
  • Planning for Profit
    Jul 14 2024

    Today I share with you how over the last 14+ years of being a self-employed service-based entrepreneur I have learnt a rhythm that works for me in terms of planning for profit in my business.

    But it’s not just about profit, I plan for the busy times in my business, I plan for the busy times in my personal and family life, I plan for ideas I already to come into physical form and I plan for space. This is space for new ideas, surfing and the odd unplanned personal event, which happens, especially when you have kids!

    Planning helps you feel safe and gives you a sense of control, rather than always reacting. I have learnt to do this after years of always reacting! Trust me your nervous system will thank you. On that topic how you plan and organise your time is up to you, it does not need to be my way, it needs to be your way.

    So, get practising and testing out how best to be in control of the time you do have. Here we get to experience time being more expansive.

    You’ll also hear at the ends my plans to launch my new business this September, I am so excited about all that is coming your way. For now, do make sure you’re also in my Substack community, for more of this golden advice!

    Want more of my help?

    My business is diversifying, along with all the great yoga teacher training courses, I am also offering mentoring for female soul-led entrepreneurs, and there’s so much stuff happening (yes I am a generator), the best thing you can visit the following:

    Yoga Teacher Training

    Visit – www.amy-yoga.com

    Soul-led Female Entrepreneurs

    Visit (new website coming soon!) –https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Season 2 Episode 4 - An Important Message About Our Money Mindset
    Jul 7 2024

    Inspired by meeting an incredible woman this week who has been a human rights lawyer, set up community support projects aboard and is now a woman’s coach and yoga teacher with younger children, who is looking to build a new way of working.

    And what was stopping her from charging appropriately and growing her business? A fear that if she made more money, wanted to make more money she would be greedy!

    Can you imagine what money in the hands of this woman would mean for her, her family and all those causes she would use her time and money to support?

    This is a very important message for us all. Wanting more money is not greedy, this is a lie we are fed. Money is just a flow of an energetic resource, it does not care who you are and what you plan to do it with. When you have an abundance of time and money you can decide how to use that excess energy.

    And I think we can all agree more money in the hands of women will make the world a better place.

    Want more of my help?

    My business is diversifying, along with all the great yoga teacher training courses, I am also offering mentoring for female soul-led entrepreneurs, and there’s so much stuff happening (yes I am a generator), the best thing you can visit the following:

    Yoga Teacher Training

    Visit - www.amy-yoga.com

    Soul-led Female Entrepreneurs

    Visit (new website coming soon!) -https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Season 2 Episode 3 – What is an idea?
    Jun 30 2024

    Inspired by my new 30-day online group programme “Ideas to Action”.

    JOIN HERE – https://amyjonesmentor.mykajabi.com/ideastoaction

    Doors close Tuesday 2nd July 8pm.

    Have you ever heard the phrase “there are no new ideas”?

    I believe ideas live in the non-physical space, aka the space we can’t see, which according to Pam Gregory, the best astrology on YouTube, the unseen makes up 90%, and I have to say I think I agree with her.

    Ideas are just floating around waiting for us physical beings, aka humans, to receive them and then if they’re meant for us to take action.

    The problem often is we don’t take action, our beautiful brain for a whole multitude of made-up excuses says a big fat “no”, and those ideas stay just that, and we get increasingly frustrated, particularly by others who seemingly are doing what we want to do!

    Today I advise on the following:

    1. What to do when you get your idea

    2. How to navigate having too many ideas, I literally could start a new business or launch a new programme every day!

    3. How to know if the idea is meant for you, or perhaps you need to pass it on, I touch on Human Design and the role of a Generator.

    4. What to do when the ideas aren’t flowing, and you need them to.

    I’m going to say it one more time, if you catch this episode by 8pm Tuesday 2nd July, you have no choice but to join my new Ideas to Action 30-day group programme.

    JOIN HERE – https://amyjonesmentor.mykajabi.com/ideastoaction

    Want more of my help?

    My business is diversifying, along with all the great yoga teacher training courses, I am also offering mentoring for female soul-led entrepreneurs, and there’s so much stuff happening (yes I am a generator), the best thing you can visit the following:

    Yoga teachers – www.amy-yoga.com

    Female soul-led entrepreneurs (new website coming soon!) - https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Season 2 Episode 2 – How to Manifest
    Jun 23 2024

    Inspired by a question someone asked me on how to manifest their dream life and my “Ideas to Action” July offers coming up, today’s episode is all about how we create.

    Truth be told I struggle with the term ‘manifest’, and I cannot fully subscribe to the concept that we are responsible for all that happens to us. We are after all human beings on this tiny blue planet hurtling through space, we have to accept there are external circumstances beyond our control.

    But our thoughts do become things, and our beliefs, which are thoughts we have continued to think over time, directly inform the actions or inactions we take.

    So yes when we are in this sense responsible for the creation of our reality, I like to live by the 80/20 rule, pretty much on everything!

    How to Manifest:

    1. Get clear on what you do want.

    2. Pay attention to your thoughts, especially the ones that are telling you “no you can’t do that”.

    3. Question these thoughts, are they true – probably not!

    4. Reverse engineer your steps to create what you want, and take the next available step.

    Oh and give your nervous system some love, because it’s not all about overcoming the mind, you have to bring the body with you, you’re human after all!

    You are not meant to do this alone, so please stop, here’s how I can help you with this work in July:

    Ideas to Action

    In-person - https://amyjonesmentor.mykajabi.com/offers/24mduHcg/checkout

    Online - https://amyjonesmentor.mykajabi.com/ideastoaction

    Want more of my help?

    My business is diversifying, along with all the great yoga teacher training courses, I am also offering mentoring for female soul-led entrepreneurs, and there’s so much stuff happening (yes I am a generator), the best thing you can visit the following:

    Yoga teachers – www.amy-yoga.com

    Female soul-led entrepreneurs (new website coming soon!) - https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Season 2 Ep. 1 - Live coaching call
    Jun 16 2024

    My human design type is a generator, which is why you will always see me flowing with new ideas, and my strategy is to respond. Ask me about your business and I am in my happy place, I love responding to your questions and I love nothing more than helping female soul-led entrepreneurs to do what lights them up and make money.

    As I said in today’s episode I truly believe this is my contribution to making the world a better place, the more horrific the news gets, the more fire there is in my belly to help women find aligned ways of being and working, that bring more balance, joy and harmony to the world.

    Undoing thousands of years of programming that has kept us from fully sharing our gifts, being our true authentic selves, and feeling wrong talking about money, let alone asking for it, is not going to be easy.

    But I am here for the journey and I invite you to come with me, women it is time!

    And I hope you can see from today’s episodes that all you feel and experience as a yoga teacher and a female soul-led entrepreneur, is true for others too.

    I also hope you can see that my 24+ years of experience in education and 14+ years of experience as a female entrepreneur means I’ve got plenty of ways I can support you.

    It was a joy to answer the questions today that ranged from navigating dropping class numbers, building online courses and signature programmes, creating consistent streams of income, and really the big two for me:

    1. How do we stay grounded and connected in business when, like the rest of the human race, life happens to us?

    2. How do we sell ourselves and our services, because even just showing our faces can be damn scary?

    Want more of my help?

    My business is diversifying, along with all the great yoga teacher training courses, I am also offering mentoring for female soul-led entrepreneurs, and there’s so much stuff happening (yes I am a generator), the best thing you can do is visit the following:

    Yoga teachers – www.amy-yoga.com

    Female soul-led entrepreneurs (new website coming soon!) - https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Ep. 104 – What I have learnt from 2 years of podcasting
    Jun 8 2024

    Season Finale!

    Two years in, 104 episodes, 9000+ downloads and the end of season one, where do I begin?

    Firstly, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who listens and supports me, I am so grateful to you all, you are the reason I show up every week.

    Stepping into the world of podcasting has taught me a lot, all of which is transferable to life and business!

    1. Consistency is king, but you can only be consistent if you are doing what you love, and I love to talk!

    2. You have to allow yourself to be a beginner, to start something new, we all start from zero.

    3. The power of connection and community always comes before sales, people have to know you before they buy anything from you.

    4. The greatest joy from podcasting for 2 years has been all the positive feedback and help that I have offered to other yoga teachers and female soul-led entrepreneurs. I cannot wait for more of this!

    As we enter season 2 you will notice a little shift, but this shift has been obvious as my episodes evolved, I just haven’t been brave enough to say it, but I am literally coming out!

    I am stepping into my new role as a business and energy mentor for female-soul-led entrepreneurs, the epic work I do with yoga teachers and yoga teacher training is going nowhere, but my mission is to help more women do what lights them up and make money, and season 2 of the Prosperous Yogini Podcast is coming with me on this mission, so let’s go!

    Start by joining next week -


    Join me on Friday 14th June for a live Q&A podcast party to mark my 2-year podcasting anniversary. I need your help with this one, please sign up to pre-submit a question which I will answer live on the call.

    Plus, podcasting can be lonely, if you can join me live I would love to see you there.

    Sign up here – https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/672932/122421965031999396/share

    Other ways we can work together:

    For Female Entrepreneurs – https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

    For Yoga Teachers – visit www.amy-yoga.com

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Ep. 103 – Finding your zone of genius
    May 31 2024

    When you find your zone of genius, you find your flow, you find what you truly came here to do in this given moment.

    The zone of genius concept is not mine, it belongs to Gay Hendricks and I strongly recommend you read his book The Big Leap, to fully understand it.

    To find our zone we have to go out play, test, and learn, and I believe sometimes get it wrong in order to get it right.

    I love the concept as it reinforces the mindset that there is room for us all, we are all unique, and individual, and the competition we feel and perceive is false.

    We can struggle to find it, especially if we are being called to do something radically different from where we currently find ourselves.

    Societal beliefs can often see us conforming to paths away from our zone! The weight of I ‘should do this’, weighs heavy on us all.

    Your zone of genius is that place where you feel totally lit up, where if it’s work it certainly doesn’t feel like it.

    We all have this place, and my mission is to guide more women to do what lights them up and find their zone.


    Join me on Friday 14th June for a live Q&A podcast party to mark my 2 year podcasting anniversary. I need your help with this one, please sign up to pre-submit a question which I will answer live on the call.

    Plus podcasting can be lonely, if you can join me live I would love to see you there.

    Sign up here - https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/672932/122421965031999396/share

    Other ways we can work together:

    For Female Entrepreneurs – https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

    For Yoga Teachers – visit www.amy-yoga.com

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Ep. 102 – Why scarcity mindset is keeping us small
    May 26 2024

    After an incredible week where I launched my new “Ideas to Action” in-person coaching workshop this was the message that came through loud and strong to share on my podcast this week:

    Scarcity is a lie.

    A lie that drives fear, and non-action, and at its worst causes us to be unkind and make judgements of others.

    All of this negative energy keeps us small and blocks the flow of money and joy to us.

    What we focus on expands.

    Other female entrepreneurs doing what you want to do, and having success are not stealing anything from you, they simply lead the way.

    There is room for us all.

    Scarcity is a lie, fed to keep us small, it’s time to wake up and start questioning all that we currently believe about what is and isn’t possible.

    Once again I know none of what I say this week is easy to hear, I have been there resenting another woman’s success, and not responding with kindness.

    As I evolve I am coming to accept that I am here for these difficult conversations, delivered with love and empathy, because THIS IS the stuff as a woman, as a human being, that I work through too.

    As my podcast moves into its 3rd year, 2nd season, these are the conversations and topics you will hear a lot more of.

    Working through the beliefs and programming that seek to suppress us is not easy, it’s virtually impossible to do this stuff alone, yet that’s what we opt for.

    Here’s my invitation to you to stop going it alone, let’s work together:

    For Female Entrepreneurs – https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/

    For Yoga Teachers – visit www.amy-yoga.com

    Más Menos
    26 m