
  • Introducing the Revive Wellness Podcast
    Jan 20 2024

    Welcome to the FIRST episode of the Revive Wellness Podcast! In this brief episode I introduce myself, explain my vision and goals with this podcast and what you can expect when tuning in!

    Make sure you subscribe to this podcast to be notified when new episodes drop and PLEASE leave me a five star review and share with a friend!


    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Four Barriers to Fat Loss That Have Nothing to Do With Diet and Exercise
    Jan 30 2024

    In today’s episode, I’m going to be talking about four heavy hitters when it comes to losing body fat.

    These are aspects of the physique change process that aren’t often talked about because truthfully they’re probably the hardest to address, but that's exactly why I want to dive into them in today's episode.

    They are:

    • The connection between stress, weight and hormonal balance
    • The connection between emotional well-being and weight loss resistance
    • The muscle mass/ weight loss connection
    • Underlying unaddressed health issues

    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • What is body stewardship?
    Feb 7 2024

    In today's short podcast, I wanted to introduce you to a concept that has dramatically impacted how I approach the care of my body. And that is "body stewardship."

    I will define what body stewardship is, what it is not, and hopefully prompt you to think about this concept and how it applies to your own perspective towards your body and the way in which you care for it.


    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • The Importance of Developing Delayed Gratification
    Feb 14 2024

    Delayed gratification is the act of resisting an impulse to take an immediately available reward in the hope of obtaining a more-valued reward in the future.

    In today's episode I'll be discussing:

    • What is delayed gratification
    • Why delayed gratification is dying
    • Why delayed gratification is crucial if you want to reach a health or physique goal
    • 6 action steps you can begin to take today, to develop delayed gratification


    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Stop Overthinking Daily Scale Fluctuations
    Feb 21 2024

    Do you really struggle with daily scale fluctuations? If so, grab a cup of coffee, a notebook and a pen, because today I'm going to be explaining WHY the scale fluctuates and how you can make sense of it moving forward.

    We will discuss:

    • Why weighing yourself can be helpful on your journey (this is a great systematic literature review: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25521523/)
    • The three main reasons people get emotional and irrational when self weighing
    • Do daily fluctuations even matter?
    • Changes in body weight versus changes in body fat
    • The seven main contributing factors to daily fluctuations
    • How to best self weigh to minimize fluctuations
    • Top 3 take home points


    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Food, Exercise and Rest, the Three Idols that Prevent You From Stewarding Your Body Well
    Feb 25 2024

    In today's episode I'm deep diving into three idols that might be preventing you from stewarding your body well. These areas are Food, Exercise & Rest. Your relationship with, and perspective towards these three areas play a huge role in the decisions you make in the name of body stewardship.

    In this episode we will discuss:

    • What is body stewardship (I recommend going back and listening to Ep.3 FIRST if you've not listened to it already)
    • the Idol of Food
    • the Idol of Exercise
    • the Idol of Rest
    • Closing


    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • 7 Reasons You Are Struggling With Consistency
    Mar 6 2024

    Consistency is probably the single most important thing if you want results yet it is also the biggest thing people are struggling with when they come to me.

    In honor of my 7th podcast episode, I'm unpacking 7 reasons you are struggling with consistency!

    • You have not accepted being lean and healthy in todays culture will always require extra work
    • If you cannot do it perfectly you don't do it at all
    • You chase diets, you don't build habits
    • You're trying to change too much too fast
    • You're results focused not behaviors focused
    • You're planning based on your "best" day not your typical day
    • You aren't addressing your mindset

    + a BONUS!

    Lets Talk- Schedule your FREE strategy call today!

    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • The role of the gut in weight loss, fat loss and physique change
    Mar 13 2024

    In this weeks episode I discuss the three main ways in which the health of your gut has a direct impact on your body's ability to lose weight, lose bodyfat and gain muscle.

    The three main ways are:

    • The microbiome
    • Digestive function
    • The mucosal lining

    I also share simple strategies you can begin to implement TODAY to take better care of your gut!

    • Address sleep
    • Address stress
    • Manage exercise and recovery
    • Eat a nutrient dense diet rich in healthy variety
    • Space your meals appropriately
    • Improve meal time hygiene
    • Include natural probiotics, fiber and polyphenols and prebiotics


    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Más Menos
    31 m