pair up with some different researchers to change the face of medicine and that's what we're looking to do. I was approached and asked if I would like to help change the face of medicine, and I very much do! We very much need to have cannabinoid medicine as mainstream in oncology, in neurology, etc. ““We need doctors to be able to go to the Global Cannabinoid Research Center website, take the course on the endocannabinoid system, and learn! We now have available the 12 continuing medical education units on my website so doctors can learn. So if your doctor tells you ‘I don't know enough about cannabis to be comfortable’ tell them there's the Global Cannabinoid Research Center website with an AMA approved course on it, so you can get certified. Quit telling me you don't know enough because there's more than enough to know. Every day I review over 200 to 300 new research studies that have popped out. It's more than incredible. As they work with other researchers around the world, what I find is the advances are just amazing. And that's one reason why I made Relaxation Revolution.”Mike’s Specializations:“I specialize ...
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  • The Mike Drop! An Update on Compassion Packages & The Millions Mg Giveaway
    Jun 26 2020
    This is the audio of a live video posted by Mike Robinson, Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center with some important information and updates on the compassion program, and packages Mike has recently mailed out. If you or someone you love is in need of cannabinoid medicine, please go to: https://whosneedinghelp.com!

    " I'd do a live video because a lot of people are getting all of these different things in the mail, you know, these different compassion packages and some of you are wondering, Hey, what did I get from you, Mike?"

    Mike explains the items contained within the packages and gives detailed explanations on how to apply, for topicals, dosage for those receiving oils and elaborates on the cannabinoids contained within each product. He also discusses nanotechnology, which was used in some of these formulations and talks about new products he's developing as well.

    He tips his had to Dennis Peron, Founding Father of Proposition 215, allowing for the medical use of marijuana for the first time since prohibition! From a blog on https://mikesmedicines.com:

    "With the loss of so many close to him, Peron was distraught and desirous of providing compassionate use of cannabis to all that were in need. So in 1991, Peron organized efforts and gained the passage of the famed yet little known about San Francisco’s Proposition P, a resolution calling on the state government to permit medical cannabis, which received 79% of the vote. That same year, he co-founded the San Francisco Buyers Club, the first public dispensary of legal cannabis, per the local resolution, since Prohibition. His story is endless, but the two of these legends had previous encounters before the gathering of compassionate minds that wrote the one page ‘Compassionate Use Act’ of 1996. Back In 1993, Peron and Brownie Mary published a cookbook with recipes for cannabis edibles.

    The Union of Peron and Brownie Mary (and the 215 Team)

    All of this had a fire burning within Peron, he and Rathburn had history along with a dozen that were assembled to draft and gain the signatures to put the well known 1996 Proposition 215 on the ballot – but most had doubts a law allowing people t smoke and use cannabis would pass. – but it did. This allowed for the medicinal use of cannabis for the first time since prohibition and started what we all know as the industry of today. Many would debate other actions in other states helped – and that wouldn’t be out of the ballpark. But, without out a doubt the fire under Peron and company has changed the world. Many are unaware that then attorney general of California Dan Lungren ordered a raid of Peron’s Dispensary the night before the law passed which closed down the Buyers Club – but not for long as once 215 passed it reopened where Peron and company helped out crowds of his friends which eventually created a network of compassion."

    So if you've received a compassion package or are interested in receiving one, please give this podcast a listen!

    Mike Robinson's links:
    https://whosneedinghelp.com-COMPASSION LINK
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    45 m
  • The Mike Drop! "I'm not going to stop giving" ~The FOREST BATHING Story
    Jun 7 2020
    Mike Robinson, Founder. Global Cannabinoid Research Center, Cannabis Advocate, Cancer Survivor and Formulator, gives us a behind the scenes account on the history, inspiration and creation of Forest Bathing. Forest Bathing is the name of a new line of products developed from Mike's years of experience working in the compassion program, thinking outside the box on a daily basis with people in pain and suffering and figuring out what's needed.

    "I've done compassion care for seven years. And I'll keep on doing it, you know, but the bottom line is, when you're in that world, you've got to make the most effective medicine, you've got to deliver it, you've got to keep changing it. And what I found was as I ventured into the forest, to heal myself with multiple cancers, as I tried to keep myself calm, while hundreds of people are messaging, hundreds of people are calling me every single day needing help. I found that just relaxing in the forest alone makes me feel better. When I was doing that, that's when I stumbled across some things in the forest in the Sierra Nevada, that I actually picked and pulled with me and brought back to one of my fellow compassion providers. You know what, I want to take these two items and you mix it into the nano stuff and see how that works. Is this is 2016."

    Mike also talks about the connection with his childhood experience of going into the forest, and how bringing this product to market brings things full circle. From the first time he ingested cannabis as a compassion patient.

    "So you know, I mean I started out in 2013 being given CBD being given THC oils. I get off of 48 pills a day I stopped seizing, I kill Lyme's disease, on and on and on, my life comes back to me because of compassion and love from people that didn't even know me."

    Mike continues to give back in huge ways with his 10 million milligram giveaway of CBD & CBG and encourages anyone who needs help getting their medicine particularly during these challenging times in our nation. If you need help go to: https://whosneedinghelp.com, a site Mike set up for anyone anywhere who is in need of help. Not just getting medicine but in general. This is the kind of work Mike does and what drives his motivation to bring products to market like forest bathing that are hand formulated with attention given to every detail along the way, start to finish, developed with deep personal knowledge of the suffering people experience.

    So this product, "Sierra Nevada", the first in a line of his newly launched FOREST BATHING product line is start of many other formulations in partnership with different entities that also bringing to market more of Mike's love and compassion infused products.

    For more history, information and "how to order" Forest Bathing, check out this Indiegogo link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/time-for-a-walk-in-the-woods

    Developed in partnership with TSC Talks, LLC, and for pre sale now!

    Mike's websites are as follows:

    If you are interested in a free sample, email: admin@tsctalks.com or 50kreasons@gmail.com
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  • The Mike Drop! The State of Special Education Services; How to File an OCR Complaint Over Lack of Services
    May 5 2020
    In this powerful episode, Mike Robinson, Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center, Cancer Survivor, Cannabis Advocate AND former registered Civil Rights lobbyist and non attorney that represented countless disabled children, discusses what's happened with Special Education services under a provision of the coronavirus relief package and why it's important to take action.

    Under A provision of the coronavirus relief package that passed at the end of March, Betsy DeVos had until Monday to recmmmend any additional waivers of federal education law to Congress. Already, states have been able to apply for waivers to skip annual tests and change how they spend certain federal education dollars. She issues no waivers.

    NO STATE has been given the authority to NOT educate special education individuals in the same manner they would regular education individuals or to make the same allowances, as per the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

    Education and the coronavirus crisis: What’s the latest?

    Under the federal Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, school districts must offer all students an equitable education or they are not supposed to offer it to any of them. Not many school systems have come up with a way to extend online learning and other critical services to the 7 million children with disabilities across the country. And some districts, because they cannot provide special education services at home, aren’t offering online instruction to any student. Now, there is tension between groups that advocate for these students — who each have an Individualized Education Program or IEP — and organizations that represent special education administrators. The advocates are demanding that school districts deliver education equitably, as the law requires, while administrators say they cannot do the same things they did when schools were open and need some flexibility.

    Education Secretary Betsy DeVos won’t recommend giving school districts the option to bypass major parts of federal special education law, the department announced Monday. The move will be celebrated by disability rights advocates, who had feared that giving districts any wiggle room could pave the way for a more permanent undoing of civil rights for the country’s nearly 7 million students with disabilities.


    To file a complaint with OCR: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/howto.html
    Questions: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/qa-complaints.html

    Thank you Mike Robinson for your advocacy and education on this crucial action that can and should be taken by any and all for whom special education services have been stymied or non existent.

    Mike's Links:

    For more information on "Mike Drops" stay tuned and check out https://tsctalks.com/tsc-talks-new-product/
    For The Mike Drop on TSC Talks: https://tsctalks.com/special-contributor-mike-robinson/the-mike-drop/
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  • The Mike Drop! THE MILLION MILLIGRAMS GIVEAWAY: Love and Compassion Are the Answer, Inspired by Dennis Peron
    May 2 2020
    In this episode, Mike Robinson, Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center, Cannabis Advocate, Cancer Survivor joins Jill Woodworth to discuss his MILLION MILLIGRAM GIVEAWAY of CBD to alleviate the dire need of many within compassion communities affected by coronavirus. Mike shares his own lived experience as a special needs advocate for many years and how devastating it is to learn of past clients struggling profusely in light of the drop off of IEP services post Coronavirus restrictions.

    "Kids in regular ed will have free home school by their computer every day, paid for by the US government. And there's absolutely zero announcement about the most vulnerable members of society that attend public school in special education. There is Zero an announcement about the civil rights and protections put in place by our government to the 1971 Omnibus bill that created DHS, that created CPS, that created the Individual with Disabilities Education Act that requires states to take the funds that they got and create programs for children and special education. These are very strict laws regarding how you use these funds. And the issue right now is not whether or not there's a pandemic, a cold, a virus. The issue is that states that have received billions and billions of dollars in funding for special education. They commingle those into their regular funds. So now they have gone ahead and used that money and now are going ahead and allowing parents to call and say, "Hey, I can't help what's going on at home", to lose their child. So, by lack of supporting children who are federally protected with these supports, we are facing a crisis, of epidemic proportions."

    "People tell me that "Oh, it's not my business plan. Oh, I can't give this away. Oh I'm going bankrupt "and I am like, "Guess what? What you give comes back. Always". If you give negativity it comes back to you. When you give a loan. It comes back to you. If you expect instant gratification, when you give. guess what? It's not happening. There's no remuneration, there's money coming to you for giving. It's love and love is returned. You put love out to the world, and it's infectious. It's way more infectious than the Coronavirus. Yeah, so that's my plan. My plan is to put love into the world. 1 million milligrams, a million milligrams, and the details are still being worked out. It's pretty awesome. So people can get a small amount of CBD oil mailed to them or they'll pick it up and have something that they can use to help themselves their loved ones"

    Mike learned about compassion under the tutelage of Dennis Peron, an American activist and businessman who became a leader in the movement for the legalization of cannabis throughout the 1990s. He influenced many in California and thus changed the political debate on marijuana in the United States. Dennis passed away on January 27, 2018 (aged 72). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Peron

    Please join us in sharing this podcast within and without the Cannabis Industry to garner as much support as possible. Donations are needed and welcomed! Please email: 50Kreasons@gmail.com, or pjlacy6@gmail.com and check out Mike's page on our site:

    https://tsctalks.com/special-contributor-mike-robinson/the-mike-drop/ for more information.

    Mike's Links:
    ounder of:
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  • The Mike Drop! My Journey with Cannabis Started With A Picture of Charlotte Figi
    Apr 20 2020
    The second episode of The Mike Drop is dedicated to Charlotte Figi who recently passed due to complications from Epilepsy. Mike Robinson, who is also afflicted by Epilepsy and host, Jill Woodworth, who has children with Tuberous Sclerosis related epilepsy, have an intense discussion of Mike's first memory of hearing about Charlotte Figi, "My whole journey with cannabis started with looking at a picture of Charlotte. I mean literally when I first started using cannabis and CBD I didn't even know how to use it. I'd been using cannabis my whole life pretty much, smoking it, but not using medicinally and ingesting it. I didn't even know I was eating CBD because a roommate was giving it to me who couldn't pronounce it. A guy from Korea was calling it can't eat it all. And then finally one day, he spelled it out for me, Cannabidiol, and I went to Google the word and up popped, Charlotte Figi"From here Mike goes into extensive detail regarding the importance of valuing our time and treasuring the moments because of the uncertainty inherent in an epilepsy diagnosis, whether actively seizing or not. "There are only so many days left. My days matter. So for us, in the world of epilepsy, we are rich with life. We don't need the money to have to value our time."Mike gives an eloquent explanation of a "cytokine storm", what it is, how it is relevant to status epilepticus AND COVID 19 and how Charlotte Figi's passing enabled Mike to connect the dots. "So when I look at the impact that she had, it's not just on the cannabis industry. It's right now during the height of a global pandemic, the impact that allowed me just one little guy in an eight by eight Research Center office to dig deep into this different response to the immune system. And it's really not that different, like we talked about. Somebody tears ligament in their knee. The immune system is what causes this cytokine storm that causes swelling in that knee. It's that basic. So the person has a problem in their lungs, from COVID-19, it's the immune system sending the fluid there, the person has a bunch of seizures, and a lot of gets inflamed. It's the immune system again."We discuss a product that's in development, "So literally what I put everything down for and it wasn't just a response to COVID-19, because when you respond to a cytokine storm, you're responding to every last health issue that causes this. There's a lot of them as we've gone over. The very same formulations I have been working on work for cancer patients undergoing chemo to release free radicals. For anybody who's exposed to anything ...to be safe. It also works for an athlete who just worked out real hard, and for anyone that's just too stressed. Let's say a mom taking care of their special needs kid all day long. backache stressed out, needs to rest, is going nuts. I developed something anyone could put on their body doing something they do every single day.."From here we go into more into detail on products being developed that make claims about treating COVID19 and the dire importance of ending cannabis prohibition, and getting all hands on deck researching and developing an endless number of potential treatments for so many conditions. Mike discusses the challenges to the autism and special needs population escalated by COVID19 and how dire and frustrating what's happening with our loved ones who need relief and treatments now. One of his constant goals that is coming to fruition, is bringing to market cannabis strains that address the autism symptoms and other challenges that have afflicted so many individuals and families many of which CAN BE addressed utilizing the powers of cannabinoid medicine.A parting quote: "I just want to remember Charlotte, and I want to do it in a positive, positive light. We had an angel, visit our earth and stay here for a brief period of time. And whilst you hear the number of lives changed, weren't in the millions, weren't in the tens of millions, I would say more like hundreds of millions. The number of lives that will be changed because this angel visited our earth will hit the billions without a doubt. Yeah, I get chills. So talk about an angelic being. I believe that Charlotte he will forever be looking over us, for will forever be watching us in our labs, watching farmers in their fields, watching patients as they're using their medicine forever." God Speed.Mike's Links:https://mikesmedicines.com https://genevievesdream.com https://globalcannabinoidrc.comhttps://carouselchallenge.comMike's bio: Mike Robinson, the founder of the Global Cannabinoid ResearchCenter in Santa Barbara California, is a multiple Cancer survivor that’s used cannabis oils and CBD extensively as well for Severe epilepsy, Chronic Lyme Disease, PTSD, and in pain management. Over the last 6 years Mike has shared his journey and analytics on cannabinoid medicine research globally while assisting patients and helping to teach clinicians globally. Mike is the former Director of...
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  • The Mike Drop! Coronavirus, COVID19~Come Together Now! Special Edition Update
    Apr 6 2020
    In this first episode of The Mike Drop, a podcast with Mike Robinson, Founder of Global Cannabinoid Research Center, Cancer Survivor and Cannabis Advocate, shares his words of wisdom regarding the current state of affairs with Coronavirus/COVID19. He discusses the importance of understanding that cannabinoids are not proven to treat or cure coronavirus, however he discusses the importance of knowing that the effect of cannabinoids on coronavirus should be studied as soon as possible! Parts of this episode were broadcast on TSC Talks in early March. In the weeks that followed, there have been articles published requesting scientists begin to study the effect of the cannabinoids on the coronavirus. We felt it was important to share this detailed information one more time.

    Stay tuned for more information and news about The Mike Drop!

    Mike Robinson's websites are as follows:


    support from https://tsctalks.com
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