
  • 133 - Encouragement For Bi-Vocational Pastors
    Sep 5 2024

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    Bi-vocational pastors are a unique gift to the church. They are usually the hardest-working men in ministry. If you are a bi-vocational pastor, I want to encourage you. In this episode, I speak to the bi-vocational pastor, offering some suggestions and insights that I pray will offer some much-needed encouragement. Let me know what you think about this issue.

    Ask Ralph - Christian Finance
    Join financial expert Ralph Estep, Jr - Daily tips for balancing your faith and finances.

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

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    Contact me at: alancarr@gmail.com.

    The podcast is a ministry of Dr. Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org)

    If you would like some Preaching Matters Podcast merch, you can support the show while advertising for the show.

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    35 m
  • 132 - Elevating The Art Of Pastoral Care
    Aug 29 2024

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    In this episode, we discuss ways to become better pastors and preachers. Pastoral ministry is, in some ways, an art form. In any art form, there is always room for improvement. Listen and let me know what you think.

    Ask Ralph - Christian Finance
    Join financial expert Ralph Estep, Jr - Daily tips for balancing your faith and finances.

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

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    Contact me at: alancarr@gmail.com.

    The podcast is a ministry of Dr. Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org)

    If you would like some Preaching Matters Podcast merch, you can support the show while advertising for the show.

    Podcast T-Shirt: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1477329809/podcast-logo-preacher-gift-sermon-notes?click_key=10bfd3485c9c310cd30c1ea506644847488583b2%3A1477329809&click_sum=c33942ee&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-1&frs=1
    Podcast Mug: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1468678138/coffee-mug-the-preaching-matters-podcast?click_key=372978b5d3b54393df102deea8e8e4a635954690%3A1468678138&click_sum=7538cce4&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-8&frs=1

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    38 m
  • 131 - Bi-Vocational Versus Full-Time MInistry
    Aug 22 2024

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    In this episode, we will discuss the pros and cons of bi-vocational and full-time ministry. Let me know what you think about this episode. What did I miss? Let me know what you think.

    Ask Ralph - Christian Finance
    Join financial expert Ralph Estep, Jr - Daily tips for balancing your faith and finances.

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

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    Contact me at: alancarr@gmail.com.

    The podcast is a ministry of Dr. Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org)

    If you would like some Preaching Matters Podcast merch, you can support the show while advertising for the show.

    Podcast T-Shirt: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1477329809/podcast-logo-preacher-gift-sermon-notes?click_key=10bfd3485c9c310cd30c1ea506644847488583b2%3A1477329809&click_sum=c33942ee&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-1&frs=1
    Podcast Mug: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1468678138/coffee-mug-the-preaching-matters-podcast?click_key=372978b5d3b54393df102deea8e8e4a635954690%3A1468678138&click_sum=7538cce4&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-8&frs=1

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    38 m
  • 130 - A Guide For Preaching Sermon Series
    Aug 15 2024

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    In this episode, I will discuss preaching sermon series. We will discuss:

    I. Define the Purpose and Theme - Decide on what you will preach.
    A. Understand the Needs of Your Congregation
    B. Choose a Theme or Book
    C. Define the Series Objectives

    II. Plan the Series
    A. Outline the Series Structure
    B. Create a Timeline
    C. Develop a Preaching Calendar

    III. Prepare Each Sermon
    A. Conduct Thorough Research
    B. Develop Clear Objectives for Each Sermon
    C. Craft Engaging and Relevant Messages
    D. Include Application and Reflection

    IV. Communicate and Engage
    A. Promote the Series
    B. Encourage Congregational Participation
    C. Gather Feedback

    V. Evaluate and Reflect
    A. Assess the Impact
    B. Celebrate Successes
    C. Plan for the Future

    Ask Ralph - Christian Finance
    Join financial expert Ralph Estep, Jr - Daily tips for balancing your faith and finances.

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

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    Contact me at: alancarr@gmail.com.

    The podcast is a ministry of Dr. Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org)

    If you would like some Preaching Matters Podcast merch, you can support the show while advertising for the show.

    Podcast T-Shirt: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1477329809/podcast-logo-preacher-gift-sermon-notes?click_key=10bfd3485c9c310cd30c1ea506644847488583b2%3A1477329809&click_sum=c33942ee&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-1&frs=1
    Podcast Mug: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1468678138/coffee-mug-the-preaching-matters-podcast?click_key=372978b5d3b54393df102deea8e8e4a635954690%3A1468678138&click_sum=7538cce4&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-8&frs=1

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    35 m
  • 129 - Two Ways To Improve Your Next Sermon
    Aug 8 2024

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    We all want to be better preachers and deliver more powerful sermons.

    We want our sermons to have cohesion. Cohesion is “ the act of cohering, uniting, or sticking together.” We want our sermons to stick. If our sermons are to possess cohesion, they must have three elements: Unity, Order, and Purpose.

    • Unity means a whole or totality, combining all its parts into one.
    • Order is a condition in which each thing is properly disposed of concerning other things and its purpose; it is a systematic or harmonious arrangement.
    • Purpose is an intended or desired result.

    In this episode, I will discuss the keyword and the transitional sentence and give you two ways to improve your next sermon. Adding these two elements to your sermon preparation will improve your next sermon.

    Ask Ralph - Christian Finance
    Join financial expert Ralph Estep, Jr - Daily tips for balancing your faith and finances.

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

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    Contact me at: alancarr@gmail.com.

    The podcast is a ministry of Dr. Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org)

    If you would like some Preaching Matters Podcast merch, you can support the show while advertising for the show.

    Podcast T-Shirt: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1477329809/podcast-logo-preacher-gift-sermon-notes?click_key=10bfd3485c9c310cd30c1ea506644847488583b2%3A1477329809&click_sum=c33942ee&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-1&frs=1
    Podcast Mug: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1468678138/coffee-mug-the-preaching-matters-podcast?click_key=372978b5d3b54393df102deea8e8e4a635954690%3A1468678138&click_sum=7538cce4&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-8&frs=1

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    30 m
  • 128 - Eight Reasons For Writing Sermon Manuscripts
    Aug 1 2024

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    In this episode, I want to share eight reasons you should write sermon manuscripts. We will talk about:

    • Writing a manuscript will shorten your preparation time.
    • Writing a manuscript will help you find the right words.
    • Writing a manuscript will ensure your sermon is in harmony.
    • Writing a manuscript will allow you to have a record of your sermons and what you said in them.
    • Writing a manuscript will force you to think through the specifics.
    • Writing a manuscript to make the sermon easier to use in other formats.
    • Writing a manuscript will make you a better writer.
    • Writing a manuscript will make you a better preacher.

    Let me know what you think about writing manuscripts.

    Ask Ralph - Christian Finance
    Join financial expert Ralph Estep, Jr - Daily tips for balancing your faith and finances.

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

    Support the Show.

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    Contact me at: alancarr@gmail.com.

    The podcast is a ministry of Dr. Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org)

    If you would like some Preaching Matters Podcast merch, you can support the show while advertising for the show.

    Podcast T-Shirt: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1477329809/podcast-logo-preacher-gift-sermon-notes?click_key=10bfd3485c9c310cd30c1ea506644847488583b2%3A1477329809&click_sum=c33942ee&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-1&frs=1
    Podcast Mug: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1468678138/coffee-mug-the-preaching-matters-podcast?click_key=372978b5d3b54393df102deea8e8e4a635954690%3A1468678138&click_sum=7538cce4&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-8&frs=1

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    32 m
  • 127 - Tips For More Effective Preaching
    Jul 25 2024

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    We all want to preach better, more effective sermon. In this episode, I want to share with you 15 tips for more effective preaching. Listen to this episode, use what you can, and ignore what you can't.

    Thank you for listening to The Preaching Matters Podcast. May the Lord use you to preach effective sermons for his glory. Preaching Matters! Let us strive to be the best we can be for the glory of God.

    Ask Ralph - Christian Finance
    Join financial expert Ralph Estep, Jr - Daily tips for balancing your faith and finances.

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

    Support the Show.

    Subscribe to this podcast. Leave us a review. Point your friends to this podcast.

    Contact me at: alancarr@gmail.com.

    The podcast is a ministry of Dr. Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org)

    If you would like some Preaching Matters Podcast merch, you can support the show while advertising for the show.

    Podcast T-Shirt: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1477329809/podcast-logo-preacher-gift-sermon-notes?click_key=10bfd3485c9c310cd30c1ea506644847488583b2%3A1477329809&click_sum=c33942ee&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-1&frs=1
    Podcast Mug: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1468678138/coffee-mug-the-preaching-matters-podcast?click_key=372978b5d3b54393df102deea8e8e4a635954690%3A1468678138&click_sum=7538cce4&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-8&frs=1

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    32 m
  • 126 - Ten Essential Components In Preaching
    Jul 18 2024

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    10 Essential Components of Preaching

    In the last chapter of Scripture, he writes the apostle Paul left Timothy, with these words: “1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” (2 Tim. 4:1–2). With these words to Timothy as a foundation, what follows are ten essential commitments that every preacher should have as he prepares to preach the timeless and sufficient Word of God faithfully.

    1. Preaching must be biblically centered and biblically grounded.
    2. Preaching must be God-exalting.
    3. Preaching must be Christward.
    4. Preaching must be doctrinally and theologically accurate.
    5. Preaching must be dependent before and after the preaching event.
    6. Preaching must be well-prepared.
    7. Preaching must be authoritative.
    8. Preaching must demand something.
    9. Preaching must be both articulate and imaginative.
    10. Preaching must be passionate and engaging.

    We discuss these Ten Essential Components In Preaching. Let me know what you think.

    Ask Ralph - Christian Finance
    Join financial expert Ralph Estep, Jr - Daily tips for balancing your faith and finances.

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

    Support the Show.

    Subscribe to this podcast. Leave us a review. Point your friends to this podcast.

    Contact me at: alancarr@gmail.com.

    The podcast is a ministry of Dr. Alan Carr and The Sermon Notebook (http://www.sermonnotebook.org)

    If you would like some Preaching Matters Podcast merch, you can support the show while advertising for the show.

    Podcast T-Shirt: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1477329809/podcast-logo-preacher-gift-sermon-notes?click_key=10bfd3485c9c310cd30c1ea506644847488583b2%3A1477329809&click_sum=c33942ee&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-1&frs=1
    Podcast Mug: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1468678138/coffee-mug-the-preaching-matters-podcast?click_key=372978b5d3b54393df102deea8e8e4a635954690%3A1468678138&click_sum=7538cce4&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-8&frs=1

    Más Menos
    35 m