
  • How Coaching Can Work For You
    Jul 16 2024
    Join me in a powerful conversation with Robin McCoy, Dallas Realtor. When Robin entered coaching with me, she was not clear on what she wanted her business to be. Spending time exploring what she didn’t’ want was our first step so she would have abundant clarity on where she was headed! This one thing, helped her identify her important containers in her business and has allowed her to reach new heights in her business.

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • More Right Than Wrong
    Jul 9 2024
    In my years as a coach, I get to experience speaking to a lot of business owners, realtors, entrepreneurs, who are asking for guidance. What I notice 95% of the time is, when asked about their business, they tend to ONLY share the negative and what is NOT working. Then when I do ask them to share some good things with me, it can take a moment for them to even come up with something. The reason being is that they have spent so many days, weeks, months, strictly focusing on everything that is bad. As the universal law states, "what you focus on, expands" so it is only natural that the bad expands and the good retracts.

    When is the last time you focused on the good? The great thing or things that you do that make you feel a sense of pride or happiness? If it has been so long ago that you struggle coming up with a list of things, STOP and spend some time here! This can be one of the key activities you can do to enhance your mindset and business.

    Take a moment and acknowledge that there is more RIGHT with you than WRONG with you. If you don't agree, it is simply because you have given most of your attention and time on negatively judging yourself and all the "bad" things.

    Join me to explore what/how you can turn this around! Get Crystal Clear on your new path!

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
    Más Menos
    21 m
  • What About You Are You Avoiding?
    Jul 2 2024
    There is incredible power in being 100% YOU! Many times, we fall into a belief that if we want to be successful, or have a certain life, that we need to emulate someone. We start to morph what we say or do to be more like the person we want to be most like. This can be both in your business world and personal world.

    I remember early in my corporate life, I had 2 powerful mentors that were helping me on my journey to upper management. I soon found myself mimicking them and drifting more and more away from ME. This mimicking can only take you so far and then the people you interact with will know that you are not being authentic. They will realize the person they were drawn to was really a persona and not congruent, authentic person.

    Much of the time we do this as we see it as our path forward and sometimes, we do it so we can “avoid” the things about ourselves that we don’t like or don’t trust. Our “shadow” (ego) self if what we often are attempting to avoid. Our Shadow is everything that we are not. However, it can’t be ignored and pushed away. You may try to ignore it but, you will be constantly reminded that it is still there.

    Join me as we delve into the importance of being your most authentic self and how to learn from your “shadow” and to accept the part of you that you don’t like. This powerful episode will help you truly become one with who you are meant to be and will open the door to abundant success in your business and life.

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Staying ON Course in Rough Waters
    Jun 25 2024
    I believe that there will be a time or many times that you will experience the loss of "belief" or "faith" that what you are doing is going to work and you are going to achieve your goals. It happens to all of us! NOW, how long you choose to stay in that spot of disbelief or lost faith is 100% up to you!

    Join me as I share the tools that I use personally to drive myself out of disbelief and regain my confidence and faith! It is a simple 10 minute exercise that will change the trajectory of your day and your business or life!

    The journey to your future self is full of "questions" and "doubts" yet, we get to decide. Give yourself a break and realize this is totally normal. We have approximately 60K thoughts per day, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive!!!!! If you have lost your way, it is simply because you are living in the 80%. The tool I share with you will assist you into moving into the positive and potentially decrease the 80%!

    Make it a great week and decide how you want to move forward. It is 100% up to you!

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Watch Out for the Pothole
    Jun 18 2024
    This week we talk about the unexpected yet present "potholes" that we hit in both business and life. As much as we would love to think that our best laid plans will come to life and will unfold smoothly, the reality is, we will hit a pothole every now again on the road to success.

    Now the important part of this is that you don't ignore it or allow it to stop you from moving toward your goals and your future self. If you don't repair it, you will constantly be disrupted in your daily activities. In fact, it may impact you to the point of "surrendering" and choosing a different path that will no longer get you to your new goal and cause you to "settle".

    Let's explore your options and create a smooth road to your goals.

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • The Secret Success Equation
    Jun 11 2024
    Have you ever felt like everyone around you knows a secret that you don't! They seem to be navigating and succeeding at a high level and you are swimming as fast as you can to just stay afloat?

    Here is what I know, right now and at many times in your business journey, you are going to experience setbacks. You may feel Burnt out, frustrated, scared, uncertain, DETACHED or that your future is no longer bright. It is IN these moments that as entrepreneurs and business leaders that we feel compelled to dig into our business strategies ONLY and push, push and PUSH ourselves to get the results we so desperately want. WHEN the reality is, you are only working on HALF of the success equation.

    You want to know the secret? The success equation is simply, Business Strategies + Thought Strategies = abundant success. Thats IT. That is the big secret as to why some people are just crushing it and you and others, may not be.

    Get out of the quick sand! Get out of the Doubt and despair and STEP into your greatness.

    Join me on a journey to discover your true path to success.

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Nothing has meaning until...
    Jun 4 2024
    Did you know that every thought you have starts off with NO meaning. It just is until we make it positive or negative, Good or Bad, healthy or unhealthy. It is not until we bring that thought forward and create a story around it that gives it meaning.

    This is a concept that took me a long time to "get" and once I did, it was a game changer. I no longer was receiving "negative text messages" or "hurtful emails" or "toxic voicemail messages". They simply became, text messages, emails, and voicemails. Creating the space that all circumstances (something happens) is truly neutral allows the space for me release my "charge" around the messages and just accept them as they are.

    In addition, when I start to run a "story pattern" I am quicker to acknowledge the charge and diffuse the story. Truly allowing myself to create my future and be intentional about the life and buisness I choose to have.

    Take a listen and gain the power of "neutral".

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
    Más Menos
    20 m
  • The Truth About Me...
    May 28 2024
    Have you ever wondered what it is we do at reTHINK Coaching that makes things work and why our coaching is SO different than traditional coaching? Well, let me pull back the curtain a bit for you to see and to share a few "thought" ideas with you on how you can create your business and life by intention.

    Most business leaders and entrepreneurs do a STELLAR job on identifying the KPI (key performance indicators) that will move them toward their goals. So, they put the majority of their efforts into what I call the "Business You". Where they fail or slack a bit, is on the "Self-Side" of the equation.

    The true key to success and what will UNLOCK the code of success for you is finding the balance between the Business You and the Self You.

    Join me to create awareness of any opportunity you may be missing for creating your world by intention versus experiencing it by Default. Just accepting it as "that is just the way it is".

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
    Más Menos
    17 m