
  • Audio Blog - If The Foundations Be Destroyed with Guest Contributer Randy Pritts
    Aug 11 2020
    If The Foundations Be Destroyed..Guest contributor: Randy Pritts1  “I trust in the Lord for protection. So why do you say to me, "Fly like a bird to the mountains for safety! 2  The wicked are stringing their bows and fitting their arrows on the bowstrings. They shoot from the shadows at those whose hearts are right. 3  The foundations of law and order have collapsed. What can the righteous do?"4  But the Lord is in his holy Temple; the Lord still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth. 5  The Lord examines both the righteous and the wicked. He hates those who love violence. 6  He will rain down blazing coals and burning sulfur on the wicked, punishing them with scorching winds. 7  For the righteous Lord loves justice. The virtuous will see his face.”-Psalm 11 (NLT)Allow me to rephrase this for our current consideration: If the foundations of civil society be destroyed, what can the righteous do? I will explain why.Religion and PoliticsThe old adage "religion and politics don't mix" no longer fits. At one time, it may have been polite for the saints to bite their tongues and not ruffle anyone's feathers. However, in the current social climate, politics is exactly where the ungodly is making his most ardent and divisive attack. The foundations of civil society are being destroyed, and being nearly destroyed, what is left that the righteous can do? In this psalm (kjv@Psalm:11 ) we see the wicked "bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart". Let there be no mistake that it is at the upright he is pointing his bow. So frequent are these attacks, and uncomfortable, that the saint's soul might be tempted to say "Flee as a bird to your mountain". This psalm is not about what the wicked are doing however, no it is about the saint on which this psalm focuses. Under pressure and ensuing wickedness, what is the response of the righteous?The mountain is a tempting place for us to flee. After all, what matter is it of ours what this society chooses for itself to become? What matters is that "the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright". Therefore, "The LORD trieth the righteous". Like as with precious metals, HE puts them to the test in a foundry to separate us from the dross and prove to us HIS righteousness's worth. This separation and purification is not to be sought from atop some distant mountain top away from it all. It comes only from being in the boil and tumult of the cauldron's hottest flames. For us, no doubt, these are dangerous and unfamiliar grounds. So much so, that it must be said to us as a reminder that "In the LORD,” the saint must put his or her trust.Before we run out onto the political and social battlefield shooting at whatever target seen fit, let's better consider verse four at the heart of this psalm:“The Lord is in His holy temple, The Lord's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.”- Psalm 11:4"The LORD is in his holy temple” (Gods Holiness)Our LORD is much different from the lords of the rest of this world. This LORD alone is holy. It is not for this LORD to rule as we see fit. Who are we? Are we holy in the same sense? Not unless we allow HIS reign to have its effect upon us to such an extent that we reflect nothing but HIS holiness. Sadly, this is something that in our haste, we often neglect to maintain.
There have been plenty of similar occasions when we have raced onto the battlefield with our thoughts and bias, our beliefs, our strict legalism, our own insistence and our way of fixing things - only to shoot ourselves or our brothers in the foot. And by our inept misrepresentations of Christ, the person and purposes of Christ have been ill presented and represented.
"the LORD'S throne is in heaven” (Gods Reign And Judgement)The view of the battlefield that this LORD has from above is much different from ours here in the trenches. What is right in our own eye, so often is not the correct place from which strategic judgments should be made. Countless times we have foolishly played right into our enemy's stronger hand. No, this is a different kind of war, fought with different kinds of weapons - not the weapons we bring in from home on our own. Our fleshly weapons do not suffice.
"his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men” (The Inescapable Watching of Gods Eye)As saints, we should never think that this LORD's critical eye is not upon us as well. HIS eye beholds all the children of men. If anything certain can be said of the scriptures, it is that this LORD's eye is more upon HIS saints - more than any other. "The wicked and him that loveth violence,” this righteous LORD may "hateth" but, "the LORD trieth" with a keen loving interest those whom HE has chosen and imputed HIS righteous covering over - desiring from them a willing and constant improving compliance.The ...
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    12 m
  • Jesus, Lord and Savior? AUDIO Mark 4:1-20
    Jul 31 2020
    This video is about Mark chapter 4 verses one through twenty (Mark 4:1-20) in the Bible (The Parable of the Sower). Not everyone who hears the gospel and the message of salvation wants to bow the knee to Jesus Christ as their Lord and as their Savior. More at https://jnwheels.com

    My BOOK: https://jnwheels.com/a-book-about-assistant-pastors-for-assistant-pastors-by-j-n-wheels/

    Support me here:
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    11 m
  • Awaken Deaf Ears - Audio Blog from JNWheels.com
    Jul 29 2020
    “Awaken Deaf Ears”
    I woke this morning and these three words were the first thought in my mind.
    Awaken. Deaf. Ears.

    I really believe that phrase. I believe that God wants that. Not because it popped into my mind this morning but because thats what He does. He’s good at this sort of thing.

    But were good at other things, like deafening our ears and blinding our eyes.

    I believe God is moving to cause this generation to hear Him and see Him.
    But right now the many idols of our age are blinding us to the one who would become our rescue and salvation.
    So many distractions exist in our lives. And the idolatry of self is a hard and mighty foe to cast down.
    But, like passing through the eye of a needle, nothing is impossible with our God.

    Do we still believe that God opens blind eyes?
    Do we still believe in Jesus, the one who raises the dead?
    Do we still believe that deaf ears can be opened?
    Can the dead bones be raised to life and made whole?

    I believe. I still believe that. Thats not ancient history, its a present reality.
    We must now proclaim this reality that is ours in Christ, that He is Savior of the world. That he is the one who has rescued us from our sins.

    Be bold believer. It is time. Its time to obey that great commission. To go into all the world and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

    What grabs our attention, better than most anything? Pain.
    I believe that God is using the pain and realities of these times to bring us to our knees. To humble our hearts and allow us, by the grace and mercy of God, to see Him. To Hear Him.

    So, Where are the preachers?
    Where are those who will go for him?
    Where are those messengers who are willing to be counted as fools for His sake and for His Gospel?

    He is saying, “who will go for me, who will I send?”

    Where are those who will answer?

    “Here I am Lord, send me.”
    Support me on Patreon! $3/Month helps a ton!

    My New Book:
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    3 m
  • Acts 11:19-30 What Is A Christian? Full Sermon by J. N. Wheels
    Jul 21 2020
    This Sermon about the church in Antioch addresses these topics:
    What is a christian?
    What does Christian Character look like?
    Antioch was where the church was first called christians.

    My Book: https://jnwheels.com/a-book-about-assistant-pastors-for-assistant-pastors-by-j-n-wheels/

    Podcast: https://jnwheels.com/the-3m-podcast/
    Más Menos
    36 m
  • For The Historical Record - How We Processed The Onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic - Corona Virus With Joel Wheelersburg & Ryan Ritchey-Wilson
    Apr 25 2020
    For The Historical Record - How We Processed The Onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic - Corona Virus With Joel Wheelersburg & Ryan Ritchey-Wilson. This recording was recorded 4 weeks prior to when stay at home orders were issued throughout colorado and the country. more at JNWheels.com
    music: Bensound.com and Evan Schaeffer
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    1 h y 36 m
  • Audio Book - Whether One May Flee From A Deadly Plague - by Martin Luther
    Apr 10 2020
    Have you ever wondered how previous generations of christians processed pandemics, plagues and virus's? Join me as we travel back in time 500 years and find out how Martin Luther processed how he and others might think about the bubonic plague that was ravishing Europe and his town. Audio Book reading of Martin Luthers, "Whether One May Flee From A Deadly Plague."
    From Luther: https://blogs.lcms.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Plague-blogLW.pdf

    From "The Hill": https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/488675-the-plague-coronavirus-and-martin-luther-why-they-all-matter-now

    Made Possible by Craftsman Home Inspections llc CraftsmanColorado.com
    Music: Evan Schaeffer and BenSound.com

    More at jnwheels.com
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    1 h y 9 m
  • Easter - The Savior Rides a Donkey, Not a War Horse -Audio
    Apr 9 2020
    On the Minister The Ministry and Me Show, Jeremiah shares about Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem before His death on the Cross and then Resurrection Three days later. Come enjoy part of the Easter Story.
    What is Easter?
    What is Resurrection Sunday?

    Evan Schaeffer

    More at jnwheels.com
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Facing The Reality of Death and Finding Our Hope in Christ during the Corona Virus Covid 19 Pandemic With Joel Wheelersburg
    Apr 7 2020
    We talk about Facing The Reality of Death and Finding Our Hope in Christ during the corona virus (Covid 19) pandemic and we talk about Martin Luthers courage during the Bubonic plague. With Jeremiah Wheelersburg (J.N.Wheels) and Joel Wheelersburg. Subscribe to this Christian Podcast 2020 on iTunes, iheart radio and wherever you listen to podcasts.

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    Music: BenSound.com
    and Evan Schaeffer
    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m