
  • What are scientific models?
    13 m
  • Defining Life
    Sep 21 2023

    Can we know the answer to the question "what is life?"? Could our definitions of life blinker us to new life forms we might find in the future? 

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • The Metaphysics of Pregnancy
    Aug 24 2023

    A bun in the oven? Eating for two? So many of our common phrases regarding pregnancy presume that pregnancy involves two distinct entities —the foetus and the maternal organism in which it resides. This sort of “container model’ of pregnancy pervades so much of our everyday discourse around pregnancy and in the academic sphere. Philosophical discussions of the ethics of maternal behaviour, for example, frequently claim that the location of a child, whether it be within the uterus, or outside is irrelevant to its ethical status. Socially, the tendency to see pregnant women as parents, with all the responsibilities that carries with it, even before they give birth is common. How justified is this view though? Does it have the sort of biological or scientific basis we might assume it to have?

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    Más Menos
    20 m
  • What is Disease?
    15 m
  • Is there such a thing as human nature?
    Jul 23 2023

    It's not uncommon to hear "human nature" trucked out to explain all sorts of phenomena from war to human nurturing and cooperation. How scientifically valid are such claims? Is there such a thing as human nature? If so, what is it? In this episode of the P-Value, the first in our philosophy of biology season, we ask where there is a scientifically respectable notion of human nature?

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Do scientists have a moral obligation to be public champions of science?
    15 m
  • Inductive Risk: Why social and ethical values should influence which hypotheses scientists accept
    16 m
  • Is good science value-free?
    17 m