
  • Experimentation Station!
    Nov 10 2022

    For season six’s FINALE, we’ll board the finest time traveling locomotive this side of the train soundboard once again to explore experimental music throughout history! We’ll be going all the way from Pauline Oliveros to Bjӧrk, remembering all the things we’ve talked about this season, like improvisation, drum machines, and more! Learn about musical experiments, meet up with an old friend, and get your ticket to hop aboard at musicboxpod.org. Recommended for grades 3-8, but all students can join in on the time traveling fun!!

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • The Music Doctors: Funk’s Got a Brand New Groove
    Oct 20 2022

    In the words of James Brown, “get funky with me! C’mon!” We’re back in the operating room this week, so put on your lab coats and get ready to examine all the elements of our next patient - Funk! Join us as we explore rock steady beats, staying on the one, and grooving supporting guitar chords.

    This episode is recommended for grades K-5, but everyone can groove with us! Additional lessons and resources at musicboxpod.org.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Music Made By Bugs?!
    Oct 13 2022

    Creepy crawlies, wriggling worms, buzzing bees, singing cicadas, oh my! Get your daily dose of music AND science as we dive into the bug's life and the music they inspire.

    This episode is recommended for grades K-5, but everyone can join in on the flying fun. Additional lessons and resources at musicboxpod.org.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Behind the Music: I'm a Music Therapist!
    Oct 7 2022

    We’re going behind the music once again this week! We’ll learn all about what it means to be a music therapist in an interview with an expert from the field. Join as we talk about how music affects your brain with music therapist Marissa Thomas of Sharing Music and Mindfulness! Additional lessons and resources at musicboxpod.org. Recommended for grades 6-8 and 9-12, but younger students can join in on the fun with some guidance.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Meeting Asian Composers with Kojin Tashiro
    Sep 30 2022

    This episode is a special one! We’ll board violinist and sound designer Kojin Tashiro’s private jet and fly all around the Asian continent, meet 4 great composers and learn about the music they make.

    Additional lessons and resources at musicboxpod.org. Recommended for grades K-5, but everyone can embark on this ethereal journey.

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Synthesizer to Space!
    Sep 22 2022

    Blast off on the SS Wendy Carlos with the Music Box team and learn about all things synthesizers. From sine waves to square waves, we’ll explore the musical galaxy together to uncover all there is to know about these otherworldly electronic instruments.

    Additional lessons and resources at musicboxpod.org. Recommended for grades K-5, but everyone can embark on this ethereal journey.

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Broke Down Somewhere near Jupiter
    Aug 18 2022

    Oh, no! Looks like Kiana and Fiona need a little more time to fix up their spaceship before you can come aboard. Luckily, they have everything under control (they took the manual with them).

    Get ready to blast off on September 7th. Additional lessons and resources at musicboxpod.org. Recommended for grades K-5, but everyone can have a seat on the spaceship.

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Behind the Music: I'm a Producer!
    Aug 11 2022

    What IS a producer anyway? How many hats do they wear? How does a producer help a music track come to life? Find out the answers to all your questions on this episode of The Music Box! We’re going behind the music with producer Antonio Garder, AKA Yons!

    Additional lessons and resources at musicboxpod.org. This episode is recommended for grades 6-8 and 9-12, but younger students can join in fun with some guidance.

    Más Menos
    18 m