
  • Unlocking Potential: Transformative Coaching
    Sep 17 2024

    Special guests Dr. Damian Nesser & Sam Geiger

    Bloom Where You Are https://lifeisaclassroom.net/bwya/

    In this episode Karen delves into an insightful conversation with Dr. Damian Nesser and Sam Geiger, exploring the transformative power of coaching and mentorship in personal and professional growth.

    Dr. Nesser, drawing from his rich background in education spanning three decades, shares how his journey evolved from teaching to coaching, particularly focusing on empowering individuals aged 25 to 50 to reinvent their lives and find purpose. His recent transition into coaching was profoundly influenced by personal experiences, including caregiving for his mother with vascular dementia, which reshaped his perspective on resilience, adaptation, and navigating life's transitions.

    Sam Geiger adds a compelling personal narrative to the discussion, recounting his own transformative journey under Dr. Nesser's guidance. Starting as a dispirited teacher's aide, Sam found renewed purpose through structured coaching and accountability. With Dr. Nesser's support, he regained motivation, pursued higher education, and is now pursuing his aspiration to become a police officer. His story underscores the profound impact of coaching in unlocking potential and building self-confidence.

    Throughout the episode, Dr. Nesser and Sam emphasize their coaching philosophy, which prioritizes addressing internal barriers before tackling external challenges. They share real-life success stories that illustrate how fostering self-awareness, confidence, and motivation can empower individuals to navigate career transitions and personal reinventions with clarity and purpose.

    The conversation also touches on common obstacles individuals face in pursuing fulfilling careers, such as fear and self-doubt. Drawing parallels to biblical analogies like David and Goliath, they highlight universal themes of overcoming adversity and embracing personal growth.

    Listeners gain insights into their upcoming book, "Bloom Where You Are," which offers practical advice, personal anecdotes, and actionable insights aimed at inspiring growth and fulfillment. Dr. Nesser and Sam invite listeners to explore their coaching services designed to support individuals in achieving personal and professional development goals.

    Overall, this episode of "Profits Unleashed" serves as a motivational exploration into harnessing potential, overcoming internal barriers, and pursuing careers aligned with passions and strengths. Dr. Nesser and Sam's compelling narratives and coaching principles offer listeners valuable perspectives on achieving meaningful life changes and professional success.

    If you’re a coach looking to launch a podcast, get your blueprint https://podcastprofitsunleashed.com/free

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    35 m
  • Unlocking the Power of Attraction Marketing for Podcasters
    Sep 10 2024

    In this episode of Podcast Profits Unleashed, host Karen Roberts dives deep into a topic that will revolutionize how you market your podcast: Attraction Marketing. Karen reflects on her early struggles, where simply posting episodes on social media wasn't enough to generate traction. She realized that to truly leverage podcasting as a sales tool, she needed to connect deeply with her audience.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Attraction Marketing vs. Paid Advertising: Karen explains that while paid ads can help, attraction marketing focuses on organically drawing your ideal audience by addressing their pain points, fears, and desires.
    2. Understanding Your Ideal Listener: The key to successful attraction marketing is knowing your audience inside out. Create detailed listener personas to ensure your content resonates with their specific needs.
    3. Provide Value Without Expectation: Shift from a sales-first mindset to a service-first approach. Focus on delivering value in each episode without expecting immediate returns. This builds trust and naturally attracts listeners to your services.
    4. Share Personal Stories: People connect with stories, not sales pitches. Be authentic and transparent about your journey and struggles, as this makes you relatable and builds deeper connections.
    5. Clear Calls to Action: Every episode should have a clear and compelling call to action, guiding listeners to the next step, such as downloading a resource or booking a consultation.
    6. Leverage Social Proof: Share testimonials, client success stories, and case studies to demonstrate the impact of your work and attract others seeking similar results.

    Bonus Tip: Your social media content should focus on four key elements: building "know," "like," "trust," and finally, asking for the "buy." Don't hesitate to put out offers consistently, as listeners may be following you on multiple platforms.

    Karen emphasizes that success with attraction marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. By consistently showing up and offering valuable content, you can grow your podcast audience, attract clients, and unlock new opportunities.

    If you’re a coach who wants to launch a podcast get this free blueprint https://podcastprofitsunleashed.com/free

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    18 m
  • Unlocking Business Growth: Strategies and Mindsets
    Sep 3 2024

    Special Guest Paul Lemberg www.lemberg.com/nostrat

    Welcome to this episode where Karen Roberts dives deep with Paul Lemberg, an extraordinary coach dedicated to helping entrepreneurs not just grow their businesses, but enjoy the journey along the way. Paul's career path has been dynamic, from navigating the corporate world to co-founding successful software ventures and ultimately discovering his passion for coaching.

    With no formal training, Paul found early success in the software industry through perseverance and determination. His transition to coaching was met with initial hesitation, but as his clients thrived under his guidance, Paul realized his innate ability to unlock entrepreneurial potential.

    What distinguishes Paul is his holistic approach. Unlike standardized methods, Paul's coaching toolkit is expansive and adaptable, tailored to each business's unique circumstances. He emphasizes the importance of finding joy in business, rejecting cookie-cutter solutions in favor of strategies that align with the happiness and fulfillment of his clients.

    In this episode, Karen and Paul delve into why many entrepreneurs hit a plateau around the half-million to five-million mark. It's often not a lack of skill but a reluctance to step outside comfort zones. Paul advocates for enhancing marketing strategies, refining sales processes, and diversifying product offerings as pivotal steps to unlock untapped growth potential.

    Paul discusses the transformative impact of resale campaigns, emphasizing how re-engaging dormant customers or increasing transaction frequency can significantly boost revenue. He stresses the critical role of expanding product lines to elevate customer lifetime value and foster sustainable business growth.

    Central to Paul's philosophy is the importance of having a clear growth plan supported by measurable metrics. He underscores the necessity of tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) to accurately gauge progress and align business efforts effectively.

    Using a hypothetical scenario, Paul outlines a practical roadmap for growth, detailing steps to acquire high-value clients through targeted lead generation strategies. He encourages entrepreneurs to adopt mindset shifts, particularly around overcoming limiting beliefs that often hinder business expansion.

    Paul also addresses common time management challenges faced by entrepreneurs, advocating for productivity techniques like the Pomodoro Technique. By tracking activities meticulously, entrepreneurs can identify inefficiencies and reclaim valuable time for strategic endeavors.

    As the episode concludes, Paul invites listeners to explore his comprehensive resources on business growth strategies and productivity tools available on his website. He underscores the significance of aligning passion with business goals to achieve sustainable growth and personal fulfillment in entrepreneurial endeavors.

    Join Karen Roberts and Paul Lemberg as they share practical insights and inspiring stories aimed at propelling your entrepreneurial journey forward. Whether you're scaling your business or starting anew, this episode offers invaluable strategies to navigate challenges and optimize opportunities for success.

    If you’re a coach who wants to launch a podcast get this free blueprint https://podcastprofitsunleashed.com/free

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    45 m
  • Goal Setting - Last Quarter of 2024
    Aug 27 2024

    Welcome back to another inspiring episode of Podcast Profits Unleashed with your host, Karen Roberts. As we enter the final quarter of 2024, the pressure is on to finish the year strong. But it’s not too late to set powerful, intentional goals that could make these last few months your most productive and profitable yet.

    In this episode, Karen shares a personal story of how goal setting transformed her business, launching her podcast in 2020 during a time of uncertainty and self-doubt. She reveals the exact formula she used to turn her scattered ideas into focused, actionable plans and how you can apply these strategies to achieve your own goals in the last quarter of 2024.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Clarity of Purpose: Karen emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for what you want to achieve. It’s not just about setting vague goals but identifying specific, measurable outcomes that will drive your success.
    2. Break Down the Big Picture: Feeling overwhelmed by your goals? Karen advises breaking them down into manageable tasks. By focusing on one step at a time, you can make consistent progress without feeling paralyzed by the bigger picture.
    3. Accountability is Key: Whether it’s a mentor, a peer, or a weekly commitment like Karen’s radio show, having someone or something to hold you accountable can make all the difference in sticking to your goals.
    4. Track and Adjust: Goal setting isn’t about rigidity. Regularly tracking your progress and being willing to adjust your approach when needed is essential for staying on the path to success.
    5. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Don’t let the calendar dictate your potential. Karen challenges the belief that it’s too late in the year to make significant progress. With focused effort, you can achieve more in these last few months than you might have thought possible.

    Action Steps:

    • Write down your top three goals for Q4 2024.
    • Break those goals into actionable steps.
    • Find an accountability partner to keep you on track.
    • Schedule weekly check-ins to review and adjust your progress.

    Don’t let the year slip away. Set your goals now, and let’s make the last quarter of 2024 a game-changer for your business!

    For those looking to launch a podcast, Karen offers a complimentary podcast strategy call to help you get started. Visit PodcastProfitsUnleashed.com/appointment to book your session today. Let’s finish 2024 with a bang!

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    28 m
  • Overcoming Fear, Effective Networking, and Achieving Ridiculous Goals
    Aug 20 2024

    Special Guest Steve Sims


    In this episode, host Karen Roberts chats with Steve Sims about the power of focus and mindset in achieving success. Steve underscores that your perspective shapes your reality. By concentrating on positive stories and opportunities, rather than negative news, you start noticing more chances for growth and innovation. This mindset shift, comparable to suddenly noticing yellow cars everywhere once you start looking for them, enables entrepreneurs and podcasters to thrive even amidst chaos, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Steve highlights how many people saw COVID-19 as an opportunity to innovate, pivot their businesses, deepen family connections, and work on personal projects. Those who adapted and focused on possibilities found ways to prosper. For entrepreneurs, developing this mindset is crucial. Fear of rejection or failure is natural, but how you respond to it determines your success. Rather than letting fear paralyze you, using it as motivation to learn, grow, and push forward transforms these fears into strengths.

    Building resilience is key. Practicing small interactions and gradually building confidence helps you handle rejection better. Each conversation, pitch, or attempt is an opportunity to learn and improve. The more you put yourself out there, the more you realize that a "no" is just a step towards the next "yes." Embracing a growth mindset, where challenges are seen as opportunities to learn, makes you more resilient and better positioned to seize new opportunities.

    Steve also discusses the importance of curiosity and dissatisfaction with the status quo as driving forces for change. Physically stepping out of your usual environment can help you assess your happiness and areas of aggravation, which can be catalysts for change. Surrounding yourself with supportive and challenging people is vital. If your current circle doesn’t understand or support your ambitions, it might be time to find a new group.

    Steve shares an anecdote about a marketing strategy at Tabasco, where making the bottle’s hole bigger significantly increased sales. This story illustrates the value of playful innovation over rigid effort. He emphasizes maintaining a playful, childlike approach to challenges, suggesting that "playing" with problems rather than fighting them leads to innovative solutions and sustained energy. Examples from notable figures like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Elon Musk demonstrate how gamifying challenges can lead to breakthroughs.

    Effective communication is another crucial aspect discussed. Despite living in a highly connected world, true communication is deteriorating. Steve likens it to a muscle that needs regular exercise. Engaging in small conversations regularly can make you more comfortable with larger, more critical conversations. He shares a story about a Silicon Valley tycoon who practices handling rejection by asking for discounts on mundane things, thus becoming desensitized to hearing "no," which helps in high-stakes business situations.

    The episode also touches on how COVID-19 was a time of great productivity and financial success for Steve because he focused on opportunities rather than obstacles. The pandemic revealed the illusory nature of job security, prompting many to reevaluate their careers. Steve offers tips for those feeling stuck: assess your dissatisfaction with your current situation from a new perspective; surround yourself with people who challenge and support your aspirations; recognize the value of time and act promptly on opportunities; and maintain a childlike curiosity and willingness to explore.

    Throughout the conversation, Steve emphasizes the importance of taking immediate action towards your goals. He closes by inviting listeners to his event in London, a one-day intensive session on branding, marketing, and positioning to help disrupt and stand out in their respective fields. He also promotes his books, "Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen" and "Go For Stupid: The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals," encouraging listeners to maintain youthful curiosity and take bold actions in their endeavors.

    The episode concludes with Karen expressing gratitude for the engaging conversation and promoting Steve’s resources. This episode is a compelling blend of personal anecdotes, practical advice, and motivational insights designed to help listeners cultivate a success-oriented mindset and take decisive action towards their goals.

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    53 m
  • Imposter Syndrome
    Aug 13 2024

    In this episode of Podcast Profits Unleashed, host Karen Roberts delves into the pervasive challenge of imposter syndrome, particularly as it relates to launching a podcast. Karen shares her personal journey, recounting her transition from the fitness industry to podcasting, and how she grappled with self-doubt and fear. She vividly describes her early experiences, such as the anxiety she felt before her first public speaking engagement, highlighting the universal nature of these feelings even among successful individuals.

    Karen emphasizes that imposter syndrome is a common hurdle that can hold many back from realizing their potential. She offers actionable advice on how to overcome this obstacle, starting with acknowledging and accepting those feelings of doubt. Karen explains that imposter syndrome is not unique and that even the most successful podcasters have faced it. The key, she suggests, is to continue taking action despite these feelings, which will gradually transform fear into confidence.

    Karen introduces a step-by-step process to confront imposter syndrome: acknowledging your feelings, reframing negative thoughts, celebrating achievements, seeking support, and practicing self-compassion. She stresses the importance of recognizing your worth, sharing your wins, and surrounding yourself with a supportive community. Moreover, Karen underscores the significance of persistence and practice in podcasting, encouraging listeners to take imperfect action rather than waiting for perfection.

    She also shares valuable insights into the stages of podcasting competence, from initial unconscious incompetence to eventually reaching a level where podcasting becomes second nature. Karen’s personal experiences and practical advice serve as a powerful reminder that self-doubt should not deter you from pursuing your goals. She invites listeners to take the first step towards launching their own podcasts, offering resources and support to help them succeed. This episode is a motivational guide for anyone looking to break free from the limitations of imposter syndrome and confidently share their voice with the world.

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    21 m
  • Understanding Relationships: Navigating Gender Dynamics and Communication
    Jul 23 2024

    Special Guest Andre Paradis

    In this episode of Podcast Profits Unleashed, Karen Roberts introduces Andre Paradis, a relationship coach renowned for his deep insights into building healthy, enduring relationships. Andre's journey into this field began early, driven by childhood experiences of feeling like an outsider and a keen interest in understanding human behavior. His involvement in personal and business development workshops further fueled his curiosity, culminating in a transformative moment during a workshop focused on comprehending women, which challenged his preconceptions and ignited a profound exploration into the dynamics between men and women.

    Throughout the discussion, Andre delves into the significant impact of societal shifts in gender roles on modern relationships. He emphasizes the importance of decoding these dynamics, advocating for a nuanced understanding that transcends gender and sexual orientation boundaries.

    Andre outlines his approach to relationship coaching, emphasizing the identification and avoidance of detrimental relationship patterns. He draws a distinction between "boys" and mature men in relationships, highlighting the necessity for individuals to unpack their past experiences and childhood traumas to develop healthier relationship skills.

    A central theme of the conversation revolves around common misunderstandings between men and women in dating and relationship maintenance. Andre underscores the critical role of clear communication and mutual comprehension, likening the process to learning ballroom dancing—initially awkward but improving with practice and empathy.

    Practical strategies are a cornerstone of Andre's coaching philosophy, illustrated by the "pancake plate" analogy that illustrates how unresolved small issues can snowball into larger conflicts over time. He stresses the imperative of fostering clear, respectful communication to prevent misunderstandings and nurture stronger emotional connections.

    Addressing societal expectations, Andre discusses the challenges faced by women in balancing masculine and feminine energies, both in professional settings and personal relationships. He advocates for embracing natural differences rather than striving for strict equality, positing that this approach cultivates healthier, more enduring relationships.

    In summary, Andre Paradis offers a comprehensive blend of psychological insights and practical strategies aimed at empowering individuals to cultivate more harmonious and fulfilling relationships. His holistic approach underscores the transformative power of understanding gender differences and fostering effective communication as essential components of building successful long-term relationships.

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    56 m
  • Unlocking Passive Profit Potential: Empowering Female Entrepreneurs
    Jul 16 2024

    Unlocking Passive Profit Potential: Empowering Female Entrepreneurs

    Special Guest Karen Davies - CLICK HERE

    Welcome to the "Podcast ProfitsUnleashed" podcast, where today we delve into the world of digital entrepreneurship and uncover strategies to maximize profits. I'm your host, Karen Roberts, and today I'm joined by the incredible Karen Davies, a passive profit mentor empowering female entrepreneurs to create impact, influence, and income through online courses.

    In this episode, Karen Davies shares her journey from graphic designer to online course creator and the pivotal moments that led her to transition her business focus. The onset of the 2020 lockdown highlighted the necessity of diversifying income streams, prompting Karen to delve deeper into the digital realm. Through her own experiences, she realized the power of packaging knowledge into digital products for long-term sustainability.

    Karen emphasizes the importance of embracing the digital space, particularly for service providers, to build resilient and flexible businesses. By leveraging her five-step framework and extensive free resources, she guides aspiring entrepreneurs through the process of overcoming tech overwhelm and bringing their ideas to life in the online sphere.

    Furthermore, Karen sheds light on the critical role of self-care, especially for women navigating the challenges of perimenopause and entrepreneurship. By prioritizing mental and physical well-being, entrepreneurs can enhance their creativity and productivity, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling business journey.

    For listeners eager to explore the world of digital entrepreneurship, Karen offers access to the Digital Creators Hub—a repository of free resources, guides, and templates designed to kickstart their digital journey. Visit The Creators Hub to access these invaluable resources and embark on your digital adventure today.

    Thank you for tuning in to the "Podcast ProfitsUnleashed" podcast. Join us next week for more insights and inspiration to unlock the full potential of your podcasting journey. Until then, keep innovating and maximizing your podcast profits!

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    31 m