
  • Trailer: Countdopwn to Doomsday
    Sep 7 2023

    Join us on the Naked Word Cafe to hear the latest novella by Chuck Waldron. Countdown to Doomsday: Jl's Date with Destiny. Beginning September 13, 2023, we will offer a new chapter each Wednesday. Waldron's imagination of America in 2035 will have you on the edge of your seat 

    Stay tuned for the next chapter

    Más Menos
    1 m
  • Chapter 1: A Tale of Dystopian Survival
    Sep 12 2023

    Prepare to be swept into a dystopian future, where everyday heroes fight against all odds. We begin with Mandy's tragic end, leaving her child Kahlua Bulls a symbol of hope amidst chaos. 2029 sees the President signing a critical executive order, setting the stage for a new era of governance. And then, we move to Kansas, where a mother and daughter's poignant struggle against the End Stage Unabated COVID reminds us of life's transience and the profound impact of our names.

    As night descends, we recount the tragic final moments of Sylvie and Emma, a tale that will leave you pondering on life's cruelty. Our journey then takes us to the Arctic's snow-laden landscapes, as we listen to revered Inuit Shaman, Uhu Topiz, narrate an age-old tale of survival and transformation. Finally, we step into the shoes of JL and Lisa, navigating a drastically transformed world, fraught with uncertainty and danger. Join us in this riveting episode of "Countdown to Destiny," where we explore the interplay of fate, courage, and resilience.

    Stay tuned for the next chapter

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Chapter 2: World on the Verge of Ruin
    Sep 21 2023

    Are you prepared for a journey through a world ravaged by climate change, pandemics, and civil unrest? I invite you to join me as we follow the lives of John Lloyd Evans (JL) and his wife Lisa, as they grapple with a dystopian existence in White City, Florida. Every day brings new challenges - extreme temperatures, a lack of food and water, and the perpetual threat of a death notice. Their struggle to survive amidst their changing reality is nothing short of heartbreaking.

    We delve into their past and present, exploring the consequences of their once ignorant outlook on climate change, their loss from the pandemic, and their constant battle with the devastating effects of extreme heat. Then, we shift our focus to a young woman named Cat, stranded in Louisiana, whose life is fatefully intertwined with JL and Lisa's. In a desperate situation, she encounters an old man with a peculiar solution - a compelling subplot that emphasizes the harsh realities and desperate choices this world forces upon its inhabitants.

    As we navigate through this dystopian narrative, we bear witness to their contemplations of whether to stay in their home, now unrecognizable, or attempt an audacious escape. Amidst the worst of circumstances, we explore life, survival, and the human spirit through their eyes. Witness their story unfold with us as we confront the harsh reality of a world on the brink of collapse. You won't want to miss this episode - it's a journey that will both shock and move you.

    Stay tuned for the next chapter

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Chapter 3: Facing the Fury - Jail and Lisa's Choice
    Oct 1 2023

    Ever wonder how you'd fare in a dystopian future? Our latest episode plunges you head-first into an oppressive regime, where risk and danger lurk around every corner. We explore the landscape of this grim reality, where survivors, united in a tight-knit community, navigate the harsh world. Discover the tales of the brave Sherpas, the unsung heroes who guide desperate citizens to safety, and unravel the mystery of the elusive group known as the Resistance. We also unlock the crucial, potentially life-saving tool of military time. 

    As the storm clouds gather, we turn to Florida, where Jail and Lisa are staring down the barrel of a monstrous hurricane, with a daunting decision to make. Hold on to the familiar, however dangerous, or brace for a perilous journey in search of a better life? With no money, limited resources, and the hurricane inching closer, they have to bank on the Resistance's safe havens and the guidance of a reliable Sherpa. Will they risk it all for the promise of safety? Tune in to experience this adrenaline-filled tale of survival, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit.

    Stay tuned for the next chapter

    Más Menos
    17 m