
  • Devotional What Is Going On With Men
    Sep 26 2024

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  • Devotional: Putting Our Reflexes In The Proper Direction
    Sep 26 2024

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    Muhammad Ali was so physically gifted when he prepared for a fight his legendary trainer Angelo Dundee would say he simply put the champ’s reflexes in the proper direction.

    In Exodus 4:18-31, God is preparing Moses for a heavyweight fight with Pharaoh. The Lord prepares Moses who did not consider himself gifted by putting his reflexes in the proper direction. Moses was prepared with God’s blessings, God’s guidance, and God’s power.

    God calls us for tasks big and small to advance the kingdom. We can count it as a blessing that in the same way that the Lord will always prepare us for those tasks putting our reflexes in the proper direction.

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  • Devotional: The Violence To Come
    Sep 25 2024

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    Violence has come to the Middle East

    After almost a year of war against Hamas in Gaza on its southern border, Israel is shifting its focus to the northern frontier, where Hezbollah has been firing rockets into Israel in support of Hamas, which is also backed by Iran.

    The Middle East is no stranger to violence

    There is the divine violence of the Old Testament which includes God’s destruction of all flesh in Geneses 6:13, the raining down of fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah in Geneses 19:24-25. And God’s blessings of wars such as the conquest of Canaan in Joshua 1-12.

    As Christians we condemn violence from the Middle East to Middle America, we pray for peace.

    But there is violence to come

    Jesus’ second coming will be exceedingly violent. Revelation 19:11-21 describes the ultimate war with Christ, the conquering commander who judges and makes war “with justice” (v. 11). It’s going to be bloody. Revelation tells us that Jesus will have no compassion upon His enemies.

    The question today is are you an enemy of Jesus? In Revelation 3:16 Jesus criticizes a church for being full of believers who were neither hot nor cold but not on fire for Jesus, either.

    The test is simple if we are not on fire for Jesus, we are his enemy and the violence will come.

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  • Sermon: What Is Happening With Men
    Sep 24 2024

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    Research from the American Institute For Boys and Men reveals that too many boys and men are struggling – at school, at work, and in their families and communities.

    Something’s not working for boys.

    In a sermon from Psalm 1:1-6 and Exodus chapter 4, Pastor Marben Bland presents God’s plan for men.

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  • It’s A Matter Of Your Health – Season 5 Show #3 Tips For Keeping Your Pets Healthy
    Sep 23 2024

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    An estimated 68% of U.S. households have a pet. Studies show that having a pets can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost your mood.

    Dr. Alexandria Farris, DVM an associate veterinarian with Southeast Community Animal Hospital in Greensboro, North Carolina joins Dr. Veita Bland, MD with tips and advice for keeping your pets healthy.

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  • Leading With God
    Sep 18 2024

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    2nd Kings 18:3 describesHezekiah as a model King. Who did what was right in the sight of the Lord, just as his ancestor David had done.

    However, like David, Hezekiah did not always lead with God. Under threat of attack from the King of Assyria, Hezekiah gave away the gold and other treasures of the temple. Allowing the ungodly to plunder the things of God.

    In our modern world it is so easy for us to allow the ungodly to plunder the things of God in our lives.

    However, as Hezekiah found later when he prayed, allowing God to lead him, the threat facing his nation were eliminated and the King of Assyria who caused all the trouble was killed.

    Hezekiah, was imperfect and so are we and that is why we should lead with God.

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  • What Is Going On With Gen Z? It’s A Matter Of Your Health – Season 5 Show #2
    Sep 17 2024

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    According to the American Psychological Association’s latest Stress in America report, Generation Z—young adults born in the mid-1990s and early 2000s experienced a dramatic rise in psychological distress and depressive symptoms. In fact, researchers found that increases in Gen Z depression are more significant than in any other age group.

    The report concludes that Gen Z adults and younger millennials are “completely overwhelmed” by stress. Licensed Professional Counselor Dr. Omi Dobbins, who has been treating Gen Z adults, younger millennials and their families cope with the pressures of post pandemic life, joins Dr. Veita Bland to discuss what is going with Gen Z.

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  • Sermon: The Wacky Things That Happens When We Love Neighbor
    Sep 16 2024

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    In the Parable Of The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) Jesus engages in a debate with an expert in the Law about what it means to inherit eternal life. Eternal life is obtained when we love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus illustrates that everyone is our neighbor by telling the story of how the despised Samaritan showed kindness to a Jew who had been robbed and left for dead.

    In a sermon teaching from the Parable Of The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), Pastor Marben Bland discusses how the world will view Christians as wacky as go about the world loving our neighbor.

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