
  • Angelic Corps (Hierarchical structure)
    Jul 14 2024
    The term "Angelic Corps" typically refers to a concept within various religious, mystical, and esoteric traditions involving angels and their roles. Here's an elaboration on the concept from different perspectives: ### Religious and Spiritual Contexts 1. **Christianity**: - **Hierarchy of Angels**: In Christian theology, particularly as described by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in the 5th-6th century, the angelic hierarchy is divided into three triads or choirs, each containing three orders: 1. **First Triad**: Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones 2. **Second Triad**: Dominions, Virtues, and Powers 3. **Third Triad**: Principalities, Archangels, and Angels - **Roles and Functions**: Angels serve as messengers of God, protectors of humans, and executors of divine will. Archangels like Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael have specific roles in biblical stories. 2. **Islam**: - **Hierarchy and Duties**: Islam also recognizes a hierarchy of angels, with Archangels like Jibril (Gabriel), Mikail (Michael), Israfil, and Azrael playing key roles. Angels in Islam perform various duties, including delivering revelations to prophets, recording human deeds, and managing natural phenomena. 3. **Judaism**: - **Angelic Orders**: Jewish tradition includes various orders of angels, such as Seraphim, Cherubim, and Ophanim. The roles of angels are similar to those in Christianity, involving delivering messages from God and executing divine commands. ### Mystical and Esoteric Traditions 1. **Kabbalah**: - **Angelic Hierarchy**: In Kabbalistic mysticism, angels are organized in various orders and are associated with the Sefirot on the Tree of Life. Each Sefirah corresponds to specific angels who perform different cosmic functions. 2. **New Age and Esoteric Practices**: - **Personal Guides**: Many New Age beliefs incorporate angels as personal spiritual guides and helpers who assist individuals in their spiritual journey, providing protection, guidance, and healing. ### Literary and Popular Culture 1. **Fantasy and Fiction**: - **Depictions**: Angels appear in numerous fantasy novels, movies, and TV series, often depicted as powerful beings with supernatural abilities. They may be portrayed as benevolent protectors, warriors, or even as complex characters with human-like emotions and flaws. ### Historical and Cultural Impact 1. **Art and Iconography**: - **Representation**: Angels have been a central subject in religious art throughout history, often depicted with wings, halos, and auras of light. They are frequently shown in scenes of annunciation, protection, and battle against evil. 2. **Theological Debates**: - **Nature and Purpose**: The nature, purpose, and existence of angels have been subjects of theological debate. Discussions often explore their role in the divine plan, their interactions with humans, and their moral and ethical dimensions. ### Modern Interpretations 1. **Psychological Archetypes**: - **Jungian Psychology**: Some modern interpretations, influenced by Carl Jung's theories, view angels as archetypal figures representing higher aspects of the human psyche, such as the drive towards self-actualization and spiritual growth. 2. **Symbolic and Metaphorical**: - **Cultural Symbols**: In contemporary culture, angels are often used symbolically to represent goodness, purity, hope, and the human aspiration to connect with something greater than oneself. Instagram Handle, The Operation; https://www.instagram.com/the.0peration?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2
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  • Types of ETs, Alpha Drecos, Dragons, Reptoids.
    Jul 8 2024
    The Alpha Draconians are a subject primarily found within the realms of ufology and conspiracy theories. Here’s an overview of the key points and claims regarding the Alpha Draconians: 1. ⭐Origins and Description: - The Alpha Draconians are often described as a race of reptilian beings said to originate from the star system Alpha Draconis (Thuban) in the constellation Draco. - They are typically depicted as tall, muscular, and lizard-like, with scales, claws, and sometimes wings. 2. ⭐Role and Behavior: - These beings are often characterized as malevolent and are frequently portrayed as the antagonists in various conspiracy theories. - According to these theories, Alpha Draconians are believed to be involved in manipulating human affairs, controlling governments, and exploiting Earth’s resources. 3. ⭐Conspiracy Theories: - David Icke: One of the most prominent proponents of the reptilian conspiracy theory, Icke claims that the Alpha Draconians (or reptilians) are shape-shifting aliens who have taken on human form to control the world. - ⭐Underground Bases: There are claims that Alpha Draconians have underground bases on Earth and on the Moon, where they conduct various nefarious activities. 4. ⭐Interaction with Other Extraterrestrial Species: - Theories suggest that the Alpha Draconians are in conflict or have alliances with other extraterrestrial species such as the Greys, the Pleiadians, and the Nordics. - The Greys, another popular extraterrestrial race in ufology, are often depicted as subservient to the Alpha Draconians. Video mentioned in episode; https://www.facebook.com/share/v/d5pjZ1QRveb9XVfa/ Klask the Reptilian, Question Audiobook. https://youtu.be/UO9GEgZJD6I?si=xGniFl_uxzCLFnKh Extraterrestrials species Almanac, Craig Compobasoso https://www.everand.com/book/485569022 The Biggest Secret, David Icke https://www.avidbookshop.com/book/9780952614760 Children of the Matrix, David Icke https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/Children-of-the-Matrix-by-David-Icke/9780957630895?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwv7O0BhDwARIsAC0sjWPh39yhmBeRnwi-Zl40O-DQw5ZSV1iDrMy3LYeDJ3hlDXxMgOhsx4gaAm8PEALw_wcB Vatican secrets: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C53pMwsg9fI/?igsh=MWUxOXRvZG5tamRnOA==
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  • Lyran Orion Wars
    Jul 2 2024
    3.75 billion years ago within an alternate Dimension and universe under the awareness of both a maternal and paternal Consciousness. A cosmic expansion was initiated effectively setting. The foundation for the creation of numerous universes. Including the one. We inhabit Leading. The exploration of this expansive domain with a luminous androgynous non-physical beings of the seventh density known as the Archangels. Also referred to as the Elohim or the Builder race identified as the partal. These entities were charged with the task of fostering, the emergence of life within this newly. Formed space-time continuum meticulously crafting galaxies planets and universes over. Countless eons following directives issued by the source. Eventually they constructed Celestial ethereal vessels for themselves and commenced the process of DNA molecule engineering. They face the formidable challenge of maintaining a 7D. Unity Christ Consciousness within a 3D physical form after 9.25 billion years of cosmic evolution. The conditions were ripe for the appearance of third density. Life forms Under the leadership of the androgynous partner Al figure named Yahweh. The partal or Elohim were captivated by a lush jungle Planet near the Orion Galaxy which offered an ideal. Nurturing environment for life, Their seminal achievement was the creation of a basic double helix DNA structure, Which laid the foundation for the evolution of plant and animal life. On this new planet Upon accomplishing this the group of tatal opted to manifest in 5D 4D and 3D physical forms taking on the appearance of their preferred planet dwelling creature. The avian birds This evolution led to their transformation into humanoid avians known as karyans. Marking them as the inaugural 3D physical Master, race of all humanoid species across, all universes and galaxies. In this era, the Korean beings developed a Fascination with an amphibious reptile, lizard that resided near the planet swamps and jungles Over eons the Korean successfully evolved these reptiles into fully developed reptilian bipedal humanoids Eventually leaving behind, their engineered reptilian species. Many from the carrion Master race ascended to higher densities and venture to develop alternative universes, leaving behind thousands of reptilian engineered eggs Across the vast. Multiverse Lucifer also known by the name ariman broke free from the void of the parental Consciousness. He emerged as an early Explorer of every universe and dimension created by the pothole Driven by impatience and a desire to independently craft his own 3D density. Life forms, ariman discovered, the planet of the Koreans and identified, the humanoid reptilian race engineered by the karyan. Partall, Fuelled by curiosity Ariman took the unhatched eggs of the reptilian humanoids and seeded them on a distant planet within the alpha draconis system, marking the origin of the master chia car. Also known as the master. Reptilian Draco race Lucifer not inherently malevolent, but motivated by self-interest, imposed. A 3D Matrix on the alpha draconian beings, where our Iman served as their Mentor. And master This 14 to 18 foot tall, Master reptilian race characterised, by their strength agility and predatory nature Possessed, scaly muscular skin in Shades, ranging from dark green, and black to Red or blue. They had large eyes with slit pupils sharp claws, on their fingers and toes and a long slender tail. That aided their balance Ahriman was sufficiently pleased to refer to these new humanoid beings as his offspring Every day. Digital technology is helping companies, bring new physical products, to life, from being like beings as his offspring. Sources: https://youtu.be/PyP3h5UGfjo?si=WI5tXMv9Kp7hyT0j https://youtu.be/93cUmcA2Py4?si=ItQArrmKfyvwZChe Instagram Handle: The Operation https://www.instagram.com/the.0peration?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2 WhatsApp Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaedR0DHgZWjMPhJd713
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  • Types of ETs, Lyrans
    Jun 26 2024
    Lyrans are aliens from the Lyra constellation, Vega Star. Along with the Pleiadians, they are against the Reptilians, and have representatives in the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Elders of Cycles. There are different types of Lyrans. Cat-like Pleiadian descendants, Orions, Sirians, Avians, and Alterians, among others. They are star-seed hybrids, genetically related to each other. Most are considered benevolent, but some, like the Vega Lyrans, are more typically ruthless. There's a Lyran type who are light-skinned and dark-skinned, light-eyed, and hair ranging from almost white to a light brown. Their body types can be anything from thin to muscular. They are broadest category. It is believed that the Lyrans started migrating and colonizing other worlds millions of years ago. These worlds include the Pleiades, Hyades, Protion, Tau Ceti, Norca, and others. Many of humanoid extraterrestrials are descendants of the ancient dark-skinned and light-skinned feline Lyrans. Lyrans are fourth and fifth dimensional beings, capable of manifesting themselves physically. They are very strong and telepathic. Physically, they have tails, lion-like faces, and are covered in a golden, red, brown, orange, or white fur. Their eyes are one of yellow, green, or blue with large cat pupils. They have shorter, more rounded muzzles and ears than lions. They usually wear decorative clothing and walk in an almost upright stature. Their planet is in another universe and has pink grass, purple skies, and a large blue sun, or two. Their architecture is mostly domed and built of crystal. This planet was reportedly destroyed in a galactic war. They've also lived on a cold and desolate planet with green soil and two suns of different colors in the Sirian star system. The Lyran people came into our universe with a race of alien beings called the Master Race. In an undetermined time, they had a brutal war with the Reptilians and Arcturians, then colonized worlds in Pleiades and Sirius. Many eventually traveled to Earth, approximately one million years ago. At the time, Earth had been invaded by Reptilians from the Draconian Empire. Another war ensued, and the Reptilians were driven underground. They still work with Earthlings, who seek to better themselves both spiritually and physically. ⭐The extra-terrestrial species almanac/ Craig Compobasso The body snatchers/Susan Reed Elena Danaan Official / You tube
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  • Types of Extraterrestrials, Pleiadians
    Jun 16 2024
    The Pleiadians, according to various alternative belief systems and spiritual philosophies, are described as an extraterrestrial species originating from the Pleiades star cluster, specifically the star system Taygeta. This cluster is located approximately 444 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Taurus. Here’s a detailed exploration of the beliefs and characteristics associated with the Pleiadians: ⭐Origin and Identity The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, have fascinated civilizations throughout history due to their visibility in the night sky. In contemporary UFO lore and New Age spirituality, the Pleiadians are considered one of several extraterrestrial races that have interacted with humanity. They are often portrayed as humanoid beings, taller than humans, with fair skin, light-colored hair (often blonde), and piercing blue or light-colored eyes. Their appearance is often described as graceful and elegant, embodying a sense of spiritual and physical harmony. ⭐Spiritual and Cultural Characteristics Pleiadians are believed to be highly evolved spiritually, possessing advanced knowledge and wisdom about the universe, consciousness, and metaphysical realms. They are described as beings of light, radiating love and compassion, and advocating for peace, unity, and spiritual growth among humans. Messages attributed to Pleiadians often emphasize the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of raising individual and collective consciousness. ⭐ Abilities and Interactions One of the distinctive characteristics of Pleiadians, as described in accounts by alleged contactees and channeled messages, is their ability to communicate telepathically. This form of communication is said to transcend language barriers and allows for direct mental exchanges of ideas, emotions, and concepts. Pleiadians are also associated with advanced healing technologies and energy healing practices, which are purported to assist in physical, emotional, and spiritual healing processes. ⭐Cultural Influence and Representation Within New Age circles and metaphysical communities, the concept of Pleiadians has gained significant popularity. They are often portrayed as part of a larger cosmic family that includes other benevolent extraterrestrial races such as Arcturians, Sirians, and Andromedans. The teachings attributed to Pleiadians have influenced spiritual practices, meditation techniques, holistic healing modalities. Numerous books, websites, and seminars discuss Pleiadian teachings, channeling sessions, and purported encounters, contributing to their presence in popular culture and spiritual discourse. ⭐Environmental Awareness and Advocacy Some sources attribute to Pleiadians a deep concern for Earth’s ecological balance and advocate for responsible stewardship of the planet. They emphasize the importance of living in harmony with nature, respecting the interconnectedness of all living beings, and supporting initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and conservation efforts. This environmental advocacy aligns with their broader message of unity and cooperation among humanity. ⭐Sources : https://youtu.be/rW2yEEaiOpQ?si=gv4EUIKdRbdWJrmk Instagram Handle, The Operation : https://www.instagram.com/d_operation?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2 Elena Danaan Official/ Youtube A gift from the stars book by Elena Danaan documenting her abduction and subsequent rescue.
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  • Types of Extraterrestrials, Andromedans
    Jun 10 2024
    An Extensive Overview: Andromedan beings are an intriguing and multifaceted concept found primarily in ufology, New Age spirituality, and speculative fiction. They are said to originate from the Andromeda Galaxy, our Milky Way’s nearest large galactic neighbor. This comprehensive overview covers their origin, characteristics, interactions with humans, cultural influences, and more.Origin and DescriptionOrigin:Andromeda Galaxy (M31): Approximately 2.537 million light-years from Earth, it’s the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way. The idea of life originating from Andromeda is speculative but captures the imagination due to the galaxy’s vast number of stars and potential habitable planets.Physical Appearance:Humanoid Form: Andromedans are often described as tall, typically between 6 and 8 feet, with an athletic and sometimes elongated build.Skin Tone: Reports vary, suggesting skin tones from light blue to white, or even translucent, giving an ethereal appearance.Facial Features: They commonly have large eyes (often almond-shaped), smaller noses, and mouths, and are sometimes depicted with a lack of body hair.Energy Beings: Some descriptions go beyond physical forms, portraying Andromedans as beings of pure energy or light, capable of shifting between dimensions.Characteristics and AbilitiesSpiritual and Technological Advancement:Advanced Technology:Interstellar Travel: Andromedans are believed to possess technology that allows them to traverse vast intergalactic distances using advanced spacecraft or dimensional portals.Energy Manipulation: Their technology is said to harness and manipulate energy in ways that appear magical to humans, including free energy sources and advanced healing techniques.Spiritual Insight:Unity Consciousness: They promote the idea that all life is interconnected, encouraging peace and cooperation among sentient beings.Multidimensional Awareness: Andromedans are thought to be aware of and able to interact with multiple dimensions, perceiving realities beyond the three-dimensional world known to humans.Telepathy and Psychic Abilities:Telepathic Communication: Andromedans reportedly communicate through telepathy, allowing for direct mind-to-mind exchange of thoughts, bypassing language barriers.Healing Abilities: They are said to possess advanced healing capabilities, both technological and energetic, which can cure physical and emotional ailments.Empathy and Emotional Understanding: Andromedans are believed to have heightened empathic abilities, sensing and understanding the emotions and thoughts of others deeply.Interaction with HumansContact and Communication:Direct Contact: Individuals claim to experience direct encounters with Andromedans, often during altered states of consciousness such as dreams, meditation, or near-death experiences.Abductions and Visitations: Some reports involve people being taken aboard Andromedan spacecraft, where they receive education, healing, or guidance.Channeling: Many New Age practitioners believe they can channel messages from Andromedan beings, receiving spiritual teachings and guidance through a trance-like state. Craig Compobasso The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac Swuaruuoficial/Youtube
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  • Type of Extraterrestrials, Annunaki
    Jun 4 2024
    The Annunaki are a group of deities from ancient Mesopotamian cultures, including the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. Their name, "Annunaki," is derived from "An," the Sumerian sky god, and means "offspring of An." According to mythology, the Annunaki were powerful beings who played a crucial role in the creation of humanity and the maintenance of cosmic order. Here's a simple story about them: --- **The Creation of Humanity by the Annunaki** In the beginning, the universe was governed by the great god An, the lord of the sky. He and his consort, Ki, the earth goddess, gave birth to a pantheon of powerful deities known as the Annunaki. These divine beings were tasked with maintaining the balance of the cosmos and overseeing the natural and human worlds. Among the Annunaki were Enlil, the god of air and storms, and Enki, the god of water and wisdom. Enlil ruled over the earth, while Enki watched over the subterranean waters and was a source of knowledge and craft. One day, the Annunaki grew tired of their constant labor to keep the world running smoothly. They needed help to sustain the growing complexity of their creation. Enki, known for his wisdom and innovative spirit, proposed creating a new being to take over some of their tasks. With An’s consent, Enki and the goddess Ninhursag, the mother goddess of the earth, set out to shape humanity. Enki and Ninhursag took clay from the banks of the sacred river and fashioned it into the shape of a man. Enki breathed life into the clay figure, and thus the first humans were born. These new beings were designed to be intelligent and capable of understanding and following the instructions of the gods. The Annunaki taught the humans how to cultivate the land, tend to animals, and build cities. They imparted knowledge of writing, mathematics, and astronomy, helping humans to flourish and develop complex societies. In return, humans would honor the Annunaki with offerings and worship, maintaining the gods' favor and ensuring harmony between the divine and mortal realms. As time passed, the relationship between the Annunaki and humans deepened. The gods continued to guide and protect humanity, while humans upheld their duties and rituals. The Annunaki were revered as the benevolent overseers of creation, and their stories were passed down through generations, becoming a central part of Mesopotamian culture and religion. And so, the legacy of the Annunaki endured, reminding all of the divine connection between the heavens and the earth, and the sacred bond between gods and humanity. Sources ; https://youtu.be/93cUmcA2Py4?si=GOJbyZYNIuuNeMs5 Instagram Handle; https://www.instagram.com/d_operation?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2
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  • Types of Extraterrestrials, Greys
    May 29 2024
    Grey aliens, also known as Roswell Greys or Zeta Reticulans, are perhaps the most iconic and enigmatic extraterrestrial beings in popular culture and ufology. Described as humanoid creatures with slender bodies, large heads, almond-shaped eyes, and grayish skin, Greys have captured the imaginations of people worldwide for decades. While their existence remains speculative and contentious, reports of encounters with Grey aliens persist, fueling both fascination and skepticism.The origins of Grey aliens can be traced back to the mid-20th century, with the emergence of the modern UFO phenomenon. One of the most famous incidents associated with Greys is the alleged crash of an unidentified flying object near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Witnesses claimed to have seen debris and bodies resembling Grey aliens, although the official explanation provided by the U.S. military attributed the event to a weather balloon.Since then, reports of Grey alien sightings and encounters have proliferated, with numerous individuals claiming to have been abducted by these beings. These alleged abductions often involve vivid recollections of being taken aboard UFOs, subjected to medical examinations, and experiencing missing time. While skeptics dismiss such accounts as hallucinations or sleep paralysis, proponents argue that the consistency and detail of these narratives suggest a genuine phenomenon worthy of serious investigation.One of the most striking aspects of Grey aliens is their uniformity across different accounts. Witnesses typically describe Greys as having large, hairless heads dominated by oversized, black, wraparound eyes. Their bodies are slender and devoid of noticeable external genitalia, with long, spindly limbs and fingers. Greys are often portrayed as emotionless and robotic, communicating telepathically and displaying advanced technological prowess.The appearance of Grey aliens has led to various theories regarding their origins and nature. Some ufologists believe that Greys are extraterrestrial beings from distant planets who visit Earth for scientific research or reconnaissance missions. According to this hypothesis, their advanced technology allows them to travel vast distances across the cosmos, defying the limitations of conventional space travel. The Extra Terrestrial Species Almanac by Craig Compobasso
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