
  • Russian Ships in Cuba, Oh My! . . . Putin Makes A Peace Offer to Ukraine
    Jul 1 2024

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    The recent visit of several Russian ships to Cuba strikes Adam and Jeff as nothing more than a tit-for-tat move by Putin in response to President Biden's recent decision to allow Ukrainian troops to fire American weapons into Russian territory. Of course there is not much tit or tat because Putin started the war in Ukraine and has disingenuously proclaimed that the Russian ships are in America's backyard due to America's aggression against Russia. Adam and Jeff talk about Cuba's dependency on foreign benefactors such as Russia and Venezuela in the past and the sad fact that these patrons have hit the economic skids in recent years and cut back their assistance to Cuba. They then wander over to the topic of the recent peace offer by Putin which would require that Ukraine give up its four eastern provinces in their entirety (even though Putin only controls a fraction of those lands) and, to show good faith, disband their military forces altogether. Because Putin has not done a very good job keeping his word, Adam and Jeff believe that the Ukrainians would be very unlikely to enter into any type of agreement with Russia. After all, Russia and other autocratic countries such as China view treaties as tactical devices for obtaining additional advantages from the counterparts whereas Western countries consider treaties to be solemn promises that must be kept by all parties. Given the frequency with which Russia breaks treaties, Jeff wonders why another country such as Ukraine would ever enter into a treaty with Russia as it has shown over and over again it cannot be trusted.

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    40 m
  • The Mushy Debate Over Climate Change and Global Warming, Formerly Global Cooling, Formerly Global Warming, Formerly Global Cooling . . .
    Jun 10 2024

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    Adam and Jeff consider the increasingly blurred line between science and theology in the climate change world where many people--regardless of whether they are actual scientists or people who like to hang out with scientists--assert that humanity is in global warming death spiral. They point to the past two centuries beginning in 1800 with the start of the Industrial Revolution during which time the global temperatures have ticked upward between 1 to 2 degrees. However, Jeff notes that two centuries is a tiny blip in the 4 billion year life of planet earth and that we should be very careful not to extrapolate short-term changes in temperature over longer periods of time involving thousands of years or more. After all, if we were to assume that the global temperatures will rise 1 degree each century going forward, then in 10,000 years we would be living on a planet with boiling oceans and far fewer cruise ship passengers--a swing in temperature that has not occurred in billions of years. Adam and Jeff also point out that many factors contribute to the temperatures on earth in addition to human activities such as ocean currents, solar activity, weather patterns, planetary wobbling, and flatulent livestock--which cannot be neatly separated from each other. Jeff also asks about the temperature measurements taken a century or more ago and wonders about the accuracy of these these readings since he has trouble differentiating the degree marks on the normal-sized rectal thermometer that he keeps handy for recreational reasons. Adam and Jeff also caution their listeners not to take the predictions of computer models very seriously because their results are obviously going to reflect the assumptions made by the programmers which may reflect their own political views about climate change.

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    37 m
  • The Omaha Bugle Explains (Sort of ) the 34 Count Conviction of Donald Trump
    Jun 7 2024

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    Noted political analysts and knick-knack collectors Adam and Jeff offer their opinions about what they view as an appalling display of prosecutorial, judicial and jury bias in the New York case in which Donald Trump was found guilty 34 times for the same expired misdemeanor that had somehow been magically bootstrapped into a federal election law violation. Because the district attorney, Alvin Bragg, managed to stretch the limits of the law out beyond the orbit of the planet Pluto, Trump was found guilty by a jury of his quasi-peers who were drawn from a pool that voted 90% in favor of his opponent, President-for-Life Joe Biden, in the last election. As a result, these jurors were thus just possibly not concerned with Trump's guilt being established beyond a reasonable doubt or even at all. Adam and Jeff believe that the case will eventually be overruled due to its numerous procedural and substantive errors, but they are convinced that this attempt to pin any sort of conviction on Trump will send a strong signal to businesses in New York and businesses considering doing business in New York that they might want to consider a locale with a more democratic system of justice such as Moscow or Beijing or Pyongyang. Jeff points out that this decision will certainly end any discussions by the corporate brass at the Omaha Bugle to locate a news bureau in New York City--which will no doubt cause the city overlords much loss of sleep and prestige. The decision has also prompted the Omaha Bugle to reconsider its policy of paying disgruntled former employees to keep quiet because they always open their mouths to the media as soon as the checks to purchase their silence have been cashed. Finally, Jeff declares in solidarity with the founding fathers that he will not purchase an apartment that he cannot afford in New York City under any circumstances.

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    38 m
  • The Omaha Bugle Welcomes Congressional Candidate Chris Eddy Back to the Studio
    May 23 2024

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    Alway happy to meet up-and-coming power brokers, Adam and Jeff welcome Chris Eddy back to the show to provide an update as to where things stand with his candidacy to seek election to the 25th Congressional District of Florida. Due to Chris's background with the intelligence community, Adam and Jeff pepper him with questions about the current administration's decisions on a variety of topics including the continuing open border, exploding government deficits, the politicization of the Justice Department, and possible solutions for what appears to be an increasingly incompetent federal government. Happy to lend a boost to lagging government efforts, Adam and Jeff also offer to oversee the federal government's EV-charging station installation effort which has thus far seen only 8 such stations installed despite a multi-billion dollar budget. No doubt Adam and Jeff could install two or three times that same amount of charging stations for only a billion dollars or so and they will assemble the stations themselves in person. They also discuss the value of sweat equity in all walks of life--noting that legal immigrants are incensed at the illegal migrants who show up and expect to be showered with government goodies when they have done nothing to work for those benefits and thus do not appreciate the sacrifices most people go through to become legal residents. Chris also points out that the out-of-control government spending is going to increasingly swamp the government budget so that in a few decades almost the entire budget will be consumed by Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and interest on the debt.

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    44 m
  • Who Should Be Donald Trump's Running Mate?
    May 7 2024

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    As both Adam and Jeff have apparently not made the final cut for consideration as Donald Trump's vice presidential running mate, they have decided to evaluate the most likely prospects to see who would help the presumptive GOP nominee the most in the November election. Adam points out that Trump's biggest problem seems to be his inability to connect with many women voters because many women voters do, in fact, detest him. Because Trump has made significant inroads with various minority voting groups, Adam and Jeff evaluate a number of candidates based upon their ability to reach out to the aforementioned women voters who still, in fact, detest Trump. Candidates such as Doug Burgum, Tim Scott, J.D. Vance, and ByronDonald are viewed as too inexperienced or too limited in their appeal to bolster Trump's candidacy among those voters who detest him--namely, women. Elise Stefanik, the New York congresswoman, and Christy Noem, the South Dakota governor, are, indeed, women but Elise is newly-elected and Christy Noem shoots puppies. Tulsi Gabbard is a former congresswoman from Hawaii with a military background but she supported that stalwart of conservatism, Bernie Sanders, during his 2016 presidential campaign, so her conservative sentiments are suspect. Because Donald Trump cannot pick the most perfect candidate in his eyes to be his running mate (himself), Adam and Jeff believe that Trump's best best is to bury the hachet with the one other candidate who can best help Trump to reach out to the women voters who detest him.

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    1 h y 5 m
  • The Omaha Bugle Offers Its First Annual Predictions About Various International Issues
    May 7 2024

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    Never reluctant to let actual facts or expert opinions get in the way of their own views of the world, Adam and Jeff offer their predictions for the next year about a variety of international issues. Even though neither Adam nor Jeff have ever been to Ukraine nor eaten in a Ukrainian restaurant, they both believe that the war against Russia will continue to be a stalemate with comparatively few changes in the battlefield lines. Russia currently occupies the eastern band of Ukraine as a "buffer" against "Ukrainian attacks" even though Russia boasts three times the the population of Ukraine and has a land mass that is 28 times larger than that of Ukraine. Jeff believes that Putin's fate is tied to his success in Ukraine and that Putin is obsessed with rebuilding the old Soviet Union--which can only be a good thing given the joy that the original blood-soaked version of the Soviet Union brought to the world. He thinks that Putin might seek to divert domestic attention by attacking a less formidable adversary such as Kazakstan or even Minneapolis. But attempts to conquer new territories typically drain a country's coffers so it can be too expensive to take over and control other countries--which is basically what caused the original Soviet Union to fail. As far as China and Taiwan are concerned, Adam and Jeff believe that the next year will see more provocations by China but probably no real attempt to invade the island nation because China is not very sure about its ability to project naval power. Jeff does commend China for managing to alienate every country with which it shares a border--which shows a degree of consistency that is not often found in the modern world. China may also find itself increasingly constrained by a rising India which could displace China as the leading economic power in Asia in the next generation.

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    41 m
  • Who Wants to Learn How to Make Green Bean Soup? . . . Adam and Jeff (Mainly Adam) Stage the First Omaha Bugle Cooking Show
    May 1 2024

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    In a switch from the usual hard-hitting news program that millions of listeners have come to expect from the Omaha Bugle, Adam and Jeff carry out their very first cooking show. Adam is the actual chef who describes how to prepare a German recipe for green bean soup. As Jeff is kitchen-challenged and has never ventured far beyond burning toast and overboiling eggs, Adam does not confer the coveted status of sous chef upon Jeff but tries to keep him at arm's-length in order to avoid a kitchen fire. Adam points out that this cooking show is being done in part to placate upper management so that he (unlike Jeff) does not lose his parking space next to the building and get exiled to the auxillary parking lot used by the interns and the local chop shops. Adam then proceeds to take the audience through the preparation of green bean soup, throwing in a few choice words in German pulled off of Google Translator in order to underscore the authenticity of his German roots. Adam also provides helpful hints about the proper care of kitchenware--most notably the endlessly versatile and extremely heavy iron skillet. He also talks about the ways in which listeners can prepare other dishes such as cream of celery soup (which does not have the consistency of latex paint) and the Dutch baby (which is a pastry that inflates much like the old Jiffy Pop popcorn but without the aluminum siding coating). Adam also announces his plans to write a new cookbook (because there is apparently a severe shortage of cookbooks available to the bookbuying public) called The Offal Truth. This tongue in cheek title cleverly masks the fact that the book is all about preparing tasty meals and treats (using the entrails and internal organs of animals) for all sorts of popular occasions including weddings, funerals, and children's birthday parties. Finally, Adam talks about his preference for cooking with gas over electricity due to the greater control that gas affords. However, Jeff points out that you cannot blow up your house using an electric burner.

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    34 m
  • The First Annual April 25th Omaha Bugle Prediction Show
    Apr 25 2024

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    Anxious to avoid cliche´d January 1st predictions for the New Year, Adam and Jeff kick off their first annual prediction show on April 25th and offer a few ideas about what will happen in the upcoming 12 months with regard to inflation, the presidential election, and housing prices. Jeff points out that inflation can increase or decrease however much you may desire so long as you construct the index properly. So if you want to avoid a lot of inflation, you can load the index up with items that are either stable in price or declining in price. He also blames the vast expansion of the national money supply for much of the inflation we have seen in the past quarter century because there is simply too much money chasing too few goods. Adam is concerned that there is no one who talks consistently about cutting the debt or balancing the budget because spending cuts are simply not very much fun. The other problems is that comparatively little government spending is for capital improvements on a national scale--most of the money is spent on transfer payments or, increasingly, debt servicing costs. As far as the presidential election is concerned, Adam believes that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be replaced by a ticket consisting of Gavin Newsom and Taylor Swift--both of whom have very good hair. Jeff believes that Joe Biden will not go quietly into the night and that he and co-President Dr. Jill Biden, Ph.D, will run for another 4 years to complete their destruction of the American nation. Jeff also believes that Donald Trump will run for President and, if there is a reasonably fair election, win a second term. Adam and Jeff have both indicated that they would be receptive to serving as vice president should Trump come calling but they acknowledge that the likely candidate will be the person who has least irritated Trump on the day that he makes his vice presidential selection. Finally, Adam believes that housing prices will remain relatively stable because there do not appear to be any black swan events that will tank the housing market in the next twelve months.

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    33 m